/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. ** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/ ** ** This file is part of Qt Creator. ** ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms ** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further ** information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU ** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following ** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will ** be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html. ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "qmljsbind.h" #include "qmljsconstants.h" #include "qmljsfindexportedcpptypes.h" #include "qmljsinterpreter.h" #include "qmljsmodelmanagerinterface.h" #include "qmljsplugindumper.h" #include "qmljstypedescriptionreader.h" #include "qmljsdialect.h" #include "qmljsviewercontext.h" #include "qmljsutils.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace Utils; namespace QmlJS { QMLJS_EXPORT Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(qmljsLog, "qtc.qmljs.common", QtWarningMsg) /*! \class QmlJS::ModelManagerInterface \brief The ModelManagerInterface class acts as an interface to the global state of the QmlJS code model. \sa QmlJS::Document QmlJS::Snapshot QmlJSTools::Internal::ModelManager The ModelManagerInterface is an interface for global state and actions in the QmlJS code model. It is implemented by \l{QmlJSTools::Internal::ModelManager} and the instance can be accessed through ModelManagerInterface::instance(). One of its primary concerns is to keep the Snapshots it maintains up to date by parsing documents and finding QML modules. It has a Snapshot that contains only valid Documents, accessible through ModelManagerInterface::snapshot() and a Snapshot with potentially more recent, but invalid documents that is exposed through ModelManagerInterface::newestSnapshot(). */ static ModelManagerInterface *g_instance = nullptr; static const char *qtQuickUISuffix = "ui.qml"; static void maybeAddPath(ViewerContext &context, const QString &path) { if (!path.isEmpty() && !context.paths.contains(path)) context.paths.append(path); } static QStringList environmentImportPaths() { QStringList paths; const QStringList importPaths = QString::fromLocal8Bit(qgetenv("QML_IMPORT_PATH")).split( Utils::HostOsInfo::pathListSeparator(), QString::SkipEmptyParts); for (const QString &path : importPaths) { const QString canonicalPath = QDir(path).canonicalPath(); if (!canonicalPath.isEmpty() && !paths.contains(canonicalPath)) paths.append(canonicalPath); } return paths; } ModelManagerInterface::ModelManagerInterface(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), m_defaultImportPaths(environmentImportPaths()), m_pluginDumper(new PluginDumper(this)) { m_indexerDisabled = qEnvironmentVariableIsSet("QTC_NO_CODE_INDEXER"); m_updateCppQmlTypesTimer = new QTimer(this); const int second = 1000; m_updateCppQmlTypesTimer->setInterval(second); m_updateCppQmlTypesTimer->setSingleShot(true); connect(m_updateCppQmlTypesTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &ModelManagerInterface::startCppQmlTypeUpdate); m_asyncResetTimer = new QTimer(this); const int fifteenSeconds = 15000; m_asyncResetTimer->setInterval(fifteenSeconds); m_asyncResetTimer->setSingleShot(true); connect(m_asyncResetTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &ModelManagerInterface::resetCodeModel); qRegisterMetaType("QmlJS::Document::Ptr"); qRegisterMetaType("QmlJS::LibraryInfo"); qRegisterMetaType("QmlJS::Dialect"); qRegisterMetaType("QmlJS::PathAndLanguage"); qRegisterMetaType("QmlJS::PathsAndLanguages"); m_defaultProjectInfo.qtQmlPath = QFileInfo( QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::Qml2ImportsPath)).canonicalFilePath(); updateImportPaths(); Q_ASSERT(! g_instance); g_instance = this; } ModelManagerInterface::~ModelManagerInterface() { m_cppQmlTypesUpdater.cancel(); m_cppQmlTypesUpdater.waitForFinished(); Q_ASSERT(g_instance == this); g_instance = nullptr; } static QHash defaultLanguageMapping() { static QHash res{ {QLatin1String("js"), Dialect::JavaScript}, {QLatin1String("qml"), Dialect::Qml}, {QLatin1String("qmltypes"), Dialect::QmlTypeInfo}, {QLatin1String("qmlproject"), Dialect::QmlProject}, {QLatin1String("json"), Dialect::Json}, {QLatin1String("qbs"), Dialect::QmlQbs}, {QLatin1String(qtQuickUISuffix), Dialect::QmlQtQuick2Ui} }; return res; } Dialect ModelManagerInterface::guessLanguageOfFile(const QString &fileName) { QHash lMapping; if (instance()) lMapping = instance()->languageForSuffix(); else lMapping = defaultLanguageMapping(); const QFileInfo info(fileName); QString fileSuffix = info.suffix(); /* * I was reluctant to use complete suffix in all cases, because it is a huge * change in behaivour. But in case of .qml this should be safe. */ if (fileSuffix == QLatin1String("qml")) fileSuffix = info.completeSuffix(); return lMapping.value(fileSuffix, Dialect::NoLanguage); } QStringList ModelManagerInterface::globPatternsForLanguages(const QList &languages) { QStringList patterns; const QHash lMapping = instance() ? instance()->languageForSuffix() : defaultLanguageMapping(); for (auto i = lMapping.cbegin(), end = lMapping.cend(); i != end; ++i) { if (languages.contains(i.value())) patterns << QLatin1String("*.") + i.key(); } return patterns; } ModelManagerInterface *ModelManagerInterface::instance() { return g_instance; } void ModelManagerInterface::writeWarning(const QString &msg) { if (ModelManagerInterface *i = instance()) i->writeMessageInternal(msg); else qCWarning(qmljsLog) << msg; } ModelManagerInterface::WorkingCopy