#.rst: # FindQt5 # ------- # # Qt5 wrapper around Qt6 CMake code. # unset(__arguments) if (Qt5_FIND_QUIETLY) list(APPEND __arguments QUIET) endif() if (Qt5_FIND_REQUIRED) list(APPEND __arguments REQUIRED) endif() if (Qt5_FIND_COMPONENTS) # for some reason QUIET doesn't really work when passed to the arguments list if (Qt5_FIND_QUIETLY) list(APPEND __arguments OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS) else() list(APPEND __arguments COMPONENTS) endif() endif() find_package(Qt6 CONFIG COMPONENTS Core QUIET) if (NOT Qt6_FOUND) find_package(Qt5 CONFIG ${__arguments} ${Qt5_FIND_COMPONENTS}) # Remove Qt6 from the not found packages in Qt5 mode get_property(not_found_packages GLOBAL PROPERTY "PACKAGES_NOT_FOUND") if(not_found_packages) list(REMOVE_ITEM not_found_packages Qt6) set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY "PACKAGES_NOT_FOUND" "${not_found_packages}") endif() return() else() find_package(Qt6 CONFIG ${__arguments} ${Qt5_FIND_COMPONENTS}) endif() foreach(comp IN LISTS Qt5_FIND_COMPONENTS) if(TARGET Qt6::${comp}) if (NOT TARGET Qt5::${comp}) set_property(TARGET Qt6::${comp} PROPERTY IMPORTED_GLOBAL TRUE) add_library(Qt5::${comp} ALIAS Qt6::${comp}) endif() if (TARGET Qt6::${comp}Private AND NOT TARGET Qt5::${comp}Private) set_property(TARGET Qt6::${comp}Private PROPERTY IMPORTED_GLOBAL TRUE) add_library(Qt5::${comp}Private ALIAS Qt6::${comp}Private) endif() endif() endforeach() set(Qt5_FOUND ${Qt6_FOUND}) foreach(tool qmake lrelease moc) if (TARGET Qt6::${tool} AND NOT TARGET Qt5::${tool}) add_executable(Qt5::${tool} IMPORTED GLOBAL) get_target_property(imported_location Qt6::${tool} IMPORTED_LOCATION_RELEASE) set_target_properties(Qt5::${tool} PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION "${imported_location}") endif() endforeach() if (NOT DEFINED qt5_wrap_cpp) function(qt5_wrap_cpp outfiles) qt6_wrap_cpp(${outfiles} ${ARGN}) set(${outfiles} ${${outfiles}} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() endif()