# GitHub Actions & Workflows The `build_cmake.yml` in this directory adds a [GitHub action][1] and workflow that builds your plugin anytime you push commits to GitHub on Windows, Linux and macOS. The build artifacts can be downloaded from GitHub and be installed into an existing Qt Creator installation. When you push a tag, the workflow also creates a new release on GitHub. ## Keeping it up to date Near the top of the file you find a section starting with `env:`. The value for `QT_VERSION` specifies the Qt version to use for building the plugin. The value for `QT_CREATOR_VERSION` specifies the Qt Creator version to use for building the plugin. The value for `QT_CREATOR_SNAPSHOT` can either be `NO` or `latest` or the build ID of a specific snapshot build for the Qt Creator version that you specified. You need to keep these values updated for different versions of your plugin, and take care that the Qt version and Qt Creator version you specify are compatible. ## What it does The build job consists of several steps: * Install required packages on the build host * Download, unpack and install the binary for the Qt version * Download and unpack the binary for the Qt Creator version * Build the plugin and upload the plugin libraries to GitHub * If a tag is pushed, create a release on GitHub for the tag, including zipped plugin libraries for download ## Limitations If your plugin requires additional resources besides the plugin library, you need to adapt the script accordingly. [1]: https://help.github.com/en/actions/automating-your-workflow-with-github-actions/about-github-actions