ModelManagerInterface::workingCopy() { if (ModelManagerInterface *i = instance()) return i->workingCopyInternal(); return WorkingCopy(); } void ModelManagerInterface::activateScan() { if (!m_shouldScanImports) { m_shouldScanImports = true; updateImportPaths(); } } QHash ModelManagerInterface::languageForSuffix() const { return defaultLanguageMapping(); } void ModelManagerInterface::writeMessageInternal(const QString &msg) const { qCDebug(qmljsLog) << msg; } ModelManagerInterface::WorkingCopy ModelManagerInterface::workingCopyInternal() const { ModelManagerInterface::WorkingCopy res; return res; } void ModelManagerInterface::addTaskInternal(const QFuture &result, const QString &msg, const char *taskId) const { Q_UNUSED(result) qCDebug(qmljsLog) << "started " << taskId << " " << msg; } void ModelManagerInterface::loadQmlTypeDescriptionsInternal(const QString &resourcePath) { const QDir typeFileDir(resourcePath + QLatin1String("/qml-type-descriptions")); const QStringList qmlTypesExtensions = QStringList("*.qmltypes"); QFileInfoList qmlTypesFiles = typeFileDir.entryInfoList( qmlTypesExtensions, QDir::Files, QDir::Name); QStringList errors; QStringList warnings; // filter out the actual Qt builtins for (int i = 0; i < qmlTypesFiles.size(); ++i) { if (qmlTypesFiles.at(i).baseName() == QLatin1String("builtins")) { QFileInfoList list; list.append(qmlTypesFiles.at(i)); CppQmlTypesLoader::defaultQtObjects = CppQmlTypesLoader::loadQmlTypes(list, &errors, &warnings); qmlTypesFiles.removeAt(i); break; } } // load the fallbacks for libraries CppQmlTypesLoader::defaultLibraryObjects.unite( CppQmlTypesLoader::loadQmlTypes(qmlTypesFiles, &errors, &warnings)); for (const QString &error : qAsConst(errors)) writeMessageInternal(error); for (const QString &warning : qAsConst(warnings)) writeMessageInternal(warning); } void ModelManagerInterface::setDefaultProject(const ModelManagerInterface::ProjectInfo &pInfo, ProjectExplorer::Project *p) { QMutexLocker l(mutex()); m_defaultProject = p; m_defaultProjectInfo = pInfo; } Snapshot ModelManagerInterface::snapshot() const { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); return m_validSnapshot; } Snapshot ModelManagerInterface::newestSnapshot() const { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); return m_newestSnapshot; } void ModelManagerInterface::updateSourceFiles(const QStringList &files, bool emitDocumentOnDiskChanged) { if (m_indexerDisabled) return; refreshSourceFiles(files, emitDocumentOnDiskChanged); } void ModelManagerInterface::cleanupFutures() { const int maxFutures = 10; if (m_futures.size() > maxFutures) { const QList> futures = m_futures; m_futures.clear(); for (const QFuture &future : futures) { if (!(future.isFinished() || future.isCanceled())) m_futures.append(future); } } } QFuture ModelManagerInterface::refreshSourceFiles(const QStringList &sourceFiles, bool emitDocumentOnDiskChanged) { if (sourceFiles.isEmpty()) return QFuture(); QFuture result = Utils::runAsync(&ModelManagerInterface::parse, workingCopyInternal(), sourceFiles, this, Dialect(Dialect::Qml), emitDocumentOnDiskChanged); cleanupFutures(); m_futures.append(result); if (sourceFiles.count() > 1) addTaskInternal(result, tr("Parsing QML Files"), Constants::TASK_INDEX); if (sourceFiles.count() > 1 && !m_shouldScanImports) { bool scan = false; { QMutexLocker l(&m_mutex); if (!m_shouldScanImports) { m_shouldScanImports = true; scan = true; } } if (scan) updateImportPaths(); } return result; } void ModelManagerInterface::fileChangedOnDisk(const QString &path) { Utils::runAsync(&ModelManagerInterface::parse, workingCopyInternal(), QStringList(path), this, Dialect(Dialect::AnyLanguage), true); } void ModelManagerInterface::removeFiles(const QStringList &files) { emit aboutToRemoveFiles(files); QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); for (const QString &file : files) { m_validSnapshot.remove(file); m_newestSnapshot.remove(file); } } namespace { bool pInfoLessThanActive(const ModelManagerInterface::ProjectInfo &p1, const ModelManagerInterface::ProjectInfo &p2) { QStringList s1 = p1.activeResourceFiles; QStringList s2 = p2.activeResourceFiles; if (s1.size() < s2.size()) return true; if (s1.size() > s2.size()) return false; for (int i = 0; i < s1.size(); ++i) { if (s1.at(i) < s2.at(i)) return true; if (s1.at(i) > s2.at(i)) return false; } return false; } bool pInfoLessThanAll(const ModelManagerInterface::ProjectInfo &p1, const ModelManagerInterface::ProjectInfo &p2) { QStringList s1 = p1.allResourceFiles; QStringList s2 = p2.allResourceFiles; if (s1.size() < s2.size()) return true; if (s1.size() > s2.size()) return false; for (int i = 0; i < s1.size(); ++i) { if (s1.at(i) < s2.at(i)) return true; if (s1.at(i) > s2.at(i)) return false; } return false; } bool pInfoLessThanImports(const ModelManagerInterface::ProjectInfo &p1, const ModelManagerInterface::ProjectInfo &p2) { if (p1.qtQmlPath < p2.qtQmlPath) return true; if (p1.qtQmlPath > p2.qtQmlPath) return false; const PathsAndLanguages &s1 = p1.importPaths; const PathsAndLanguages &s2 = p2.importPaths; if (s1.size() < s2.size()) return true; if (s1.size() > s2.size()) return false; for (int i = 0; i < s1.size(); ++i) { if (s1.at(i) < s2.at(i)) return true; if (s2.at(i) < s1.at(i)) return false; } return false; } } void ModelManagerInterface::iterateQrcFiles( ProjectExplorer::Project *project, QrcResourceSelector resources, const std::function &callback) { QList pInfos; if (project) { pInfos.append(projectInfo(project)); } else { pInfos = projectInfos(); if (resources == ActiveQrcResources) // make