############################################################################ # # Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. # Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/ # # This file is part of Qt Creator. # # Commercial License Usage # Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in # accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the # Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in # a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms # and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further # information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us. # # GNU General Public License Usage # Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU # General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software # Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT # included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following # information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will # be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html. # ############################################################################ import platform import struct import re from dumper import Children, SubItem, UnnamedSubItem, toInteger, DumperBase from utils import DisplayFormat, TypeCode def qdump__QAtomicInt(d, value): d.putValue(value.integer()) def qdump__QBasicAtomicInt(d, value): d.putValue(value.integer()) def qdump__QAtomicPointer(d, value): d.putItem(value.cast(value.type[0].pointer())) d.putBetterType(value.type) def qform__QByteArray(): return [DisplayFormat.Latin1String, DisplayFormat.SeparateLatin1String, DisplayFormat.Utf8String, DisplayFormat.SeparateUtf8String] def qedit__QByteArray(d, value, data): d.call('void', value, 'resize', str(len(data))) (base, size, alloc) = d.stringData(value) d.setValues(base, 'char', [ord(c) for c in data]) def qdump__QByteArray(d, value): if d.qtVersion() >= 0x60000: dd, data, size = value.split('ppi') if dd: _, _, alloc = d.split('iii', dd) else: # fromRawData alloc = size else: data, size, alloc = d.byteArrayData(value) d.check(alloc == 0 or (0 <= size and size <= alloc and alloc <= 100000000)) if size > 0: d.putExpandable() if d.qtVersion() >= 0x60000: elided, shown = d.computeLimit(size, d.displayStringLimit) p = d.readMemory(data, shown) else: elided, p = d.encodeByteArrayHelper(d.extractPointer(value), d.displayStringLimit) displayFormat = d.currentItemFormat() if displayFormat == DisplayFormat.Automatic or displayFormat == DisplayFormat.Latin1String: d.putValue(p, 'latin1', elided=elided) elif displayFormat == DisplayFormat.SeparateLatin1String: d.putValue(p, 'latin1', elided=elided) d.putDisplay('latin1:separate', d.encodeByteArray(value, limit=100000)) elif displayFormat == DisplayFormat.Utf8String: d.putValue(p, 'utf8', elided=elided) elif displayFormat == DisplayFormat.SeparateUtf8String: d.putValue(p, 'utf8', elided=elided) d.putDisplay('utf8:separate', d.encodeByteArray(value, limit=100000)) if d.isExpanded(): d.putArrayData(data, size, d.charType()) def qdump__QArrayData(d, value): data, size, alloc = d.byteArrayDataHelper(value.address()) d.check(alloc == 0 or (0 <= size and size <= alloc and alloc <= 100000000)) d.putValue(d.readMemory(data, size), 'latin1') d.putPlainChildren(value) def qdump__QByteArrayData(d, value): qdump__QArrayData(d, value) def qdump__QBitArray(d, value): if d.qtVersion() >= 0x60000: _, data, basize = value.split('ppi') else: data, basize, _ = d.byteArrayDataHelper(d.extractPointer(value['d'])) unused = d.extractByte(data) if data else 0 size = basize * 8 - unused d.putItemCount(size) if d.isExpanded(): with Children(d, size, maxNumChild=10000): for i in d.childRange(): q = data + 1 + int(i / 8) with SubItem(d, i): d.putValue((int(d.extractPointer(q)) >> (i % 8)) & 1) d.putType('bool') def qdump__QChar(d, value): d.putValue(d.extractUShort(value)) def qform_X_QAbstractItemModel(): return [DisplayFormat.Simple, DisplayFormat.Enhanced] def qdump_X_QAbstractItemModel(d, value): displayFormat = d.currentItemFormat() if displayFormat == DisplayFormat.Simple: d.putPlainChildren(value) return #displayFormat == Enhanced: # Create a default-constructed QModelIndex on the stack. try: ri = d.pokeValue(d.qtNamespace() + 'QModelIndex', '-1, -1, 0, 0') this_ = d.makeExpression(value) ri_ = d.makeExpression(ri) rowCount = int(d.parseAndEvaluate('%s.rowCount(%s)' % (this_, ri_))) columnCount = int(d.parseAndEvaluate('%s.columnCount(%s)' % (this_, ri_))) except: d.putPlainChildren(value) return d.putValue('%d x %d' % (rowCount, columnCount)) d.putNumChild(rowCount * columnCount) if d.isExpanded(): with Children(d, numChild=rowCount * columnCount, childType=ri.type): i = 0 for row in range(rowCount): for column in range(columnCount): with SubItem(d, i): d.putName('[%s, %s]' % (row, column)) mi = d.parseAndEvaluate('%s.index(%d,%d,%s)' % (this_, row, column, ri_)) d.putItem(mi) i = i + 1 #gdb.execute('call free($ri)') def qform_X_QModelIndex(): return [DisplayFormat.Simple, DisplayFormat.Enhanced] def qdump_X_QModelIndex(d, value): displayFormat = d.currentItemFormat() if displayFormat == DisplayFormat.Simple: d.putPlainChildren(value) return r = value['r'] c = value['c'] try: p = value['p'] except: p = value['i'] m = value['m'] if m.pointer() == 0 or r < 0 or c < 0: d.putValue('(invalid)') d.putPlainChildren(value) return mm = m.dereference() mm = mm.cast(mm.type.unqualified()) ns = d.qtNamespace() try: mi = d.pokeValue(ns + 'QModelIndex', '%s,%s,%s,%s' % (r, c, p, m)) mm_ = d.makeExpression(mm) mi_ = d.makeExpression(mi) rowCount = int(d.parseAndEvaluate('%s.rowCount(%s)' % (mm_, mi_))) columnCount = int(d.parseAndEvaluate('%s.columnCount(%s)' % (mm_, mi_))) except: d.putPlainChildren(value) return try: # Access DisplayRole as value val = d.parseAndEvaluate('%s.data(%s, 0)' % (mm_, mi_)) v = val['d']['data']['ptr'] d.putStringValue(d.pokeValue(ns + 'QString', v)) except: d.putValue('') d.putExpandable() if d.isExpanded(): with Children(d): d.putFields(value, False) i = 0 for row in range(rowCount): for column in range(columnCount): with UnnamedSubItem(d, i): d.putName('[%s, %s]' % (row, column)) mi2 = d.parseAndEvaluate('%s.index(%d,%d,%s)' % (mm_, row, column, mi_)) d.putItem(mi2) i = i + 1 d.putCallItem('parent', '@QModelIndex', value, 'parent') #gdb.execute('call free($mi)') def qdump__Qt__ItemDataRole(d, value): d.putEnumValue(value.integer(), { 0: "Qt::DisplayRole", 1: "Qt::DecorationRole", 2: "Qt::EditRole", 3: "Qt::ToolTipRole", 4: "Qt::StatusTipRole", 5: "Qt::WhatsThisRole", 6: "Qt::FontRole", 7: "Qt::TextAlignmentRole", # obsolete: 8 : "Qt::BackgroundColorRole", 8: "Qt::BackgroundRole", # obsolete: 9 : "Qt::TextColorRole", 9: "Qt::ForegroundRole", 10: "Qt::CheckStateRole", 11: "Qt::AccessibleTextRole", 12: "Qt::AccessibleDescriptionRole", 13: "Qt::SizeHintRole", 14: "Qt::InitialSortOrderRole", # 27-31 Qt4 ItemDataRoles 27: "Qt::DisplayPropertyRole", 28: "Qt::DecorationPropertyRole", 29: "Qt::ToolTipPropertyRole", 30: "Qt::StatusTipPropertyRole", 31: "Qt::WhatsThisPropertyRole", 0x100: "Qt::UserRole" }) def qdump__QStandardItemData(d, value): role, pad, val = value.split('{@Qt::ItemDataRole}@{QVariant}') d.putPairContents(role.value(), (role, val), 'role', 'value') def qdump__QStandardItem(d, value): vtable, dptr = value.split('pp') # There used to be a virtual destructor that got removed in # 88b6abcebf29b455438 on Apr 18 17:01:22 2017 if d.qtVersion() >= 0x050900 or d.isMsvcTarget(): model, parent, values, children, rows, cols, item = d.split('ppPPIIp', dptr) else: vtable1, model, parent, values, children, rows, cols, item = d.split('pppPPIIp', dptr) d.putEmptyValue() d.putExpandable() if d.isExpanded(): with Children(d): d.putSubItem('[model]', d.createValue(model, '@QStandardItemModel')) d.putSubItem('[values]', d.createVectorItem(values, '@QStandardItemData')) d.putSubItem('[children]', d.createVectorItem(children, d.createPointerType(value.type))) def qdump__QDate(d, value): jd = value.pointer() if jd: d.putValue(jd, 'juliandate') d.putExpandable() if d.isExpanded(): with Children(d): if d.canCallLocale(): d.putCallItem('toString', '@QString', value, 'toString', d.enumExpression('DateFormat', 'TextDate')) d.putCallItem('(ISO)', '@QString', value, 'toString', d.enumExpression('DateFormat', 'ISODate')) d.putCallItem('(SystemLocale)', '@QString', value, 'toString', d.enumExpression('DateFormat', 'SystemLocaleDate')) d.putCallItem('(Locale)', '@QString', value, 'toString', d.enumExpression('DateFormat', 'LocaleDate')) d.putFields(value) else: d.putValue('(invalid)') def qdump__QTime(d, value): mds = value.split('i')[0] if mds == -1: d.putValue('(invalid)') return d.putValue(mds, 'millisecondssincemidnight') if d.isExpanded(): with Children(d): d.putCallItem('toString', '@QString', value, 'toString', d.enumExpression('DateFormat', 'TextDate')) d.putCallItem('(ISO)', '@QString', value, 'toString', d.enumExpression('DateFormat', 'ISODate')) if d.canCallLocale(): d.putCallItem('(SystemLocale)', '@QString', value, 'toString', d.enumExpression('DateFormat', 'SystemLocaleDate')) d.putCallItem('(Locale)', '@QString', value, 'toString', d.enumExpression('DateFormat', 'LocaleDate')) d.putFields(value) def qdump__QTimeZone(d, value): base = d.extractPointer(value) if base == 0: d.putValue('(null)') return idAddr = base + 2 * d.ptrSize() # [QSharedData] + [vptr] d.putByteArrayValue(idAddr) d.putPlainChildren(value['d']) def qdump__QDateTime(d, value): qtVersion = d.qtVersion() isValid = False # This relies on the Qt4/Qt5 internal structure layout: # {sharedref(4), ... base = d.extractPointer(value) is32bit = d.ptrSize() == 4 if qtVersion >= 0x050200: tiVersion = d.qtTypeInfoVersion() #DumperBase.warn('TI VERSION: %s' % tiVersion) if tiVersion is None: tiVersion = 4 if tiVersion > 10: status = d.extractByte(value) #DumperBase.warn('STATUS: %s' % status) if status & 0x01: # Short data msecs = d.extractUInt64(value) >> 8 spec = (status & 0x30) >> 4 offsetFromUtc = 0 timeZone = 0 isValid = status & 0x08 else: dptr = d.extractPointer(value) (msecs, status, offsetFromUtc, ref, timeZone) = d.split('qIIIp', dptr) spec = (status & 0x30) >> 4 isValid = True d.putValue( '%s/%s/%s/%s/%s/%s' % (msecs, spec, offsetFromUtc, timeZone, status, tiVersion), 'datetimeinternal') else: if d.isWindowsTarget(): msecsOffset = 8 specOffset = 16 offsetFromUtcOffset = 20 timeZoneOffset = 24 statusOffset = 28 if is32bit else 32 else: msecsOffset = 4 if is32bit else 8 specOffset = 12 if is32bit else 16 offsetFromUtcOffset = 16 if is32bit else 20 timeZoneOffset = 20 if is32bit else 24 statusOffset = 24 if is32bit else 32 status = d.extractInt(base + statusOffset) if int(status & 0x0c == 0x0c): # ValidDate and ValidTime isValid = True msecs = d.extractInt64(base + msecsOffset) spec = d.extractInt(base + specOffset) offset = d.extractInt(base + offsetFromUtcOffset) tzp = d.extractPointer(base + timeZoneOffset) if tzp == 0: tz = '' else: idBase = tzp + 2 * d.ptrSize() # [QSharedData] + [vptr] elided, tz = d.encodeByteArrayHelper(d.extractPointer(idBase), limit=100) d.putValue('%s/%s/%s/%s/%s/%s' % (msecs, spec, offset, tz, status, 0), 'datetimeinternal') else: # This relies on the Qt4/Qt5 internal structure layout: # {sharedref(4), date(8), time(4+x)} # QDateTimePrivate: # - QAtomicInt ref; (padded on 64 bit) # - [QDate date;] # - - uint jd in Qt 4, qint64 in Qt 5.0 and Qt 5.1; padded on 64 bit # - [QTime time;] # - - uint mds; # - Spec spec; dateSize = 8 if qtVersion >= 0x050000 else 4 # Qt5: qint64, Qt4 uint # 4 byte padding after 4 byte QAtomicInt if we are on 64 bit and QDate is 64 bit refPlusPadding = 8 if qtVersion >= 0x050000 and d.ptrSize() == 8 else 4 dateBase = base + refPlusPadding timeBase = dateBase + dateSize mds = d.extractInt(timeBase) isValid = mds > 0 if isValid: jd = d.extractInt(dateBase) d.putValue('%s/%s' % (jd, mds), 'juliandateandmillisecondssincemidnight') if not isValid: d.putValue('(invalid)') return d.putExpandable() if d.isExpanded(): with Children(d): d.putCallItem('toTime_t', 'unsigned int', value, 'toTime_t') if d.canCallLocale(): d.putCallItem('toString', '@QString', value, 'toString', d.enumExpression('DateFormat', 'TextDate')) d.putCallItem('(ISO)', '@QString', value, 'toString', d.enumExpression('DateFormat', 'ISODate')) d.putCallItem('toUTC', '@QDateTime', value, 'toTimeSpec', d.enumExpression('TimeSpec', 'UTC')) d.putCallItem('(SystemLocale)', '@QString', value, 'toString', d.enumExpression('DateFormat', 'SystemLocaleDate')) d.putCallItem('(Locale)', '@QString', value, 'toString', d.enumExpression('DateFormat', 'LocaleDate')) d.putCallItem('toLocalTime', '@QDateTime', value, 'toTimeSpec', d.enumExpression('TimeSpec', 'LocalTime')) d.putFields(value) def qdump__QDir(d, value): d.putExpandable() privAddress = d.extractPointer(value) bit32 = d.ptrSize() == 4 qt5 = d.qtVersion() >= 0x050000 # Change 9fc0965 reorders members again. # bool fileListsInitialized # QStringList files # QFileInfoList fileInfos # QStringList nameFilters # QDir::SortFlags sort # QDir::Filters filters # Before 9fc0965: # QDirPrivate: # QAtomicInt ref # QStringList nameFilters; # QDir::SortFlags sort; # QDir::Filters filters; # // qt3support: # QChar filterSepChar; # bool matchAllDirs; # // end qt3support # QScopedPointer fileEngine; # bool fileListsInitialized; # QStringList files; # QFileInfoList fileInfos; # QFileSystemEntry dirEntry; # QFileSystemEntry absoluteDirEntry; # QFileSystemEntry: # QString m_filePath # QByteArray m_nativeFilePath # qint16 m_lastSeparator # qint16 m_firstDotInFileName # qint16 m_lastDotInFileName # + 2 byte padding fileSystemEntrySize = 2 * d.ptrSize() + 8 if d.qtVersion() < 0x050200: case = 0 elif d.qtVersion() >= 0x050300: case = 1 else: # Try to distinguish bool vs QStringList at the first item # after the (padded) refcount. If it looks like a bool assume # this is after 9fc0965. This is not safe. firstValue = d.extractInt(privAddress + d.ptrSize()) case = 1 if firstValue == 0 or firstValue == 1 else 0 if case == 1: if bit32: filesOffset = 4 fileInfosOffset = 8 dirEntryOffset = 0x20 absoluteDirEntryOffset = 0x30 else: filesOffset = 0x08 fileInfosOffset = 0x10 dirEntryOffset = 0x30 absoluteDirEntryOffset = 0x48 else: # Assume this is before 9fc0965. qt3support = d.isQt3Support() qt3SupportAddition = d.ptrSize() if qt3support else 0 filesOffset = (24 if bit32 else 40) + qt3SupportAddition fileInfosOffset = filesOffset + d.ptrSize() dirEntryOffset = fileInfosOffset + d.ptrSize() absoluteDirEntryOffset = dirEntryOffset + fileSystemEntrySize d.putStringValue(privAddress + dirEntryOffset) if d.isExpanded(): with Children(d): if not d.isMsvcTarget(): ns = d.qtNamespace() try: d.call('int', value, 'count') # Fill cache. except: pass #d.putCallItem('absolutePath', '@QString', value, 'absolutePath') #d.putCallItem('canonicalPath', '@QString', value, 'canonicalPath') with SubItem(d, 'absolutePath'): typ = d.lookupType(ns + 'QString') d.putItem(d.createValue(privAddress + absoluteDirEntryOffset, typ)) with SubItem(d, 'entryInfoList'): typ = d.lookupType(ns + 'QFileInfo') qdumpHelper_QList(d, privAddress + fileInfosOffset, typ) with SubItem(d, 'entryList'): typ = d.lookupType(ns + 'QStringList') d.putItem(d.createValue(privAddress + filesOffset, typ)) d.putFields(value) def qdump__QEvent(d, value): d.putExpandable() if d.isExpanded(): with Children(d): # Add a sub-item with the event type. with SubItem(d, '[type]'): (vtable, privateD, t, flags) = value.split("pp{short}{short}") event_type_name = d.qtNamespace() + "QEvent::Type" type_value = t.cast(event_type_name) d.putValue(type_value.displayEnum('0x%04x', bitsize=16)) d.putType(event_type_name) # Show the rest of the class fields as usual. d.putFields(value) def qdump__QKeyEvent(d, value): # QEvent fields # virtual table pointer # QEventPrivate *d; # ushort t; # ushort posted : 1; # ushort spont : 1; # ushort m_accept : 1; # ushort reserved : 13; # QInputEvent fields # Qt::KeyboardModifiers modState; # ulong ts; # QKeyEvent fields # QString txt; # int k; # quint32 nScanCode; # quint32 nVirtualKey; # quint32 nModifiers; <- nativeModifiers # ushort c; # ushort autor:1; # ushort reserved:15; (vtable, privateD, t, flags, modState, ts, txt, k, scanCode, virtualKey, modifiers, c, autor) = value.split("ppHHiQ{QString}{int}IIIHH") #d.putStringValue(txt) #data = d.encodeString(txt) key_txt_utf8 = d.encodeStringUtf8(txt) k_type_name = d.qtNamespace() + "Qt::Key" k_cast_to_enum_value = k.cast(k_type_name) k_name = k_cast_to_enum_value.displayEnum(bitsize=32) matches = re.search(r'Key_(\w+)', k_name) if matches: k_name = matches.group(1) if t == 6: key_event_type = "Pressed" elif t == 7: key_event_type = "Released" else: key_event_type = "" data = "" if key_event_type: data += "{} ".format(key_event_type) # Try to use the name of the enum value, otherwise the value # of txt in QKeyEvent. if k_name: data += "'{}'".format(k_name) elif key_txt_utf8: data += "'{}'".format(key_txt_utf8) else: data += "" k_int = k.integer() data += " (key:{} vKey:{}".format(k_int, virtualKey) modifier_list = [] modifier_list.append(("Shift", 0x02000000)) modifier_list.append(("Control", 0x04000000)) modifier_list.append(("Alt", 0x08000000)) modifier_list.append(("Meta", 0x10000000)) # modifier_map.append(("KeyPad", 0x20000000)) Is this useful? modifier_list.append(("Grp", 0x40000000)) modifiers = [] for modifier_name, mask in modifier_list: if modState & mask: modifiers.append(modifier_name) if modifiers: data += " mods:" + "+".join(modifiers) data += ")" d.putValue(d.hexencode(data), 'utf8') d.putExpandable() if d.isExpanded(): with Children(d): # Add a sub-item with the enum name and value. with SubItem(d, '[{}]'.format(k_type_name)): k_cast_to_enum_value = k.cast(k_type_name) d.putValue(k_cast_to_enum_value.displayEnum('0x%04x', bitsize=32)) d.putType(k_type_name) # Show the rest of the class fields as usual. d.putFields(value, dumpBase=True) def qdump__QFile(d, value): # 9fc0965 and a373ffcd change the layout of the private structure qtVersion = d.qtVersion() is32bit = d.ptrSize() == 4 if qtVersion >= 0x050600 and d.qtTypeInfoVersion() >= 17: # Some QRingBuffer member got removed in 8f92baf5c9 if d.isWindowsTarget(): if d.isMsvcTarget(): offset = 164 if is32bit else 224 else: offset = 160 if is32bit else 224 else: offset = 156 if is32bit else 224 elif qtVersion >= 0x050700: if d.isWindowsTarget(): if d.isMsvcTarget(): offset = 176 if is32bit else 248 else: offset = 172 if is32bit else 248 else: offset = 168 if is32bit else 248 elif qtVersion >= 0x050600: if d.isWindowsTarget(): if d.isMsvcTarget(): offset = 184 if is32bit else 248 else: offset = 180 if is32bit else 248 else: offset = 168 if is32bit else 248 elif qtVersion >= 0x050500: if d.isWindowsTarget(): offset = 164 if is32bit else 248 else: offset = 164 if is32bit else 248 elif qtVersion >= 0x050400: if d.isWindowsTarget(): offset = 188 if is32bit else 272 else: offset = 180 if is32bit else 272 elif qtVersion > 0x050200: if d.isWindowsTarget(): offset = 180 if is32bit else 272 else: offset = 176 if is32bit else 272 elif qtVersion >= 0x050000: offset = 176 if is32bit else 280 else: if d.isWindowsTarget(): offset = 144 if is32bit else 232 else: offset = 140 if is32bit else 232 vtable, privAddress = value.split('pp') fileNameAddress = privAddress + offset d.putStringValue(fileNameAddress) d.putExpandable() if d.isExpanded(): with Children(d): d.putCallItem('exists', 'bool', value, 'exists') d.putFields(value) def qdump__QFileInfo(d, value): privAddress = d.extractPointer(value) #bit32 = d.ptrSize() == 4 #qt5 = d.qtVersion() >= 0x050000 #try: # d.putStringValue(value['d_ptr']['d'].dereference()['fileNames'][3]) #except: # d.putPlainChildren(value) # return filePathAddress = privAddress + d.ptrSize() d.putStringValue(filePathAddress) d.putExpandable() if d.isExpanded(): ns = d.qtNamespace() with Children(d): stype = '@QString' d.putCallItem('absolutePath', stype, value, 'absolutePath') d.putCallItem('absoluteFilePath', stype, value, 'absoluteFilePath') d.putCallItem('canonicalPath', stype, value, 'canonicalPath') d.putCallItem('canonicalFilePath', stype, value, 'canonicalFilePath') d.putCallItem('completeBaseName', stype, value, 'completeBaseName') d.putCallItem('completeSuffix', stype, value, 'completeSuffix') d.putCallItem('baseName', stype, value, 'baseName') if platform.system() == 'Darwin': d.putCallItem('isBundle', stype, value, 'isBundle') d.putCallItem('bundleName', stype, value, 'bundleName') d.putCallItem('fileName', stype, value, 'fileName') d.putCallItem('filePath', stype, value, 'filePath') # Crashes gdb (archer-tromey-python, at dad6b53fe) #d.putCallItem('group', value, 'group') #d.putCallItem('owner', value, 'owner') d.putCallItem('path', stype, value, 'path') d.putCallItem('groupid', 'unsigned int', value, 'groupId') d.putCallItem('ownerid', 'unsigned int', value, 'ownerId') #QFile::Permissions permissions () const try: perms = d.call('int', value, 'permissions') except: perms = None if perms is None: with SubItem(d, 'permissions'): d.putSpecialValue('notcallable') d.putType(ns + 'QFile::Permissions') else: with SubItem(d, 'permissions'): d.putEmptyValue() d.putType(ns + 'QFile::Permissions') d.putExpandable() if d.isExpanded(): with Children(d, 10): perms = perms['i'] d.putBoolItem('ReadOwner', perms & 0x4000) d.putBoolItem('WriteOwner', perms & 0x2000) d.putBoolItem('ExeOwner', perms & 0x1000) d.putBoolItem('ReadUser', perms & 0x0400) d.putBoolItem('WriteUser', perms & 0x0200) d.putBoolItem('ExeUser', perms & 0x0100) d.putBoolItem('ReadGroup', perms & 0x0040) d.putBoolItem('WriteGroup', perms & 0x0020) d.putBoolItem('ExeGroup', perms & 0x0010) d.putBoolItem('ReadOther', perms & 0x0004) d.putBoolItem('WriteOther', perms & 0x0002) d.putBoolItem('ExeOther', perms & 0x0001) #QDir absoluteDir () const #QDir dir () const d.putCallItem('caching', 'bool', value, 'caching') d.putCallItem('exists', 'bool', value, 'exists') d.putCallItem('isAbsolute', 'bool', value, 'isAbsolute') d.putCallItem('isDir', 'bool', value, 'isDir') d.putCallItem('isExecutable', 'bool', value, 'isExecutable') d.putCallItem('isFile', 'bool', value, 'isFile') d.putCallItem('isHidden', 'bool', value, 'isHidden') d.putCallItem('isReadable', 'bool', value, 'isReadable') d.putCallItem('isRelative', 'bool', value, 'isRelative') d.putCallItem('isRoot', 'bool', value, 'isRoot') d.putCallItem('isSymLink', 'bool', value, 'isSymLink') d.putCallItem('isWritable', 'bool', value, 'isWritable') d.putCallItem('created', 'bool', value, 'created') d.putCallItem('lastModified', 'bool', value, 'lastModified') d.putCallItem('lastRead', 'bool', value, 'lastRead') d.putFields(value) def qdump__QFixed(d, value): v = value.split('i')[0] d.putValue('%s/64 = %s' % (v, v / 64.0)) def qform__QFiniteStack(): return [DisplayFormat.ArrayPlot] def qdump__QFiniteStack(d, value): array, alloc, size = value.split('pii') d.check(0 <= size and size <= alloc and alloc <= 1000 * 1000 * 