#! /usr/bin/perl -w # Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. # SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 use strict; my %scores = (); my $files = join("\n", <*_??.ts>); my $res = `xmlpatterns -param files=\"$files\" check-ts.xq`; for my $i (split(/ /, $res)) { $i =~ /^(?:[^\/]+\/)*qtcreator_([^.]+)\.ts:(.*)$/; my ($lang, $pc) = ($1, $2); $scores{$lang} = $pc; } my $code = ""; for my $lang (sort(keys(%scores))) { my $pc = $scores{$lang}; my $fail = ""; if (int($pc) < 98) { $fail = " (excluded)"; } else { $code .= " ".$lang; } printf "%-5s %3d%s\n", $lang, $pc, $fail; } my $fn = "translations.pro"; my $nfn = $fn."new"; open IN, $fn or die; open OUT, ">".$nfn or die; while (1) { $_ = ; last if (/^LANGUAGES /); print OUT $_; } while ($_ =~ /\\\n$/) { $_ = ; } print OUT "LANGUAGES =".$code."\n"; while () { print OUT $_; } close OUT; close IN; rename $nfn, $fn;