// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0+ OR GPL-3.0 WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 #pragma once #include "sqliteglobal.h" #include "sqliteexception.h" #include namespace Sqlite { enum class IndexType { Normal, Unique }; class Index { public: Index(Utils::SmallStringView tableName, Utils::SmallStringVector &&columnNames, IndexType indexType = IndexType::Normal, Utils::SmallStringView condition = {}) : m_tableName(std::move(tableName)) , m_columnNames(std::move(columnNames)) , m_indexType(indexType) , m_condition{condition} {} Utils::SmallString sqlStatement() const { checkTableName(); checkColumns(); return Utils::SmallString::join({"CREATE ", m_indexType == IndexType::Unique ? "UNIQUE " : "", "INDEX IF NOT EXISTS index_", m_tableName, "_", m_columnNames.join("_"), " ON ", m_tableName, "(", m_columnNames.join(", "), ")", m_condition.hasContent() ? " WHERE " : "", m_condition}); } void checkTableName() const { if (m_tableName.isEmpty()) throw Exception("SqliteIndex has not table name!"); } void checkColumns() const { if (m_columnNames.empty()) throw Exception("SqliteIndex has no columns!"); } private: Utils::SmallString m_tableName; Utils::SmallStringVector m_columnNames; IndexType m_indexType; Utils::SmallString m_condition; }; using SqliteIndices = std::vector; } //