1000) d.putItemCount(size) d.putPlotData(array, size, value.type[0]) def qdump__QFlags(d, value): i = value.split('{int}')[0] enumType = value.type[0] v = i.cast(enumType.name) d.putValue(v.displayEnum('0x%04x', bitsize=32)) def qform__QHash(): return [DisplayFormat.CompactMap] def qdump__QHash(d, value): qdumpHelper_QHash(d, value, value.type[0], value.type[1]) def qdump__QVariantHash(d, value): qdumpHelper_QHash(d, value, d.createType('QString'), d.createType('QVariant')) def qdumpHelper_QHash(d, value, keyType, valueType): if d.qtVersion() >= 0x60000: qdumpHelper_QHash_6(d, value, keyType, valueType) else: qdumpHelper_QHash_5(d, value, keyType, valueType) def qdumpHelper_QHash_5(d, value, keyType, valueType): def hashDataFirstNode(): b = buckets n = numBuckets while n: n -= 1 bb = d.extractPointer(b) if bb != dptr: return bb b += ptrSize return dptr def hashDataNextNode(node): (nextp, h) = d.split('pI', node) if d.extractPointer(nextp): return nextp start = (h % numBuckets) + 1 b = buckets + start * ptrSize n = numBuckets - start while n: n -= 1 bb = d.extractPointer(b) if bb != nextp: return bb b += ptrSize return nextp ptrSize = d.ptrSize() dptr = d.extractPointer(value) (fakeNext, buckets, ref, size, nodeSize, userNumBits, numBits, numBuckets) = \ d.split('ppiiihhi', dptr) d.check(0 <= size and size <= 100 * 1000 * 1000) d.check(-1 <= ref and ref < 100000) d.putItemCount(size) if d.isExpanded(): isShort = d.qtVersion() < 0x050000 and keyType.name == 'int' with Children(d, size): node = hashDataFirstNode() for i in d.childRange(): if isShort: typeCode = 'P{%s}@{%s}' % (keyType.name, valueType.name) (pnext, key, padding2, val) = d.split(typeCode, node) else: typeCode = 'Pi@{%s}@{%s}' % (keyType.name, valueType.name) (pnext, hashval, padding1, key, padding2, val) = d.split(typeCode, node) d.putPairItem(i, (key, val), 'key', 'value') node = hashDataNextNode(node) def qdumpHelper_QHash_6(d, value, keyType, valueType): dptr = d.extractPointer(value) ref, _, size, buckets, seed, spans = d.split('i@qqqp', dptr) d.check(0 <= size and size <= 100 * 1000 * 1000) d.check(-1 <= ref and ref < 100000) #d.putValue("%d 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x" % (ref, size, buckets, seed)); d.putItemCount(size) if d.isExpanded(): type_code = '{%s}@{%s}' % (keyType.name, valueType.name) _, entry_size, _ = d.describeStruct(type_code) with Children(d, size): span_size = 128 + 2 * d.ptrSize() # Including tail padding. nspans = int((buckets + 127) / 128) count = 0 for b in range(nspans): span = spans + b * span_size offsets, entries, allocated, next_free = d.split('128spbb', span) #with SubItem(d, 'span %d' % b): # d.putValue('span: 0x%x %s alloc: %s next: %s' # % (span, d.hexencode(offsets), allocated, next_free)) entry_pos = 0 for i in range(128): offset = offsets[i] #with SubItem(d, 'offset %i' % i): # d.putValue('i: %s off: %s' % (i, offset)) if offset != 255: # Entry is used entry = entries + offset * entry_size key, _, val = d.split(type_code, entry) #with SubItem(d, 'count %d entry %d' % (count, i)): # d.putValue('i: %s entry: 0x%x' % (i, entry)) d.putPairItem(count, (key, val), 'key', 'value') count += 1 entry_pos += 1 #with SubItem(d, 'total'): # d.putValue('total: %s item size: %s' % (count, entry_size)) def qform__QHashNode(): return [DisplayFormat.CompactMap] def qdump__QHashNode(d, value): d.putPairItem(None, value) def qHashIteratorHelper(d, value): typeName = value.type.name hashTypeName = typeName[0:typeName.rfind('::')] hashType = d.lookupType(hashTypeName) keyType = hashType[0] valueType = hashType[1] d.putExpandable() d.putEmptyValue() if d.isExpanded(): with Children(d): node = d.extractPointer(value) isShort = d.qtVersion() < 0x050000 and keyType.name == 'int' if isShort: typeCode = 'P{%s}@{%s}' % (keyType.name, valueType.name) (pnext, key, padding2, val) = d.split(typeCode, node) else: typeCode = 'Pi@{%s}@{%s}' % (keyType.name, valueType.name) (pnext, hashval, padding1, key, padding2, val) = d.split(typeCode, node) d.putSubItem('key', key) d.putSubItem('value', val) def qdump__QHash__const_iterator(d, value): qHashIteratorHelper(d, value) def qdump__QHash__iterator(d, value): qHashIteratorHelper(d, value) def qdump__QHostAddress(d, value): dd = d.extractPointer(value) qtVersion = d.qtVersion() tiVersion = d.qtTypeInfoVersion() #DumperBase.warn('QT: %x, TI: %s' % (qtVersion, tiVersion)) mayNeedParse = True if tiVersion is not None: if tiVersion >= 16: # After a6cdfacf p, scopeId, a6, a4, protocol = d.split('p{QString}16s{quint32}B', dd) mayNeedParse = False elif tiVersion >= 5: # Branch 5.8.0 at f70b4a13 TI: 15 # Branch 5.7.0 at b6cf0418 TI: 5 (ipString, scopeId, a6, a4, protocol, isParsed) \ = d.split('{QString}{QString}16s{quint32}B{bool}', dd) else: (ipString, scopeId, a4, pad, a6, protocol, isParsed) \ = d.split('{QString}{QString}{quint32}I16sI{bool}', dd) elif qtVersion >= 0x050600: # 5.6.0 at f3aabb42 if d.ptrSize() == 8 or d.isWindowsTarget(): (ipString, scopeId, a4, pad, a6, protocol, isParsed) \ = d.split('{QString}{QString}{quint32}I16sI{bool}', dd) else: (ipString, scopeId, a4, a6, protocol, isParsed) \ = d.split('{QString}{QString}{quint32}16sI{bool}', dd) elif qtVersion >= 0x050000: # 5.2.0 at 62feb088 (ipString, scopeId, a4, a6, protocol, isParsed) \ = d.split('{QString}{QString}{quint32}16sI{bool}', dd) else: # 4.8.7 at b05d05f (a4, a6, protocol, pad, ipString, isParsed, pad, scopeId) \ = d.split('{quint32}16sB@{QString}{bool}@{QString}', dd) if mayNeedParse: ipStringData, ipStringSize, ipStringAlloc = d.stringData(ipString) if mayNeedParse and isParsed.integer() and ipStringSize > 0: d.putStringValue(ipString) else: # value.d.d->protocol: # QAbstractSocket::IPv4Protocol = 0 # QAbstractSocket::IPv6Protocol = 1 if protocol == 1: # value.d.d->a6 data = d.hexencode(a6) address = ':'.join('%x' % int(data[i:i + 4], 16) for i in range(0, 32, 4)) d.putValue(address) elif protocol == 0: # value.d.d->a a = a4.integer() a, n4 = divmod(a, 256) a, n3 = divmod(a, 256) a, n2 = divmod(a, 256) a, n1 = divmod(a, 256) d.putValue('%d.%d.%d.%d' % (n1, n2, n3, n4)) else: d.putValue('' % protocol) d.putExpandable() if d.isExpanded(): with Children(d): if mayNeedParse: d.putSubItem('ipString', ipString) d.putSubItem('isParsed', isParsed) d.putSubItem('scopeId', scopeId) d.putSubItem('a', a4) def qdump__QIPv6Address(d, value): raw = d.split('16s', value)[0] data = d.hexencode(raw) d.putValue(':'.join('%x' % int(data[i:i + 4], 16) for i in range(0, 32, 4))) d.putArrayData(value.address(), 16, d.lookupType('unsigned char')) def qform__QList(): return [DisplayFormat.DirectQListStorage, DisplayFormat.IndirectQListStorage] def qdump__QList(d, value): inner_type = value.type.ltarget[0] if value.type.code == TypeCode.Typedef else value.type[0] return qdumpHelper_QList(d, value, value.type[0]) def qdump__QVariantList(d, value): qdumpHelper_QList(d, value, d.createType('QVariant')) def qdumpHelper_QList(d, value, innerType): if d.qtVersion() >= 0x60000: dd, data, size = value.split('ppi') d.putItemCount(size) d.putPlotData(data, size, innerType) return base = d.extractPointer(value) _, _, begin, end = d.split('IIII', base) array = base + 16 if d.qtVersion() < 0x50000: array += d.ptrSize() d.check(begin >= 0 and end >= 0 and end <= 1000 * 1000 * 1000) size = end - begin d.check(size >= 0) d.putItemCount(size) if d.isExpanded(): innerSize = innerType.size() stepSize = d.ptrSize() addr = array + begin * stepSize # The exact condition here is: # QTypeInfo::isLarge || QTypeInfo::isStatic # but this data is available neither in the compiled binary nor # in the frontend. # So as first approximation only do the 'isLarge' check: displayFormat = d.currentItemFormat() if displayFormat == DisplayFormat.DirectQListStorage: isInternal = True elif displayFormat == DisplayFormat.IndirectQListStorage: isInternal = False else: isInternal = innerSize <= stepSize and innerType.isMovableType() if isInternal: if innerSize == stepSize: d.putArrayData(addr, size, innerType) else: with Children(d, size, childType=innerType): for i in d.childRange(): p = d.createValue(addr + i * stepSize, innerType) d.putSubItem(i, p) else: # about 0.5s / 1000 items with Children(d, size, maxNumChild=2000, childType=innerType): for i in d.childRange(): p = d.extractPointer(addr + i * stepSize) x = d.createValue(p, innerType) d.putSubItem(i, x) def qform__QImage(): return [DisplayFormat.Simple, DisplayFormat.Separate] def qdump__QImage(d, value): if d.qtVersion() >= 0x060000: vtbl, painters, image_data = value.split('ppp') elif d.qtVersion() >= 0x050000: vtbl, painters, reserved, image_data = value.split('pppp') else: vtbl, painters, image_data = value.split('ppp') if image_data == 0: d.putValue('(invalid)') return ref, width, height = d.split('iii', image_data) d.putValue('(%dx%d)' % (width, height)) d.putExpandable() if d.isExpanded(): (ref, width, height, depth, nbytes, pad, devicePixelRatio, colorTable, bits, iformat) = d.split('iiiii@dppi', image_data) with Children(d): d.putIntItem('width', width) d.putIntItem('height', height) d.putIntItem('nbytes', nbytes) d.putIntItem('format', iformat) with SubItem(d, 'data'): d.putValue('0x%x' % bits) d.putType('void *') displayFormat = d.currentItemFormat() if displayFormat == DisplayFormat.Separate: d.putDisplay('imagedata:separate', '%08x%08x%08x%08x' % (width, height, nbytes, iformat) + d.readMemory(bits, nbytes)) def qdump__QLinkedList(d, value): dd = d.extractPointer(value) ptrSize = d.ptrSize() n = d.extractInt(dd + 4 + 2 * ptrSize) ref = d.extractInt(dd + 2 * ptrSize) d.check(0 <= n and n <= 100 * 1000 * 1000) d.check(-1 <= ref and ref <= 1000) d.putItemCount(n) if d.isExpanded(): innerType = value.type[0] with Children(d, n, maxNumChild=1000, childType=innerType): pp = d.extractPointer(dd) for i in d.childRange(): d.putSubItem(i, d.createValue(pp + 2 * ptrSize, innerType)) pp = d.extractPointer(pp) qqLocalesCount = None def qdump__QLocale(d, value): # Check for uninitialized 'index' variable. Retrieve size of # QLocale data array from variable in qlocale.cpp. # Default is 368 in Qt 4.8, 438 in Qt 5.0.1, the last one # being 'System'. #global qqLocalesCount #if qqLocalesCount is None: # #try: # qqLocalesCount = int(value(ns + 'locale_data_size')) # #except: # qqLocalesCount = 438 #try: # index = int(value['p']['index']) #except: # try: # index = int(value['d']['d']['m_index']) # except: # index = int(value['d']['d']['m_data']...) #d.check(index >= 0) #d.check(index <= qqLocalesCount) if d.qtVersion() < 0x50000: d.putStringValue(d.call('const char *', value, 'name')) d.putPlainChildren(value) return ns = d.qtNamespace() dd = value.extractPointer() (data, ref, numberOptions) = d.split('pi4s', dd) (languageId, scriptId, countryId, decimal, group, listt, percent, zero, minus, plus, exponential) \ = d.split('2s{short}2s' + '{QChar}{QChar}{short}{QChar}{QChar}' + '{QChar}{QChar}{QChar}', data) try: d.putStringValue(d.call('const char *', value, 'name')) except: pass d.putExpandable() if d.isExpanded(): with Children(d): prefix = ns + 'QLocale::' d.putSubItem('country', d.createValue(countryId, prefix + 'Country')) d.putSubItem('language', d.createValue(languageId, prefix + 'Language')) d.putSubItem('numberOptions', d.createValue(numberOptions, prefix + 'NumberOptions')) d.putSubItem('decimalPoint', decimal) d.putSubItem('exponential', exponential) d.putSubItem('percent', percent) d.putSubItem('zeroDigit', zero) d.putSubItem('groupSeparator', group) d.putSubItem('negativeSign', minus) d.putSubItem('positiveSign', plus) d.putCallItem('measurementSystem', '@QLocale::MeasurementSystem', value, 