path: root/src/libs/utils/mimetypes/mimeprovider.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/libs/utils/mimetypes/mimeprovider.cpp')
1 files changed, 19 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/src/libs/utils/mimetypes/mimeprovider.cpp b/src/libs/utils/mimetypes/mimeprovider.cpp
index d444aa899c..53fa0502e5 100644
--- a/src/libs/utils/mimetypes/mimeprovider.cpp
+++ b/src/libs/utils/mimetypes/mimeprovider.cpp
@@ -784,32 +784,25 @@ void MimeXMLProvider::ensureLoaded()
if (!m_loaded /*|| shouldCheck()*/) {
m_loaded = true;
-// bool fdoXmlFound = false;
- QStringList allFiles;
-// const QStringList packageDirs = QStandardPaths::locateAll(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation, QLatin1String("mime/packages"), QStandardPaths::LocateDirectory);
-// //qDebug() << "packageDirs=" << packageDirs;
-// for (const QString &packageDir : packageDirs) {
-// QDir dir(packageDir);
-// const QStringList files = dir.entryList(QDir::Files | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot);
-// //qDebug() << static_cast<const void *>(this) << packageDir << files;
-// if (!fdoXmlFound)
-// fdoXmlFound = files.contains(QLatin1String("freedesktop.org.xml"));
-// QStringList::const_iterator endIt(files.constEnd());
-// for (QStringList::const_iterator it(files.constBegin()); it != endIt; ++it) {
-// allFiles.append(packageDir + QLatin1Char('/') + *it);
-// }
-// }
-// if (!fdoXmlFound) {
-// // We could instead install the file as part of installing Qt?
-#if (QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 11, 0))
- const char freedesktopOrgXml[] = ":/qt-project.org/qmime/packages/freedesktop.org.xml";
- const char freedesktopOrgXml[] = ":/qt-project.org/qmime/freedesktop.org.xml";
- allFiles.prepend(QLatin1String(freedesktopOrgXml));
-// }
+ QStringList allFiles = QStandardPaths::locateAll(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation,
+ QStringLiteral("mime/packages/freedesktop.org.xml"),
+ QStandardPaths::LocateFile);
+ if (allFiles.isEmpty()) {
+ // System freedesktop.org.xml file not found, try to use the one in QtCore.
+ // This is private API and has changed in the past:
+ // - Qt 5.11 added "package" subdir in 7a5644d6481a3c1a7416772998ca4e60c977bfbd
+ // - Qt 5.13 added an option to not bundle it at all
+ const QString fdoXml5_11 = QStringLiteral(":/qt-project.org/qmime/packages/freedesktop.org.xml");
+ const QString fdoXmlPre5_11 = QStringLiteral(":/qt-project.org/qmime/freedesktop.org.xml");
+ if (QFile::exists(fdoXml5_11))
+ allFiles << fdoXml5_11;
+ else if (QFile::exists(fdoXmlPre5_11))
+ allFiles << fdoXmlPre5_11;
+ else
+ qFatal("Utils::MimeXMLProvider: could not find the system freedesktop.org.xml file "
+ "and QtCore does not have an accessible copy.");
+ }