the result predictable Utils::sort(pInfos, &pInfoLessThanActive); else Utils::sort(pInfos, &pInfoLessThanAll); } QSet pathsChecked; for (const ModelManagerInterface::ProjectInfo &pInfo : qAsConst(pInfos)) { QStringList qrcFilePaths; if (resources == ActiveQrcResources) qrcFilePaths = pInfo.activeResourceFiles; else qrcFilePaths = pInfo.allResourceFiles; for (const QString &qrcFilePath : qAsConst(qrcFilePaths)) { if (pathsChecked.contains(qrcFilePath)) continue; pathsChecked.insert(qrcFilePath); QrcParser::ConstPtr qrcFile = m_qrcCache.parsedPath(qrcFilePath); if (qrcFile.isNull()) continue; callback(qrcFile); } } } QStringList ModelManagerInterface::qrcPathsForFile(const QString &file, const QLocale *locale, ProjectExplorer::Project *project, QrcResourceSelector resources) { QStringList res; iterateQrcFiles(project, resources, [&](const QrcParser::ConstPtr &qrcFile) { qrcFile->collectResourceFilesForSourceFile(file, &res, locale); }); return res; } QStringList ModelManagerInterface::filesAtQrcPath(const QString &path, const QLocale *locale, ProjectExplorer::Project *project, QrcResourceSelector resources) { QString normPath = QrcParser::normalizedQrcFilePath(path); QStringList res; iterateQrcFiles(project, resources, [&](const QrcParser::ConstPtr &qrcFile) { qrcFile->collectFilesAtPath(normPath, &res, locale); }); return res; } QMap ModelManagerInterface::filesInQrcPath(const QString &path, const QLocale *locale, ProjectExplorer::Project *project, bool addDirs, QrcResourceSelector resources) { QString normPath = QrcParser::normalizedQrcDirectoryPath(path); QMap res; iterateQrcFiles(project, resources, [&](const QrcParser::ConstPtr &qrcFile) { qrcFile->collectFilesInPath(normPath, &res, addDirs, locale); }); return res; } QList ModelManagerInterface::projectInfos() const { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); return m_projects.values(); } bool ModelManagerInterface::containsProject(ProjectExplorer::Project *project) const { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); return m_projects.contains(project); } ModelManagerInterface::ProjectInfo ModelManagerInterface::projectInfo( ProjectExplorer::Project *project) const { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); return m_projects.value(project); } void ModelManagerInterface::updateProjectInfo(const ProjectInfo &pinfo, ProjectExplorer::Project *p) { if (pinfo.project.isNull() || !p || m_indexerDisabled) return; Snapshot snapshot; ProjectInfo oldInfo; { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); oldInfo = m_projects.value(p); m_projects.insert(p, pinfo); if (p == m_defaultProject) m_defaultProjectInfo = pinfo; snapshot = m_validSnapshot; } if (oldInfo.qmlDumpPath != pinfo.qmlDumpPath || oldInfo.qmlDumpEnvironment != pinfo.qmlDumpEnvironment) { m_pluginDumper->scheduleRedumpPlugins(); } updateImportPaths(); // remove files that are no longer in the project and have been deleted QStringList deletedFiles; for (const QString &oldFile : qAsConst(oldInfo.sourceFiles)) { if (snapshot.document(oldFile) && !pinfo.sourceFiles.contains(oldFile) && !QFile::exists(oldFile)) { deletedFiles += oldFile; } } removeFiles(deletedFiles); for (const QString &oldFile : qAsConst(deletedFiles)) m_fileToProject.remove(oldFile, p); // parse any files not yet in the snapshot QStringList newFiles; for (const QString &file : qAsConst(pinfo.sourceFiles)) { if (!snapshot.document(file)) newFiles += file; } for (const QString &newFile : qAsConst(newFiles)) m_fileToProject.insert(newFile, p); updateSourceFiles(newFiles, false); // update qrc cache m_qrcContents = pinfo.resourceFileContents; for (const QString &newQrc : qAsConst(pinfo.allResourceFiles)) m_qrcCache.addPath(newQrc, m_qrcContents.value(newQrc)); for (const QString &oldQrc : qAsConst(oldInfo.allResourceFiles)) m_qrcCache.removePath(oldQrc); m_pluginDumper->loadBuiltinTypes(pinfo); emit projectInfoUpdated(pinfo); } void ModelManagerInterface::removeProjectInfo(ProjectExplorer::Project *project) { ProjectInfo info; info.sourceFiles.clear(); // update with an empty project info to clear data updateProjectInfo(info, project); { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); m_projects.remove(project); } } /*! Returns project info with summarized info for \a path \note Project pointer will be empty */ ModelManagerInterface::ProjectInfo ModelManagerInterface::projectInfoForPath( const QString &path) const { ProjectInfo res; const auto allProjectInfos = allProjectInfosForPath(path); for (const ProjectInfo &pInfo : allProjectInfos) { if (res.qtQmlPath.isEmpty()) res.qtQmlPath = pInfo.qtQmlPath; res.applicationDirectories.append(pInfo.applicationDirectories); for (const auto &importPath : pInfo.importPaths) res.importPaths.maybeInsert(importPath); } res.applicationDirectories = Utils::filteredUnique(res.applicationDirectories); return res; } /*! Returns list of project infos for \a path */ QList ModelManagerInterface::allProjectInfosForPath( const QString &path) const { QList projects; { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); projects = m_fileToProject.values(path); if (projects.isEmpty()) { QFileInfo fInfo(path); projects = m_fileToProject.values(fInfo.canonicalFilePath()); } } QList infos; for (ProjectExplorer::Project *project : qAsConst(projects)) { ProjectInfo info = projectInfo(project); if (!info.project.isNull()) infos.append(info); } std::sort(infos.begin(), infos.end(), &pInfoLessThanImports); infos.append(m_defaultProjectInfo); return infos; } bool ModelManagerInterface::isIdle() const { return m_futures.isEmpty(); } void