// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0+ OR GPL-3.0 WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 #include "fileinprojectfinder.h" #include "algorithm.h" #include "fileutils.h" #include "hostosinfo.h" #include "qrcparser.h" #include "qtcassert.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace { static Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(finderLog, "qtc.utils.fileinprojectfinder", QtWarningMsg); } namespace Utils { static bool checkPath(const QString &candidate, int matchLength, FileInProjectFinder::FileHandler fileHandler, FileInProjectFinder::DirectoryHandler directoryHandler) { const QFileInfo candidateInfo(candidate); if (fileHandler && candidateInfo.isFile()) { fileHandler(candidate, matchLength); return true; } else if (directoryHandler && candidateInfo.isDir()) { directoryHandler(QDir(candidate).entryList(), matchLength); return true; } return false; } /*! \class Utils::FileInProjectFinder \brief The FileInProjectFinder class is a helper class to find the \e original file in the project directory for a given file URL. Often files are copied in the build and deploy process. findFile() searches for an existing file in the project directory for a given file path. For example, the following file paths should all be mapped to $PROJECTDIR/qml/app/main.qml: \list \li C:/app-build-desktop/qml/app/main.qml (shadow build directory) \li /Users/x/app-build-desktop/App.app/Contents/Resources/qml/App/main.qml (folder on Mac OS X) \endlist */ FileInProjectFinder::FileInProjectFinder() = default; FileInProjectFinder::~FileInProjectFinder() = default; void FileInProjectFinder::setProjectDirectory(const FilePath &absoluteProjectPath) { if (absoluteProjectPath == m_projectDir) return; QTC_CHECK(absoluteProjectPath.isEmpty() || (absoluteProjectPath.exists() && absoluteProjectPath.isAbsolutePath())); m_projectDir = absoluteProjectPath; m_cache.clear(); } FilePath FileInProjectFinder::projectDirectory() const { return m_projectDir; } void FileInProjectFinder::setProjectFiles(const FilePaths &projectFiles) { if (m_projectFiles == projectFiles) return; m_projectFiles = projectFiles; m_cache.clear(); m_qrcUrlFinder.setProjectFiles(projectFiles); } void FileInProjectFinder::setSysroot(const FilePath &sysroot) { if (m_sysroot == sysroot) return; m_sysroot = sysroot; m_cache.clear(); } void FileInProjectFinder::addMappedPath(const FilePath &localFilePath, const QString &remoteFilePath) { const QStringList segments = remoteFilePath.split('/', Qt::SkipEmptyParts); PathMappingNode *node = &m_pathMapRoot; for (const QString &segment : segments) { auto it = node->children.find(segment); if (it == node->children.end()) it = node->children.insert(segment, new PathMappingNode); node = *it; } node->localPath = localFilePath; } /*! Returns the best match for the given file URL in the project directory. The function first checks whether the file inside the project directory exists. If not, the leading directory in the path is stripped, and the - now shorter - path is checked for existence, and so on. Second, it tries to locate the file in the sysroot folder specified. Third, we walk the list of project files, and search for a file name match there. If all fails, it returns the original path from the file URL. */ FilePaths FileInProjectFinder::findFile(const QUrl &fileUrl, bool *success) const { qCDebug(finderLog) << "FileInProjectFinder: trying to find file" << fileUrl.toString() << "..."; if (fileUrl.scheme() == "qrc" || fileUrl.toString().startsWith(':')) { const FilePaths result = m_qrcUrlFinder.find(fileUrl); if (!result.isEmpty()) { if (success) *success = true; return result; } } QString originalPath = fileUrl.toLocalFile(); if (originalPath.isEmpty()) // e.g. qrc:// originalPath = fileUrl.path(); FilePaths result; bool found = findFileOrDirectory(originalPath, [&](const QString &fileName, int) { result << FilePath::fromString(fileName); }); if (!found) result << FilePath::fromString(originalPath); if (success) *success = found; return result; } bool FileInProjectFinder::handleSuccess(const QString &originalPath, const QStringList &found, int matchLength, const char *where) const { qCDebug(finderLog) << "FileInProjectFinder: found" << found << where; CacheEntry entry; entry.paths = found; entry.matchLength = matchLength; m_cache.insert(originalPath, entry); return true; } bool FileInProjectFinder::findFileOrDirectory(const QString &originalPath, FileHandler fileHandler, DirectoryHandler directoryHandler) const { if (originalPath.isEmpty()) { qCDebug(finderLog) << "FileInProjectFinder: malformed original path, returning"; return false; } const auto segments = originalPath.split('/', Qt::SkipEmptyParts); const PathMappingNode *node = &m_pathMapRoot; for (const auto &segment : segments) { auto it = node->children.find(segment); if (it == node->children.end()) { node = nullptr; break; } node = *it; } const int origLength = originalPath.length(); if (node) { if (!node->localPath.isEmpty()) { const QString localPath = node->localPath.toString(); if (checkPath(localPath, origLength, fileHandler, directoryHandler)) { return handleSuccess(originalPath, QStringList(localPath), origLength, "in mapped paths"); } } else if (directoryHandler) { directoryHandler(node->children.keys(), origLength); qCDebug(finderLog) << "FileInProjectFinder: found virtual directory" << originalPath << "in mapped paths"; return true; } } auto it = m_cache.find(originalPath); if (it != m_cache.end()) { qCDebug(finderLog) << "FileInProjectFinder: checking cache ..."; // check if cached path is still there CacheEntry &candidate = it.value(); for (auto pathIt = candidate.paths.begin(); pathIt != candidate.paths.end();) { if (checkPath(*pathIt, candidate.matchLength, fileHandler, directoryHandler)) { qCDebug(finderLog) << "FileInProjectFinder: found" << *pathIt << "in the cache"; ++pathIt; } else { pathIt = candidate.paths.erase(pathIt); } } if (!candidate.paths.empty()) return true; m_cache.erase(it); } if (!m_projectDir.isEmpty()) { qCDebug(finderLog) << "FileInProjectFinder: checking project directory ..."; int prefixToIgnore = -1; const QChar separator = QLatin1Char('/'); if (originalPath.startsWith(m_projectDir.toString() + separator)) { if (HostOsInfo::isMacHost()) { // starting with the project path is not sufficient if the file was // copied in an insource build, e.g. into MyApp.app/Contents/Resources static const QString appResourcePath = QString::fromLatin1(".app/Contents/Resources"); if (originalPath.contains(appResourcePath)) { // the path is inside the project, but most probably as a resource of an insource build // so ignore that path prefixToIgnore = originalPath.indexOf(appResourcePath) + appResourcePath.length(); } } if (prefixToIgnore == -1 && checkPath(originalPath, origLength, fileHandler, directoryHandler)) { return handleSuccess(originalPath, QStringList(originalPath), origLength, "in project directory"); } } qCDebug(finderLog) << "FileInProjectFinder:" << "checking stripped paths in project directory ..."; // Strip directories one by one from the beginning of the path, // and see if the new relative path exists in the build directory. if (prefixToIgnore < 0) { if (!QFileInfo(originalPath).isAbsolute() && !originalPath.startsWith(separator)) { prefixToIgnore = 0; } else { prefixToIgnore = originalPath.indexOf(separator); } } while (prefixToIgnore != -1) { QString candidate = originalPath; candidate.remove(0, prefixToIgnore); candidate.prepend(m_projectDir.toString()); const int matchLength = origLength - prefixToIgnore; // FIXME: This might be a worse match than what we find later. if (checkPath(candidate, matchLength, fileHandler, directoryHandler)) { return handleSuccess(originalPath, QStringList(candidate), matchLength, "in project directory"); } prefixToIgnore = originalPath.indexOf(separator, prefixToIgnore + 1); } } // find best matching file path in project files qCDebug(finderLog) << "FileInProjectFinder: checking project files ..."; QStringList matches; const QString lastSegment = FilePath::fromString(originalPath).fileName(); if (fileHandler) matches.append(filesWithSameFileName(lastSegment)); if (directoryHandler) matches.append(pathSegmentsWithSameName(lastSegment)); const QStringList matchedFilePaths = bestMatches(matches, originalPath); if (!matchedFilePaths.empty()) { const int matchLength = commonPostFixLength(matchedFilePaths.first(), originalPath); QStringList hits; for (const QString &matchedFilePath : matchedFilePaths) { if (checkPath(matchedFilePath, matchLength, fileHandler, directoryHandler)) hits << matchedFilePath; } if (!hits.empty()) return handleSuccess(originalPath, hits, matchLength, "when matching project files"); } CacheEntry foundPath = findInSearchPaths(originalPath, fileHandler, directoryHandler); if (!foundPath.paths.isEmpty()) { return handleSuccess(originalPath, foundPath.paths, foundPath.matchLength, "in search path"); } qCDebug(finderLog) << "FileInProjectFinder: checking absolute path in sysroot ..."; // check if absolute path is found in sysroot if (!m_sysroot.isEmpty()) { const FilePath sysrootPath = m_sysroot.pathAppended(originalPath); if (checkPath(sysrootPath.toString(), origLength, fileHandler, directoryHandler)) { return handleSuccess(originalPath, QStringList(sysrootPath.toString()), origLength, "in