Qt Creator 7.0.2 ================ Qt Creator version 7.0.2 contains bug fixes. The most important changes are listed in this document. For a complete list of changes, see the Git log for the Qt Creator sources that you can check out from the public Git repository. For example: git clone git://code.qt.io/qt-creator/qt-creator.git git log --cherry-pick --pretty=oneline origin/v7.0.1..v7.0.2 General ------- ### Locator * Fixed saving of command history of `Execute` filter Editing ------- * Fixed that actions could be applied to wrong editor after switching split (QTCREATORBUG-27479) ### C++ * Updated to LLVM 14.0.3 * Fixed wrong `__cplusplus` value for older GCC versions * ClangFormat * Fixed disappearing settings drop down (QTCREATORBUG-26948) ### Language Client * Fixed crash with function argument and quick fix hints (QTCREATORBUG-27404) * Fixed selection in `Outline` view * Fixed `Sort Alphabetically` for outline dropdown Projects -------- * Fixed crash with `Recent Projects` (QTCREATORBUG-27399) * Fixed that `-include` flags were ignored by code model (QTCREATORBUG-27450) ### CMake * Fixed crash when cancelling progress indicator (QTCREATORBUG-27499) * Fixed application of build directory after `Browse` (QTCREATORBUG-27407) Debugging --------- * Fixed pretty printer for `QFile` in Qt 6.3 Platforms --------- ### macOS * Fixed that `arm_neon.h` could not be found by code model (QTCREATORBUG-27455) * Fixed compilier identification of `cc` and `c++` (QTCREATORBUG-27523) Credits for these changes go to: -------------------------------- Alessandro Portale Artem Sokolovskii Brook Cronin Christian Kandeler Christian Stenger Cristian Adam David Schulz Eike Ziller Henning Gruendl Jaroslaw Kobus Kai Uwe Broulik Knud Dollereder Leena Miettinen Mahmoud Badri Mats Honkamaa Miikka Heikkinen Orgad Shaneh Robert Löhning Thomas Hartmann Tim Jenssen Vikas Pachdha