{ "version": 1, "supportedProjectTypes": [ "QmlProjectManager.QmlProject" ], "id": "QA.QtStudioUiMCU", "category": "D.StudioMCUProject", "trDescription": "Creates an application that uses a subset of default components (as supported by Qt for MCUs) that you can deploy, run, and debug on MCU boards.", "trDisplayName": "MCU", "trDisplayCategory": "Qt for MCUs", "icon": "desktop_blank.png", "fontIconName": "wizardsMcuEmpty", "enabled": "%{JS: [ %{Plugins} ].indexOf('QmlProjectManager') >= 0}", "platformIndependent": true, "options": [ { "key": "QmlProjectFileName", "value": "%{JS: Util.fileName('%{ProjectDirectory}/%{ProjectName}', 'qmlproject')}" }, { "key": "RootItemName", "value": "%{ProjectName}" }, { "key": "MainQmlFileName", "value": "%{JS: Util.fileName('%{ProjectName}', 'qml')}" }, { "key": "ScreenWidth", "value": "%{JS: %{ScreenFactor}.ScreenWidth}" }, { "key": "ScreenHeight","value": "%{JS: %{ScreenFactor}.ScreenHeight}" }, { "key": "UseStandardResolution", "value": "%{JS: value('CustomScreenWidth') === '' || value('CustomScreenHeight') === ''}" }, { "key": "ScreenWidth", "value": "%{JS: value('UseStandardResolution') === 'true' ? %{ScreenFactor}.ScreenWidth : value('CustomScreenWidth')}" }, { "key": "ScreenHeight", "value": "%{JS: value('UseStandardResolution') === 'true' ? %{ScreenFactor}.ScreenHeight : value('CustomScreenHeight')}" } ], "pages": [ { "defaultValues": "qmlapplication-project-page" }, { "trDisplayName": "Define Project Details", "trShortTitle": "Details", "typeId": "Fields", "data": [ { "name": "ScreenFactor", "trDisplayName": "Screen Resolution:", "type": "ComboBox", "enabled": "%{JS: value('UseStandardResolution')}", "data": { "index": 2, "items": [ { "trKey": "390 x 390", "value": "({ 'ScreenWidth': '390', 'ScreenHeight': '390' })" }, { "trKey": "480 x 272", "value": "({ 'ScreenWidth': '480', 'ScreenHeight': '272' })" }, { "trKey": "640 x 480", "value": "({ 'ScreenWidth': '640', 'ScreenHeight': '480' })" }, { "trKey": "720 x 1280", "value": "({ 'ScreenWidth': '720', 'ScreenHeight': '1280' })" }, { "trKey": "1280 x 720", "value": "({ 'ScreenWidth': '1280', 'ScreenHeight': '720' })" }, { "trKey": "800 x 480", "value": "({ 'ScreenWidth': '800', 'ScreenHeight': '480' })" }, { "trKey": "960 x 1280", "value": "({ 'ScreenWidth': '960', 'ScreenHeight': '1280' })" }, { "trKey": "1024 x 768", "value": "({ 'ScreenWidth': '1024', 'ScreenHeight': '768' })" } ] } }, { "name": "CustomScreenWidth", "trDisplayName": "Custom screen width:", "mandatory": false, "type": "LineEdit", "data": { "validator": "^[0-9]*$", "trText": "" } }, { "name": "CustomScreenHeight", "trDisplayName": "Custom screen height:", "mandatory": false, "type": "LineEdit", "data": { "validator": "^[0-9]*$", "trText": "" } } ] } ], "generators": [ { "typeId": "File", "data": [ { "source": "app_mcu.qmlproject.tpl", "target": "%{QmlProjectFileName}", "openAsProject": true }, { "source": "main.qml.tpl", "target": "%{ProjectDirectory}/%{MainQmlFileName}" }, { "source": "qmldir", "target": "%{ProjectDirectory}/imports/Constants/qmldir" }, { "source": "Constants.qml.tpl", "target": "%{ProjectDirectory}/imports/Constants/Constants.qml" }, { "source": "constants_module.qmlproject.tpl", "target": "%{ProjectDirectory}/imports/Constants/constants_module.qmlproject" }, { "source": "Screen01.ui.qml.tpl", "target": "%{ProjectDirectory}/Screen01.ui.qml", "openInEditor": true }, { "source": "CMakeLists.txt", "target": "%{ProjectDirectory}/CMakeLists.txt" }, { "source": "../fonts.txt", "target": "%{ProjectDirectory}/fonts/fonts.txt" }, { "source": "mcuqtquickcontrols2.conf", "target": "%{ProjectDirectory}/qtquickcontrols2.conf" }, { "source": "MCUDefaultStyle", "target": "%{ProjectDirectory}/imports/MCUDefaultStyle" }, { "isBinary": true, "source": "MCUDefaultStyle/images", "target": "%{ProjectDirectory}/MCUDefaultStyle/images" } ] } ] }