sysroot"); } } qCDebug(finderLog) << "FileInProjectFinder: couldn't find file!"; return false; } FileInProjectFinder::CacheEntry FileInProjectFinder::findInSearchPaths( const QString &filePath, FileHandler fileHandler, DirectoryHandler directoryHandler) const { for (const FilePath &dirPath : m_searchDirectories) { const CacheEntry found = findInSearchPath(dirPath.toString(), filePath, fileHandler, directoryHandler); if (!found.paths.isEmpty()) return found; } return CacheEntry(); } static QString chopFirstDir(const QString &dirPath) { int i = dirPath.indexOf(QLatin1Char('/')); if (i == -1) return QString(); else return dirPath.mid(i + 1); } FileInProjectFinder::CacheEntry FileInProjectFinder::findInSearchPath( const QString &searchPath, const QString &filePath, FileHandler fileHandler, DirectoryHandler directoryHandler) { qCDebug(finderLog) << "FileInProjectFinder: checking search path" << searchPath; QString s = filePath; while (!s.isEmpty()) { CacheEntry result; result.paths << searchPath + '/' + s; result.matchLength = s.length() + 1; qCDebug(finderLog) << "FileInProjectFinder: trying" << result.paths.first(); if (checkPath(result.paths.first(), result.matchLength, fileHandler, directoryHandler)) return result; QString next = chopFirstDir(s); if (next.isEmpty()) { if (directoryHandler && QFileInfo(searchPath).fileName() == s) { result.paths = QStringList{searchPath}; directoryHandler(QDir(searchPath).entryList(), result.matchLength); return result; } break; } s = next; } return CacheEntry(); } QStringList FileInProjectFinder::filesWithSameFileName(const QString &fileName) const { QStringList result; for (const FilePath &f : m_projectFiles) { if (f.fileName() == fileName) result << f.toString(); } return result; } QStringList FileInProjectFinder::pathSegmentsWithSameName(const QString &pathSegment) const { QStringList result; for (const FilePath &f : m_projectFiles) { FilePath currentPath = f.parentDir(); do { if (currentPath.fileName() == pathSegment) { if (result.isEmpty() || result.last() != currentPath.toString()) result.append(currentPath.toString()); } currentPath = currentPath.parentDir(); } while (!currentPath.isEmpty()); } result.removeDuplicates(); return result; } int FileInProjectFinder::commonPostFixLength(const QString &candidatePath, const QString &filePathToFind) { int rank = 0; for (int a = candidatePath.length(), b = filePathToFind.length(); --a >= 0 && --b >= 0 && candidatePath.at(a) == filePathToFind.at(b);) rank++; return rank; } QStringList FileInProjectFinder::bestMatches(const QStringList &filePaths, const QString &filePathToFind) { if (filePaths.isEmpty()) return {}; if (filePaths.length() == 1) { qCDebug(finderLog) << "FileInProjectFinder: found" << filePaths.first() << "in project files"; return filePaths; } int bestRank = -1; QStringList bestFilePaths; for (const QString &fp : filePaths) { const int currentRank = commonPostFixLength(fp, filePathToFind); if (currentRank < bestRank) continue; if (currentRank > bestRank) { bestRank = currentRank; bestFilePaths.clear(); } bestFilePaths << fp; } QTC_CHECK(!bestFilePaths.empty()); return bestFilePaths; } FilePaths FileInProjectFinder::searchDirectories() const { return m_searchDirectories; } void FileInProjectFinder::setAdditionalSearchDirectories(const FilePaths &searchDirectories) { m_searchDirectories = searchDirectories; } FileInProjectFinder::PathMappingNode::~PathMappingNode() { qDeleteAll(children); } FilePaths FileInProjectFinder::QrcUrlFinder::find(const QUrl &fileUrl) const { const auto fileIt = m_fileCache.constFind(fileUrl); if (fileIt != m_fileCache.cend()) return fileIt.value(); QStringList hits; for (const FilePath &f : m_allQrcFiles) { QrcParser::Ptr &qrcParser = m_parserCache[f]; if (!qrcParser) qrcParser = QrcParser::parseQrcFile(f.toString(), QString()); if (!qrcParser->isValid()) continue; qrcParser->collectFilesAtPath(QrcParser::normalizedQrcFilePath(fileUrl.toString()), &hits); } hits.removeDuplicates(); const FilePaths result = FileUtils::toFilePathList(hits); m_fileCache.insert(fileUrl, result); return result; } void FileInProjectFinder::QrcUrlFinder::setProjectFiles(const FilePaths &projectFiles) { m_allQrcFiles = filtered(projectFiles, [](const FilePath &f) { return f.endsWith(".qrc"); }); m_fileCache.clear(); m_parserCache.clear(); } FilePath chooseFileFromList(const FilePaths &candidates) { if (candidates.length() == 1) return candidates.first(); QMenu filesMenu; for (const FilePath &candidate : candidates) filesMenu.addAction(candidate.toUserOutput()); if (const QAction * const action = filesMenu.exec(QCursor::pos())) return FilePath::fromUserInput(action->text()); return FilePath(); } } // namespace Utils