'measurementSystem') d.putCallItem('timeFormat_(short)', '@QString', value, 'timeFormat', ns + 'QLocale::ShortFormat') d.putCallItem('timeFormat_(long)', '@QString', value, 'timeFormat', ns + 'QLocale::LongFormat') d.putFields(value) def qdump__QMapNode(d, value): d.putEmptyValue() d.putExpandable() if d.isExpanded(): with Children(d): d.putSubItem('key', value['key']) d.putSubItem('value', value['value']) def qdumpHelper_Qt4_QMap(d, value, keyType, valueType): dd = value.extractPointer() (dummy, it, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8, f9, f10, f11, ref, toplevel, n) = d.split('p' * 13 + 'iii', dd) d.check(0 <= n and n <= 100 * 1000 * 1000) d.checkRef(ref) d.putItemCount(n) if d.isExpanded(): if n > 10000: n = 10000 typeCode = '{%s}@{%s}' % (keyType.name, valueType.name) pp, payloadSize, fields = d.describeStruct(typeCode) with Children(d, n): for i in d.childRange(): key, pad, value = d.split(typeCode, it - payloadSize) d.putPairItem(i, (key, value), 'key', 'value') dummy, it = d.split('Pp', it) def qdumpHelper_Qt5_QMap(d, value, keyType, valueType): dptr = d.extractPointer(value) (ref, n) = d.split('ii', dptr) d.check(0 <= n and n <= 100 * 1000 * 1000) d.check(-1 <= ref and ref < 100000) d.putItemCount(n) if d.isExpanded(): if n > 10000: n = 10000 typeCode = 'ppp@{%s}@{%s}' % (keyType.name, valueType.name) def helper(node): (p, left, right, padding1, key, padding2, value) = d.split(typeCode, node) if left: for res in helper(left): yield res yield (key, value) if right: for res in helper(right): yield res with Children(d, n): for (pair, i) in zip(helper(dptr + 8), range(n)): d.putPairItem(i, pair, 'key', 'value') def qdumpHelper_Qt6_QMap(d, value, keyType, valueType): d_ptr = d.extractPointer(value) if d_ptr == 0: d.putItemCount(0) return m = value['d']['d']['m'] d.putItem(m) d.putBetterType('QMap<%s, %s>' % (keyType.name, valueType.name)) def qform__QMap(): return [DisplayFormat.CompactMap] def qdump__QMap(d, value): qdumpHelper_QMap(d, value, value.type[0], value.type[1]) def qdumpHelper_QMap(d, value, keyType, valueType): if d.qtVersion() >= 0x60000: qdumpHelper_Qt6_QMap(d, value, keyType, valueType) elif d.qtVersion() >= 0x50000: qdumpHelper_Qt5_QMap(d, value, keyType, valueType) else: qdumpHelper_Qt4_QMap(d, value, keyType, valueType) def qform__QMultiMap(): return [DisplayFormat.CompactMap] def qdumpHelper_Qt6_QMultiMap(d, value, keyType, valueType): d_ptr = d.extractPointer(value) if d_ptr == 0: d.putItemCount(0) return m = value['d']['d']['m'] d.putItem(m) d.putBetterType('QMultiMap<%s, %s>' % (keyType.name, valueType.name)) def qdump__QMultiMap(d, value): if d.qtVersion() >= 0x60000: qdumpHelper_Qt6_QMultiMap(d, value, value.type[0], value.type[1]) else: qdump__QMap(d, value) def qform__QVariantMap(): return [DisplayFormat.CompactMap] def qdump__QVariantMap(d, value): qdumpHelper_QMap(d, value, d.createType('QString'), d.createType('QVariant')) def qdump__QMetaMethod(d, value): d.putQMetaStuff(value, 'QMetaMethod') def qdump__QMetaEnum(d, value): d.putQMetaStuff(value, 'QMetaEnum') def qdump__QMetaProperty(d, value): d.putQMetaStuff(value, 'QMetaProperty') def qdump__QMetaClassInfo(d, value): d.putQMetaStuff(value, 'QMetaClassInfo') def qdump__QMetaObject(d, value): d.putEmptyValue() d.putExpandable() if d.isExpanded(): with Children(d): d.putQObjectGutsHelper(0, 0, -1, value.address(), 'QMetaObject') d.putMembersItem(value) if False: def qdump__QObjectPrivate__ConnectionList(d, value): d.putExpandable() if d.isExpanded(): i = 0 with Children(d): first, last = value.split('pp') currentConnection = first connectionType = d.createType('@QObjectPrivate::Connection') while currentConnection and currentConnection != last: sender, receiver, slotObj, nextConnectionList, nextp, prev = \ d.split('pppppp', currentConnection) d.putSubItem(i, d.createValue(currentConnection, connectionType)) currentConnection = nextp i += 1 d.putFields(value) d.putItemCount(i) else: d.putSpecialValue('minimumitemcount', 0) def qdump__QProcEnvKey(d, value): d.putByteArrayValue(value) d.putPlainChildren(value) def qdump__QPixmap(d, value): if d.qtVersion() >= 0x060000: vtbl, painters, data = value.split('ppp') elif d.qtVersion() >= 0x050000: vtbl, painters, reserved, data = s = d.split('pppp', value) else: vtbl, painters, data = value.split('ppp') if data == 0: d.putValue('(invalid)') else: _, width, height = d.split('pii', data) d.putValue('(%dx%d)' % (width, height)) d.putPlainChildren(value) def qdump__QMargins(d, value): d.putValue('left:%s, top:%s, right:%s, bottom:%s' % (value.split('iiii'))) d.putPlainChildren(value) def qdump__QPoint(d, value): d.putValue('(%s, %s)' % (value.split('ii'))) d.putPlainChildren(value) def qdump__QPointF(d, value): d.putValue('(%s, %s)' % (value.split('dd'))) d.putPlainChildren(value) def qdump__QRect(d, value): def pp(l): return ('+' if l >= 0 else '') + str(l) (x1, y1, x2, y2) = d.split('iiii', value) d.putValue('%sx%s%s%s' % (x2 - x1 + 1, y2 - y1 + 1, pp(x1), pp(y1))) d.putPlainChildren(value) def qdump__QRectF(d, value): def pp(l): return ('+' if l >= 0 else '') + str(l) (x, y, w, h) = value.split('dddd') d.putValue('%sx%s%s%s' % (w, h, pp(x), pp(y))) d.putPlainChildren(value) def qdump__QRegExp(d, value): # value.priv.engineKey.pattern privAddress = d.extractPointer(value) (eng, pattern) = d.split('p{QString}', privAddress) d.putStringValue(pattern) d.putExpandable() if d.isExpanded(): with Children(d): try: d.call('void', value, 'capturedTexts') # Warm up internal cache. except: # Might fail (LLDB, Core files, ...), still cache might be warm. pass (patternSyntax, caseSensitive, minimal, pad, t, captures) \ = d.split('{int}{int}B@{QString}{QStringList}', privAddress + 2 * d.ptrSize()) d.putSubItem('syntax', patternSyntax.cast(d.qtNamespace() + 'QRegExp::PatternSyntax')) d.putSubItem('captures', captures) def qdump__QRegion(d, value): d_ptr = d.extractPointer(value) if d_ptr == 0: d.putSpecialValue('empty') else: if d.qtVersion() >= 0x060000: ref, _, rgn = d.split('i@p', d_ptr) numRects, innerArea, rects, extents, innerRect = \ d.split('ii{QList}{QRect}{QRect}', rgn) elif d.qtVersion() >= 0x050400: # Padding removed in ee324e4ed ref, _, rgn = d.split('i@p', d_ptr) numRects, innerArea, rects, extents, innerRect = \ d.split('ii{QVector}{QRect}{QRect}', rgn) elif d.qtVersion() >= 0x050000: ref, _, rgn = d.split('i@p', d_ptr) numRects, _, rects, extents, innerRect, innerArea = \ d.split('i@{QVector}{QRect}{QRect}i', rgn) else: if d.isWindowsTarget(): ref, _, rgn = d.split('i@p', d_ptr) else: ref, _, xrgn, xrectangles, rgn = d.split('i@ppp', d_ptr) if rgn == 0: numRects = 0 else: numRects, _, rects, extents, innerRect, innerArea = \ d.split('i@{QVector}{QRect}{QRect}i', rgn) d.putItemCount(numRects) if d.isExpanded(): with Children(d): d.putIntItem('numRects', numRects) d.putIntItem('innerArea', innerArea) d.putSubItem('extents', extents) d.putSubItem('innerRect', innerRect) d.putSubItem('rects', rects) def qdump__QScopedPointer(d, value): if value.pointer() == 0: d.putValue('(null)') else: d.putItem(value['d']) d.putValue(d.currentValue.value, d.currentValue.encoding) typeName = value.type.name if value.type[1].name == d.qtNamespace() + 'QScopedPointerDeleter<%s>' % value.type[0].name: typeName = d.qtNamespace() + 'QScopedPointer<%s>' % value.type[0].name d.putBetterType(typeName) def qdump__QSet(d, value): def hashDataFirstNode(): b = buckets n = numBuckets while n: n -= 1 bb = d.extractPointer(b) if bb != dptr: return bb b += ptrSize return dptr def hashDataNextNode(node): (nextp, h) = d.split('pI', node) if d.extractPointer(nextp): return nextp start = (h % numBuckets) + 1 b = buckets + start * ptrSize n = numBuckets - start while n: n -= 1 bb = d.extractPointer(b) if bb != nextp: return bb b += ptrSize return nextp ptrSize = d.ptrSize() dptr = d.extractPointer(value) (fakeNext, buckets, ref, size, nodeSize, userNumBits, numBits, numBuckets) = \ d.split('ppiiihhi', dptr) d.check(0 <= size and size <= 100 * 1000 * 1000) d.check(-1 <= ref and ref < 100000) d.putItemCount(size) if d.isExpanded(): keyType = value.type[0] isShort = d.qtVersion() < 0x050000 and keyType.name == 'int' with Children(d, size, childType=keyType): node = hashDataFirstNode() for i in d.childRange(): if isShort: typeCode = 'P{%s}' % keyType.name (pnext, key) = d.split(typeCode, node) else: typeCode = 'Pi@{%s}' % keyType.name (pnext, hashval, padding1, key) = d.split(typeCode, node) with SubItem(d, i): d.putItem(key) node = hashDataNextNode(node) def qdump__QSharedData(d, value): d.putValue('ref: %s' % value.to('i')) def qdump__QSharedDataPointer(d, value): d_ptr = value['d'] if d_ptr.pointer() == 0: d.putValue('(null)') else: # This replaces the pointer by the pointee, making the # pointer transparent. try: innerType = value.type[0] except: d.putValue(d_ptr) d.putPlainChildren(value) return d.putBetterType(d.currentType) d.putItem(d_ptr.dereference()) def qdump__QSize(d, value): d.putValue('(%s, %s)' % value.split('ii')) d.putPlainChildren(value) def qdump__QSizeF(d, value): d.putValue('(%s, %s)' % value.split('dd')) d.putPlainChildren(value) def qdump__QSizePolicy__Policy(d, value): d.putEnumValue(value.integer(), { 0: 'QSizePolicy::Fixed', 1: 'QSizePolicy::GrowFlag', 2: 'QSizePolicy::ExpandFlag', 3: 'QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding (GrowFlag|ExpandFlag)', 4: 'QSizePolicy::ShrinkFlag', 5: 'QSizePolicy::Preferred (GrowFlag|ShrinkFlag)', 7: 'QSizePolicy::Expanding (GrowFlag|ShrinkFlag|ExpandFlag)', 8: 'QSizePolicy::IgnoreFlag', 13: 'QSizePolicy::Ignored (ShrinkFlag|GrowFlag|IgnoreFlag)', }) def qdump__QSizePolicy(d, value): bits = value.integer() d.putEmptyValue(-99) d.putExpandable() if d.isExpanded(): with Children(d): d.putIntItem('horStretch', (bits >> 0) & 0xff) d.putIntItem('verStretch', (bits >> 8) & 0xff) d.putEnumItem('horPolicy', (bits >> 16) & 0xf, "@QSizePolicy::Policy") d.putEnumItem('verPolicy', (bits >> 20) & 0xf, "@QSizePolicy::Policy") def qform__QStack(): return [DisplayFormat.ArrayPlot] def qdump__QStack(d, value): if d.qtVersion() >= 0x60000: qdump__QList(d, value) else: qdump__QVector(d, value) def qdump__QPolygonF(d, value): data, size, alloc = d.vectorDataHelper(d.extractPointer(value)) d.putItemCount(size) d.putPlotData(data, size, d.createType('QPointF')) def qdump__QPolygon(d, value): data, size, alloc = d.vectorDataHelper(d.extractPointer(value)) d.putItemCount(size) d.putPlotData(data, size, d.createType('QPoint')) def qdump__QGraphicsPolygonItem(d, value): (vtbl, dptr) = value.split('pp') # Assume sizeof(QGraphicsPolygonItemPrivate) == 400 if d.ptrSize() == 8: offset = 384 elif d.isWindowsTarget(): offset = 328 if d.isMsvcTarget() else 320 else: offset = 308 data, size, alloc = d.vectorDataHelper(d.extractPointer(dptr + offset)) d.putItemCount(size) d.putPlotData(data, size, d.createType('QPointF')) def qedit__QString(d, value, data): d.call('void', value, 'resize', str(len(data))) (base, size, alloc) = d.stringData(value) d.setValues(base, 'short', [ord(c) for c in data]) def qform__QString(): return [DisplayFormat.Simple, DisplayFormat.Separate] def qdump__QString(d, value): d.putStringValue(value) data, size, _ = d.stringData(value) displayFormat = d.currentItemFormat() if displayFormat == DisplayFormat.Separate: d.putDisplay('utf16:separate', d.encodeString(value, limit=100000)) if (size > 0): d.putExpandable() if