// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 #include "qmljsbind.h" #include "parser/qmljsast_p.h" #include "qmljsdocument.h" #include "qmljsmodelmanagerinterface.h" #include "qmljstr.h" #include "qmljsutils.h" #include #include #include using namespace LanguageUtils; using namespace QmlJS; using namespace QmlJS::AST; /*! \class QmlJS::Bind \brief The Bind class collects information about a single Document. \sa Document Context Each Document owns an instance of Bind. It provides access to data that can be derived by looking at the document in isolation. If you need information that goes beyond that, you need to use a Context. The document's imports are classified and available through imports(). This class makes the structural information found in the AST available for analysis through Value instances. See findQmlObject(), idEnvironment(), rootObjectValue() and findAttachedJSScope(). */ Bind::Bind(Document *doc, QList *messages, bool isJsLibrary, const QList &jsImports) : _doc(doc), _currentObjectValue(nullptr), _idEnvironment(nullptr), _rootObjectValue(nullptr), _isJsLibrary(isJsLibrary), _imports(jsImports), _diagnosticMessages(messages) { if (_doc) accept(_doc->ast()); } Bind::~Bind() { } bool Bind::isJsLibrary() const { return _isJsLibrary; } const QList Bind::imports() const { return _imports; } ObjectValue *Bind::idEnvironment() const { return _idEnvironment; } ObjectValue *Bind::rootObjectValue() const { return _rootObjectValue; } ObjectValue *Bind::findQmlObject(AST::Node *node) const { return _qmlObjects.value(node); } bool Bind::usesQmlPrototype(ObjectValue *prototype, const ContextPtr &context) const { if (!prototype) return false; const QString componentName = prototype->className(); // all component objects have classname set if (componentName.isEmpty()) return false; QList values = _qmlObjectsByPrototypeName.values(componentName); for (const ObjectValue *object : values) { // resolve and check the prototype const ObjectValue *resolvedPrototype = object->prototype(context); if (resolvedPrototype == prototype) return true; } return false; } ObjectValue *Bind::findAttachedJSScope(AST::Node *node) const { return _attachedJSScopes.value(node); } bool Bind::isGroupedPropertyBinding(AST::Node *node) const { return _groupedPropertyBindings.contains(node); } ObjectValue *Bind::switchObjectValue(ObjectValue *newObjectValue) { ObjectValue *oldObjectValue = _currentObjectValue; _currentObjectValue = newObjectValue; return oldObjectValue; } ObjectValue *Bind::bindObject(UiQualifiedId *qualifiedTypeNameId, UiObjectInitializer *initializer) { ObjectValue *parentObjectValue = nullptr; // normal component instance ASTObjectValue *objectValue = new ASTObjectValue(qualifiedTypeNameId, initializer, _doc, &_valueOwner); QmlPrototypeReference *prototypeReference = new QmlPrototypeReference(qualifiedTypeNameId, _doc, &_valueOwner); objectValue->setPrototype(prototypeReference); // add the prototype name to the prototypes hash for (UiQualifiedId *it = qualifiedTypeNameId; it; it = it->next) { if (!it->next && !it->name.isEmpty()) _qmlObjectsByPrototypeName.insert(it->name.toString(), objectValue); } parentObjectValue = switchObjectValue(objectValue); ObjectValue *nextRoot = _rootObjectValue; QString parentComponentName = _currentComponentName; if (!_rootObjectValue) { _rootObjectValue = objectValue; _inlineComponents[_currentComponentName] = objectValue; if (!