How To add translations to Qt Creator ===================================== - Coordinate over the mailing list to avoid duplicate work. - Read the instructions at - Add your language to the LANGUAGES line in Don't qualify it with a country unless it is reasonable to expect country-specific variants. Skip this step if updating an existing translation, obviously. - Run "make ts-". If your Qt version is too old, you may create a template by running lconvert --drop-translations qtcreator_de.ts -o qtcreator_.ts and adjusting the language attribute in the new .ts file. The downside of this method is obviously that you will not be translating the newest Creator sources (unless qtcreator_de.ts was completely up-to-date). Of course, this method is not applicable if you are updating an existing translation. You may also request an up-to-date template from us. - Fire up linguist and do the translation. - Create a commit: - Discard the modifications to any .ts files except yours - Run "make commit-ts" to create a commit with a cleaned .ts file - If needed, amend the commit with the modified .pro file - Follow to post the change for review. - .qm files are generated as part of the regular build. Note: QmlDesigner contains code from the Gradient Editor of Qt Designer. If an official translation of Qt for your language exists, you can re-use the translation of those messages by merging Qt Creator's and Qt Designer's translation using lconvert: lconvert qtcreator_.ts $QTDIR/translations/designer_.ts > temp.ts Move the temporary file back to qtcreator_.ts, complete the Gradient Editor's translations and update the file, passing the additional option -noobsolete to lupdate (by temporarily modifying This will remove the now redundant messages originating from Qt Designer.