/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2012 Digia Plc and/or its subsidiary(-ies). ** Contact: http://www.qt-project.org/legal ** ** This file is part of Qt Creator. ** ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and Digia. For licensing terms and ** conditions see http://qt.digia.com/licensing. For further information ** use the contact form at http://qt.digia.com/contact-us. ** ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser ** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the ** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to ** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements ** will be met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html. ** ** In addition, as a special exception, Digia gives you certain additional ** rights. These rights are described in the Digia Qt LGPL Exception ** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package. ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "CppRewriter.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define QTC_ASSERT_STRINGIFY_HELPER(x) #x #define QTC_ASSERT_STRINGIFY(x) QTC_ASSERT_STRINGIFY_HELPER(x) #define QTC_ASSERT_STRING(cond) qDebug("SOFT ASSERT: \"" cond"\" in file " __FILE__ ", line " QTC_ASSERT_STRINGIFY(__LINE__)) #define QTC_ASSERT(cond, action) if (cond) {} else { QTC_ASSERT_STRING(#cond); action; } do {} while (0) namespace CPlusPlus { class Rewrite { public: Rewrite(Control *control, SubstitutionEnvironment *env) : control(control), env(env), rewriteType(this), rewriteName(this) {} class RewriteType: public TypeVisitor { Rewrite *rewrite; QList temps; Control *control() const { return rewrite->control; } void accept(const FullySpecifiedType &ty) { TypeVisitor::accept(ty.type()); unsigned flags = ty.flags(); flags |= temps.back().flags(); temps.back().setFlags(flags); } public: RewriteType(Rewrite *r): rewrite(r) {} FullySpecifiedType operator()(const FullySpecifiedType &ty) { accept(ty); return temps.takeLast(); } virtual void visit(UndefinedType *) { temps.append(FullySpecifiedType()); } virtual void visit(VoidType *) { temps.append(control()->voidType()); } virtual void visit(IntegerType *type) { temps.append(control()->integerType(type->kind())); } virtual void visit(FloatType *type) { temps.append(control()->floatType(type->kind())); } virtual void visit(PointerToMemberType *type) { const Name *memberName = rewrite->rewriteName(type->memberName()); const FullySpecifiedType elementType = rewrite->rewriteType(type->elementType()); temps.append(control()->pointerToMemberType(memberName, elementType)); } virtual void visit(PointerType *type) { const FullySpecifiedType elementType = rewrite->rewriteType(type->elementType()); temps.append(control()->pointerType(elementType)); } virtual void visit(ReferenceType *type) { const FullySpecifiedType elementType = rewrite->rewriteType(type->elementType()); temps.append(control()->referenceType(elementType)); } virtual void visit(ArrayType *type) { const FullySpecifiedType elementType = rewrite->rewriteType(type->elementType()); temps.append(control()->arrayType(elementType, type->size())); } virtual void visit(NamedType *type) { FullySpecifiedType ty = rewrite->env->apply(type->name(), rewrite); if (! ty->isUndefinedType()) temps.append(ty); else { const Name *name = rewrite->rewriteName(type->name()); temps.append(control()->namedType(name)); } } virtual void visit(Function *type) { Function *funTy = control()->newFunction(0, 0); funTy->copy(type); funTy->setConst(type->isConst()); funTy->setVolatile(type->isVolatile()); funTy->setName(rewrite->rewriteName(type->name())); funTy->setReturnType(rewrite->rewriteType(type->returnType())); for (unsigned i = 0; i < type->argumentCount(); ++i) { Symbol *arg = type->argumentAt(i); Argument *newArg = control()->newArgument(0, 0); newArg->copy(arg); newArg->setName(rewrite->rewriteName(arg->name())); newArg->setType(rewrite->rewriteType(arg->type())); // the copy() call above set the scope to 'type' // reset it to 0 before adding addMember to avoid assert newArg->resetScope(); funTy->addMember(newArg); } temps.append(funTy); } virtual void visit(Namespace *type) { qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO; temps.append(type); } virtual void visit(Class *type) { qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO; temps.append(type); } virtual void visit(Enum *type) { qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO; temps.append(type); } virtual void visit(ForwardClassDeclaration *type) { qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO; temps.append(type); } virtual void visit(ObjCClass *type) { qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO; temps.append(type); } virtual void visit(ObjCProtocol *type) { qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO; temps.append(type); } virtual void visit(ObjCMethod *type) { qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO; temps.append(type); } virtual void visit(ObjCForwardClassDeclaration *type) { qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO; temps.append(type); } virtual void visit(ObjCForwardProtocolDeclaration *type) { qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO; temps.append(type); } }; class RewriteName: public NameVisitor { Rewrite *rewrite; QList temps; Control *control() const { return rewrite->control; } const Identifier *identifier(const Identifier *other) const { if (! other) return 0; return control()->identifier(other->chars(), other->size()); } public: RewriteName(Rewrite *r): rewrite(r) {} const Name *operator()(const Name *name) { if (! name) return 0; accept(name); return temps.takeLast(); } virtual void visit(const QualifiedNameId *name) { const Name *base = rewrite->rewriteName(name->base()); const Name *n = rewrite->rewriteName(name->name()); temps.append(control()->qualifiedNameId(base, n)); } virtual void visit(const Identifier *name) { temps.append(control()->identifier(name->chars(), name->size())); } virtual void visit(const TemplateNameId *name) { QVarLengthArray args(name->templateArgumentCount()); for (unsigned i = 0; i < name->templateArgumentCount(); ++i) args[i] = rewrite->rewriteType(name->templateArgumentAt(i)); temps.append(control()->templateNameId(identifier(name->identifier()), args.data(), args.size())); } virtual void visit(const DestructorNameId *name) { temps.append(control()->destructorNameId(identifier(name->identifier()))); } virtual void visit(const OperatorNameId *name) { temps.append(control()->operatorNameId(name->kind())); } virtual void visit(const ConversionNameId *name) { FullySpecifiedType ty = rewrite->rewriteType(name->type()); temps.append(control()->conversionNameId(ty)); } virtual void visit(const SelectorNameId *name) { QVarLengthArray names(name->nameCount()); for (unsigned i = 0; i < name->nameCount(); ++i) names[i] = rewrite->rewriteName(name->nameAt(i)); temps.append(control()->selectorNameId(names.constData(), names.size(), name->hasArguments())); } }; public: // attributes Control *control; SubstitutionEnvironment *env; RewriteType rewriteType; RewriteName rewriteName; }; SubstitutionEnvironment::SubstitutionEnvironment() : _scope(0) { } FullySpecifiedType SubstitutionEnvironment::apply(const Name *name, Rewrite *rewrite) const { if (name) { for (int index = _substs.size() - 1; index != -1; --index) { const Substitution *subst = _substs.at(index); FullySpecifiedType ty = subst->apply(name, rewrite); if (! ty->isUndefinedType()) return ty; } } return FullySpecifiedType(); } void