Qt Creator 4.12.3 ================= Qt Creator version 4.12.3 contains bug fixes. The most important changes are listed in this document. For a complete list of changes, see the Git log for the Qt Creator sources that you can check out from the public Git repository. For example: git clone git://code.qt.io/qt-creator/qt-creator.git git log --cherry-pick --pretty=oneline origin/v4.12.2..v4.12.3 Editing ------- * Fixed missing update of completions after cursor navigation (QTCREATORBUG-24071) ### QML * Fixed line number for string literals (QTCREATORBUG-23777) ### GLSL * Fixed freeze (QTCREATORBUG-24070) Projects -------- ### CMake * Fixed issue with `Add build library search path` and older CMake versions (QTCREATORBUG-23997) * Fixed that projects without name were considered invalid (QTCREATORBUG-24044) Debugging --------- * Fixed QDateTime pretty printer for Qt 5.14 and newer * Fixed QJson pretty printer for Qt 5.15 and newer (QTCREATORBUG-23827) Platforms --------- ### Android * Fixed that installing OpenSSL for Android in the settings could delete current working directory (QTCREATORBUG-24173) ### MCU * Fixed issue with saving settings (QTCREATORBUG-24048) Credits for these changes go to: -------------------------------- Alessandro Portale André Pönitz Assam Boudjelthia Christian Stenger Cristian Adam David Schulz Eike Ziller Leena Miettinen Tobias Hunger