// Copyright (c) 2008 Roberto Raggi // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. #include "Templates.h" #include "CoreTypes.h" #include "Symbols.h" #include "Control.h" #include "Names.h" #include "Literals.h" #include "cppassert.h" #include using namespace CPlusPlus; CloneType::CloneType(Clone *clone) : _clone(clone) , _control(clone->control()) , _subst(nullptr) { } FullySpecifiedType CloneType::cloneType(const FullySpecifiedType &type, Subst *subst) { TypeSubstPair typeSubstPair = std::make_pair(type, subst); auto it = _cache.find(typeSubstPair); if (it != _cache.end()) return it->second; std::swap(_subst, subst); FullySpecifiedType ty(type); std::swap(_type, ty); accept(_type.type()); std::swap(_type, ty); std::swap(_subst, subst); _cache[typeSubstPair] = ty; return ty; } void CloneType::visit(UndefinedType *type) { _type.setType(type); } void CloneType::visit(VoidType *) { _type.setType(_control->voidType()); } void CloneType::visit(IntegerType *type) { _type.setType(_control->integerType(type->kind())); } void CloneType::visit(FloatType *type) { _type.setType(_control->floatType(type->kind())); } void CloneType::visit(PointerToMemberType *type) { _type.setType(_control->pointerToMemberType(_clone->name(type->memberName(), _subst), _clone->type(type->elementType(), _subst))); } void CloneType::visit(PointerType *type) { _type.setType(_control->pointerType(_clone->type(type->elementType(), _subst))); } void CloneType::visit(ReferenceType *type) { _type.setType(_control->referenceType(_clone->type(type->elementType(), _subst), type->isRvalueReference())); } void CloneType::visit(ArrayType *type) { _type.setType(_control->arrayType(_clone->type(type->elementType(), _subst), type->size())); } void CloneType::visit(NamedType *type) { const Name *name = _clone->name(type->name(), _subst); FullySpecifiedType ty; if (_subst) ty = _clone->type(_subst->apply(name), nullptr); if (! ty.isValid()) ty = _control->namedType(name); _type.setType(ty.type()); } void CloneType::visit(Function *type) { Function *f = _clone->symbol(type, _subst)->asFunction(); _type = f; } void CloneType::visit(Namespace *type) { Namespace *ns = _clone->symbol(type, _subst)->asNamespace(); _type = ns; } void CloneType::visit(Template *type) { Template *templ = _clone->symbol(type, _subst)->asTemplate(); _type = templ; } void CloneType::visit(Class *type) { Class *klass = _clone->symbol(type, _subst)->asClass(); _type = klass; } void CloneType::visit(Enum *type) { Enum *e = _clone->symbol(type, _subst)->asEnum(); _type = e; } void CloneType::visit(ForwardClassDeclaration *type) { ForwardClassDeclaration *fwd = _clone->symbol(type, _subst)->asForwardClassDeclaration(); _type = fwd; } void CloneType::visit(ObjCClass *type) { ObjCClass *klass = _clone->symbol(type, _subst)->asObjCClass(); _type = klass; } void CloneType::visit(ObjCProtocol *type) { ObjCProtocol *proto = _clone->symbol(type, _subst)->asObjCProtocol(); _type = proto; } void CloneType::visit(ObjCMethod *type) { ObjCMethod *meth = _clone->symbol(type, _subst)->asObjCMethod(); _type = meth; } void CloneType::visit(ObjCForwardClassDeclaration *type) { ObjCForwardClassDeclaration *fwd = _clone->symbol(type, _subst)->asObjCForwardClassDeclaration(); _type = fwd; } void CloneType::visit(ObjCForwardProtocolDeclaration *type) { ObjCForwardProtocolDeclaration *fwd = _clone->symbol(type, _subst)->asObjCForwardProtocolDeclaration(); _type = fwd; } CloneSymbol::CloneSymbol(Clone *clone) : _clone(clone) , _control(clone->control()) , _subst(nullptr) , _symbol(nullptr) { } Symbol *CloneSymbol::cloneSymbol(Symbol *symbol, Subst *subst) { if (! symbol) return nullptr; SymbolSubstPair symbolSubstPair = std::make_pair(symbol, subst); auto it = _cache.find(symbolSubstPair); if (it != _cache.end()) { if (it->second->enclosingScope() == symbol->enclosingScope()) return it->second; } Symbol *r = nullptr; std::swap(_subst, subst); std::swap(_symbol, r); accept(symbol); std::swap(_symbol, r); std::swap(_subst, subst); CPP_CHECK(r != nullptr); _cache[symbolSubstPair] = r; return r; } bool CloneSymbol::visit(UsingNamespaceDirective *symbol) { UsingNamespaceDirective *u = new UsingNamespaceDirective(_clone, _subst, symbol); _symbol = u; _control->addSymbol(u); return false; } bool CloneSymbol::visit(UsingDeclaration *symbol) { UsingDeclaration *u = new UsingDeclaration(_clone, _subst, symbol); _symbol = u; _control->addSymbol(u); return false; } bool CloneSymbol::visit(NamespaceAlias *symbol) { NamespaceAlias *ns = new NamespaceAlias(_clone, _subst, symbol); _symbol = ns; _control->addSymbol(ns); return false; } bool CloneSymbol::visit(Declaration *symbol) { Declaration *decl = new Declaration(_clone, _subst, symbol); _symbol = decl; _control->addSymbol(decl); return false; } bool CloneSymbol::visit(Argument *symbol) { Argument *arg = new Argument(_clone, _subst, symbol); _symbol = arg; _control->addSymbol(arg); return false; } bool CloneSymbol::visit(TypenameArgument *symbol) { TypenameArgument *arg = new TypenameArgument(_clone, _subst, symbol); _symbol = arg; _control->addSymbol(arg); return false; } bool CloneSymbol::visit(BaseClass *symbol) { BaseClass *bc = new BaseClass(_clone, _subst, symbol); _symbol = bc; _control->addSymbol(bc); return false; } bool CloneSymbol::visit(Enum *symbol) { Enum *e = new Enum(_clone, _subst, symbol); _symbol = e; _control->addSymbol(e); return false; } bool CloneSymbol::visit(Function *symbol) { Function *fun = new Function(_clone, _subst, symbol); _symbol = fun; _control->addSymbol(fun); return false; } bool CloneSymbol::visit(Namespace *symbol) { Namespace *ns = new Namespace(_clone, _subst, symbol); _symbol = ns; _control->addSymbol(ns); return false; } bool CloneSymbol::visit(Template *symbol) { Template *templ = new Template(_clone, _subst, symbol); _symbol = templ; _control->addSymbol(templ); return false; } bool CloneSymbol::visit(Class *symbol) { Class *klass = new Class(_clone, _subst, symbol); _symbol = klass; _control->addSymbol(klass); return false; } bool CloneSymbol::visit(Block *symbol) { Block *block = new Block(_clone, _subst, symbol); _symbol = block; _control->addSymbol(block); return false; } bool CloneSymbol::visit(ForwardClassDeclaration *symbol) { ForwardClassDeclaration *fwd = new ForwardClassDeclaration(_clone, _subst, symbol); _symbol = fwd; _control->addSymbol(fwd); return false; } bool CloneSymbol::visit(QtPropertyDeclaration *symbol) { QtPropertyDeclaration *decl = new QtPropertyDeclaration(_clone, _subst, symbol); _symbol = decl; _control->addSymbol(decl); return false; } bool CloneSymbol::visit(QtEnum *symbol) { QtEnum *e = new QtEnum(_clone, _subst, symbol); _symbol = e; _control->addSymbol(e); return false; } bool CloneSymbol::visit(ObjCBaseClass *symbol) { ObjCBaseClass *bc = new ObjCBaseClass(_clone, _subst, symbol); _symbol = bc; _control->addSymbol(bc); return false; } bool CloneSymbol::visit(ObjCBaseProtocol *symbol) { ObjCBaseProtocol *bc = new ObjCBaseProtocol(_clone, _subst, symbol); _symbol = bc; _control->addSymbol(bc); return false; } bool CloneSymbol::visit(ObjCClass *symbol) { ObjCClass *klass = new ObjCClass(_clone, _subst, symbol); _symbol = klass; _control->addSymbol(klass); return false; } bool CloneSymbol::visit(ObjCForwardClassDeclaration *symbol) { ObjCForwardClassDeclaration *fwd = new ObjCForwardClassDeclaration(_clone, _subst, symbol); _symbol = fwd; _control->addSymbol(fwd); return false; } bool CloneSymbol::visit(ObjCProtocol *symbol) { ObjCProtocol *proto = new ObjCProtocol(_clone, _subst, symbol); _symbol = proto; _control->addSymbol(proto); return false; } bool CloneSymbol::visit(ObjCForwardProtocolDeclaration *symbol) { ObjCForwardProtocolDeclaration *fwd = new ObjCForwardProtocolDeclaration(_clone, _subst, symbol); _symbol = fwd; _control->addSymbol(fwd); return false; } bool CloneSymbol::visit(ObjCMethod *symbol) { ObjCMethod *meth = new ObjCMethod(_clone, _subst, symbol); _symbol = meth; _control->addSymbol(meth); return false; } bool CloneSymbol::visit(ObjCPropertyDeclaration *symbol) { ObjCPropertyDeclaration *decl = new ObjCPropertyDeclaration(_clone, _subst, symbol); _symbol = decl; _control->addSymbol(decl); return false; } CloneName::CloneName(Clone *clone) : _clone(clone) , _control(clone->control()) , _subst(nullptr) , _name(nullptr) { } const Name *CloneName::cloneName(const Name *name, Subst *subst) { if (! name) return nullptr; NameSubstPair nameSubstPair = std::make_pair(name, subst); auto it = _cache.find(nameSubstPair); if (it != _cache.end()) return it->second; const Name *r = nullptr; std::swap(_subst, subst); std::swap(_name, r); accept(name); std::swap(_name, r); std::swap(_subst, subst); CPP_CHECK(r != nullptr); _cache[nameSubstPair] = r; return r; } void CloneName::visit(const Identifier *name) { _name = _control->identifier(name->chars(), name->size()); } void CloneName::visit(const AnonymousNameId *name) { _name = _control->anonymousNameId(name->classTokenIndex()); } void CloneName::visit(const TemplateNameId *name) { std::vector args(name->templateArgumentCount()); for (int i = 0; i < int(args.size()); ++i) { args[i].type() = _clone->type(name->templateArgumentAt(i).type(), _subst); args[i].setNumericLiteral(_clone->numericLiteral( name->templateArgumentAt(i).numericLiteral())); } if (args.empty()) _name = _control->templateNameId(_clone->identifier(name->identifier()), name->isSpecialization()); else _name = _control->templateNameId(_clone->identifier(name->identifier()), name->isSpecialization(), &args[0], int(args.size())); } void CloneName::visit(const DestructorNameId *name) { _name = _control->destructorNameId(_clone->identifier(name->identifier())); } void CloneName::visit(const OperatorNameId *name) { _name = _control->operatorNameId(name->kind()); } void CloneName::visit(const ConversionNameId *name) { _name = _control->conversionNameId(_clone->type(name->type(), _subst)); } void CloneName::visit(const QualifiedNameId *name) { _name = _control->qualifiedNameId(_clone->name(name->base(), _subst), _clone->name(name->name(), _subst)); } void CloneName::visit(const SelectorNameId *name) { CPP_CHECK(name->nameCount() > 0); std::vector names(name->nameCount()); for (int i = 0; i < int(names.size()); ++i) names[i] = _clone->name(name->nameAt(i), _subst); _name = _control->selectorNameId(&names[0], int(names.size()), name->hasArguments()); } Clone::Clone(Control *control) : _control(control) , _type(this) , _name(this) , _symbol(this) { } const StringLiteral *Clone::stringLiteral(const StringLiteral *literal) { return literal ? _control->stringLiteral(literal->chars(), literal->size()) : nullptr; } const NumericLiteral *Clone::numericLiteral(const NumericLiteral *literal) { return literal ? _control->numericLiteral(literal->chars(), literal->size()) : nullptr; } const Identifier *Clone::identifier(const Identifier *id) { return id ? _control->identifier(id->chars(), id->size()) : nullptr; } FullySpecifiedType Clone::type(const FullySpecifiedType &type, Subst *subst) { return _type(type, subst); } const Name *Clone::name(const Name *name, Subst *subst) { return _name(name, subst); } Symbol *Clone::symbol(Symbol *symbol, Subst *subst) { return _symbol(symbol, subst); } Symbol *Clone::instantiate(Template *templ, const FullySpecifiedType *const args, int argc, Subst *s) { Subst subst(_control, s); for (int i = 0, e = std::min(templ->templateParameterCount(), argc); i < e; ++i) { Symbol *formal = templ->templateParameterAt(i); FullySpecifiedType actual = args[i]; subst.bind(name(formal->name(), nullptr), actual); } if (argc < templ->templateParameterCount()) { for (int i = argc; i < templ->templateParameterCount(); ++i) { Symbol *formal = templ->templateParameterAt(i); if (TypenameArgument *tn = formal->asTypenameArgument()) subst.bind(name(formal->name(), &subst), type(tn->type(), &subst)); } } if (Symbol *inst = symbol(templ->declaration(), &subst)) { inst->setEnclosingScope(templ->enclosingScope()); return inst; } return nullptr; } // // substitutions // FullySpecifiedType Subst::apply(const Name *name) const { if (name) { auto it = _map.find(name); if (it != _map.end()) return it->second; else if (_previous) return _previous->apply(name); else if (const QualifiedNameId *q = name->asQualifiedNameId()) { const NamedType *baseNamedType = apply(q->base())->asNamedType(); const NamedType *unqualified = apply(q->name())->asNamedType(); if (baseNamedType) { if (! unqualified) { const Name *qualifiedBase = baseNamedType->name(); const Name *qualifiedName = q->name(); return control()->namedType(control()->qualifiedNameId(qualifiedBase, qualifiedName)); } else if(baseNamedType->name()->identifier() != nullptr) { const QualifiedNameId *clonedQualifiedNameId = control()->qualifiedNameId(baseNamedType->name()->identifier(), unqualified->name()); NamedType *clonedNamedType = control()->namedType(clonedQualifiedNameId); return clonedNamedType; } } } } return FullySpecifiedType(); }