Qt Creator 4.12 =============== Qt Creator version 4.12 contains bug fixes and new features. The most important changes are listed in this document. For a complete list of changes, see the Git log for the Qt Creator sources that you can check out from the public Git repository. For example: git clone git://code.qt.io/qt-creator/qt-creator.git git log --cherry-pick --pretty=oneline origin/4.11..v4.12.0 General ------- * Added `Restart Now` option when changing settings that require restart * Added option for linking Qt Creator to a Qt installation, sharing auto-detected Qt versions and kits * Added guard against crashing plugins at startup, providing the option to temporarily disable the offending plugin * Added locator filter for searching in Qt Project bug tracker * Added option to create custom URL template locator filters * Added browser for Marketplace items to Welcome mode (QTCREATORBUG-23452) * Fixed various theming issues Help ---- * Added tool button for changing target for context help (QTCREATORBUG-17667) * Added option to register documentation only for highest Qt version, and made that default (QTCREATORBUG-21482, QTCREATORBUG-22799, QTCREATORBUG-10004) Editing ------- * Added `Go to Last Edit` * Added option for default line terminator style (QTCREATORBUG-3590) * Improved behavior when splitting would hide text cursor * Fixed that wizards ignored default file encoding * Fixed that only restricted number of sizes were allowed for font size (QTCREATORBUG-22536) * Fixed completion after undo (QTCREATORBUG-15038) ### C++ * Fixed issue with Clang and precompiled headers (QTCREATORBUG-22897) ### Language Client * Added support for Markdown in tooltips * Added support for auto-formatting * Added outline dropdown (QTCREATORBUG-21916) * Improved protocol error reporting * Fixed `Ctrl-click` for `Follow Symbol Under Cursor` (QTCREATORBUG-21848) ### QML * Updated to Qt 5.15 parser (QTCREATORBUG-23591) * Improved support for multiple imports into same namespace (QTCREATORBUG-15684) * Added scanning of `app.qmltypes` and `lib.qmltypes` for type information * Fixed highlighting for new keywords in Qt 5.15 * Fixed reading of `qmltypes` from Qt 5.15 (QTCREATORBUG-23855) ### Python * Added wizards for Qt Quick Application and Qt Widgets Application with `.ui` file (QTCREATORBUG-21824) ### Diff Viewer * Added support for staging only selected lines (QTCREATORBUG-19071) Projects -------- * Added option to hide "disabled" files in Projects tree (QTCREATORBUG-22821) * Added option to filter output panes for lines that do not match expression (QTCREATORBUG-19596) * Added option for default build configuration settings (debug information, QML debugging, Qt Quick Compiler) (QTCREATORBUG-16458) * Added option to only build target for active run configuration (qmake & Qbs) * Added option to only stop the target of active run configuration on build (QTCREATORBUG-16470) * Added option for project specific environment (QTCREATORBUG-21862) * Added option to remove items from `Recent Projects` list in Welcome mode * Added option to start run configurations directly from target selector (QTCREATORBUG-21799) * Added option to build project for all configured kits (QTCREATORBUG-16815) * Added `-ensure-kit-for-binary` command line option that creates a kit for a binary's architecture if needed (QTCREATORBUG-8216) * Added GitHub build workflow to `Qt Creator Plugin` wizard template * Improved UI responsiveness while parsing projects (QTCREATORBUG-18533) * Fixed build directory after cloning target (QTCREATORBUG-23462) * Fixed copying of filtered text from output pane (QTCREATORBUG-23425) ### QMake * Improved renaming of files (QTCREATORBUG-19257) * Fixed handling of `object_parallel_to_source` (QTCREATORBUG-18136) * Fixed crash with circular includes (QTCREATORBUG-23567) * Fixed issue with renaming files (QTCREATORBUG-23720) ### CMake * Improved handling of `source_group` (QTCREATORBUG-23372) * Added support for `Add build library search path to LD_LIBRARY_PATH` (QTCREATORBUG-23464) * Added automatic registration of CMake documentation, if available (QTCREATORBUG-21338) * Fixed that `.cmake` directory was created in project source directory (QTCREATORBUG-23816) * Fixed issues with `snap` on Ubuntu Linux (QTCREATORBUG-23376) * Fixed handling of `Enable QML` in debugger settings (QTCREATORBUG-23541) * Fixed unneeded reparsing of files * Fixed code model issues with precompiled headers (QTCREATORBUG-22888) ### Qbs * Updated included Qbs version to 1.16.0 * Changed to use separate Qbs executable instead of direcly linking to Qbs (QTCREATORBUG-20622) * Added option for default install root (QTCREATORBUG-12983) ### Python * Added option to disable buffered output (QTCREATORBUG-23539) * Added support for PySide 5.15 to wizards (QTCREATORBUG-23824) ### Generic * Improved performance for large file trees (QTCREATORBUG-20652) * Fixed