path: root/src/plugins/cppeditor/cppeditordocument.cpp
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* TextEditor: handle syntax highlight in batchesDavid Schulz2024-03-251-3/+2
* CppEditor: Make check for clangd more fine-grainedChristian Kandeler2024-02-211-1/+1
* TextEditor: Merge Base- and ThreadedSyntaxHighlighterRunnerDavid Schulz2024-01-311-2/+2
* CppEditor: Move CppHeaderSource implementation and test to same fileshjk2024-01-261-2/+0
* SyntaxHighlighter: Move SyntaxHighlighter to separate threadArtem Sokolovskii2023-12-111-4/+5
* CppEditor: More direct access to CppQuickFixAssistProviderhjk2023-12-061-1/+1
* SyntaxHighlighter: Move highlighter creating to TextDocumentArtem Sokolovskii2023-11-201-1/+1
* Utils/all: Move mime constants into a central placehjk2023-11-081-2/+3
* Plugins: A bit more Keys and Storehjk2023-08-251-3/+3
* CppEditor: Add context object into connectionsJarek Kobus2023-08-031-7/+6
* CppEditor: Proliferate use of FilePath a bithjk2023-07-251-2/+2
* CppEditor: Make a few CppModelManager functions statichjk2023-07-121-12/+7
* CppEditor: Format quickfix code only if formatting is enabledChristian Kandeler2023-07-031-1/+1
* Core: add aboutToSave and saved signal to IDocumentDavid Schulz2023-06-151-3/+3
* CppEditor: Reuse QScopeGuard instead of ExecuteOnDestructionJarek Kobus2023-06-071-33/+31
* Move SessionManager to Core pluginEike Ziller2023-05-251-5/+4
* Remove unneeded includes of utils/runextensions.hJarek Kobus2023-01-271-1/+0
* Editor: Allow to hide annotations for a group of text marksDavid Schulz2023-01-121-3/+6
* CppEditor: Convert to Tr::trAlessandro Portale2023-01-121-4/+5
* Remove GPL-3.0+ from license identifiersKai Köhne2023-01-061-1/+1
* CppEditor: Convert AbstractEditorSupport interface to FilePathhjk2022-11-281-1/+1
* CPlusPlus: Proliferate FilePath usehjk2022-11-221-1/+1
* Use SPDX license identifiersLucie Gérard2022-08-261-24/+2
* CppEditor: rename overview -> outlineDavid Schulz2022-08-261-1/+1
* CppEditor: move outline model to documentDavid Schulz2022-08-181-0/+20
* Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/7.0' into 8.0Tim Jenssen2022-07-011-1/+1
| * Clang Format: Fix misplaced cursor after undoArtem Sokolovskii2022-06-081-1/+1
* | cppeditor: Show hints for qmlRegister... diagnosticsMarcus Tillmanns2022-06-211-0/+51
* | CppEditor: Remove one use of mimetype via QFileInfohjk2022-06-141-22/+15
* | CppEditor: remove unused function hint providerDavid Schulz2022-06-131-13/+0
* | Move MinimizableInfoBars from CppEditorDocument to IDocumentEike Ziller2022-05-101-18/+13
* | MinimizableInfoBars: Move to UtilsEike Ziller2022-05-091-1/+1
* | MinimizableInfoBars: Remove last hardcoded thingsEike Ziller2022-05-091-1/+7
* | MinimizableInfoBars: Remove dependency on CppToolsSettingsEike Ziller2022-05-091-0/+2
* | Remove leftover code for header diagnostic info barEike Ziller2022-05-041-2/+0
* | ClangCodeModel: Stop communicating with clangbackendChristian Kandeler2022-05-021-2/+0
* | Mimetypes: Make implementation switchable between new and oldEike Ziller2022-02-251-1/+1
* | ClangCodeModel: Make clangd refactoring actions availableChristian Kandeler2022-02-011-0/+2
* Merge CppTools into CppEditorChristian Kandeler2021-09-011-36/+31
* ClangCodeModel: Use clangd for completion and function hintChristian Kandeler2021-08-231-4/+18
* Core: filepathify IDocumentDavid Schulz2021-05-191-2/+2
* TextEditor: Introduce shortcut for forcing a function hint proposalChristian Kandeler2020-08-111-0/+6
* Core/Utils: Migrate further to Utils::Idhjk2020-07-061-1/+1
* Move InfoBar to UtilsEike Ziller2020-06-181-6/+6
* Core: Make InfoBar::GlobalSuppressionMode an enum classAndre Hartmann2019-09-121-1/+1
* Avoid warning on empty expressionshjk2019-07-231-1/+1
* TextEditor: add convenience function to clear all extra highlightsDavid Schulz2019-06-191-8/+2
* TextEditor: add convenience function to clear additional highlightsDavid Schulz2019-06-191-2/+1
* Utils: Rename FileName to FilePathhjk2019-05-281-2/+2
* ClangFormat: Do not remove whitespace twiceIvan Donchevskii2019-04-021-0/+10