/*! \page qtcreator-compile.html \title 1. Compiling Qt Creator To start with building Qt creator, you need to get the Qt Creator source. The Qt Creator source is avaiable from the following locations: \list \o Nokia Website: \l {http://qt.nokia.com/downloads} \o GIT Repository: \l {http://qt.gitorious.org/qt-creator} \endlist It is recommended that you build Qt Creator in a separate directory. The following steps will guide you to get Qt Creator source compiled: \list \o Step 1: Create "build" directory inside main source directory \o Step 2: Run qmake ../qtcreator.pro -recursive command to get makefile. \o Step 3: Finally run make (or mingw32-make or nmake, depending on your platform). \endlist After successful compilation, you should be able to find \bold {qtcreator.exe} inside \bold {build/bin} directory. You can now launch Qt Creator. \bold {Note:}\underline{It is important that you compile Qt Creator from its sources. Otherwise you wont be able to write and test plugins for Qt Creator}. */