SubstitutionEnvironment::enter(Substitution *subst) { _substs.append(subst); } void SubstitutionEnvironment::leave() { _substs.removeLast(); } Scope *SubstitutionEnvironment::scope() const { return _scope; } Scope *SubstitutionEnvironment::switchScope(Scope *scope) { Scope *previous = _scope; _scope = scope; return previous; } const LookupContext &SubstitutionEnvironment::context() const { return _context; } void SubstitutionEnvironment::setContext(const LookupContext &context) { _context = context; } SubstitutionMap::SubstitutionMap() { } SubstitutionMap::~SubstitutionMap() { } void SubstitutionMap::bind(const Name *name, const FullySpecifiedType &ty) { _map.append(qMakePair(name, ty)); } FullySpecifiedType SubstitutionMap::apply(const Name *name, Rewrite *) const { for (int n = _map.size() - 1; n != -1; --n) { const QPair &p = _map.at(n); if (name->isEqualTo(p.first)) return p.second; } return FullySpecifiedType(); } UseMinimalNames::UseMinimalNames(ClassOrNamespace *target) : _target(target) { } UseMinimalNames::~UseMinimalNames() { } FullySpecifiedType UseMinimalNames::apply(const Name *name, Rewrite *rewrite) const { SubstitutionEnvironment *env = rewrite->env; Scope *scope = env->scope(); if (name->isTemplateNameId() || (name->isQualifiedNameId() && name->asQualifiedNameId()->name()->isTemplateNameId())) return FullySpecifiedType(); if (! scope) return FullySpecifiedType(); const LookupContext &context = env->context(); Control *control = rewrite->control; const QList results = context.lookup(name, scope); foreach (const LookupItem &r, results) { if (Symbol *d = r.declaration()) { return control->namedType(LookupContext::minimalName(d, _target, control)); } return r.type(); } return FullySpecifiedType(); } UseQualifiedNames::UseQualifiedNames() : UseMinimalNames(0) { } UseQualifiedNames::~UseQualifiedNames() { } FullySpecifiedType rewriteType(const FullySpecifiedType &type, SubstitutionEnvironment *env, Control *control) { Rewrite rewrite(control, env); return rewrite.rewriteType(type); } const Name *rewriteName(const Name *name, SubstitutionEnvironment *env, Control *control) { Rewrite rewrite(control, env); return rewrite.rewriteName(name); } // Simplify complicated STL template types, // such as 'std::basic_string,std::allocator >' // -> 'std::string' and helpers. static QString chopConst(QString type) { while (1) { if (type.startsWith(QLatin1String("const"))) type = type.mid(5); else if (type.startsWith(QLatin1Char(' '))) type = type.mid(1); else if (type.endsWith(QLatin1String("const"))) type.chop(5); else if (type.endsWith(QLatin1Char(' '))) type.chop(1); else break; } return type; } static inline QRegExp stdStringRegExp(const QString &charType) { QString rc = QLatin1String("basic_string<"); rc += charType; rc += QLatin1String(",[ ]?std::char_traits<"); rc += charType; rc += QLatin1String(">,[ ]?std::allocator<"); rc += charType; rc += QLatin1String("> >"); const QRegExp re(rc); QTC_ASSERT(re.isValid(), /**/); return re; } // Simplify string types in a type // 'std::set >' -> std::set' static inline void simplifyStdString(const QString &charType, const QString &replacement, QString *type) { QRegExp stringRegexp = stdStringRegExp(charType); const int replacementSize = replacement.size(); for (int pos = 0; pos < type->size(); ) { // Check next match const int matchPos = stringRegexp.indexIn(*type, pos); if (matchPos == -1) break; const int matchedLength = stringRegexp.matchedLength(); type->replace(matchPos, matchedLength, replacement); pos = matchPos + replacementSize; // If we were inside an 'allocator >' // kill the following blank -> 'allocator' if (pos + 1 < type->size() && type->at(pos) == QLatin1Char(' ') && type->at(pos + 1) == QLatin1Char('>')) type->remove(pos, 