d.isExpanded(): d.putArrayData(data, size, d.createType('QChar')) def qdump__QStaticStringData(d, value): size = value.type[0] (ref, size, alloc, pad, offset, data) = value.split('iii@p%ss' % (2 * size)) d.putValue(d.hexencode(data), 'utf16') d.putPlainChildren(value) def qdump__QTypedArrayData(d, value): if value.type[0].name == 'unsigned short': qdump__QStringData(d, value) else: qdump__QArrayData(d, value) def qdump__QStringData(d, value): (ref, size, alloc, pad, offset) = value.split('III@p') elided, shown = d.computeLimit(size, d.displayStringLimit) data = d.readMemory(value.address() + offset, shown * 2) d.putValue(data, 'utf16', elided=elided) d.putPlainChildren(value) def qdump__QHashedString(d, value): qdump__QString(d, value) d.putBetterType(value.type) def qdump__QQmlRefCount(d, value): d.putItem(value['refCount']) d.putBetterType(value.type) def qdump__QStringRef(d, value): (stringptr, pos, size) = value.split('pii') if stringptr == 0: d.putValue('(null)') return (data, ssize, alloc) = d.stringData(d.createValue(stringptr, 'QString')) d.putValue(d.readMemory(data + 2 * pos, 2 * size), 'utf16') d.putPlainChildren(value) def qdump__QStringList(d, value): qdumpHelper_QList(d, value, d.createType('QString')) d.putBetterType(value.type) def qdump__QTemporaryFile(d, value): qdump__QFile(d, value) def qdump__QTextCodec(d, value): name = d.call('const char *', value, 'name') d.putValue(d.encodeByteArray(name, limit=100), 6) d.putExpandable() if d.isExpanded(): with Children(d): d.putCallItem('name', '@QByteArray', value, 'name') d.putCallItem('mibEnum', 'int', value, 'mibEnum') d.putFields(value) def qdump__QTextCursor(d, value): privAddress = d.extractPointer(value) if privAddress == 0: d.putValue('(invalid)') else: positionAddress = privAddress + 2 * d.ptrSize() + 8 d.putValue(d.extractInt(positionAddress)) d.putExpandable() if d.isExpanded(): with Children(d): positionAddress = privAddress + 2 * d.ptrSize() + 8 d.putIntItem('position', d.extractInt(positionAddress)) d.putIntItem('anchor', d.extractInt(positionAddress + 4)) d.putCallItem('selected', '@QString', value, 'selectedText') d.putFields(value) def qdump__QTextDocument(d, value): d.putEmptyValue() d.putExpandable() if d.isExpanded(): with Children(d): d.putCallItem('blockCount', 'int', value, 'blockCount') d.putCallItem('characterCount', 'int', value, 'characterCount') d.putCallItem('lineCount', 'int', value, 'lineCount') d.putCallItem('revision', 'int', value, 'revision') d.putCallItem('toPlainText', '@QString', value, 'toPlainText') d.putFields(value) def qform__QUrl(): return [DisplayFormat.Simple, DisplayFormat.Separate] def qdump__QUrl(d, value): privAddress = d.extractPointer(value) if not privAddress: # d == 0 if QUrl was constructed with default constructor d.putValue('') return if d.qtVersion() < 0x050000: d.call('void', value, 'port') # Warm up internal cache. d.call('void', value, 'path') st = '{QString}' ba = '{QByteArray}' (ref, dummy, scheme, userName, password, host, path, # QString query, # QByteArray fragment, # QString encodedOriginal, encodedUserName, encodedPassword, encodedPath, encodedFragment, # QByteArray port) \ = d.split('i@' + st * 5 + ba + st + ba * 5 + 'i', privAddress) else: (ref, port, scheme, userName, password, host, path, query, fragment) \ = d.split('ii' + '{QString}' * 7, privAddress) userNameEnc = d.encodeString(userName) hostEnc = d.encodeString(host) pathEnc = d.encodeString(path) url = d.encodeString(scheme) url += '3a002f002f00' # '://' if len(userNameEnc): url += userNameEnc + '4000' # '@' url += hostEnc if port >= 0: url += '3a00' + ''.join(['%02x00' % ord(c) for c in str(port)]) url += pathEnc d.putValue(url, 'utf16') displayFormat = d.currentItemFormat() if displayFormat == DisplayFormat.Separate: d.putDisplay('utf16:separate', url) d.putExpandable() if d.isExpanded(): with Children(d): d.putIntItem('port', port) d.putSubItem('scheme', scheme) d.putSubItem('userName', userName) d.putSubItem('password', password) d.putSubItem('host', host) d.putSubItem('path', path) d.putSubItem('query', query) d.putSubItem('fragment', fragment) d.putFields(value) def qdump__QUuid(d, value): r = value.split('IHHBBBBBBBB') d.putValue('{%08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x}' % r) d.putPlainChildren(value) def qdumpHelper_QVariant_0(d, value): # QVariant::Invalid d.putBetterType('%sQVariant (invalid)' % d.qtNamespace()) d.putValue('(invalid)') def qdumpHelper_QVariant_1(d, value): # QVariant::Bool d.putBetterType('%sQVariant (bool)' % d.qtNamespace()) d.putValue('true' if value.to('b') else 'false') def qdumpHelper_QVariant_2(d, value): # QVariant::Int d.putBetterType('%sQVariant (int)' % d.qtNamespace()) d.putValue(value.to('i')) def qdumpHelper_QVariant_3(d, value): # uint d.putBetterType('%sQVariant (uint)' % d.qtNamespace()) d.putValue(value.to('I')) def qdumpHelper_QVariant_4(d, value): # qlonglong d.putBetterType('%sQVariant (qlonglong)' % d.qtNamespace()) d.putValue(value.to('q')) def qdumpHelper_QVariant_5(d, value): # qulonglong d.putBetterType('%sQVariant (qulonglong)' % d.qtNamespace()) d.putValue(value.to('Q')) def qdumpHelper_QVariant_6(d, value): # QVariant::Double d.putBetterType('%sQVariant (double)' % d.qtNamespace()) d.putValue(value.to('d')) qdumpHelper_QVariants_A = [ qdumpHelper_QVariant_0, qdumpHelper_QVariant_1, qdumpHelper_QVariant_2, qdumpHelper_QVariant_3, qdumpHelper_QVariant_4, qdumpHelper_QVariant_5, qdumpHelper_QVariant_6 ] qdumpHelper_QVariants_B = [ 'QChar', # 7 'QVariantMap', # 8 'QVariantList', # 9 'QString', # 10 'QStringList', # 11 'QByteArray', # 12 'QBitArray', # 13 'QDate', # 14 'QTime', # 15 'QDateTime', # 16 'QUrl', # 17 'QLocale', # 18 'QRect', # 19 'QRectF', # 20 'QSize', # 21 'QSizeF', # 22 'QLine', # 23 'QLineF', # 24 'QPoint', # 25 'QPointF', # 26 'QRegExp', # 27 'QVariantHash', # 28 ] def qdumpHelper_QVariant_31(d, value): # QVariant::VoidStar d.putBetterType('%sQVariant (void *)' % d.qtNamespace()) d.putValue('0x%x' % d.extractPointer(value)) def qdumpHelper_QVariant_32(d, value): # QVariant::Long d.putBetterType('%sQVariant (long)' % d.qtNamespace()) if d.ptrSize() == 4: d.putValue('%s' % d.extractInt(value)) else: d.putValue('%s' % d.extractInt64(value)) # sic! def qdumpHelper_QVariant_33(d, value): # QVariant::Short d.putBetterType('%sQVariant (short)' % d.qtNamespace()) d.putValue('%s' % d.extractShort(value)) def qdumpHelper_QVariant_34(d, value): # QVariant::Char d.putBetterType('%sQVariant (char)' % d.qtNamespace()) d.putValue('%s' % d.extractByte(value)) def qdumpHelper_QVariant_35(d, value): # QVariant::ULong d.putBetterType('%sQVariant (unsigned long)' % d.qtNamespace()) if d.ptrSize() == 4: d.putValue('%s' % d.extractUInt(value)) else: d.putValue('%s' % d.extractUInt64(value)) # sic! def qdumpHelper_QVariant_36(d, value): # QVariant::UShort d.putBetterType('%sQVariant (unsigned short)' % d.qtNamespace()) d.putValue('%s' % d.extractUShort(value)) def qdumpHelper_QVariant_37(d, value): # QVariant::UChar d.putBetterType('%sQVariant (unsigned char)' % d.qtNamespace()) d.putValue('%s' % d.extractByte(value)) def qdumpHelper_QVariant_38(d, value): # QVariant::Float d.putBetterType('%sQVariant (float)' % d.qtNamespace()) d.putValue(value.to('f')) qdumpHelper_QVariants_D = [ qdumpHelper_QVariant_31, qdumpHelper_QVariant_32, qdumpHelper_QVariant_33, qdumpHelper_QVariant_34, qdumpHelper_QVariant_35, qdumpHelper_QVariant_36, qdumpHelper_QVariant_37, qdumpHelper_QVariant_38 ] qdumpHelper_QVariants_E = [ 'QFont', # 64 'QPixmap', # 65 'QBrush', # 66 'QColor', # 67 'QPalette', # 68 'QIcon', # 69 'QImage', # 70 'QPolygon', # 71 'QRegion', # 72 'QBitmap', # 73 'QCursor', # 74 ] qdumpHelper_QVariants_F = [ # Qt 5. In Qt 4 add one. 'QKeySequence', # 75 'QPen', # 76 'QTextLength', # 77 'QTextFormat', # 78 'X', 'QTransform', # 80 'QMatrix4x4', # 81 'QVector2D', # 82 'QVector3D', # 83 'QVector4D', # 84 'QQuaternion', # 85 'QPolygonF' # 86 ] def qdump__QVariant(d, value): (data, typeStuff) = d.split('8sI', value) variantType = typeStuff & 0x3fffffff isShared = bool(typeStuff & 0x40000000) # Well-known simple type. if variantType <= 6: qdumpHelper_QVariants_A[variantType](d, value) return None # Extended Core type (Qt 5) if variantType >= 31 and variantType <= 38 and d.qtVersion() >= 0x050000: qdumpHelper_QVariants_D[variantType - 31](d, value) return None # Extended Core type (Qt 4) if variantType >= 128 and variantType <= 135 and d.qtVersion() < 0x050000: if variantType == 128: d.putBetterType('%sQVariant (void *)' % d.qtNamespace()) d.putValue('0x%x' % value.extractPointer()) else: if variantType == 135: # Float blob = value else: p = d.extractPointer(value) blob = d.extractUInt64(p) qdumpHelper_QVariants_D[variantType - 128](d, blob) return None #DumperBase.warn('TYPE: %s' % variantType) if variantType <= 86: # Known Core or Gui type. if variantType <= 28: innert = qdumpHelper_QVariants_B[variantType - 7] elif variantType <= 74: innert = qdumpHelper_QVariants_E[variantType - 64] elif d.qtVersion() < 0x050000: innert = qdumpHelper_QVariants_F[variantType - 76] else: innert = qdumpHelper_QVariants_F[variantType - 75] #data = value['d']['data'] innerType = d.qtNamespace() + innert #DumperBase.warn('SHARED: %s' % isShared) if isShared: base1 = d.extractPointer(value) #DumperBase.warn('BASE 1: %s %s' % (base1, innert)) base = d.extractPointer(base1) #DumperBase.warn('SIZE 1: %s' % size) val = d.createValue(base, innerType) else: #DumperBase.warn('DIRECT ITEM 1: %s' % innerType) val = d.createValue(data, innerType) val.laddress = value.laddress d.putEmptyValue(-99) d.putItem(val) d.putBetterType('%sQVariant (%s)' % (d.qtNamespace(), innert)) return innert # User types. ns = d.qtNamespace() d.putEmptyValue(-99) d.putType('%sQVariant (%s)' % (ns, variantType)) d.putExpandable() if d.isExpanded(): innerType = None with Children(d): try: p = d.call('const char *', value, 'typeName') except: d.putSpecialValue('notcallable') return None ptr = p.pointer() (elided, blob) = d.encodeCArray(ptr, 1, 100) innerType = d.hexdecode(blob) # Prefer namespaced version. if len(ns) > 0: if not d.lookupNativeType(ns + innerType) is None: innerType = ns + innerType if isShared: base1 = d.extractPointer(value) base = d.extractPointer(base1) val = d.createValue(base, innerType) else: val = d.createValue(data, innerType) val.laddress = value.laddress d.putSubItem('data', val) if innerType is not None: d.putBetterType('%sQVariant (%s)' % (ns, innerType)) return None def qedit__QVector(d, value, data): values = data.split(',') d.call('void', value, 'resize', str(len(values))) base, vsize, valloc = d.vectorDataHelper(d.extractPointer(value)) d.setValues(base, value.type[0].name, values) def qform__QVector(): return [DisplayFormat.ArrayPlot] def qdump__QVector(d, value): if d.qtVersion() >= 0x060000: dd, data, size = value.split('ppi') d.putItemCount(size) d.putPlotData(data, size, value.type.ltarget[0]) # g++ 9.3 does not add the template parameter list to the debug info. # Fake it for the common case: if value.type.name == d.qtNamespace() + "QVector": d.putBetterType(value.type.name + '<' + value.type.ltarget[0].name + '>') else: dd = d.extractPointer(value) data, size, alloc = d.vectorDataHelper(dd) d.check(0 <= size and size <= alloc and alloc <= 1000 * 1000 * 1000) d.putItemCount(size) d.putPlotData(data, size, value.type[0]) if False: def qdump__QObjectConnectionList(d, value): dd = d.extractPointer(value) data, size, alloc = d.vectorDataHelper(dd) d.check(0 <= size