#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. # SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 # Report possible problems with copy right headers # # Sample usage: # find . -type f | xargs ./scripts/hasCopyright.pl use strict; shift; # remove script sub canIgnoreNoCopyright { my $file = shift; return 1 if ($file =~ /\.png$/ or $file =~ /\.ico$/ or $file =~ /\.svg$/ or $file =~ /\.xpm$/ or $file =~ /\.dia$/ or $file =~ /\/Doxyfile$/ or $file =~ /\.qmlproject$/ or $file =~ /\.pr[oi]$/ or $file =~ /\.qbs$/ or $file =~ /\.qrc$/ or $file =~ /\.txt$/i or $file =~ /\/README[^\/]*$/i or $file =~ /\/LICENSE.LGPLv21$/i or $file =~ /\/LICENSE.LGPLv3$/i or $file =~ /\.ui$/i or $file =~ /\.xml$/ or $file =~ /\.css$/ or $file =~ /\.metainfo$/ or $file =~ /\.json$/ or $file =~ /\.pl$/ or $file =~ /\.py$/ or $file =~ /\.sh$/ or $file =~ /\.bat$/ or $file =~ /\.patch$/ or $file =~ /\.sed$/ or $file =~ /\.pro\.user$/ or $file =~ /\.plist$/ or $file =~ /\.qdocconf$/i or $file =~ /\.qdocinc/); return 0; } while (1) { my $file = shift; last unless $file; my $hasCopyright = 0; my $hasCurrent = 0; my $hasContact = 0; my $hasCommercial = 0; my $hasLGPL = 0; my $hasGPL = 0; my $hasCompany = 0; my $linecount = 0; if ($file !~ /\.png$/) { open(my $fh, "<", $file) or die "Could not open $file.\n"; while (<$fh>) { $linecount++; last if ($linecount > 50); $hasCopyright = 1 if $_ =~ /Copyright/i; $hasCurrent = 1 if $_ =~ /\(c\).*\s2015/i; $hasContact = 1 if $_ =~ /Contact: http:\/\/www.qt-project.org\/legal/; $hasCommercial = 1 if $_ =~ /Commercial (License )?Usage/; $hasCompany = 1 if $_ =~ /The Qt Company Ltd/; $hasLGPL = 1 if $_ =~ /GNU Lesser General Public License Usage/; $hasGPL = 1 if $_ =~ /GNU General Public License Usage/; } close $fh; } unless ($hasCopyright) { print "$file\t"; if (canIgnoreNoCopyright($file)) { print "Warning\t"; } else { print "ERROR\t"; } print "No copyright\n"; next; } unless ($hasCurrent) { print "$file\tERROR\tcopyright outdated\n"; next; } unless ($hasCompany) { print "$file\tERROR\tNo The Qt Company\n"; next; } if (!$hasContact && $file !~ /\.json\.in$/) { print "$file\tERROR\tWrong contact\n"; next; } unless ($hasCommercial) { print "$file\tERROR\tNo commercial license\n"; next; } unless ($hasLGPL) { print "$file\tERROR\tNo LGPL license\n"; next; } if ($hasGPL) { print "$file\tERROR\tHas GPL license\n"; next; } print "$file\tinfo\tCopyright OK\n"; } # loop over files exit 0;