1); } } // Fix 'std::allocator' -> 'std::allocator', // which can happen when replacing/simplifying static inline QString fixNestedTemplates(QString s) { const int size = s.size(); if (size > 3 && s.at(size - 1) == QLatin1Char('>') && s.at(size - 2) == QLatin1Char(' ') && s.at(size - 3) != QLatin1Char('>')) s.remove(size - 2, 1); return s; } CPLUSPLUS_EXPORT QString simplifySTLType(const QString &typeIn) { QString type = typeIn; if (type.startsWith("class ")) // MSVC prepends class,struct type.remove(0, 6); if (type.startsWith("struct ")) type.remove(0, 7); type.replace(QLatin1Char('*'), QLatin1Char('@')); for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { int start = type.indexOf("std::allocator<"); if (start == -1) break; // search for matching '>' int pos; int level = 0; for (pos = start + 12; pos < type.size(); ++pos) { int c = type.at(pos).unicode(); if (c == '<') { ++level; } else if (c == '>') { --level; if (level == 0) break; } } const QString alloc = fixNestedTemplates(type.mid(start, pos + 1 - start).trimmed()); const QString inner = fixNestedTemplates(alloc.mid(15, alloc.size() - 16).trimmed()); const QString allocEsc = QRegExp::escape(alloc); const QString innerEsc = QRegExp::escape(inner); if (inner == QLatin1String("char")) { // std::string simplifyStdString(QLatin1String("char"), QLatin1String("string"), &type); } else if (inner == QLatin1String("wchar_t")) { // std::wstring simplifyStdString(QLatin1String("wchar_t"), QLatin1String("wstring"), &type); } else if (inner == QLatin1String("unsigned short")) { // std::wstring/MSVC simplifyStdString(QLatin1String("unsigned short"), QLatin1String("wstring"), &type); } // std::vector, std::deque, std::list QRegExp re1(QString::fromLatin1("(vector|list|deque)<%1, ?%2\\s*>").arg(innerEsc, allocEsc)); QTC_ASSERT(re1.isValid(), return typeIn); if (re1.indexIn(type) != -1) type.replace(re1.cap(0), QString::fromLatin1("%1<%2>").arg(re1.cap(1), inner)); // std::stack QRegExp stackRE(QString::fromLatin1("stack<%1, ?std::deque<%2> >").arg(innerEsc, innerEsc)); stackRE.setMinimal(true); QTC_ASSERT(stackRE.isValid(), return typeIn); if (stackRE.indexIn(type) != -1) type.replace(stackRE.cap(0), QString::fromLatin1("stack<%1>").arg(inner)); // std::set QRegExp setRE(QString::fromLatin1("set<%1, ?std::less<%2>, ?%3\\s*>").arg(innerEsc, innerEsc, allocEsc)); setRE.setMinimal(true); QTC_ASSERT(setRE.isValid(), return typeIn); if (setRE.indexIn(type) != -1) type.replace(setRE.cap(0), QString::fromLatin1("set<%1>").arg(inner)); // std::map if (inner.startsWith("std::pair<")) { // search for outermost ',', split key and value int pos; int level = 0; for (pos = 10; pos < inner.size(); ++pos) { int c = inner.at(pos).unicode(); if (c == '<') ++level; else if (c == '>') --level; else if (c == ',' && level == 0) break; } const QString key = chopConst(inner.mid(10, pos - 10)); const QString keyEsc = QRegExp::escape(key); // Get value: MSVC: 'pair', gcc: 'pair' if (inner.at(++pos) == QLatin1Char(' ')) pos++; const QString value = inner.mid(pos, inner.size() - pos - 1).trimmed(); const QString valueEsc = QRegExp::escape(value); QRegExp mapRE1(QString("map<%1, ?%2, ?std::less<%3 ?>, ?%4\\s*>") .arg(keyEsc, valueEsc, keyEsc, allocEsc)); mapRE1.setMinimal(true); QTC_ASSERT(mapRE1.isValid(), return typeIn); if (mapRE1.indexIn(type) != -1) { type.replace(mapRE1.cap(0), QString("map<%1, %2>").arg(key, value)); } else { QRegExp mapRE2(QString("map, ?%4\\s*>") .arg(keyEsc, valueEsc, keyEsc, allocEsc)); mapRE2.setMinimal(true); if (mapRE2.indexIn(type) != -1) { type.replace(mapRE2.cap(0), QString("map").arg(key, value)); } } } } type.replace(QLatin1Char('@'), QLatin1Char('*')); type.replace(QLatin1String(" >"), QLatin1String(">")); return type; } } // namespace CPlusPlus