ModelManagerInterface::emitDocumentChangedOnDisk(Document::Ptr doc) { emit documentChangedOnDisk(std::move(doc)); } void ModelManagerInterface::updateQrcFile(const QString &path) { m_qrcCache.updatePath(path, m_qrcContents.value(path)); } void ModelManagerInterface::updateDocument(const Document::Ptr &doc) { { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); m_validSnapshot.insert(doc); m_newestSnapshot.insert(doc, true); } emit documentUpdated(doc); } void ModelManagerInterface::updateLibraryInfo(const QString &path, const LibraryInfo &info) { if (!info.pluginTypeInfoError().isEmpty()) qCDebug(qmljsLog) << "Dumping errors for " << path << ":" << info.pluginTypeInfoError(); { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); m_validSnapshot.insertLibraryInfo(path, info); m_newestSnapshot.insertLibraryInfo(path, info); } // only emit if we got new useful information if (info.isValid()) emit libraryInfoUpdated(path, info); } static QStringList filesInDirectoryForLanguages(const QString &path, const QList &languages) { const QStringList pattern = ModelManagerInterface::globPatternsForLanguages(languages); QStringList files; const QDir dir(path); const auto entries = dir.entryInfoList(pattern, QDir::Files); for (const QFileInfo &fi : entries) files += fi.absoluteFilePath(); return files; } static void findNewImplicitImports(const Document::Ptr &doc, const Snapshot &snapshot, QStringList *importedFiles, QSet *scannedPaths) { // scan files that could be implicitly imported // it's important we also do this for JS files, otherwise the isEmpty check will fail if (snapshot.documentsInDirectory(doc->path()).isEmpty()) { if (!scannedPaths->contains(doc->path())) { *importedFiles += filesInDirectoryForLanguages(doc->path(), doc->language().companionLanguages()); scannedPaths->insert(doc->path()); } } } static void findNewFileImports(const Document::Ptr &doc, const Snapshot &snapshot, QStringList *importedFiles, QSet *scannedPaths) { // scan files and directories that are explicitly imported const auto imports = doc->bind()->imports(); for (const ImportInfo &import : imports) { const QString &importName = import.path(); if (import.type() == ImportType::File) { if (! snapshot.document(importName)) *importedFiles += importName; } else if (import.type() == ImportType::Directory) { if (snapshot.documentsInDirectory(importName).isEmpty()) { if (! scannedPaths->contains(importName)) { *importedFiles += filesInDirectoryForLanguages( importName, doc->language().companionLanguages()); scannedPaths->insert(importName); } } } else if (import.type() == ImportType::QrcFile) { const QStringList importPaths = ModelManagerInterface::instance()->filesAtQrcPath(importName); for (const QString &importPath : importPaths) { if (!snapshot.document(importPath)) *importedFiles += importPath; } } else if (import.type() == ImportType::QrcDirectory) { const QMap files = ModelManagerInterface::instance()->filesInQrcPath(importName); for (auto qrc = files.cbegin(), end = files.cend(); qrc != end; ++qrc) { if (ModelManagerInterface::guessLanguageOfFile(qrc.key()).isQmlLikeOrJsLanguage()) { for (const QString &sourceFile : qrc.value()) { if (!snapshot.document(sourceFile)) *importedFiles += sourceFile; } } } } } } enum class LibraryStatus { Accepted, Rejected, Unknown }; static LibraryStatus libraryStatus(const QString &path, const Snapshot &snapshot, QSet *newLibraries) { if (path.isEmpty()) return LibraryStatus::Rejected; // if we know there is a library, done const LibraryInfo &existingInfo = snapshot.libraryInfo(path); if (existingInfo.isValid()) return LibraryStatus::Accepted; if (newLibraries->contains(path)) return LibraryStatus::Accepted; // if we looked at the path before, done return existingInfo.wasScanned() ? LibraryStatus::Rejected : LibraryStatus::Unknown; } static bool findNewQmlApplicationInPath(const QString &path, const Snapshot &snapshot, ModelManagerInterface *modelManager, QSet *newLibraries) { switch (libraryStatus(path, snapshot, newLibraries)) { case LibraryStatus::Accepted: return true; case LibraryStatus::Rejected: return false; default: break; } QString qmltypesFile; QDir dir(path); QDirIterator it(path, QStringList { "*.qmltypes" }, QDir::Files); if (!it.hasNext()) return false; qmltypesFile = it.next(); LibraryInfo libraryInfo = LibraryInfo(QmlDirParser::TypeInfo(qmltypesFile)); const QString libraryPath = dir.absolutePath(); newLibraries->insert(libraryPath); modelManager->updateLibraryInfo(path, libraryInfo); modelManager->loadPluginTypes(QFileInfo(libraryPath).canonicalFilePath(), libraryPath, QString(), QString()); return true; } static bool findNewQmlLibraryInPath(const QString &path, const Snapshot &snapshot, ModelManagerInterface *modelManager, QStringList *importedFiles, QSet *scannedPaths, QSet *newLibraries, bool ignoreMissing) { switch (libraryStatus(path, snapshot, newLibraries)) { case LibraryStatus::Accepted: return true; case LibraryStatus::Rejected: return false; default: break; } const QDir dir(path); QFile qmldirFile(dir.filePath(QLatin1String("qmldir"))); if (!qmldirFile.exists()) { if (!ignoreMissing) { LibraryInfo libraryInfo(LibraryInfo::NotFound); modelManager->updateLibraryInfo(path, libraryInfo); } return false; } if (Utils::HostOsInfo::isWindowsHost()) { // QTCREATORBUG-3402 - be case sensitive even here? } // found a new library! if (!qmldirFile.