and size <= alloc and alloc <= 1000 * 1000 * 1000) d.putItemCount(size) d.putPlotData(data, size, d.createType('@QObjectPrivate::ConnectionList')) def qdump__QVarLengthArray(d, value): if d.qtVersion() >= 0x060000: cap, size, data = value.split('QQp') else: cap, size, data = value.split('iip') d.check(0 <= size) d.putItemCount(size) d.putPlotData(data, size, value.type[0]) def qdump__QSharedPointer(d, value): qdump_QWeakPointerHelper(d, value, False) def qdump__QWeakPointer(d, value): qdump_QWeakPointerHelper(d, value, True) def qdump__QPointer(d, value): # actually, we'd use value['wp'] instead of value, but since we # only split() on the result and the (sub-)object address is the # same it does not matter but saves some cycles. qdump_QWeakPointerHelper(d, value, True, value.type[0]) def qdump_QWeakPointerHelper(d, value, isWeak, innerType=None): if isWeak: (d_ptr, val) = value.split('pp') else: (val, d_ptr) = value.split('pp') if d_ptr == 0 and val == 0: d.putValue('(null)') return if d_ptr == 0 or val == 0: d.putValue('') return if d.qtVersion() >= 0x050000: (weakref, strongref) = d.split('ii', d_ptr) else: (vptr, weakref, strongref) = d.split('pii', d_ptr) d.check(strongref >= -1) d.check(strongref <= weakref) d.check(weakref <= 10 * 1000 * 1000) if innerType is None: innerType = value.type[0] with Children(d): short = d.putSubItem('data', d.createValue(val, innerType)) d.putIntItem('weakref', weakref) d.putIntItem('strongref', strongref) d.putValue(short.value, short.encoding) def qdump__QXmlAttributes__Attribute(d, value): d.putEmptyValue() d.putExpandable() if d.isExpanded(): with Children(d): (qname, uri, localname, val) = value.split('{QString}' * 4) d.putSubItem('qname', qname) d.putSubItem('uri', uri) d.putSubItem('localname', localname) d.putSubItem('value', val) def qdump__QXmlAttributes(d, value): (vptr, atts) = value.split('pP') innerType = d.createType(d.qtNamespace() + 'QXmlAttributes::Attribute', 4 * d.ptrSize()) val = d.createListItem(atts, innerType) qdumpHelper_QList(d, val, innerType) def qdump__QXmlStreamStringRef(d, value): s = value['m_string'] (data, size, alloc) = d.stringData(s) data += 2 * int(value['m_position']) size = int(value['m_size']) s = d.readMemory(data, 2 * size) d.putValue(s, 'utf16') d.putPlainChildren(value) def qdump__QXmlStreamAttribute(d, value): s = value['m_name']['m_string'] (data, size, alloc) = d.stringData(s) data += 2 * int(value['m_name']['m_position']) size = int(value['m_name']['m_size']) s = d.readMemory(data, 2 * size) d.putValue(s, 'utf16') d.putPlainChildren(value) ####################################################################### # # V4 # ####################################################################### def extractQmlData(d, value): #if value.type.code == TypeCode.Pointer: # value = value.dereference() base = value.split('p')[0] #mmdata = d.split('Q', base)[0] #PointerMask = 0xfffffffffffffffd #vtable = mmdata & PointerMask #DumperBase.warn('QML DATA: %s' % value.stringify()) #data = value['data'] #return #data.cast(d.lookupType(value.type.name.replace('QV4::', 'QV4::Heap::'))) typeName = value.type.name.replace('QV4::', 'QV4::Heap::') #DumperBase.warn('TYOE DATA: %s' % typeName) return d.createValue(base, typeName) def qdump__QV4__Heap__Base(d, value): mm_data = value.extractPointer() d.putValue('[%s]' % mm_data) if d.isExpanded(): with Children(d): with SubItem(d, 'vtable'): d.putItem(d.createValue(mm_data & (~3), d.qtNamespace() + 'QV4::VTable')) d.putBoolItem('isMarked', mm_data & 1) d.putBoolItem('inUse', (mm_data & 2) == 0) with SubItem(d, 'nextFree'): d.putItem(d.createValue(mm_data & (~3), value.type)) def qdump__QV4__Heap__String(d, value): # Note: There's also the 'Identifier' case. And the largestSubLength != 0 case. (baseClass, textOrLeft, idOrRight, subtype, stringHash, largestSub, length, mm) \ = value.split('QppIIIIp') textPtr = d.split('{QStringDataPtr}', textOrLeft)[0] qdump__QStringData(d, d.createValue(textOrLeft, d.qtNamespace() + 'QStringData')) if d.isExpanded(): with Children(d): d.putFields(value) def qmlPutHeapChildren(d, value): d.putItem(extractQmlData(d, value)) def qdump__QV4__Object(d, value): qmlPutHeapChildren(d, value) def qdump__QV4__FunctionObject(d, value): #qmlPutHeapChildren(d, value) d.putEmptyValue() if d.isExpanded(): with Children(d): d.putFields(value) d.putSubItem('heap', extractQmlData(d, value)) d.putCallItem('sourceLocation', '@QQmlSourceLocation', value, 'sourceLocation') def qdump__QV4__CompilationUnit(d, value): qmlPutHeapChildren(d, value) def qdump__QV4__CallContext(d, value): qmlPutHeapChildren(d, value) def qdump__QV4__ScriptFunction(d, value): qmlPutHeapChildren(d, value) def qdump__QV4__SimpleScriptFunction(d, value): qdump__QV4__FunctionObject(d, value) def qdump__QV4__ExecutionContext(d, value): qmlPutHeapChildren(d, value) def qdump__QQmlSourceLocation(d, value): (sourceFile, line, col) = value.split('pHH') (data, size, alloc) = d.stringData(value) d.putValue(d.readMemory(data, 2 * size), 'utf16') d.putField('valuesuffix', ':%s:%s' % (line, col)) d.putPlainChildren(value) #def qdump__QV4__CallData(d, value): # argc = value['argc'].integer() # d.putItemCount(argc) # if d.isExpanded(): # with Children(d): # d.putSubItem('[this]', value['thisObject']) # for i in range(0, argc): # d.putSubItem(i, value['args'][i]) # def qdump__QV4__String(d, value): qmlPutHeapChildren(d, value) def qdump__QV4__Identifier(d, value): d.putStringValue(value) d.putPlainChildren(value) def qdump__QV4__PropertyHash(d, value): data = value.extractPointer() (ref, alloc, size, numBits, entries) = d.split('iiiip', data) n = 0 innerType = d.qtNamespace() + 'QV4::Identifier' with Children(d): for i in range(alloc): (identifier, index) = d.split('pI', entries + i * 2 * d.ptrSize()) if identifier != 0: n += 1 with SubItem(d): d.putItem(d, d.createValue(identifier, innerType)) d.put('keysuffix', ' %d' % index) d.putItemCount(n) d.putPlainChildren(value) def qdump__QV4__InternalClass__Transition(d, value): identifier = d.createValue(value.extractPointer(), d.qtNamespace() + 'QV4::Identifier') d.putStringValue(identifier) d.putPlainChildren(value) def qdump__QV4__InternalClassTransition(d, value): qdump__QV4__InternalClass__Transition(d, value) def qdump__QV4__SharedInternalClassData(d, value): (ref, alloc, size, pad, data) = value.split('iIIip') val = d.createValue(data, value.type[0]) with Children(d): with SubItem(d, 'data'): d.putItem(val) short = d.currentValue d.putIntItem('size', size) d.putIntItem('alloc', alloc) d.putIntItem('refcount', ref) d.putValue(short.value, short.encoding) def qdump__QV4__IdentifierTable(d, value): (engine, alloc, size, numBits, pad, entries) = value.split('piiiip') n = 0 innerType = d.qtNamespace() + 'QV4::Heap::String' with Children(d): for i in range(alloc): identifierPtr = d.extractPointer(entries + i * d.ptrSize()) if identifierPtr != 0: n += 1 with SubItem(d, None): d.putItem(d.createValue(identifierPtr, innerType)) d.putItemCount(n) d.putPlainChildren(value) if False: # 32 bit. QV4_Masks_SilentNaNBit = 0x00040000 QV4_Masks_NaN_Mask = 0x7ff80000 QV4_Masks_NotDouble_Mask = 0x7ffa0000 QV4_Masks_Type_Mask = 0xffffc000 QV4_Masks_Immediate_Mask = QV4_Masks_NotDouble_Mask | 0x00004000 | QV4_Masks_SilentNaNBit QV4_Masks_IsNullOrUndefined_Mask = QV4_Masks_Immediate_Mask | 0x08000 QV4_Masks_Tag_Shift = 32 QV4_ValueType_Undefined_Type = QV4_Masks_Immediate_Mask | 0x00000 QV4_ValueType_Null_Type = QV4_Masks_Immediate_Mask | 0x10000 QV4_ValueType_Boolean_Type = QV4_Masks_Immediate_Mask | 0x08000 QV4_ValueType_Integer_Type = QV4_Masks_Immediate_Mask | 0x18000 QV4_ValueType_Managed_Type = QV4_Masks_NotDouble_Mask | 0x00000 | QV4_Masks_SilentNaNBit QV4_ValueType_Empty_Type = QV4_Masks_NotDouble_Mask | 0x18000 | QV4_Masks_SilentNaNBit QV4_ConvertibleToInt = QV4_Masks_Immediate_Mask | 0x1 QV4_ValueTypeInternal_Null_Type_Internal = QV4_ValueType_Null_Type | QV4_ConvertibleToInt QV4_ValueTypeInternal_Boolean_Type_Internal = QV4_ValueType_Boolean_Type | QV4_ConvertibleToInt QV4_ValueTypeInternal_Integer_Type_Internal = QV4_ValueType_Integer_Type | QV4_ConvertibleToInt def QV4_getValue(d, jsval): # (Dumper, QJSValue *jsval) -> QV4::Value * dd = d.split('Q', jsval)[0] if dd & 3: return 0 return dd def QV4_getVariant(d, jsval): # (Dumper, QJSValue *jsval) -> QVariant * dd = d.split('Q', jsval)[0] if dd & 1: return dd & ~3 return 0 def QV4_valueForData(d, jsval): # (Dumper, QJSValue *jsval) -> QV4::Value * v = QV4_getValue(d, jsval) if v: return v d.warn('Not implemented: VARIANT') return 0 def QV4_putObjectValue(d, objectPtr): ns = d.qtNamespace() base = d.extractPointer(objectPtr) (inlineMemberOffset, inlineMemberSize, internalClass, prototype, memberData, arrayData) = d.split('IIpppp', base) d.putValue('PTR: 0x%x' % objectPtr) if d.isExpanded(): with Children(d): with SubItem(d, '[raw]'): d.putValue('[0x%x]' % objectPtr) d.putType(' ') d.putIntItem('inlineMemberOffset', inlineMemberOffset) d.putIntItem('inlineMemberSize', inlineMemberSize) d.putIntItem('internalClass', internalClass) d.putIntItem('prototype', prototype) d.putPtrItem('memberData', memberData) d.putPtrItem('arrayData', arrayData) d.putSubItem('OBJ', d.createValue(objectPtr, ns + 'QV4::Object')) #d.putFields(value) def qdump__QV4_Object(d, value): ns = d.qtNamespace() d.putEmptyValue() if d.isExpanded(): with Children(d): with SubItem(d, '[raw]'): base = d.extractPointer(objectPtr) (inlineMemberOffset, inlineMemberSize, internalClass, prototype, memberData, arrayData) = d.split('IIpppp', base) d.putValue('PTR: 0x%x' % objectPtr) def qdump__QV4__Value(d, value): if d.ptrSize() == 4: qdump_32__QV4__Value(d, value) else: qdump_64__QV4__Value(d, value) def qdump_32__QV4__Value(d, value): # QV4_Masks_SilentNaNBit = 0x00040000 # QV4_Masks_NaN_Mask = 0x7ff80000 # QV4_Masks_NotDouble_Mask = 0x7ffa0000 # QV4_Masks_Type_Mask = 0xffffc000 ns = d.qtNamespace() v = value.split('Q')[0] tag = v >> 32 val = v & 0xffffffff if (tag & 0x7fff2000) == 0x7fff2000: # Int d.putValue(val) d.putBetterType('%sQV4::Value (int32)' % ns) elif (tag & 0x7fff4000) == 0x7fff4000: # Bool d.putValue(val) d.putBetterType('%sQV4::Value (bool)' % ns) elif (tag & 0x7fff0000) == 0x7fff0000: # Null d.putValue(val) d.putBetterType('%sQV4::Value (null)' % ns) elif (tag & 0x7ffa0000) != 0x7ffa0000: # Double d.putValue(value.split('d')[0]) d.putBetterType('%sQV4::Value (double)' % ns) elif tag == 0x7ffa0000: if val == 0: d.putValue('(undefined)') d.putBetterType('%sQV4::Value (undefined)' % ns) else: managed = d.createValue(val, ns + 'QV4::Heap::Base') qdump__QV4__Heap__Base(d, managed) #d.putValue('[0x%x]' % v) #d.putPlainChildren(value) if d.isExpanded(): with Children(d): with SubItem(d, '[raw]'): d.putValue('[0x%x]' % v) d.putType(' ') with SubItem(d, '[val]'): d.putValue('[0x%x]' % val) d.putType(' ') with SubItem(d, '[tag]'): d.putValue('[0x%x]' % tag) d.putType(' ') #with SubItem(d, '[vtable]'): # d.putItem(d.createValue(vtable, ns + 'QV4::VTable')) # d.putType(' '); d.putFields(value) def qdump_64__QV4__Value(d, value): dti = d.qtDeclarativeTypeInfoVersion() new = dti is not None and dti >= 2 if new: QV4_NaNEncodeMask = 0xfffc000000000000 QV4_Masks_Immediate_Mask = 0x00020000 # bit 49 QV4_ValueTypeInternal_Empty_Type_Internal = QV4_Masks_Immediate_Mask | 0 QV4_ConvertibleToInt = QV4_Masks_Immediate_Mask | 0x10000 # bit 48 QV4_ValueTypeInternal_Null_Type_Internal = QV4_ConvertibleToInt | 0x08000 QV4_ValueTypeInternal_Boolean_Type_Internal = QV4_ConvertibleToInt | 0x04000 QV4_ValueTypeInternal_Integer_Type_Internal = QV4_ConvertibleToInt | 0x02000 QV4_ValueType_Undefined_Type = 0 # Dummy to make generic code below pass. else: QV4_NaNEncodeMask = 0xffff800000000000 QV4_Masks_Immediate_Mask = 0x00018000 QV4_IsInt32Mask = 0x0002000000000000 QV4_IsDoubleMask = 0xfffc000000000000 QV4_IsNumberMask = QV4_IsInt32Mask | QV4_IsDoubleMask QV4_IsNullOrUndefinedMask = 0x0000800000000000 QV4_IsNullOrBooleanMask = 0x0001000000000000 QV4_Masks_NaN_Mask = 0x7ff80000 QV4_Masks_Type_Mask = 0xffff8000 QV4_Masks_IsDouble_Mask = 0xfffc0000 QV4_Masks_IsNullOrUndefined_Mask = 0x00008000 QV4_Masks_IsNullOrBoolean_Mask = 0x00010000 QV4_ValueType_Undefined_Type = QV4_Masks_IsNullOrUndefined_Mask QV4_ValueType_Null_Type = QV4_Masks_IsNullOrUndefined_Mask \ | QV4_Masks_IsNullOrBoolean_Mask QV4_ValueType_Boolean_Type = QV4_Masks_IsNullOrBoolean_Mask QV4_ValueType_Integer_Type = 0x20000 | QV4_Masks_IsNullOrBoolean_Mask QV4_ValueType_Managed_Type = 0 QV4_ValueType_Empty_Type = QV4_ValueType_Undefined_Type | 0x4000 QV4_ValueTypeInternal_Null_Type_Internal = QV4_ValueType_Null_Type QV4_ValueTypeInternal_Boolean_Type_Internal = QV4_ValueType_Boolean_Type QV4_ValueTypeInternal_Integer_Type_Internal = QV4_ValueType_Integer_Type QV4_PointerMask = 0xfffffffffffffffd QV4_Masks_Tag_Shift = 32 QV4_IsDouble_Shift = 64 - 14 QV4_IsNumber_Shift = 64 - 15 QV4_IsConvertibleToInt_Shift = 64 - 16 QV4_IsManaged_Shift = 64 - 17 v = value.split('Q')[0] tag = v >> QV4_Masks_Tag_Shift vtable = v & QV4_PointerMask ns = d.qtNamespace() if (v >> QV4_IsNumber_Shift) == 1: d.putBetterType('%sQV4::Value (int32)' % ns) vv = v & 0xffffffff vv = vv if vv < 0x80000000 else -(0x100000000 - vv) d.putBetterType('%sQV4::Value (int32)' % ns) d.putValue('%d' % vv) elif (v >> QV4_IsDouble_Shift): d.putBetterType('%sQV4::Value (double)' % ns) d.putValue('%0.16x' % (v ^ QV4_NaNEncodeMask), 'float:8') elif tag == QV4_ValueType_Undefined_Type and not new: d.putBetterType('%sQV4::Value (undefined)' % ns) d.putValue('(undefined)') elif tag == QV4_ValueTypeInternal_Null_Type_Internal: d.putBetterType('%sQV4::Value (null?)' % ns) d.putValue('(null?)') elif v == 0: if new: d.putBetterType('%sQV4::Value (undefined)' % ns) d.putValue('(undefined)') else: d.putBetterType('%sQV4::Value (null)' % ns) d.putValue('(null)') #elif ((v >> QV4_IsManaged_Shift) & ~1) == 1: # d.putBetterType('%sQV4::Value (null/undef)' % ns) # d.putValue('(null/undef)') #elif v & QV4_IsNullOrBooleanMask: # d.putBetterType('%sQV4::Value (null/bool)' % ns) # d.putValue('(null/bool)') # d.putValue(v & 1) else: (parentv, flags, pad, className) = d.split('pIIp', vtable) #vtable = value['m']['vtable'] if flags & 2: # isString' d.putBetterType('%sQV4::Value (string)' % ns) qdump__QV4__Heap__String(d, d.createValue(v, ns + 'QV4::Heap::String')) #d.putStringValue(d.extractPointer(value) + 2 * d.ptrSize()) #d.putValue('ptr: 0x%x' % d.extractPointer(value)) return elif flags & 4: # isObject d.putBetterType('%sQV4::Value (object)' % ns) #QV4_putObjectValue(d, d.extractPointer(value) + 2 * d.ptrSize()) arrayVTable = d.symbolAddress(ns + 'QV4::ArrayObject::static_vtbl') #DumperBase.warn('ARRAY VTABLE: 0x%x' % arrayVTable) d.putExpandable() d.putItem(d.createValue(d.extractPointer(value) + 2 * d.ptrSize(), ns + 'QV4::Object')) return elif flags & 8: # isFunction d.putBetterType('%sQV4::Value (function)' % ns) d.putEmptyValue() else: d.putBetterType('%sQV4::Value (unknown)' % ns) #d.putValue('[0x%x]' % v) d.putValue('[0x%x : flag 0x%x : tag 0x%x]' % (v, flags, tag)) if d.isExpanded(): with Children(d): with SubItem(d, '[raw]'): d.putValue('[0x%x]' % v) d.putType(' ') with SubItem(d, '[vtable]'): d.putItem(d.createValue(vtable, ns + 'QV4::VTable')) d.putType(' ') d.putFields(value) def qdump__QV__PropertyHashData(d, value): (ref, alloc, size, numBits, entries) = value.split('IIIIp') d.putItemCount(size) if d.isExpanded(): with Children(d): d.putFields(value) def qdump__QV__PropertyHash(d, value): qdump__QV__PropertyHashData(d, d.createValue(d.extractPointer(), value.type.name + 'Data')) def qdump__QV4__Scoped(d, value): innerType = value.type[0] d.putItem(d.createValue(value.extractPointer(), innerType)) #d.putEmptyValue() #if d.isExpanded(): # with Children(d): # d.putSubItem('[]', d.createValue(value.extractPointer(), innerType)) # d.putFields(value) def qdump__QV4__ScopedString(d, value): innerType = value.type[0] qdump__QV4__String(d, d.createValue(value.extractPointer(), innerType)) def qdump__QJSValue(d, value): if d.ptrSize() == 4: qdump_32__QJSValue(d, value) else: qdump_64__QJSValue(d, value) def qdump_32__QJSValue(d, value): ns = d.qtNamespace() dd = value.split('I')[0] d.putValue('[0x%x]' % dd) if dd == 0: d.putValue('(null)') d.putType(value.type.name + ' (null)') elif dd & 1: variant = d.createValue(dd & ~3, ns + 'QVariant') qdump__QVariant(d, variant) d.putBetterType(d.currentType.value.replace('QVariant', 'QJSValue', 1)) elif dd & 3 == 0: v4value = d.createValue(dd, ns + 'QV4::Value') qdump_32__QV4__Value(d, v4value) d.putBetterType(d.currentType.value.replace('QV4::Value', 'QJSValue', 1)) return if d.isExpanded(): with Children(d): with SubItem(d, '[raw]'): d.putValue('[0x%x]' % dd) d.putType(' ') d.putFields(value) def qdump_64__QJSValue(d, value): ns = d.qtNamespace() dd = value.split('Q')[0] if dd == 0: d.putValue('(null)') d.putType(value.type.name + ' (null)') elif dd & 1: variant = d.createValue(dd & ~3, ns + 'QVariant') qdump__QVariant(d, variant) d.putBetterType(d.currentType.value.replace('QVariant', 'QJSValue', 1)) else: d.putEmptyValue() #qdump__QV4__Value(d, d.createValue(dd, ns + 'QV4::Value')) #return if d.isExpanded(): with Children(d): with SubItem(d, '[raw]'): d.putValue('[0x%x]' % dd) d.putType(' ') d.putFields(value) def qdump__QQmlBinding(d, value): d.putEmptyValue() if d.isExpanded(): with Children(d): d.putCallItem('expressionIdentifier', '@QString', value, 'expressionIdentifier') d.putFields(value) ####################################################################### # # Webkit # ####################################################################### def jstagAsString(tag): # enum { Int32Tag = 0xffffffff }; # enum { CellTag = 0xfffffffe }; # enum { TrueTag = 0xfffffffd }; # enum { FalseTag = 0xfffffffc }; # enum { NullTag = 0xfffffffb }; # enum { UndefinedTag = 0xfffffffa }; # enum { EmptyValueTag = 0xfffffff9 }; # enum { DeletedValueTag = 0xfffffff8 }; if tag == -1: return 'Int32' if tag == -2: return 'Cell' if tag == -3: return 'True' if tag == -4: return 'Null' if tag == -5: return 'Undefined' if tag == -6: return 'Empty' if tag == -7: return 'Deleted' return 'Unknown' def qdump__QTJSC__JSValue(d, value): d.putEmptyValue() d.putExpandable() if d.isExpanded(): with Children(d): tag = value['u']['asBits']['tag'] payload = value['u']['asBits']['payload'] #d.putIntItem('tag', tag) with SubItem(d, 'tag'): d.putValue(jstagAsString(int(tag))) d.putNoType() d.putIntItem('payload', int(payload)) d.putFields(value['u']) if tag == -2: cellType = d.lookupType('QTJSC::JSCell').pointer() d.putSubItem('cell', payload.cast(cellType)) try: # FIXME: This might not always be a variant. delegateType = d.lookupType(d.qtNamespace() + 'QScript::QVariantDelegate').pointer() delegate = scriptObject['d']['delegate'].cast(delegateType) #d.putSubItem('delegate', delegate) variant = delegate['m_value'] d.putSubItem('variant', variant) except: pass def qdump__QScriptValue(d, value): # structure: # engine QScriptEnginePrivate # jscValue QTJSC::JSValue # next QScriptValuePrivate * # numberValue 5.5987310416280426e-270 myns::qsreal # prev QScriptValuePrivate * # ref QBasicAtomicInt # stringValue QString # type QScriptValuePrivate::Type: { JavaScriptCore, Number, String } #d.putEmptyValue() dd = value['d_ptr']['d'] ns = d.qtNamespace() if dd.pointer() == 0: d.putValue('(invalid)') return if int(dd['type']) == 1: # Number d.putValue(dd['numberValue']) d.putType('%sQScriptValue (Number)' % ns) return if int(dd['type']) == 2: # String d.putStringValue(dd['stringValue']) d.putType('%sQScriptValue (String)' % ns) return d.putType('%sQScriptValue (JSCoreValue)' % ns) x = dd['jscValue']['u'] tag = x['asBits']['tag'] payload = x['asBits']['payload'] #isValid = int(x['asBits']['tag']) != -6 # Empty #isCell = int(x['asBits']['tag']) == -2 #DumperBase.warn('IS CELL: %s ' % isCell) #isObject = False #className = 'UNKNOWN NAME' #if isCell: # # isCell() && asCell()->isObject(); # # in cell: m_structure->typeInfo().type() == ObjectType; # cellType = d.lookupType('QTJSC::JSCell').pointer() # cell = payload.cast(cellType).dereference() # dtype = 'NO DYNAMIC TYPE' # try: # dtype = cell.dynamic_type # except: # pass # warn('DYNAMIC TYPE: %s' % dtype) # warn('STATUC %s' % cell.type) # type = cell['m_structure']['m_typeInfo']['m_type'] # isObject = int(type) == 7 # ObjectType; # className = 'UNKNOWN NAME' #DumperBase.warn('IS OBJECT: %s ' % isObject) #inline bool JSCell::inherits(const ClassInfo* info) const #for (const ClassInfo* ci = classInfo(); ci; ci = ci->parentClass) { # if (ci == info) # return true; #return false; try: # This might already fail for 'native' payloads. scriptObjectType = d.lookupType(ns + 'QScriptObject').pointer() scriptObject = payload.cast(scriptObjectType) # FIXME: This might not always be a variant. delegateType = d.lookupType(ns + 'QScript::QVariantDelegate').pointer() delegate = scriptObject['d']['delegate'].cast(delegateType) #d.putSubItem('delegate', delegate) variant = delegate['m_value'] #d.putSubItem('variant', variant) t = qdump__QVariant(d, variant) # Override the 'QVariant (foo)' output d.putBetterType('%sQScriptValue (%s)' % (ns, t)) if t != 'JSCoreValue': return except: pass # This is a 'native' JSCore type for e.g. QDateTime. d.putValue('') d.putExpandable() if d.isExpanded(): with Children(d): d.putSubItem('jscValue', dd['jscValue']) def qdump__QQmlAccessorProperties__Properties(d, value): size = int(value['count']) d.putItemCount(size) if d.isExpanded(): d.putArrayData(value['properties'], size) # # QJson # def qdumpHelper_qle_cutBits(value, offset, length): return (value >> offset) & ((1 << length) - 1) def qdump__QJsonPrivate__qle_bitfield(d, value): offset = value.type[0] length = value.type[1] val = value['val'].integer() d.putValue('%s' % qdumpHelper_qle_cutBits(val, offset, length)) def qdumpHelper_qle_signedbitfield_value(d, value): offset = value.type[0] length = value.type[1] val = value['val'].integer() val = (val >> offset) & ((1 << length) - 1) if val >= (1 << (length - 1)): val -= (1 << (length - 1)) return val def qdump__QJsonPrivate__qle_signedbitfield(d, value): d.putValue('%s' % qdumpHelper_qle_signedbitfield_value(d, value)) def qdump__QJsonPrivate__q_littleendian(d, value): d.putValue('%s' % value['val'].integer()) def qdumpHelper_QJsonValue(d, data, base, pv): """ Parameters are the parameters to the QJsonValue(QJsonPrivate::Data *data, QJsonPrivate::Base *base, const QJsonPrivate::Value& pv) constructor. We 'inline' the construction here. data is passed as pointer integer base is passed as pointer integer pv is passed as 32 bit integer. """ d.checkIntType(data) d.checkIntType(base) d.checkIntType(pv) t = qdumpHelper_qle_cutBits(pv, 0, 3) v = qdumpHelper_qle_cutBits(pv, 5, 27) latinOrIntValue = qdumpHelper_qle_cutBits(pv, 3, 1) if t == 0: d.putType('QJsonValue (Null)') d.putValue('Null') return if t == 1: d.putType('QJsonValue (Bool)') d.putValue('true' if v else 'false') return if t == 2: