DEFINES += USAGESTATISTIC_LIBRARY INCLUDEPATH *= "$${PWD}" CONFIG += c++1z QMAKE_CXXFLAGS *= -Wall !msvc:QMAKE_CXXFLAGS *= -Wextra -pedantic DEFINES += $$shell_quote(USP_AUTH_KEY=\"$$(USP_AUTH_KEY)\") DEFINES += $$shell_quote(USP_SERVER_URL=\"$$(USP_SERVER_URL)\") # UsageStatistic files SOURCES += \ usagestatisticplugin.cpp \ datasources/qtclicensesource.cpp \ datasources/buildcountsource.cpp \ common/scopedsettingsgroupsetter.cpp \ datasources/buildsystemsource.cpp \ datasources/timeusagesourcebase.cpp \ datasources/modeusagetimesource.cpp \ datasources/examplesdatasource.cpp \ datasources/kitsource.cpp \ datasources/qmldesignerusagetimesource.cpp \ ui/usagestatisticpage.cpp \ ui/usagestatisticwidget.cpp \ ui/outputpane.cpp \ ui/encouragementwidget.cpp \ services/datasubmitter.cpp HEADERS += \ usagestatisticplugin.h \ usagestatistic_global.h \ usagestatisticconstants.h \ datasources/qtclicensesource.h \ datasources/buildcountsource.h \ common/scopedsettingsgroupsetter.h \ datasources/buildsystemsource.h \ datasources/timeusagesourcebase.h \ datasources/modeusagetimesource.h \ datasources/examplesdatasource.h \ datasources/kitsource.h \ datasources/qmldesignerusagetimesource.h \ ui/usagestatisticpage.h \ ui/usagestatisticwidget.h \ ui/outputpane.h \ ui/encouragementwidget.h \ services/datasubmitter.h \ common/utils.h RESOURCES += \ usagestatistic.qrc # Qt Creator linking ## Either set the IDE_SOURCE_TREE when running qmake, ## or set the QTC_SOURCE environment variable, to override the default setting isEmpty(IDE_SOURCE_TREE): IDE_SOURCE_TREE = $$(QTC_SOURCE) ## Either set the IDE_BUILD_TREE when running qmake, ## or set the QTC_BUILD environment variable, to override the default setting isEmpty(IDE_BUILD_TREE): IDE_BUILD_TREE = $$(QTC_BUILD) ## uncomment to build plugin into user config directory ## /plugins/ ## where is e.g. ## "%LOCALAPPDATA%\QtProject\qtcreator" on Windows Vista and later ## "$XDG_DATA_HOME/data/QtProject/qtcreator" or "~/.local/share/data/QtProject/qtcreator" on Linux ## "~/Library/Application Support/QtProject/Qt Creator" on macOS # USE_USER_DESTDIR = yes ###### If the plugin can be depended upon by other plugins, this code needs to be outsourced to ###### _dependencies.pri, where is the name of the directory containing the ###### plugin's sources. QTC_PLUGIN_NAME = UsageStatistic QTC_LIB_DEPENDS += \ # nothing here at this time QTC_PLUGIN_DEPENDS += \ coreplugin \ debugger \ projectexplorer \ qtsupport QTC_PLUGIN_RECOMMENDS += \ # optional plugin dependencies. nothing here at this time ###### End _dependencies.pri contents ###### # KUserFeedback include(3rdparty/kuserfeedback/kuserfeedback.pri) include($$IDE_SOURCE_TREE/src/qtcreatorplugin.pri) FORMS += \ ui/usagestatisticwidget.ui \ ui/encouragementwidget.ui QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += docs install_docs # dummy targets for consistency