Qt Creator version 2.3 contains bug fixes and new features. The most important changes are listed in this document. For a complete list of changes, see the Git log for the Qt Creator sources that you can check out from the public Git repository. For example: git clone git://gitorious.org/qt-creator/qt-creator.git git log --cherry-pick --pretty=oneline v2.2.1...origin/2.3 General * Redesigned the Welcome page to allow searching through examples with descriptions * Fixed Output panes so that they are minimized to their previous size * Added support for building with the Clang compiler Editing * Fixed lock up when regular expression search matched empty line * Completions are now computed in a separate thread (non-blocking editor) Managing Projects Debugging * Color memory display highlighting the variables in stack layout * Correct source location for breakpoints in CDB using code model (QTCREATORBUG-2317) * Added support for multiple breakpoints from one location (covering constructors, destructors, template functions, and so on) * Added a custom dumper for QXmlAttributes, Eigen::Matrix * Added the option to set data breakpoints on either an address or expression * Added a framework to modify strings, vectors, and so on, during debugging * Added an option to stop on qWarning * Renamed "Locals and Watchers" as "Locals and Expressions" * Renamed "Watchpoint" as "Data Breakpoints" * Made original values of automatically dereferenced pointers accessible * Improved the "Add Breakpoint" dialog * Improved the displaying of enums (included numeric value) * Improved the speed of the QVariant dumper * Improved the handling of shadowed local variables * Fixed object expansion in tooltip * Fixed std::deque dumper (QTCREATORBUG-4936) * Fixed the handling of watched expressions with unusual characters * Fixed "Run To Line" on Mac (QTCREATORBUG-4619) * Fixed output parsing for data breakpoints on Mac (QTCREATORBUG-4797) * Fixed auto-continue on SIGTRAP (QTCREATORBUG-4968) * Fixed the dumper for gcc 4.4's std::map Debugging QML/JS Analyzing Code * Redesigned the framework code * Added support for QML profiling * Added support for the Valgrind Callgrind tool on Linux and Mac C++ Support * Made C++ coding style configurable (QTCREATORBUG-2670, QTCREATORBUG-4310, QTCREATORBUG-2763, QTCREATORBUG-3623, QTCREATORBUG-567) * Various indentation fixes (QTCREATORBUG-4993) QML/JS Support * Updated QML type descriptions for the current state of Qt 5 * Made tab settings configurable separately and per-project * Added 'Find usages' functionality for QML types * Added type resolution for alias properties (QTCREATORBUG-2306) * Added tooltips to imports * Added documentation on using QML modules with plugins * Added support for properties and methods with a revision, allowing the QtQuick 1.0 and 1.1 imports to behave as intended * Added 'Reset code model' action to the Tools->QML/JS menu (QTCREATORBUG-4813) * Use qmlplugindump from Qt 4.8 or newer instead of building own qmldump * Improved error message for missing prototypes (QTCREATORBUG-4952) * Fixed completion of slots (QTCREATORBUG-3614, QTCREATORBUG-3459) * Fixed completion inside grouped property bindings (QTCREATORBUG-3541) * Fixed scanning and indentation of regular expression literals (QTCREATORBUG-4566) * Fixed indentation of object literals Qt Quick Designer * Added tool buttons to the navigator for reordering and reparenting of items * Added support for import as (QTCREATORBUG-4087) * Added editing and navigation for inline components * Added support for models and delegates in the current file (QTCREATORBUG-4528) * Added support for repeaters (QTCREATORBUG-4852) * Added context menu for resetting postion and size * Added context menu for improved selection (QTCREATORBUG-4611) * Added translation support for text items * Added context menu for z-order (QTCREATORBUG-2522) * Fixed z-order in the form editor (QTCREATORBUG-5226) * Improved usability of the form editor (QTCREATORBUG-4820 QTCREATORBUG-4819) * Do not enforce clipping of items in the form editor anymore * Improved property editor for mouse area (QTCREATORBUG-4927) * Use the qmlpuppet from current Qt if availabe (QTCREATORBUG-4824) * Added project for qmlpuppet in share of Qt Creator * Fixed copy and paste bug (QTCREATORBUG-4581) * Fixed scoping of root item properties (QTCREATORBUG-4574) * Improved property editor for ListView, GridView and PathView Help Platform Specific Mac * "Open Terminal Here" opens Terminal.app instead of xterm Linux (GNOME and KDE) Windows Symbian Target Remote Linux Support * Created new plugin "RemoteLinux" comprising support for Maemo/MeeGo and generic remote Linux hosts * Generic remote Linux support entails: * The ability to create a deploy configuration and associated steps the same way as for Maemo * A device configuration wizard for a "Generic Linux" device type * The possibility to add device types and associated wizards and actions for the device configuration dialog via third-party plugins Qt Designer FakeVim: * Made FakeVim functionality available for shortcuts in normal text editor * Added snippet support * Fixed behaviour of Ctrl keys on Mac * Fixed searching for expressions containing '|' (QTCREATORBUG-4752) Version control plugins * Git: Manage remote repositories * Git: Improved branch dialog * Bazaar: lots of small improvements Additional credits go to: Hugues Delorme for his work on the Bazaar plugin as well as version control base.