Qt Creator 10.0.2 ================= Qt Creator version 10.0.2 contains bug fixes. The most important changes are listed in this document. For a complete list of changes, see the Git log for the Qt Creator sources that you can check out from the public Git repository. For example: git clone git://code.qt.io/qt-creator/qt-creator.git git log --cherry-pick --pretty=oneline origin/v10.0.1..v10.0.2 General ------- * Fixed freezes due to excessive file watching (QTCREATORBUG-28957) Editing ------- ### C++ * Fixed a crash when following symbols (QTCREATORBUG-28989) * Fixed the highlighting of raw string literals with empty lines (QTCREATORBUG-29200) * Clang Format * Fixed the editing of custom code styles (QTCREATORBUG-29129) * Fixed that the wrong code style could be used (QTCREATORBUG-29145) Projects -------- * Fixed a crash when triggering a build with unconfigured projects present (QTCREATORBUG-29207) ### CMake * Fixed that the global `Autorun CMake` option could be overridden by old settings * Fixed the `Build CMake Target` locator filter in case a build is already running (QTCREATORBUG-26699) * Presets * Added the expansion of `${hostSystemName}` (QTCREATORBUG-28935) * Fixed the Qt detection when `CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE` and `CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH` are set Debugging --------- * Fixed that debugger tooltips in the editor vanished after expanding (QTCREATORBUG-29083) Test Integration ---------------- * GoogleTest * Fixed the reporting of failed tests (QTCREATORBUG-29146) Credits for these changes go to: -------------------------------- Alessandro Portale André Pönitz Artem Sokolovskii Björn Schäpers Christian Kandeler Christian Stenger Cristian Adam David Schulz Eike Ziller Jaroslaw Kobus Karim Abdelrahman Leena Miettinen Miikka Heikkinen Patrik Teivonen Robert Löhning Sivert Krøvel