// Copyright (C) 2023 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-only // ********************************************************************** // NOTE: the sections are not ordered by their logical order to avoid // reshuffling the file each time the index order changes (i.e., often). // Run the fixnavi.pl script to adjust the links to the index order. // ********************************************************************** /*! \page creator-debuggers.html \previouspage creator-how-tos.html \ingroup creator-how-to-manage-kits \title Add debuggers The \QC debugger plugin acts as an interface between the \QC core and external native debuggers such as the GNU Symbolic Debugger (GDB), the Microsoft Console Debugger (CDB), a QML/JavaScript debugger, and the debugger of the low level virtual machine (LLVM) project, LLDB. The debugger plugin automatically selects a suitable native debugger for each \l{glossary-buildandrun-kit}{kit} from the ones found on your system. To override this choice, select \preferences > \uicontrol Kits. To add debuggers: \list 1 \li Select \preferences > \uicontrol Kits > \uicontrol Debuggers > \uicontrol Add. \image qtcreator-preferences-kits-debuggers.webp {Debuggers tab in Kits preferences} \li In the \uicontrol Name field, give a descriptive name for the debugger. \li In the \uicontrol Path field, specify the path to the debugger binary: \list \li For CDB (Windows only), specify the path to the Windows Console Debugger executable, \c cdb.exe. The 32-bit version can only debug 32-bit executables, whereas the 64-bit version can debug both 64-bit and 32-bit executables. For more information, see \l {Debugging Tools for Windows}. \li For GDB, specify the path to the GDB executable. The executable must be built with Python scripting support enabled. \li For LLDB (experimental), specify the path to the LLDB executable. \endlist \QC attempts to identify the type and version of the debugger and shows them in the \uicontrol Type and \uicontrol Version fields. In addition, \QC shows the ABI version that will be used on embedded devices in the \uicontrol ABIs field. \li In the \uicontrol {Working directory} field, specify the working directory of the application process. If the application runs locally, the working directory defaults to the build directory. If the application runs remotely on a device, the value depends on the shell or the device. Usually, you can leave this field empty. \endlist \section1 Remove debuggers To remove the selected manually added debugger, select \uicontrol Remove. The debugger disappears from the list when you select \uicontrol Apply. Until then, you can cancel the deletion by clicking \uicontrol Restore. \sa {Debugging}, {Debuggers}, {Debugger}, {Supported Native Debuggers}, {Troubleshooting Debugger} */