// Copyright (C) 2020 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0 WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 import QtQuick3D 6.0 View3D { id: root anchors.fill: parent environment: sceneEnv camera: envMode === "SkyBox" && envValue === "preview_studio" ? studioCamera : defaultCamera property Material previewMaterial property string envMode property string envValue property string modelSrc: "#Sphere" function fitToViewPort(closeUp) { // No need to zoom this view, this is here just to avoid runtime warnings } SceneEnvironment { id: sceneEnv antialiasingMode: SceneEnvironment.MSAA antialiasingQuality: SceneEnvironment.High backgroundMode: envMode === "Color" ? SceneEnvironment.Color : envMode === "SkyBox" ? SceneEnvironment.SkyBox : SceneEnvironment.Transparent clearColor: envMode === "Color" ? envValue : "#000000" lightProbe: envMode === "SkyBox" ? skyBoxTex : null Texture { id: skyBoxTex source: envMode === "SkyBox" ? "../images/" + envValue + ".hdr" : "" } } Node { DirectionalLight { eulerRotation.x: -26 eulerRotation.y: modelSrc === "#Cube" ? -10 : -50 brightness: envMode !== "SkyBox" ? 1 : 0 } PerspectiveCamera { id: defaultCamera y: 70 z: 200 eulerRotation.x: -5.71 clipNear: 1 clipFar: 1000 } PerspectiveCamera { id: studioCamera y: 232 z: 85 eulerRotation.x: -64.98 clipNear: 1 clipFar: 1000 } Node { rotation: root.camera.rotation y: 50 Node { y: modelSrc === "#Cone" ? -40 : 10 eulerRotation.x: 35 Model { id: model readonly property bool _edit3dLocked: true // Make this non-pickable source: modelSrc ? modelSrc : "#Sphere" eulerRotation.y: 45 materials: previewMaterial scale: !modelSrc || modelSrc === "#Sphere" ? Qt.vector3d(1.7, 1.7, 1.7) : Qt.vector3d(1.2, 1.2, 1.2) } } } Model { id: floorModel source: "#Rectangle" scale.y: 8 scale.x: 8 eulerRotation.x: -60 visible: !envMode || envMode === "Default" materials: floorMaterial DefaultMaterial { id: floorMaterial diffuseMap: floorTex Texture { id: floorTex source: "../images/floor_tex.png" scaleU: floorModel.scale.x scaleV: floorModel.scale.y } } } } }