d.putType('QJsonValue (Number)') if latinOrIntValue: w = toInteger(v) if w >= 0x4000000: w -= 0x8000000 d.putValue(w) else: data = base + v f = d.split('d', data)[0] d.putValue(str(f)) return if t == 3: d.putType('QJsonValue (String)') data = base + v if latinOrIntValue: length = d.extractUShort(data) d.putValue(d.readMemory(data + 2, length), 'latin1') else: length = d.extractUInt(data) d.putValue(d.readMemory(data + 4, length * 2), 'utf16') return if t == 4: d.putType('QJsonValue (Array)') qdumpHelper_QJsonArray(d, data, base + v) return if t == 5: d.putType('QJsonValue (Object)') qdumpHelper_QJsonObject(d, data, base + v) def qdumpHelper_QJsonArray(d, data, array): """ Parameters are the parameters to the QJsonArray(QJsonPrivate::Data *data, QJsonPrivate::Array *array) constructor. We 'inline' the construction here. array is passed as integer pointer to the QJsonPrivate::Base object. """ if data: # The 'length' part of the _dummy member: n = qdumpHelper_qle_cutBits(d.extractUInt(array + 4), 1, 31) else: n = 0 d.putItemCount(n) if d.isExpanded(): with Children(d, maxNumChild=1000): table = array + d.extractUInt(array + 8) for i in range(n): with SubItem(d, i): qdumpHelper_QJsonValue(d, data, array, d.extractUInt(table + 4 * i)) def qdumpHelper_QJsonObject(d, data, obj): """ Parameters are the parameters to the QJsonObject(QJsonPrivate::Data *data, QJsonPrivate::Object *object); constructor. We "inline" the construction here. obj is passed as integer pointer to the QJsonPrivate::Base object. """ if data: # The 'length' part of the _dummy member: n = qdumpHelper_qle_cutBits(d.extractUInt(obj + 4), 1, 31) else: n = 0 d.putItemCount(n) if d.isExpanded(): with Children(d, maxNumChild=1000): table = obj + d.extractUInt(obj + 8) for i in range(n): with SubItem(d, i): entryPtr = table + 4 * i # entryAt(i) entryStart = obj + d.extractUInt(entryPtr) # Entry::value keyStart = entryStart + 4 # sizeof(QJsonPrivate::Entry) == 4 val = d.extractInt(entryStart) key = d.extractInt(keyStart) isLatinKey = qdumpHelper_qle_cutBits(val, 4, 1) if isLatinKey: keyLength = d.extractUShort(keyStart) d.putField('key', d.readMemory(keyStart + 2, keyLength)) d.putField('keyencoded', 'latin1') else: keyLength = d.extractUInt(keyStart) d.putField('key', d.readMemory(keyStart + 4, keyLength)) d.putField('keyencoded', 'utf16') qdumpHelper_QJsonValue(d, data, obj, val) def qdump__QJsonValue(d, value): (data, dd, t) = value.split('QpI') if d.qtVersion() >= 0x050f00: value = d.createProxyValue((data, dd, t, False), 'QCborValue_proxy') d.putItem(value) return if t == 0: d.putType('QJsonValue (Null)') d.putValue('Null') return if t == 1: d.putType('QJsonValue (Bool)') v = value.split('b') d.putValue('true' if v else 'false') return if t == 2: d.putType('QJsonValue (Number)') d.putValue(value.split('d')) return if t == 3: d.putType('QJsonValue (String)') elided, base = d.encodeStringHelper(data, d.displayStringLimit) d.putValue(base, 'utf16', elided=elided) return if t == 4: d.putType('QJsonValue (Array)') qdumpHelper_QJsonArray(d, dd, data) return if t == 5: d.putType('QJsonValue (Object)') qdumpHelper_QJsonObject(d, dd, data) return d.putType('QJsonValue (Undefined)') d.putEmptyValue() def qdump__QJsonArray(d, value): if d.qtVersion() >= 0x050f00: _, container_ptr = value.split('pp') qdumpHelper_QCbor_array(d, container_ptr, False) return qdumpHelper_QJsonArray(d, value['d'].pointer(), value['a'].pointer()) def qdump__QJsonObject(d, value): if d.qtVersion() >= 0x050f00: _, container_ptr = value.split('pp') qdumpHelper_QCbor_map(d, container_ptr, False) return qdumpHelper_QJsonObject(d, value['d'].pointer(), value['o'].pointer()) def qdump__QSqlResultPrivate(d, value): # QSqlResult *q_ptr; # QPointer sqldriver; # int idx; # QString sql; # bool active; # bool isSel; # QSqlError error; # bool forwardOnly; # QSql::NumericalPrecisionPolicy precisionPolicy; # int bindCount; # QSqlResult::BindingSyntax binds; # QString executedQuery; # QHash types; # QVector values; # QHash > indexes; # QVector holders vptr, qptr, sqldriver1, sqldriver2, idx, pad, sql, active, isSel, pad, \ error1, error2, error3, \ forwardOnly, pad, precisionPolicy, bindCount, \ binds, executedQuery, types, values, indexes, holders = \ value.split('ppppi@{QString}bb@pppb@iiii{QString}ppp') d.putStringValue(sql) d.putPlainChildren(value) def qdump__QSqlField(d, value): val, dptr = value.split('{QVariant}p') qdump__QVariant(d, val) d.putBetterType(d.currentType.value.replace('QVariant', 'QSqlField')) d.putPlainChildren(value) def qdump__QLazilyAllocated(d, value): p = value.extractPointer() if p == 0: d.putValue("(null)") else: d.putItem(d.createValue(p, value.type[0])) d.putBetterType(value.type) def qdump__qfloat16(d, value): h = value.split('H')[0] # Stole^H^H^HHeavily inspired by J.F. Sebastian at # http://math.stackexchange.com/questions/1128204/how-to-convert- # from-floating-point-binary-to-decimal-in-half-precision16-bits sign = h >> 15 exp = (h >> 10) & 0b011111 fraction = h & (2**10 - 1) if exp == 0: if fraction == 0: res = -0.0 if sign else 0.0 else: res = (-1)**sign * fraction / 2**10 * 2**(-14) # subnormal elif exp == 0b11111: res = ('-inf' if sign else 'inf') if fraction == 0 else 'nan' else: res = (-1)**sign * (1 + 1. * fraction / 2**10) * 2**(exp - 15) d.putValue(res) d.putPlainChildren(value) def qdumpHelper_QCbor_string(d, container_ptr, element_index, is_bytes): # d.split('i@{QByteArray::size_type}pp', container_ptr) doesn't work with CDB, so be explicit: offset = 2 * d.ptrSize() if d.qtVersion() >= 0x060000 else 8 data_d_ptr, elements_d_ptr = d.split('pp', container_ptr + offset) elements_data_ptr, elements_size, _ = d.vectorDataHelper(elements_d_ptr) element_at_n_addr = elements_data_ptr + element_index * 16 # sizeof(QtCbor::Element) == 15 element_value, _, element_flags = d.split('qII', element_at_n_addr) enc = 'latin1' if is_bytes or (element_flags & 8) else 'utf16' bytedata, _, _ = d.byteArrayDataHelper(data_d_ptr) bytedata += element_value if d.qtVersion() >= 0x060000: bytedata_len = d.extractInt64(bytedata) bytedata_data = bytedata + 8 else: bytedata_len = d.extractInt(bytedata) bytedata_data = bytedata + 4 # sizeof(QtCbor::ByteData) header part elided, shown = d.computeLimit(bytedata_len, d.displayStringLimit) res = d.readMemory(bytedata_data, shown) d.putValue(res, enc, elided=elided) def qdumpHelper_QCborArray_valueAt(d, container_ptr, elements_data_ptr, idx, bytedata, is_cbor): element_at_n_addr = elements_data_ptr + idx * 16 # sizeof(QtCbor::Element) == 15 element_value, element_type, element_flags = d.split('qII', element_at_n_addr) element_container, _, _ = d.split('pII', element_at_n_addr) if element_flags & 1: # QtCbor::Element::IsContainer return d.createProxyValue((-1, element_container, element_type, is_cbor), 'QCborValue_proxy') if element_flags & 2: # QtCbor::Element::HasByteData return d.createProxyValue((idx, container_ptr, element_type, is_cbor), 'QCborValue_proxy') return d.createProxyValue((element_value, 0, element_type, is_cbor), 'QCborValue_proxy') def qdumpHelper_QCbor_array(d, container_ptr, is_cbor): if not container_ptr: d.putItemCount(0) return # d.split('i@{QByteArray::size_type}pp', container_ptr) doesn't work with CDB, so be explicit: offset = 2 * d.ptrSize() if d.qtVersion() >= 0x060000 else 8 data_d_ptr, elements_d_ptr = d.split('pp', container_ptr + offset) elements_data_ptr, elements_size, _ = d.vectorDataHelper(elements_d_ptr) d.putItemCount(elements_size) if d.isExpanded(): bytedata, _, _ = d.byteArrayDataHelper(data_d_ptr) with Children(d, maxNumChild=1000): for i in range(elements_size): d.putSubItem(i, qdumpHelper_QCborArray_valueAt(d, container_ptr, elements_data_ptr, i, bytedata, is_cbor)) def qdump__QCborArray(d, value): container_ptr = value.extractPointer() qdumpHelper_QCbor_array(d, container_ptr, True) def qdumpHelper_QCbor_map(d, container_ptr, is_cbor): if not container_ptr: d.putItemCount(0) return # d.split('i@{QByteArray::size_type}pp', container_ptr) doesn't work with CDB, so be explicit: offset = 2 * d.ptrSize() if d.qtVersion() >= 0x060000 else 8 data_d_ptr, elements_d_ptr = d.split('pp', container_ptr + offset) elements_data_ptr, elements_size, _ = d.vectorDataHelper(elements_d_ptr) elements_size = int(elements_size / 2) d.putItemCount(elements_size) if d.isExpanded(): bytedata, _, _ = d.byteArrayDataHelper(data_d_ptr) with Children(d, maxNumChild=1000): for i in range(elements_size): key = qdumpHelper_QCborArray_valueAt(d, container_ptr, elements_data_ptr, 2 * i, bytedata, is_cbor) val = qdumpHelper_QCborArray_valueAt(d, container_ptr, elements_data_ptr, 2 * i + 1, bytedata, is_cbor) d.putPairItem(i, (key, val), 'key', 'value') def qdump__QCborMap(d, value): container_ptr = value.extractPointer() qdumpHelper_QCbor_map(d, container_ptr, True) def qdump__QCborValue(d, value): item_data, container_ptr, item_type = value.split('qpi') d.putItem(d.createProxyValue((item_data, container_ptr, item_type, True), 'QCborValue_proxy')) def qdump__QCborValue_proxy(d, value): item_data, container_ptr, item_type, is_cbor = value.data() def typename(key, is_cbor): if is_cbor: return { 'invalid' : 'QCborValue (Invalid)', 'int' : 'QCborValue (Integer)', 'false' : 'QCborValue (False)', 'true' : 'QCborValue (True)', 'null' : 'QCborValue (Null)', 'undefined' : 'QCborValue (Undefined)', 'double' : 'QCborValue (Double)', 'bytes' : 'QCborValue (ByteArray)', 'string' : 'QCborValue (String)', 'map' : 'QCborValue (Map)', 'array' : 'QCborValue (Array)' }.get(key, 'QCborValue (Unknown)') else: return { 'invalid' : 'QJsonValue (Invalid)', 'int' : 'QJsonValue (Number)', 'false' : 'QJsonValue (Bool)', 'true' : 'QJsonValue (Bool)', 'null' : 'QJsonValue (Null)', 'undefined' : 'QJsonValue (Undefined)', 'double' : 'QJsonValue (Number)', 'bytes' : 'QJsonValue (ByteArray)', 'string' : 'QJsonValue (String)', 'map' : 'QJsonValue (Object)', 'array' : 'QJsonValue (Array)' }.get(key, 'QJsonValue (Unknown)') if item_type == 0xffffffffffffffff: d.putType(typename('invalid', is_cbor)) d.putValue('Invalid') elif item_type == 0x00: d.putType(typename('int', is_cbor)) d.putValue(item_data) elif item_type == 0x100 + 20: d.putType(typename('false', is_cbor)) d.putValue('False') elif item_type == 0x100 + 21: d.putType(typename('true', is_cbor)) d.putValue('True') elif item_type == 0x100 + 22: d.putType(typename('null', is_cbor)) d.putValue('Null') elif item_type == 0x100 + 23: d.putType(typename('undefined', is_cbor)) d.putValue('Undefined') elif item_type == 0x202: val = struct.unpack('d', struct.pack('q', item_data)) d.putType(typename('double', is_cbor)) d.putValue('%f' % val) elif item_type == 0x40: d.putType(typename('bytes', is_cbor)) qdumpHelper_QCbor_string(d, container_ptr, item_data, True) elif item_type == 0x60: d.putType(typename('string', is_cbor)) qdumpHelper_QCbor_string(d, container_ptr, item_data, False) elif item_type == 0x80: d.putType(typename('array', is_cbor)) qdumpHelper_QCbor_array(d, container_ptr, is_cbor) elif item_type == 0xa0: d.putType(typename('map', is_cbor)) qdumpHelper_QCbor_map(d, container_ptr, is_cbor) elif item_type == 0x10000: d.putType('QCborValue (DateTime)') d.putValue('DateTime') elif item_type == 0x10020: d.putType('QCborValue (Url)') d.putValue('Url') elif item_type == 0x10023: d.putType('QCborValue (RegularExpression)') d.putValue('RegularExpression') elif item_type == 0x10025: d.putType('QCborValue (Uuid)') d.putValue('Uuid') else: d.putType('QCborValue (Unknown)') d.putValue(item_data)