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) return false; QString qmldirData = QString::fromUtf8(qmldirFile.readAll()); QmlDirParser qmldirParser; qmldirParser.parse(qmldirData); const QString libraryPath = QFileInfo(qmldirFile).absolutePath(); newLibraries->insert(libraryPath); modelManager->updateLibraryInfo(libraryPath, LibraryInfo(qmldirParser)); modelManager->loadPluginTypes(QFileInfo(libraryPath).canonicalFilePath(), libraryPath, QString(), QString()); // scan the qml files in the library const auto components = qmldirParser.components(); for (const QmlDirParser::Component &component : components) { if (!component.fileName.isEmpty()) { const QFileInfo componentFileInfo(dir.filePath(component.fileName)); const QString path = QDir::cleanPath(componentFileInfo.absolutePath()); if (!scannedPaths->contains(path)) { *importedFiles += filesInDirectoryForLanguages(path, Dialect(Dialect::AnyLanguage) .companionLanguages()); scannedPaths->insert(path); } } } return true; } static QString modulePath(const ImportInfo &import, const QStringList &paths) { if (!import.version().isValid()) return QString(); return modulePath(import.name(), import.version().toString(), paths); } static void findNewLibraryImports(const Document::Ptr &doc, const Snapshot &snapshot, ModelManagerInterface *modelManager, QStringList *importedFiles, QSet *scannedPaths, QSet *newLibraries) { // scan current dir findNewQmlLibraryInPath(doc->path(), snapshot, modelManager, importedFiles, scannedPaths, newLibraries, false); // scan dir and lib imports const QStringList importPaths = modelManager->importPathsNames(); const auto imports = doc->bind()->imports(); for (const ImportInfo &import : imports) { switch (import.type()) { case ImportType::Directory: findNewQmlLibraryInPath(import.path(), snapshot, modelManager, importedFiles, scannedPaths, newLibraries, false); break; case ImportType::Library: findNewQmlLibraryInPath(modulePath(import, importPaths), snapshot, modelManager, importedFiles, scannedPaths, newLibraries, false); break; default: break; } } } void ModelManagerInterface::parseLoop(QSet &scannedPaths, QSet &newLibraries, const WorkingCopy &workingCopy, QStringList files, ModelManagerInterface *modelManager, Dialect mainLanguage, bool emitDocChangedOnDisk, const std::function &reportProgress) { for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); ++i) { if (!reportProgress(qreal(i) / files.size())) return; const QString fileName = files.at(i); Dialect language = guessLanguageOfFile(fileName); if (language == Dialect::NoLanguage) { if (fileName.endsWith(QLatin1String(".qrc"))) modelManager->updateQrcFile(fileName); continue; } if (language == Dialect::Qml && (mainLanguage == Dialect::QmlQtQuick2)) language = mainLanguage; if (language == Dialect::Qml && mainLanguage == Dialect::QmlQtQuick2Ui) language = Dialect::QmlQtQuick2; if (language == Dialect::QmlTypeInfo || language == Dialect::QmlProject) continue; QString contents; int documentRevision = 0; if (workingCopy.contains(fileName)) { QPair entry = workingCopy.get(fileName); contents = entry.first; documentRevision = entry.second; } else { QFile inFile(fileName); if (inFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QTextStream ins(&inFile); contents = ins.readAll(); inFile.close(); } else { continue; } } Document::MutablePtr doc = Document::create(fileName, language); doc->setEditorRevision(documentRevision); doc->setSource(contents); doc->parse(); // update snapshot. requires synchronization, but significantly reduces amount of file // system queries for library imports because queries are cached in libraryInfo const Snapshot snapshot = modelManager->snapshot(); // get list of referenced files not yet in snapshot or in directories already scanned QStringList importedFiles; findNewImplicitImports(doc, snapshot, &importedFiles, &scannedPaths); findNewFileImports(doc, snapshot, &importedFiles, &scannedPaths); findNewLibraryImports(doc, snapshot, modelManager, &importedFiles, &scannedPaths, &newLibraries); // add new files to parse list for (const QString &file : qAsConst(importedFiles)) { if (!files.contains(file)) files.append(file); } modelManager->updateDocument(doc); if (emitDocChangedOnDisk) modelManager->emitDocumentChangedOnDisk(doc); } } class FutureReporter { public: FutureReporter(QFutureInterface &future, int multiplier, int base) : future(future), multiplier(multiplier), base(base) {} bool operator()(qreal val) { if (future.isCanceled()) return false; future.setProgressValue(int(base + multiplier * val)); return true; } private: QFutureInterface &future; int multiplier; int base; }; void ModelManagerInterface::parse(QFutureInterface &future, const WorkingCopy &workingCopy, QStringList files, ModelManagerInterface *modelManager, Dialect mainLanguage, bool emitDocChangedOnDisk) { const int progressMax = 100; FutureReporter reporter(future, progressMax, 0); future.setProgressRange(0, progressMax); // paths we have scanned for files and added to the files list QSet scannedPaths; // libraries we've found while scanning imports QSet newLibraries; parseLoop(scannedPaths, newLibraries, workingCopy, std::move(files), modelManager, mainLanguage, emitDocChangedOnDisk, reporter); future.setProgressValue(progressMax); } struct ScanItem { QString path; int depth = 0; Dialect language = Dialect::AnyLanguage; }; void ModelManagerInterface::importScan(QFutureInterface &future, const ModelManagerInterface::WorkingCopy &workingCopy, const PathsAndLanguages &paths, ModelManagerInterface *modelManager, bool emitDocChangedOnDisk, bool libOnly, bool forceRescan) { // paths we have scanned for files and added to the files list QSet scannedPaths; { QMutexLocker l(&modelManager->m_mutex); scannedPaths = modelManager->m_scannedPaths; } // libraries we've found