Qt Creator version 4.6.1 contains bug fixes. The most important changes are listed in this document. For a complete list of changes, see the Git log for the Qt Creator sources that you can check out from the public Git repository. For example: git clone git://code.qt.io/qt-creator/qt-creator.git git log --cherry-pick --pretty=oneline v4.6.0..v4.6.1 General * Locator * Fixed min and max functions when using more than two arguments in JavaScript filter (QTCREATORBUG-20167) Editing * Fixed crash when closing file with generic highlighting (QTCREATORBUG-20247) Help * Fixed crash when searching while indexing documentation (QTCREATORBUG-20295) All Projects * Fixed that `.qrc` files were not listed as project files in Locator and searches (QTCREATORBUG-20220) * Fixed removal of project directory items from `File System` pane (QTCREATORBUG-20314) QMake Projects * Fixed that run and build buttons could stay disabled after project parsing (QTCREATORBUG-20203) * Fixed reparsing project after changing target (QTCREATORBUG-20113) CMake Projects * Fixed that build steps for `clean` were missing (QTCREATORBUG-19823) * Fixed path to executable when adding CMake targets (QTCREATORBUG-19792) Qbs Projects * Fixed performance issue (QTCREATORBUG-20175) C++ Support * Clang Code Model * Fixed issue with parsing type_traits from GCC 7 (QTCREATORBUG-18757) * Fixed warnings about unknown warning options (QTCREATORBUG-17460) * Fixed wrong warning about overriding files from precompiled headers (QTCREATORBUG-20125) QML Support * Made Qt 5.11 known to wizards Debugging * Fixed pointer address value for arrays * QML * Fixed that `console.info` was not shown in Debugger Console (QTCREATORBUG-20117) QML Profiler * Fixed issue with spaces in path (QTCREATORBUG-20260) Qt Quick Designer * Fixed issue with `AbstractButton` enums * Fixed issue with deferred properties Test Integration * Fixed issue with non-ASCII characters in Qt Quick test output (QTCREATORBUG-20105) Platform Specific Android * Fixed deployment issue for 32-bit applications (QTCREATORBUG-20084) * Fixed crash when trying to set up a broken NDK (QTCREATORBUG-20217) * Fixed debugging on Android 8 or later * Fixed failure to install over existing app with different certificate (QTCREATORBUG-17414) * Fixed creation of AVDs with `google-apis` system image (QTCREATORBUG-20298) * Fixed AVD Manager issue when `JAVA_HOME` environment variable is not set (QTCREATORBUG-19988) Credits for these changes go to: Alessandro Portale Andre Hartmann BogDan Vatra Christian Kandeler Christian Stenger David Schulz Eike Ziller Ivan Donchevskii Jaroslaw Kobus Leena Miettinen Morten Johan Sørvig Nikolai Kosjar Orgad Shaneh Oswald Buddenhagen Robert Löhning Thomas Hartmann Tim Jenssen Tobias Hunger Ulf Hermann Vikas Pachdha