Qt Creator version 4.5 contains bug fixes and new features. The most important changes are listed in this document. For a complete list of changes, see the Git log for the Qt Creator sources that you can check out from the public Git repository. For example: git clone git://code.qt.io/qt-creator/qt-creator.git git log --cherry-pick --pretty=oneline origin/4.4..v4.5.0 General * Implemented "fuzzy" camel case lookup similar to code completion for locator (QTCREATORBUG-3111) * Changed `File System` pane to tree view with top level directory selectable from `Computer`, `Home`, `Projects`, and individual project root directories (QTCREATORBUG-8305) * Fixed crash when closing Qt Creator while searching for updates (QTCREATORBUG-19165) Editing * Added `Edit` > `Advanced` > `Sort Selected Lines`, replacing `Tools` > `External` > `Text` > `Sort Selection` All Projects * Added progress indicator to project tree while project is parsed * Added support for changing the maximum number of lines shown in compile output (QTCREATORBUG-2200) QMake Projects * Fixed support of wildcards in `INSTALLS` variable (QTCREATORBUG-17935) * Fixed that `QMAKE_CFLAGS` was not passed to code model CMake Projects * Added groups to CMake configuration UI * Added option to change configuration variable types * Added option to unset configuration variable * Improved handling of CMake configuration changes on disk (QTCREATORBUG-17555) * Improved simplified project tree (QTCREATORBUG-19040) * Fixed that value was removed when renaming configuration variable (QTCREATORBUG-17926) * Fixed that `PATH` environment was unnecessarily modified (QTCREATORBUG-18714) * Fixed that QML errors in application output where not linked to the source (QTCREATORBUG-18586) Qbs Projects * Fixed that custom `installRoot` was not saved (QTCREATORBUG-18895) C++ Support * Fixed lookup of functions that differ only in const-ness of arguments (QTCREATORBUG-18475) * Fixed detection of macros defined by tool chain for `C` * Fixed that `Refactoring` context menu blocked UI while checking for available actions * Fixed crash when refactoring class with errors (QTCREATORBUG-19180) * Clang Code Model * Added sanity check to `Clang Code Model Warnings` option (QTCREATORBUG-18864) * Fixed completion in `std::make_unique` and `std::make_shared` constructors (QTCREATORBUG-18615) * Fixed that function argument completion switched selected overload back to default after typing comma (QTCREATORBUG-11688) * GCC * Improved auto-detection to include versioned binaries and cross-compilers QML Support * Added wizards with different starting UI layouts * Fixed that undo history was lost when reformatting file (QTCREATORBUG-18645) Python Support * Added simple code folding Debugging * Changed pretty printing of `QFlags` and bitfields to hexadecimal * Fixed `Run in terminal` for debugging external application (QTCREATORBUG-18912) * LLDB / macOS * Added pretty printing of Core Foundation and Foundation string-like types (QTCREATORBUG-18638) * CDB * Fixed attaching to running process with command line arguments (QTCREATORBUG-19034) * QML * Fixed changing values of ECMAScript strings (QTCREATORBUG-19032) QML Profiler * Improved robustness when faced with invalid data Qt Quick Designer * Added option to only show visible items in navigator * Fixed crash in integrated code editor (QTCREATORBUG-19079) * Fixed crash when Ctrl-clicking on newly refactored QML file (QTCREATORBUG-19064) * Fixed filtering in Library view (QTCREATORBUG-19054) * Fixed `Cmd + Left` in integrated code editor on macOS (QTCREATORBUG-19272) * Fixed crash with `Become Last Sibling` and multiline expressions (QTCREATORBUG-19284) Version Control Systems * Added query for saving modified files before opening commit editor (QTCREATORBUG-3857) * Git * Fixed issues with localized tool output (QTCREATORBUG-19017) Test Integration * Fixed issue with finding test target with CMake projects (QTCREATORBUG-17882, QTCREATORBUG-18922, QTCREATORBUG-18932) Beautifier * Clang Format * Added action `Disable Formatting for Selected Text` * Changed formatting without selection to format the syntactic entity around the cursor Model Editor * Added support for custom relations SCXML Editor * Fixed crash after warnings are removed Platform Specific Windows * Fixed detection of Visual Studio Build Tools 2017 (QTCREATORBUG-19053) * Fixed that environment variable keys were converted to upper case in build and run configurations (QTCREATORBUG-18915) macOS * Fixed several issues when using case sensitive file systems while `File system case sensitivity` is set to `Case Insensitive` (QTCREATORBUG-17929, QTCREATORBUG-18672, QTCREATORBUG-18678) Android * Removed support for local deployment (QTBUG-62995) * Removed support for Ant * Added UI for managing Android SDKs (QTCREATORBUG-18978) * Improved Android settings * Improved checks for minimum requirements of Android tools (QTCREATORBUG-18837) iOS * Fixed check for minimum Xcode version (QTCREATORBUG-18091) * Fixed switching between simulator device types with Xcode 9 (QTCREATORBUG-19270) Universal Windows Platform * Fixed deployment on Windows 10 Phone emulator Credits for these changes go to: Alessandro Portale Alexander Volkov Andre Hartmann André Pönitz Benjamin Terrier Christian Kandeler Christian Stenger Claus Steuer Daniel Trevitz David Schulz Donald Carr Eike Ziller Filipe Azevedo Friedemann Kleint Ivan Donchevskii Jake Petroules Jaroslaw Kobus Jochen Becher Kai Köhne Knud Dollereder Laurent Montel Leena Miettinen Marco Benelli Marco Bubke Mitch Curtis Nikita Baryshnikov Nikolai Kosjar Oliver Wolff Orgad Shaneh Robert Löhning Ryuji Kakemizu Samuel Gaist scootergrisen Sergey Belyashov Serhii Moroz Thiago Macieira Thomas Hartmann Tim Jenssen Tobias Hunger Ulf Hermann Vikas Pachdha Viktor Kireev