_currentComponentName.isEmpty()) { if (_currentComponentName.contains('.')) { parentComponentName = _currentComponentName.mid(0,_currentComponentName.lastIndexOf('.')); nextRoot = _inlineComponents.value(parentComponentName); } else { parentComponentName = ""; nextRoot = _rootObjectValue; } // we add the inline component inside its parent nextRoot->setMember(_currentComponentName.mid(_currentComponentName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1), objectValue); _rootObjectValue->setClassName(_doc->componentName() + "." + _currentComponentName); // use :: instead of .? } else { nextRoot = _rootObjectValue; _rootObjectValue->setClassName(_doc->componentName()); } } else if (parentObjectValue) { objectValue->setMember(QLatin1String("parent"), parentObjectValue); } accept(initializer); _rootObjectValue = nextRoot; _currentComponentName = parentComponentName; return switchObjectValue(parentObjectValue); } void Bind::throwRecursionDepthError() { _diagnosticMessages->append(DiagnosticMessage(Severity::Error, SourceLocation(), Tr::tr("Hit maximal recursion depth in AST visit."))); } void Bind::accept(Node *node) { Node::accept(node, this); } bool Bind::visit(AST::UiProgram *) { _idEnvironment = _valueOwner.newObject(/*prototype =*/ nullptr); return true; } bool Bind::visit(AST::Program *) { _currentObjectValue = _valueOwner.newObject(/*prototype =*/ nullptr); _rootObjectValue = _currentObjectValue; return true; } void Bind::endVisit(UiProgram *) { if (_doc->language() == Dialect::QmlQbs) { static const QString qbsBaseImport = QStringLiteral("qbs"); static auto isQbsBaseImport = [] (const ImportInfo &ii) { return ii.name() == qbsBaseImport; }; if (!Utils::anyOf(_imports, isQbsBaseImport)) _imports += ImportInfo::moduleImport(qbsBaseImport, ComponentVersion(), QString()); } } bool Bind::visit(UiImport *ast) { ComponentVersion version; if (ast->version) version = ComponentVersion(ast->version->majorVersion, ast->version->minorVersion); if (auto importUri = ast->importUri) { QVersionNumber qtVersion; QString uri = toString(importUri); if (ModelManagerInterface *model = ModelManagerInterface::instance()) { ModelManagerInterface::ProjectInfo pInfo = model->projectInfoForPath(_doc->fileName()); qtVersion = QVersionNumber::fromString(pInfo.qtVersionString); uri = pInfo.moduleMappings.value(uri, uri); } if (!version.isValid() && (!qtVersion.isNull() && qtVersion.majorVersion() < 6)) { _diagnosticMessages->append( errorMessage(ast, Tr::tr("package import requires a version number"))); } const QString importId = ast->importId.toString(); ImportInfo import = ImportInfo::moduleImport(uri, version, importId, ast); if (_doc->language() == Dialect::Qml) { const QString importStr = import.name() + importId; if (ModelManagerInterface::instance()) { QmlLanguageBundles langBundles = ModelManagerInterface::instance()->extendedBundles(); QmlBundle qq2 = langBundles.bundleForLanguage(Dialect::QmlQtQuick2); bool isQQ2 = qq2.supportedImports().contains(importStr); if (isQQ2) _doc->setLanguage(Dialect::QmlQtQuick2); } } // Make sure QtQuick import is in the list before imports that might depend on it if (import.name() == QLatin1String("QtQuick")) _imports.prepend(import); else _imports += import; } else if (!ast->fileName.isEmpty()) { _imports += ImportInfo::pathImport(_doc->path(), ast->fileName.toString(), version, ast->importId.toString(), ast); } else { _imports += ImportInfo::invalidImport(ast); } return false; } bool Bind::visit(UiPublicMember *ast) { const Block *block = AST::cast(ast->statement); if (block) { // build block scope ObjectValue *blockScope = _valueOwner.newObject(/*prototype=*/nullptr); _attachedJSScopes.insert(ast, blockScope); // associated with the UiPublicMember, not with the block ObjectValue *parent = switchObjectValue(blockScope); accept(ast->statement); switchObjectValue(parent); return false; } return true; } bool Bind::visit(UiObjectDefinition *ast) { // an UiObjectDefinition may be used to group property bindings // think anchors { ... } bool isGroupedBinding = ast->qualifiedTypeNameId && !ast->qualifiedTypeNameId->name.isEmpty() && ast->qualifiedTypeNameId->name.at(0).isLower(); if (!isGroupedBinding) { ObjectValue *value = bindObject(ast->qualifiedTypeNameId, ast->initializer); _qmlObjects.insert(ast, value); } else { _groupedPropertyBindings.insert(ast); ObjectValue *oldObjectValue = switchObjectValue(nullptr); accept(ast->initializer); switchObjectValue(oldObjectValue); } return false; } bool Bind::visit(UiObjectBinding *ast) { // const QString name = serialize(ast->qualifiedId); ObjectValue *value = bindObject(ast->qualifiedTypeNameId, ast->initializer); _qmlObjects.insert(ast, value); // ### FIXME: we don't handle dot-properties correctly (i.e. font.size) // _currentObjectValue->setProperty(name, value); return false; } bool Bind::visit(UiScriptBinding *ast) { if (_currentObjectValue && toString(ast->qualifiedId) == QLatin1String("id")) { if (ExpressionStatement *e = cast(ast->statement)) if (IdentifierExpression *i = cast(e->expression)) if (!i->name.isEmpty()) _idEnvironment->setMember(i->name.toString(), _currentObjectValue); } const Block *block = AST::cast(ast->statement); if (block) { // build block scope ObjectValue *blockScope = _valueOwner.newObject(/*prototype=*/nullptr); _attachedJSScopes.insert(ast, blockScope); // associated with the UiScriptBinding, not with the block ObjectValue *parent = switchObjectValue(blockScope); accept(ast->statement); switchObjectValue(parent); return false; } return true; } bool Bind::visit(UiArrayBinding *) { // ### FIXME: do we need to store the members into the property? Or, maybe the property type is an JS Array? return true; } bool Bind::visit(UiInlineComponent *ast) { if (!_currentComponentName.isEmpty()) { _currentComponentName += "."; _diagnosticMessages->append( errorMessage(ast, Tr::tr("Nested inline components are not supported."))); } _currentComponentName += ast->name.toString(); _rootObjectValue = nullptr; return true; } bool Bind::visit(UiEnumDeclaration *ast) { if (_currentObjectValue) { UiEnumValue *value = new UiEnumValue(ast, &_valueOwner, _currentObjectValue->originId()); _qmlObjects.insert(ast, value); _currentObjectValue->setMember(ast->name, value); // add enum value's keys as member to its parent object for (auto it = ast->members; it; it = it->next) { const QString name = it->member.toString(); _currentObjectValue->setMember(name, _valueOwner.intValue()); _currentObjectValue->setPropertyInfo( name, PropertyInfo(PropertyInfo::Readable | PropertyInfo::ValueType)); } } return true; } bool Bind::visit(AST::TemplateLiteral *ast) { Node::accept(ast->expression, this); return true; } bool Bind::visit(PatternElement *ast) { if (ast->bindingIdentifier.isEmpty() || !ast->isVariableDeclaration()) return false; ASTVariableReference *ref = new ASTVariableReference(ast, _doc, &_valueOwner); if (_currentObjectValue) _currentObjectValue->setMember(ast->bindingIdentifier, ref); return true; } bool Bind::visit(FunctionExpression *ast) { // ### FIXME: the first declaration counts //if (_currentObjectValue->property(ast->name->asString(), 0)) // return false; ASTFunctionValue *function = new ASTFunctionValue(ast, _doc, &_valueOwner); if (_currentObjectValue && !ast->name.isEmpty() && cast(ast)) _currentObjectValue->setMember(ast->name.toString(), function); // build function scope ObjectValue *functionScope = _valueOwner.newObject(/*prototype=*/nullptr); _attachedJSScopes.insert(ast, functionScope); ObjectValue *parent = switchObjectValue(functionScope); // The order of the following is important. Example: A function with name "arguments" // overrides the arguments object, a variable doesn't. // 1. Function formal arguments for (FormalParameterList *it = ast->formals; it; it = it->next) { if (!it->element->bindingIdentifier.isEmpty()) functionScope->setMember(it->element->bindingIdentifier, _valueOwner.unknownValue()); } // 2. Functions defined inside the function body // ### TODO, currently covered by the accept(body) // 3. Arguments object ObjectValue *arguments = _valueOwner.newObject(/*prototype=*/nullptr); arguments->setMember(QLatin1String("callee"), function); arguments->setMember(QLatin1String("length"), _valueOwner.numberValue()); functionScope->setMember(QLatin1String("arguments"), arguments); // 4. Variables defined inside the function body // ### TODO, currently covered by the accept(body) // visit body accept(ast->body); switchObjectValue(parent); return false; } bool Bind::visit(FunctionDeclaration *ast) { return visit(static_cast(ast)); }