Qt Creator 4.11.1 ================= Qt Creator version 4.11.1 contains bug fixes. The most important changes are listed in this document. For a complete list of changes, see the Git log for the Qt Creator sources that you can check out from the public Git repository. For example: git clone git://code.qt.io/qt-creator/qt-creator.git git log --cherry-pick --pretty=oneline origin/v4.11.0..v4.11.1 Editing ------- * Fixed `Visualize Whitespace` for editors without specialized highlighter definition (QTCREATORBUG-23040) ### Language Client * Fixed failure when restarting server (QTCREATORBUG-23497) ### C++ * Fixed wrong warnings about C++98 incompatibility with MSVC (QTCREATORBUG-23118) * Fixed accidentally added internal include paths from GCC (QTCREATORBUG-23330) * Fixed `Convert to Stack Variable` and `Convert to Pointer` (QTCREATORBUG-23181) ### FakeVim * Fixed goto next and previous split (QTCREATORBUG-22397) * Fixed indentation of continuation lines (QTCREATORBUG-20876) Projects -------- * Fixed crash when closing application output * Fixed crash when compiler detection fails (QTCREATORBUG-23442) ### CMake * Fixed subdirectory structure in project tree (QTCREATORBUG-23372) ### Qbs * Fixed building Android projects (QTCREATORBUG-23489) ### Generic * Fixed crash when updating deployment data (QTCREATORBUG-23501) Debugging --------- * Fixed crash with `Switch to previous mode on debugger exit` when debugging fails (QTCREATORBUG-23415) * Fixed high CPU usage with LLDB (QTCREATORBUG-23311) Qt Quick Designer ----------------- * Fixed removing single signals from Connection (QDS-1333) Test Integration ---------------- * Fixed stopping tests when debugging (QTCREATORBUG-23298) Platforms --------- ### Windows * Worked around issue with HiDPI in Qt (QTBUG-80934) ### Remote Linux * Fixed that terminal setting was ignored (QTCREATORBUG-23470) ### WebAssembly * Fixed missing device in kit (QTCREATORBUG-23360) ### QNX * Fixed deployment of Qt examples (QTCREATORBUG-22592) Credits for these changes go to: -------------------------------- Aleksei German Alessandro Portale Andre Hartmann Andrzej Ostruszka André Pönitz BogDan Vatra Christian Kandeler Christian Stenger Cristian Adam David Schulz Eike Ziller Friedemann Kleint Henning Gruendl Jaroslaw Kobus Leena Miettinen Mahmoud Badri Marius Sincovici Miikka Heikkinen Nikolai Kosjar Richard Weickelt Robert Löhning Thomas Hartmann Tim Jenssen Tobias Hunger