if(CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS 3.17.0) set(CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION_LIST_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}) endif() # Enable separate debug information for the given target # when QTC_SEPARATE_DEBUG_INFO is set function(qtc_enable_separate_debug_info target installDestination) if (NOT QTC_SEPARATE_DEBUG_INFO) return() endif() if (NOT UNIX AND NOT MINGW) qtc_internal_install_pdb_files(${target} ${installDestination}) return() endif() get_target_property(target_type ${target} TYPE) if (NOT target_type STREQUAL "MODULE_LIBRARY" AND NOT target_type STREQUAL "SHARED_LIBRARY" AND NOT target_type STREQUAL "EXECUTABLE") return() endif() get_property(target_source_dir TARGET ${target} PROPERTY SOURCE_DIR) get_property(skip_separate_debug_info DIRECTORY "${target_source_dir}" PROPERTY _qt_skip_separate_debug_info) if (skip_separate_debug_info) return() endif() unset(commands) if(APPLE) find_program(DSYMUTIL_PROGRAM dsymutil NO_PACKAGE_ROOT_PATH NO_CMAKE_PATH) set(copy_bin ${DSYMUTIL_PROGRAM}) set(strip_bin ${CMAKE_STRIP}) set(debug_info_suffix dSYM) set(copy_bin_out_arg --flat -o) set(strip_args -S) else() set(copy_bin ${CMAKE_OBJCOPY}) set(strip_bin ${CMAKE_OBJCOPY}) if(QNX) set(debug_info_suffix sym) set(debug_info_keep --keep-file-symbols) set(strip_args "--strip-debug -R.ident") else() set(debug_info_suffix debug) set(debug_info_keep --only-keep-debug) set(strip_args --strip-debug) endif() endif() if(APPLE) get_target_property(is_framework ${target} FRAMEWORK) if(is_framework) set(debug_info_bundle_dir "$.${debug_info_suffix}") set(BUNDLE_ID Qt${target}) else() set(debug_info_bundle_dir "$.${debug_info_suffix}") set(BUNDLE_ID ${target}) endif() set(debug_info_contents_dir "${debug_info_bundle_dir}/Contents") set(debug_info_target_dir "${debug_info_contents_dir}/Resources/DWARF") configure_file( "${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION_LIST_DIR}/QtcSeparateDebugInfo.Info.plist.in" "Info.dSYM.plist" ) list(APPEND commands COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory ${debug_info_target_dir} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy "Info.dSYM.plist" "${debug_info_contents_dir}/Info.plist" ) set(debug_info_target "${debug_info_target_dir}/$") install(DIRECTORY ${debug_info_bundle_dir} DESTINATION ${installDestination} COMPONENT DebugInfo EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ) else() set(debug_info_target "$/$.${debug_info_suffix}") install(FILES ${debug_info_target} DESTINATION ${installDestination} COMPONENT DebugInfo EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ) endif() list(APPEND commands COMMAND ${copy_bin} ${debug_info_keep} $ ${copy_bin_out_arg} ${debug_info_target} COMMAND ${strip_bin} ${strip_args} $ ) if(NOT APPLE) list(APPEND commands COMMAND ${CMAKE_OBJCOPY} --add-gnu-debuglink=${debug_info_target} $ ) endif() if(NOT CMAKE_HOST_WIN32) list(APPEND commands COMMAND chmod -x ${debug_info_target} ) endif() add_custom_command( TARGET ${target} POST_BUILD ${commands} ) endfunction() # Installs pdb files for given target into the specified install dir. # # MSVC generates 2 types of pdb files: # - compile-time generated pdb files (compile flag /Zi + /Fd) # - link-time genereated pdb files (link flag /debug + /PDB:) # # CMake allows changing the names of each of those pdb file types by setting # the COMPILE_PDB_NAME_ and PDB_NAME_ properties. If they are # left empty, CMake will compute the default names itself (or rather in certain cases # leave it up to te compiler), without actually setting the property values. # # For installation purposes, CMake only provides a generator expression to the # link time pdb file path, not the compile path one, which means we have to compute the # path to the compile path pdb files ourselves. # See https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/-/issues/18393 for details. # # For shared libraries and executables, we install the linker provided pdb file via the # TARGET_PDB_FILE generator expression. # # For static libraries there is no linker invocation, so we need to install the compile # time pdb file. We query the ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY property of the target to get the # path to the pdb file, and reconstruct the file name. We use a generator expression # to append a possible debug suffix, in order to allow installation of all Release and # Debug pdb files when using Ninja Multi-Config. function(qtc_internal_install_pdb_files target install_dir_path) if(MSVC) get_target_property(target_type ${target} TYPE) if(target_type STREQUAL "SHARED_LIBRARY" OR target_type STREQUAL "EXECUTABLE" OR target_type STREQUAL "MODULE_LIBRARY") install(FILES "$" DESTINATION "${install_dir_path}" OPTIONAL COMPONENT DebugInfo EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ) elseif(target_type STREQUAL "STATIC_LIBRARY") get_target_property(lib_dir "${target}" ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY) if(NOT lib_dir) message(FATAL_ERROR "Can't install pdb file for static library ${target}. " "The ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY path is not known.") endif() set(pdb_name "${INSTALL_CMAKE_NAMESPACE}${target}$<$:d>.pdb") set(compile_time_pdb_file_path "${lib_dir}/${pdb_name}") install(FILES "${compile_time_pdb_file_path}" DESTINATION "${install_dir_path}" OPTIONAL COMPONENT DebugInfo EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ) endif() endif() endfunction()