while scanning imports QSet newLibraries; QVector pathsToScan; pathsToScan.reserve(paths.size()); { QMutexLocker l(&modelManager->m_mutex); for (const auto &path : paths) { QString cPath = QDir::cleanPath(path.path().toString()); if (!forceRescan && modelManager->m_scannedPaths.contains(cPath)) continue; pathsToScan.append({cPath, 0, path.language()}); modelManager->m_scannedPaths.insert(cPath); } } const int maxScanDepth = 5; int progressRange = pathsToScan.size() * (1 << (2 + maxScanDepth)); int totalWork = progressRange; int workDone = 0; future.setProgressRange(0, progressRange); // update max length while iterating? const Snapshot snapshot = modelManager->snapshot(); bool isCanceled = future.isCanceled(); while (!pathsToScan.isEmpty() && !isCanceled) { ScanItem toScan = pathsToScan.last(); pathsToScan.pop_back(); int pathBudget = (1 << (maxScanDepth + 2 - toScan.depth)); if (forceRescan || !scannedPaths.contains(toScan.path)) { QStringList importedFiles; if (forceRescan || (!findNewQmlLibraryInPath(toScan.path, snapshot, modelManager, &importedFiles, &scannedPaths, &newLibraries, true) && !libOnly && snapshot.documentsInDirectory(toScan.path).isEmpty())) { importedFiles += filesInDirectoryForLanguages(toScan.path, toScan.language.companionLanguages()); } workDone += 1; future.setProgressValue(progressRange * workDone / totalWork); if (!importedFiles.isEmpty()) { FutureReporter reporter(future, progressRange * pathBudget / (4 * totalWork), progressRange * workDone / totalWork); parseLoop(scannedPaths, newLibraries, workingCopy, importedFiles, modelManager, toScan.language, emitDocChangedOnDisk, reporter); // run in parallel?? importedFiles.clear(); } workDone += pathBudget / 4 - 1; future.setProgressValue(progressRange * workDone / totalWork); } else { workDone += pathBudget / 4; } // always descend tree, as we might have just scanned with a smaller depth if (toScan.depth < maxScanDepth) { QDir dir(toScan.path); QStringList subDirs(dir.entryList(QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot)); workDone += 1; totalWork += pathBudget / 2 * subDirs.size() - pathBudget * 3 / 4 + 1; for (const QString &path : qAsConst(subDirs)) pathsToScan.append({dir.absoluteFilePath(path), toScan.depth + 1, toScan.language}); } else { workDone += pathBudget * 3 / 4; } future.setProgressValue(progressRange * workDone / totalWork); isCanceled = future.isCanceled(); } future.setProgressValue(progressRange); if (isCanceled) { // assume no work has been done QMutexLocker l(&modelManager->m_mutex); for (const auto &path : paths) modelManager->m_scannedPaths.remove(path.path().toString()); } } QStringList ModelManagerInterface::importPathsNames() const { QStringList names; QMutexLocker l(&m_mutex); names.reserve(m_allImportPaths.size()); for (const PathAndLanguage &x: m_allImportPaths) names << x.path().toString(); return names; } QmlLanguageBundles ModelManagerInterface::activeBundles() const { QMutexLocker l(&m_mutex); return m_activeBundles; } QmlLanguageBundles ModelManagerInterface::extendedBundles() const { QMutexLocker l(&m_mutex); return m_extendedBundles; } void ModelManagerInterface::maybeScan(const PathsAndLanguages &importPaths) { if (m_indexerDisabled) return; PathsAndLanguages pathToScan; { QMutexLocker l(&m_mutex); for (const PathAndLanguage &importPath : importPaths) if (!m_scannedPaths.contains(importPath.path().toString())) pathToScan.maybeInsert(importPath); } if (pathToScan.length() > 1) { QFuture result = Utils::runAsync(&ModelManagerInterface::importScan, workingCopyInternal(), pathToScan, this, true, true, false); cleanupFutures(); m_futures.append(result); addTaskInternal(result, tr("Scanning QML Imports"), Constants::TASK_IMPORT_SCAN); } } void ModelManagerInterface::updateImportPaths() { if (m_indexerDisabled) return; PathsAndLanguages allImportPaths; QStringList allApplicationDirectories; QmlLanguageBundles activeBundles; QmlLanguageBundles extendedBundles; for (const ProjectInfo &pInfo : qAsConst(m_projects)) { for (const auto &importPath : pInfo.importPaths) { const QString canonicalPath = importPath.path().toFileInfo().canonicalFilePath(); if (!canonicalPath.isEmpty()) { allImportPaths.maybeInsert(Utils::FilePath::fromString(canonicalPath), importPath.language()); } } allApplicationDirectories.append(pInfo.applicationDirectories); } for (const ViewerContext &vContext : qAsConst(m_defaultVContexts)) { for (const QString &path : vContext.paths) allImportPaths.maybeInsert(Utils::FilePath::fromString(path), vContext.language); allApplicationDirectories.append(vContext.applicationDirectories); } for (const ProjectInfo &pInfo : qAsConst(m_projects)) { activeBundles.mergeLanguageBundles(pInfo.activeBundle); const auto languages = pInfo.activeBundle.languages(); for (Dialect l : languages) { const auto paths = pInfo.activeBundle.bundleForLanguage(l).searchPaths().stringList(); for (const QString &path : paths) { const QString canonicalPath = QFileInfo(path).canonicalFilePath(); if (!canonicalPath.isEmpty()) allImportPaths.maybeInsert(Utils::FilePath::fromString(canonicalPath), l); } } } for (const ProjectInfo &pInfo : qAsConst(m_projects)) { if (!pInfo.qtQmlPath.isEmpty()) { allImportPaths.maybeInsert(Utils::FilePath::fromString(pInfo.qtQmlPath), Dialect::QmlQtQuick2); } } { const QString pathAtt = defaultProjectInfo().qtQmlPath; if (!pathAtt.isEmpty()) allImportPaths.maybeInsert(Utils::FilePath::fromString(pathAtt), Dialect::QmlQtQuick2); } for (const QString &path : qAsConst(m_defaultImportPaths)) allImportPaths.maybeInsert(Utils::FilePath::fromString(path), Dialect::Qml); allImportPaths.compact(); allApplicationDirectories = Utils::filteredUnique(allApplicationDirectories); { QMutexLocker l(&m_mutex); m_allImportPaths = allImportPaths; m_activeBundles = activeBundles; m_extendedBundles = extendedBundles; } // check if any file in the snapshot imports something new in the new paths Snapshot snapshot = m_validSnapshot; QStringList importedFiles; QSet scannedPaths; QSet newLibraries; for (const Document::Ptr &doc : qAsConst(snapshot)) findNewLibraryImports(doc, snapshot, this, &importedFiles, &scannedPaths, &newLibraries); for (const QString &path : allApplicationDirectories) findNewQmlApplicationInPath(path, snapshot, this, &newLibraries); updateSourceFiles(importedFiles, true); if (!m_shouldScanImports) return; maybeScan(allImportPaths); } void ModelManagerInterface::loadPluginTypes(const QString &libraryPath, const QString &importPath, const QString &importUri, const QString &importVersion) { m_pluginDumper->loadPluginTypes(libraryPath, importPath, importUri, importVersion); } // is called *inside a c++ parsing thread*, to allow hanging on to source and ast void ModelManagerInterface::maybeQueueCppQmlTypeUpdate(const CPlusPlus::Document::Ptr &doc) { // avoid scanning documents without source code available doc->keepSourceAndAST(); if (doc->utf8Source().isEmpty()) { doc->releaseSourceAndAST(); return; } // keep source and AST alive if we want to scan for register calls const bool scan = FindExportedCppTypes::maybeExportsTypes(doc); if (!scan) doc->releaseSourceAndAST(); // delegate actual queuing to the gui thread QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "queueCppQmlTypeUpdate", Q_ARG(CPlusPlus::Document::Ptr, doc), Q_ARG(bool, scan)); } void ModelManagerInterface::queueCppQmlTypeUpdate(const CPlusPlus::Document::Ptr &doc, bool scan) { QPair prev = m_queuedCppDocuments.value(doc->fileName()); if (prev.first && prev.second) prev.first->releaseSourceAndAST(); m_queuedCppDocuments.insert(doc->fileName(), {doc, scan}); m_updateCppQmlTypesTimer->start(); } void ModelManagerInterface::startCppQmlTypeUpdate() { // if a future is still running, delay if (m_cppQmlTypesUpdater.isRunning()) { m_updateCppQmlTypesTimer->start(); return; } CPlusPlus::CppModelManagerBase *cppModelManager = CPlusPlus::CppModelManagerBase::instance(); if (!cppModelManager) return; m_cppQmlTypesUpdater = Utils::runAsync(&ModelManagerInterface::updateCppQmlTypes, this, cppModelManager->snapshot(), m_queuedCppDocuments); m_queuedCppDocuments.clear(); } QMutex *ModelManagerInterface::mutex() const { return &m_mutex; } void ModelManagerInterface::asyncReset() { m_asyncResetTimer->start(); } bool rescanExports(const QString &fileName, FindExportedCppTypes &finder, ModelManagerInterface::CppDataHash &newData) { bool hasNewInfo = false; QList exported = finder.exportedTypes(); QHash contextProperties = finder.contextProperties(); if (exported.isEmpty() && contextProperties.isEmpty()) { hasNewInfo = hasNewInfo || newData.remove(fileName) > 0; } else { ModelManagerInterface::CppData &data = newData[fileName]; if (!hasNewInfo && (data.exportedTypes.size() != exported.size() || data.contextProperties != contextProperties)) { hasNewInfo = true; } if (!hasNewInfo) { QHash newFingerprints; for (const auto &newType : qAsConst(exported)) newFingerprints[newType->className()]=newType->fingerprint(); for (const auto &oldType : qAsConst(data.exportedTypes)) { if (newFingerprints.value(oldType->className()) != oldType->fingerprint()) { hasNewInfo = true; break; } } } data.exportedTypes = exported; data.contextProperties = contextProperties; } return hasNewInfo; } void ModelManagerInterface::updateCppQmlTypes( QFutureInterface &futureInterface, ModelManagerInterface *qmlModelManager, const CPlusPlus::Snapshot &snapshot, const QHash> &documents) { futureInterface.setProgressRange(0, documents.size()); futureInterface.setProgressValue(0); CppDataHash newData; QHash> newDeclarations; { QMutexLocker locker(&qmlModelManager->m_cppDataMutex); newData = qmlModelManager->m_cppDataHash; newDeclarations = qmlModelManager->m_cppDeclarationFiles; } FindExportedCppTypes finder(snapshot); bool hasNewInfo = false; using DocScanPair = QPair; for (const DocScanPair &pair : documents) { if (futureInterface.isCanceled()) return; futureInterface.setProgressValue(futureInterface.progressValue() + 1); CPlusPlus::Document::Ptr doc = pair.first; const bool scan = pair.second; const QString fileName = doc->fileName(); if (!scan) { hasNewInfo = newData.remove(fileName) > 0 || hasNewInfo; const auto savedDocs = newDeclarations.value(fileName); for (const CPlusPlus::Document::Ptr &savedDoc : savedDocs) { finder(savedDoc); hasNewInfo = rescanExports(savedDoc->fileName(), finder, newData) || hasNewInfo; } continue; } for (auto it = newDeclarations.begin(), end = newDeclarations.end(); it != end;) { for (auto docIt = it->begin(), endDocIt = it->end(); docIt != endDocIt;) { const CPlusPlus::Document::Ptr &savedDoc = *docIt; if (savedDoc->fileName() == fileName) { savedDoc->releaseSourceAndAST(); it->erase(docIt); break; } ++docIt; } if (it->isEmpty()) it = newDeclarations.erase(it); else ++it; } const auto found = finder(doc); for (const QString &declarationFile : found) { newDeclarations[declarationFile].append(doc); doc->keepSourceAndAST(); // keep for later reparsing when dependent doc changes } hasNewInfo = rescanExports(fileName, finder, newData) || hasNewInfo; doc->releaseSourceAndAST(); } QMutexLocker locker(&qmlModelManager->m_cppDataMutex); qmlModelManager->m_cppDataHash = newData; qmlModelManager->m_cppDeclarationFiles = newDeclarations; if (hasNewInfo) // one could get away with re-linking the cpp types... QMetaObject::invokeMethod(qmlModelManager, "asyncReset"); } ModelManagerInterface::CppDataHash ModelManagerInterface::cppData() const { QMutexLocker locker(&m_cppDataMutex); return m_cppDataHash; } LibraryInfo ModelManagerInterface::builtins(const Document::Ptr &doc) const { const ProjectInfo info = projectInfoForPath(doc->fileName()); if (!info.project.isNull() && !info.qtQmlPath.isEmpty()) return m_validSnapshot.libraryInfo(info.qtQmlPath); return LibraryInfo(); } ViewerContext ModelManagerInterface::completeVContext(const ViewerContext &vCtx, const Document::Ptr &doc) const { ViewerContext res = vCtx; if (!doc.isNull() && ((vCtx.language == Dialect::AnyLanguage && doc->language() != Dialect::NoLanguage) || (vCtx.language == Dialect::Qml && (doc->language() == Dialect::QmlQtQuick2 || doc->language() == Dialect::QmlQtQuick2Ui)))) res.language = doc->language(); ProjectInfo info; if (!doc.isNull()) info = projectInfoForPath(doc->fileName()); ViewerContext defaultVCtx = defaultVContext(res.language, Document::Ptr(nullptr), false); ProjectInfo defaultInfo = defaultProjectInfo(); if (info.qtQmlPath.isEmpty()) info.qtQmlPath = defaultInfo.qtQmlPath; info.applicationDirectories = Utils::filteredUnique(info.applicationDirectories + defaultInfo.applicationDirectories); switch (res.flags) { case ViewerContext::Complete: break; case ViewerContext::AddAllPathsAndDefaultSelectors: res.selectors.append(defaultVCtx.selectors); Q_FALLTHROUGH(); case ViewerContext::AddAllPaths: { for (const QString &path : qAsConst(defaultVCtx.paths)) maybeAddPath(res, path); switch (res.language.dialect()) { case Dialect::AnyLanguage: case Dialect::Qml: maybeAddPath(res, info.qtQmlPath); Q_FALLTHROUGH(); case Dialect::QmlQtQuick2: case Dialect::QmlQtQuick2Ui: { if (res.language == Dialect::QmlQtQuick2 || res.language == Dialect::QmlQtQuick2Ui) maybeAddPath(res, info.qtQmlPath); QList allProjects; { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); allProjects = m_projects.values(); } std::sort(allProjects.begin(), allProjects.end(), &pInfoLessThanImports); QList languages = res.language.companionLanguages(); for (const ProjectInfo &pInfo : qAsConst(allProjects)) { for (const auto &importPath : pInfo.importPaths) { if (languages.contains(importPath.language()) || importPath.language().companionLanguages().contains(res.language)) { maybeAddPath(res, importPath.path().toString()); } } } const auto environmentPaths = environmentImportPaths(); for (const QString &path : environmentPaths) maybeAddPath(res, path); break; } case Dialect::NoLanguage: case Dialect::JavaScript: case Dialect::QmlTypeInfo: case Dialect::Json: case Dialect::QmlQbs: case Dialect::QmlProject: break; } break; } case ViewerContext::AddDefaultPathsAndSelectors: res.selectors.append(defaultVCtx.selectors); Q_FALLTHROUGH(); case ViewerContext::AddDefaultPaths: for (const QString &path : qAsConst(defaultVCtx.paths)) maybeAddPath(res, path); if (res.language == Dialect::AnyLanguage || res.language == Dialect::Qml) maybeAddPath(res, info.qtQmlPath); if (res.language == Dialect::AnyLanguage || res.language == Dialect::Qml || res.language == Dialect::QmlQtQuick2 || res.language == Dialect::QmlQtQuick2Ui) { const auto environemntPaths = environmentImportPaths(); for (const QString &path : environemntPaths) maybeAddPath(res, path); } break; } res.flags = ViewerContext::Complete; res.applicationDirectories = info.applicationDirectories; return res; } ViewerContext ModelManagerInterface::defaultVContext(Dialect language, const Document::Ptr &doc, bool autoComplete) const { if (!doc.isNull()) { if (language == Dialect::AnyLanguage && doc->language() != Dialect::NoLanguage) language = doc->language(); else if (language == Dialect::Qml && (doc->language() == Dialect::QmlQtQuick2 || doc->language() == Dialect::QmlQtQuick2Ui)) language = doc->language(); } ViewerContext defaultCtx; { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); defaultCtx = m_defaultVContexts.value(language); } defaultCtx.language = language; return autoComplete ? completeVContext(defaultCtx, doc) : defaultCtx; } ModelManagerInterface::ProjectInfo ModelManagerInterface::defaultProjectInfo() const { QMutexLocker l(mutex()); return m_defaultProjectInfo; } ModelManagerInterface::ProjectInfo ModelManagerInterface::defaultProjectInfoForProject( ProjectExplorer::Project *) const { return ModelManagerInterface::ProjectInfo(); } void ModelManagerInterface::setDefaultVContext(const ViewerContext &vContext) { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); m_defaultVContexts[vContext.language] = vContext; } void ModelManagerInterface::joinAllThreads() { for (QFuture &future : m_futures) future.waitForFinished(); m_futures.clear(); } Document::Ptr ModelManagerInterface::ensuredGetDocumentForPath(const QString &filePath) { QmlJS::Document::Ptr document = newestSnapshot().document(filePath); if (!document) { document = QmlJS::Document::create(filePath, QmlJS::Dialect::Qml); QMutexLocker lock(&m_mutex); m_newestSnapshot.insert(document); } return document; } void ModelManagerInterface::resetCodeModel() { QStringList documents; { QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex); // find all documents currently in the code model for (const Document::Ptr &doc : qAsConst(m_validSnapshot)) documents.append(doc->fileName()); // reset the snapshot m_validSnapshot = Snapshot(); m_newestSnapshot = Snapshot(); } // start a reparse thread updateSourceFiles(documents, false); } } // namespace QmlJS