import qbs QtcProduct { Depends { name: "bundle" } Depends { name: "ib"; condition: qbs.targetOS.contains("macos") } Properties { condition: qbs.targetOS.contains("macos") ib.appIconName: "qtcreator" } Properties { condition: qbs.targetOS.contains("windows") consoleApplication: qbs.debugInformation } consoleApplication: false type: ["application"] name: "qtcreator" targetName: qtc.ide_app_target version: qtc.qtcreator_version property bool isBundle: qbs.targetOS.contains("darwin") && bundle.isBundle installDir: isBundle ? qtc.ide_app_path : qtc.ide_bin_path installTags: (isBundle ? ["bundle.content"] : base).concat(["debuginfo_app"]) property bool qtcRunnable: true bundle.identifier: qtc.ide_bundle_identifier // Some of these are in here only to override the entries added to app-Info.plist with other // build systems in mind. bundle.infoPlist: ({ "NSHumanReadableCopyright": qtc.qtcreator_copyright_string, "CFBundleExecutable": qtc.ide_app_target, "CFBundleIdentifier": qtc.ide_bundle_identifier, "CFBundleVersion": version }) cpp.rpaths: qbs.targetOS.contains("macos") ? ["@executable_path/../Frameworks"] : ["$ORIGIN/../" + qtc.libDirName + "/qtcreator"] cpp.includePaths: [ project.sharedSourcesDir + "/qtsingleapplication", ] cpp.frameworks: base.concat(qbs.targetOS.contains("macos") ? ["Foundation"] : []) Depends { name: "app_version_header" } Depends { name: "Qt"; submodules: ["widgets", "network"] } Depends { name: "Utils" } Depends { name: "ExtensionSystem" } files: [ "app-Info.plist", "app_logo.qrc", "main.cpp", "qtcreator.xcassets", "../shared/qtsingleapplication/qtsingleapplication.h", "../shared/qtsingleapplication/qtsingleapplication.cpp", "../shared/qtsingleapplication/qtlocalpeer.h", "../shared/qtsingleapplication/qtlocalpeer.cpp", "../tools/qtcreatorcrashhandler/crashhandlersetup.cpp", "../tools/qtcreatorcrashhandler/crashhandlersetup.h" ] Group { // We need the version in two separate formats for the .rc file // RC_VERSION=4,3,82,0 (quadruple) // RC_VERSION_STRING="4.4.0-beta1" (free text) // Also, we need to replace space with \x20 to be able to work with both rc and windres cpp.defines: outer.concat(["RC_VERSION=" + qtc.qtcreator_version.replace(/\./g, ",") + ",0", "RC_VERSION_STRING=" + qtc.qtcreator_display_version, "RC_COPYRIGHT=2008-" + qtc.qtcreator_copyright_year + " The Qt Company Ltd".replace(/ /g, "\\x20"), "RC_ICON_PATH=."]) files: "qtcreator.rc" } Group { name: "" condition: qbs.targetOS.contains("unix") && !qbs.targetOS.contains("macos") files: "../../bin/" qbs.install: true qbs.installDir: "bin" } Group { name: "main_macos" condition: qbs.targetOS.contains("macos") files: [ "" ] } }