# .clang-format for Qt Creator Alongside this file you find an EXPERIMENTAL .clang-format configuration file for the Qt Creator code base. The current configuration is useful, but not fully in accordance with the coding rules. There is also other undesired formatting. Running clang-format blindly will not only improve formatting here and there, but will also normalize/worsen code that is already considered ideally formatted. See section "Coding rules violated by clang-format" below for more information. If needed, clang-format can be instructed to not format code ranges. Do not overuse this. // clang-format off void unformatted_code ; // clang-format on For more information about clang-format, see ## Prerequisites * clang-format >= 5.0 ## Set up Qt Creator for use with clang-format ### Install the configuration file For a given source file to format, clang-format it will read the configuration from .clang-format in the closest parent directory for the file to format. Hence symlink/copy .clang-format from this directory to e.g. Qt Creator's top level directory: For Linux/macOS: $ cd $QTC_SOURCE $ ln -s dist/clangformat/.clang-format For Windows: $ cd $QTC_SOURCE $ copy dist\clangformat\.clang-format # Do not forget to keep this updated ### Configure Qt Creator 1. Enable the Beautifier plugin and restart to load it. 2. Configure the plugin: In Menu: Tools > Options > Beautifier > Tab: Clang Format * Select a valid clang-format executable * Use predefined style: File * Fallback style: None 3. Set shortcuts for convenience: In Menu: Tools > Options > Environment > Keyboard * ClangFormat / FormatFile - e.g. Alt+C, F * ClangFormat / FormatAtCursor - e.g. Alt+C, C * ClangFormat / DisableFormattingSelectedText - e.g. Alt+C, D Due to several issues outlined below the FormatFile action might be of limited use. ## Coding rules enforced by clang-format This is a copy-pasted list of coding rules from that can be enforced with the current configuration: * Formatting * Whitespace * Use four spaces for indentation, no tabs. * Always use only one blank line (to group statements together) * Pointers and References: For pointers or references, always use a single space before an asterisk (*) or an ampersand (&), but never after. * Operator Names and Parentheses: Do not use spaces between operator names and parentheses. * Function Names and Parentheses: Do not use spaces between function names and parentheses. * Keywords: Always use a single space after a keyword, and before a curly brace. * Braces * As a base rule, place the left curly brace on the same line as the start of the statement. * Exception: Function implementations and class declarations always have the left brace in the beginning of a line * Line Breaks * Keep lines shorter than 100 characters * Insert line breaks if necessary. * Commas go at the end of a broken line. * Operators start at the beginning of the new line. * Namespaces: * Put the left curly brace on the same line as the namespace keyword. * Do not indent declarations or definitions inside. * Optional, but recommended if the namespaces spans more than a few lines: Add a comment after the right curly brace repeating the namespace. * Patterns and Practices * C++11 and C++14 Features / Lambdas: * Optionally, place the lambda completely on one line if it fits. * Place a closing parenthesis and semicolon of an enclosing function call on the same line as the closing brace of the lambda. ## Coding rules violated by clang-format * Formatting / Namespaces * As an exception, if there is only a single class declaration inside the namespace, all can go on a single line. Currently this ends up on several lines, which is noisy. * Patterns and Practices / C++11 and C++14 Features / Lambdas * If you are using a lambda in an 'if' statement, start the lambda on a new line. ### Other undesired formattings For a more complete list of observations and problems, see the "// NOTE: " comments in ../../tests/manual/clang-format-for-qtc/test.cpp. #### Manually aligned complex expressions in e.g. if-conditions are collapsed We want: if (someFancyAndLongerExpression1 || someFancyAndLongerExpression2 || someFancyAndLongerExpression3) { return value; } Current: if (someFancyAndLongerExpression1 || someFancyAndLongerExpression2 || someFancyAndLongerExpression3) { return value; } #### connect() calls do not follow the standard two-line pattern In general, for middle-sized and longer connect() calls we want to follow this two-line pattern. connect(sender, &SomeFancySender::signal, receiver, &SomeFancyReceiver::slot); Current: connect(sender, &SomeFancySender::signal, receiver, &SomeFancySender::slot); #### QTC_ASSERT and excess space after return keyword For QTC_ASSERT in combination with the return keyword, an excess space is added: QTC_ASSERT(headItem, return );