Qt Creator version 4.0.1 contains bug fixes. The most important changes are listed in this document. For a complete list of changes, see the Git log for the Qt Creator sources that you can check out from the public Git repository. For example: git clone git://code.qt.io/qt-creator/qt-creator.git git log --cherry-pick --pretty=oneline v4.0.0..v4.0.1 CMake Projects * Added notification when `CMakeCache.txt` changes and introduces a conflict with the build configuration settings, with the option to adapt the build configuration settings * Made it possible to add arbitrary CMake variables (QTCREATORBUG-16238) * Fixed that build configurations could not override kit settings, and added a warning to build configurations that override kit settings * Fixed that `yes` was not considered as boolean `true` value * Fixed race between persisting and parsing CMake configuration (QTCREATORBUG-16258) QML Support * Added wizard for Qt Quick Controls 2 * Fixed that `pragma` directives were removed when reformatting Debugging * Fixed QObject property expansion (QTCREATORBUG-15798) * Fixed updating evaluated expressions * Fixed crash on spontaneous debugger exit (QTCREATORBUG-16233) * GDB * Fixed issues with restarting debugger (QTCREATORBUG-16355) * QML * Restored expression evaluation by using the selection tool (QTCREATORBUG-16300) Valgrind * Fixed crash when changing filter Clang Static Analyzer * Fixed executing Clang with absolute path on Windows (QTCREATORBUG-16234) Test Integration * Fixed running tests on Windows with Qbs (QTCREATORBUG-16323) Beautifier * Fixed regression with `clang-format` and predefined style set to `File` (QTCREATORBUG-16239) Platform Specific Windows * Fixed detection of Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools * Fixed that tool tips could stay visible even after switching applications (QTCREATORBUG-15882) iOS * Added missing human readable error messages (QTCREATORBUG-16328)