that only first line of `.cflags` and `.cxxflags` was considered ### Compilation Database * Fixed that project was reparsed if compilation database contents did not change (QTCREATORBUG-22574) ### Nim * Added support for Nimble build system * Added support for `Follow Symbol Under Cursor` Debugging --------- * Added option to hide columns from views (QTCREATORBUG-23342) * Added option for `init` and `reset` GDB commands when attaching to remote server * Fixed pretty printer for `std::optional` (QTCREATORBUG-22436) Analyzer -------- ### Clang * Improved filtering * Added `Analyze Current File` to `Tools` menu and editor context menu * Added context menu item that opens help on diagnostics ### CppCheck * Added option to trigger Cppcheck manually ### Chrome Traces * Added more details for counter items * Added option to restrict view to selected threads * Added information about percentage of total time for events ### Heob * Added support for settings profiles (QTCREATORBUG-23209) Qt Quick Designer ----------------- * Added locking and pinning of animation curves (QDS-550, QDS-551) * Added support for annotations (QDS-39) * Fixed dragging of keyframes in curve editor (QDS-1405) * Fixed crash when selecting icon (QTCREATORBUG-23773) * Fixed missing import options (QDS-1592) Version Control Systems ----------------------- ### Git * Added option to create branch when trying to push to a non-existing branch (QTCREATORBUG-21154) * Added option to start interactive rebase from log view (QTCREATORBUG-11200) * Added information about upstream status to `Git Branches` view * Added option to `grep` and `pickaxe` git log (QTCREATORBUG-22512) * Made references in VCS output view clickable and added context menu (QTCREATORBUG-16477) Test Integration ---------------- * Added support for colored test output (QTCREATORBUG-22297) ### Google Test * Added support for internal logging (QTCREATORBUG-23354) * Added support for `GTEST_SKIP` (QTCREATORBUG-23736) Platforms --------- ### Windows * Improved behavior with regard to MSVC tool chain matching and compatibility of MSVC 2017 and MSVC 2019 (QTCREATORBUG-23653) ### macOS * Fixed parsing of Apple Clang specific linker message (QTCREATORBUG-19766) * Fixed `Run in Terminal` and `Open Terminal` when user has different shell configured (QTCREATORBUG-21712) ### Android * Discontinued support for Ministro * Added auto-detection of Java JDK (QTCREATORBUG-23407) * Added option to automatically download and install required Android tools (QTCREATORBUG-23285) * Added option to register multiple NDKs (QTCREATORBUG-23286) * Added automatic selection of correct NDK for Qt version (QTCREATORBUG-23583) * Added option to download and use [OpenSSL for Android](https://github.com/KDAB/android_openssl) (QTBUG-80625) * Added support for Android 11 with API level 30 * Improved examples browser to only show items tagged with `android` (QTBUG-80716) * Improved manifest editor (QTCREATORBUG-23283) * Fixed issues with latest SDK r29 (QTCREATORBUG-23726) * Fixed several issues with AVD manager (QTCREATORBUG-23284, QTCREATORBUG-23448) * Fixed that some essential packages were not installed (QTCREATORBUG-23829) * Fixed that ABI selection in build configuration did not persist (QTCREATORBUG-23756) ### iOS * Improved examples browser to only show items tagged with `ios` ### Remote Linux * Added option to use custom command for install step (QTCREATORBUG-23320) * Added option to override deployment data (QTCREATORBUG-21854) ### Bare Metal * Added support for RL78 architecture * Added support for J-Link and EBlink GDB servers * Added support for KEIL uVision v5.x debugger ### MCU * Added auto-registration of documentation and examples (UL-1685, UL-1218) * Switched to MCUXpresso IDE instead of SEGGER JLink for NXP kits (QTCREATORBUG-23821) * Fixed issues with desktop kit (QTCREATORBUG-23820) * Fixed issues with RH850 (QTCREATORBUG-23822) Credits for these changes go to: -------------------------------- Aleksei German Alessandro Portale Alexandru Croitor Andre Hartmann Andrey Sobol André Pönitz Assam Boudjelthia BogDan Vatra Camila San Christian Kandeler Christian Stenger Cristian Adam David Schulz Denis Shienkov Dmitry Kovalev Eike Ziller Fawzi Mohamed Federico Guerinoni Filippo Cucchetto Friedemann Kleint Halfdan Ingvarsson Hannes Domani Henning Gruendl Igor Sidorov Jaroslaw Kobus Jochen Becher Kai Köhne Knud Dollereder Leander Schulten Leena Miettinen Lucie Gérard Mahmoud Badri Mariana Meireles Marius Sincovici Maximilian Goldstein Miikka Heikkinen Miklós Márton Mitch Curtis Mitja Kleider Nikolai Kosjar Nikolay Panov Oliver Wolff Orgad Shaneh Richard Weickelt Robert Löhning Sergey Morozov Tasuku Suzuki Thiago Macieira Thomas Hartmann Tim Henning Tim Jenssen Tobias Hunger Topi Reinio Ulf Hermann Unseon Ryu Venugopal Shivashankar Vikas Pachdha Ville Voutilainen Volodymyr Samokhatko zarelaky