// Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-only /*! \previouspage creator-live-preview-devices.html \page creator-live-preview-android.html \nextpage qt-design-viewer.html \title Previewing Android Applications In \QDS, you can preview Android applications live using an Android emulator. \section1 Prerequisites \section2 Install OpenJDK 11 You need to install OpenJDK 11 as described in \l{Getting Started with Qt for Android}, to do this: \list \li On Linux: \list 1 \li In the command line, run: \code sudo apt-get install openjdk-11-jdk \endcode \endlist \li On macOS: \list 1 \li Download OpenJDK 11 from \l{Download OpenJDK}. \li In the command line, run: \code cd ~/Downloads tar xf microsoft-jdk- \endcode \li Copy the unzipped folder to a location where macOS searches for Java by default: \code sudo cp -Rv jdk-11.0.13+8 /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/ \endcode \li Check if Java was correctly installed: \code java -version \endcode The Java installation is correct if the command returns something like: \code openjdk version "11.0.13" 2021-10-19 LTS OpenJDK Runtime Environment Microsoft-27990 (build 11.0.13+8-LTS) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Microsoft-27990 (build 11.0.13+8-LTS, mixed mode) \endcode \endlist \li On Windows: \list \li OpenJDK 11 is automatically installed with Android Studio. \endlist \endlist \section2 Install Android Studio and SDK Tools You need to install Android Studio: \list 1 \li Download Android Studio from \l{Download Android Studio}. \li Install Android Studio according to the \l{Android Studio Installation Guide}. \endlist Next, you need to install Android SDK command-line tools: \list 1 \li Run Android Studio and on the welcome page, select \uicontrol{More Actions} > \uicontrol{SDK Manager}. \image android-studio-sdk-manager.png \li Select \uicontrol{Android SDK Build-Tools 32-rc1}, \uicontrol{NDK (Side by side)}, and \uicontrol{Android SDK Command-line Tools (latest)}. \image android-studio-sdk-tools.png \li Select \uicontrol{Apply} and follow the instructions in the wizard to finalize the installation. \endlist \section2 Install Android SDK Packages in \QDS You need to install Android SDK packages in \QDS: \list 1 \li Run \QDS. \li Go to \uicontrol Edit > \uicontrol Preferences > \uicontrol{Devices}. \li Select \uicontrol Yes on the \uicontrol{Missing Android SDK Packages} dialog. \image qtds-options-dialog-missing-packages.png \li Select \uicontrol OK on the \uicontrol{Android SDK Changes} dialog. \image qtds-android-sdk-changes-dialog.png \li Select \uicontrol Yes on the \uicontrol{Android SDK Licenses} dialog. \image qtds-android-sdk-licenses-dialog.png \endlist \note The installation can take a while. If the installation process seems to have stopped working, try to restart \QDS and run the installation again. After completing these steps, you should no longer have any errors on the \uicontrol Edit > \uicontrol Preferences > \uicontrol Devices page. \image qtds-options-accept-licenses.png \section2 Create Android Virtual Devices Next, you need to create an Android Virtual Device (AVD): \note You might need to download a system image depending on your setup. \list 1 \li Run Android Studio and on the welcome page, select \uicontrol{More Actions} > \uicontrol{AVD Manager}. \image android-studio-avd-manager.png \li Select \uicontrol{Create Virtual Device} and follow the instructions in the wizard to finalize the creation. \endlist \QDS has a AVD manager where you can create AVDs as well but it is recommended to use Android Studio because then you can directly install the needed system package for the selected device configuration. To create an AVD in \QDS: \list 1 \li Go to \uicontrol Edit > \uicontrol Preferences. \li On the \uicontrol Devices tab, select \uicontrol Add and follow the wizard to finalize the creation. If there is no entry for \e{Android Device} in the \uicontrol{Available device types} list, try restarting \QDS. \endlist \note Many device images require Intel HAXM to work on Windows 10 and later, you can download and install the drivers from \l{https://github.com/intel/haxm/wiki/Installation-Instructions-on-Windows}{here}. \image qtds-options-devices.png \section2 Set the AVD as the Device in the Android Kit Next, you need to set the AVD as the Android device kit. You do this under the the \uicontrol Kits tab. If the \uicontrol Kits list is empty, restart \QDS. \image qtds-options-kits.png \section1 Create a Project and Run the Emulator Now, you are set up and can create a project in \QDS. In the project, configure it to run on the Android device: \list 1 \li Select the \uicontrol Projects mode tab. \li Under \uicontrol{Build & Run}, select the Android device. \endlist \image qtds-run-settings.png Next, to run the emulator, do one of the following: \list \li Select \uicontrol{Show Live Preview} in the \uicontrol{Form Editor} toolbar. \image toolbar-show-live-preview.png \li Select \uicontrol Build > \uicontrol{QML Preview}. \note The \uicontrol Build menu option is not visible by default. To show it, go to \uicontrol Edit > \uicontrol Preferences > \uicontrol Environment > \uicontrol {Qt Design Studio Configuration}. \image menu-build-qml-preview.png \endlist Now the emulator runs, the qtdesignviewer APK delivered with the \QDS installation is uploaded, and the project is uploaded and shown in the emulator. \image qtds-running-emulator.png Note the following: \list \li The qtdesignviewer for Android currently has no live preview. You have to restart the preview to see updates. \li Android typically has very high DPI and it is good to familiarize yourself with how \l{https://doc-snapshots.qt.io/qt6-dev/highdpi.html}{high DPI works in Qt 6}. You can, for example, use QT_SCALE_FACTOR or QT_USE_PHYSICAL_DPI. You can define those in the \e .qmlproject file. \li The qtdesignviewer for Android is currently built with Qt 6.2 and comes with all QML modules shipped with \QDS 2.3. \endlist */