Qt Creator version 2.6.2 is a bugfix release. The most important changes are listed in this document. For a complete list of changes, see the Git log for the Qt Creator sources that you can check out from the public Git repository. For example: git clone git://gitorious.org/qt-creator/qt-creator.git git log --cherry-pick --pretty=oneline v2.6.1..v2.6.2 General * Fixed Qt version in VersionDialog * Improved kits set up (QTCREATORBUG-8576, QTCREATORBUG-8081) * Fixed editing of kits sysroot and mkspec (QTCREATORBUG-8586) * Fixed excessive emission of change signals from KitManager * Fixed display of Visual Studio compiler installations (QTCREATORBUG-8487) * Fixed integrity of device settings when closing option page * Fixed update of examples when default kit changes Editing * Fixed crash when closing some editors while tooltip is active (QTCREATORBUG-8630) * Fixed warning about empty file in memory editor Managing Projects * Added check if file is readable when determining its ABI * Fixed warning about running processes with empty environment QMake Projects * Fixed display of directories in warnings (QTCREATORBUG-8585) * Added QMAKE_INCDIR to headers search paths CMake Projects Debugging * Sped up disassembly retrieval * Updated documentation of command-line arguments * Fixed visibility of Debugging Helper Dialog (QTCREATORBUG-8440) Analyzer C++ Support * Fixed invalid common prefix calculation which led to freezes (QTCREATORBUG-8472, QTCREATORBUG-8532) QML/JS Support * Fixed Qt version in qmlobserver GLSL Support Help Qt Designer Qt Quick Designer * Fixed some parts of the tutorial Version control plugins Git SVN ClearCase * Fixed focus on Check Out dialog FakeVim Platform Specific Mac Linux Windows Remote Linux Support * Documented deployment settings for generic Linux devices QNX * Fixed log output * Fixed update of path chooser model when browsing finishes * Fixed saving of changes to BlackBerry deploy information * Fixed QML_IMPORT_PATH setting in shipped bar-descriptor.xml files Android * Fixed crash when pressing stop button Madde Pastebin: * Fixed pasting of .cpp files Testing * Enabled squish tests with MSVC again * Fixed some squish tests * Added test for QML outline Tools * Fixed addQt test in SDKTool * Fixed creation of group/world readable files in SDKTool (QTCREATORBUG-8458) * Fixed leak in zeroconf Packaging * Use x86 instead of i386 for file names Credits for these changes go to: Aurindam Jana BogDan Vatra Christian Stenger Daniel Teske David Schulz Eike Ziller Erik Verbruggen Friedemann Kleint André Pönitz Leena Miettinen Mehdi Fekari Montel Laurent Orgad Shaneh Robert Loehning Sergey Belyashov Tobias Hunger Tobias Nätterlund