// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0+ OR GPL-3.0 WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 #pragma once #include "utils_global.h" #include "fancylineedit.h" #include "filepath.h" #include QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE class QAbstractButton; class QLineEdit; QT_END_NAMESPACE namespace Utils { class CommandLine; class MacroExpander; class Environment; class EnvironmentChange; class PathChooserPrivate; class QTCREATOR_UTILS_EXPORT PathChooser : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(QString path READ path WRITE setPath NOTIFY textChanged DESIGNABLE true) Q_PROPERTY(QString promptDialogTitle READ promptDialogTitle WRITE setPromptDialogTitle DESIGNABLE true) Q_PROPERTY(QString promptDialogFilter READ promptDialogFilter WRITE setPromptDialogFilter DESIGNABLE true) Q_PROPERTY(Kind expectedKind READ expectedKind WRITE setExpectedKind DESIGNABLE true) Q_PROPERTY(Utils::FilePath baseDirectory READ baseDirectory WRITE setBaseDirectory DESIGNABLE true) Q_PROPERTY(QStringList commandVersionArguments READ commandVersionArguments WRITE setCommandVersionArguments) Q_PROPERTY(bool readOnly READ isReadOnly WRITE setReadOnly DESIGNABLE true) // Designer does not know this type, so force designable to false: Q_PROPERTY(Utils::FilePath filePath READ filePath WRITE setFilePath DESIGNABLE false) public: static QString browseButtonLabel(); explicit PathChooser(QWidget *parent = nullptr); ~PathChooser() override; enum Kind { ExistingDirectory, Directory, // A directory, doesn't need to exist File, SaveFile, ExistingCommand, // A command that must exist at the time of selection Command, // A command that may or may not exist at the time of selection (e.g. result of a build) Any }; Q_ENUM(Kind) // Default is void setExpectedKind(Kind expected); Kind expectedKind() const; void setPromptDialogTitle(const QString &title); QString promptDialogTitle() const; void setPromptDialogFilter(const QString &filter); QString promptDialogFilter() const; void setInitialBrowsePathBackup(const FilePath &path); bool isValid() const; QString errorMessage() const; FilePath filePath() const; // Close to what's in the line edit. FilePath absoluteFilePath() const; // Relative paths resolved wrt the specified base dir. FilePath rawFilePath() const; // The raw unexpanded input as FilePath. static QString expandedDirectory(const QString &input, const Environment &env, const QString &baseDir); FilePath baseDirectory() const; void setBaseDirectory(const FilePath &base); void setEnvironmentChange(const EnvironmentChange &change); /** Returns the suggested label title when used in a form layout. */ static QString label(); FancyLineEdit::ValidationFunction defaultValidationFunction() const; void setValidationFunction(const FancyLineEdit::ValidationFunction &fn); /** Return the home directory, which needs some fixing under Windows. */ static FilePath homePath(); void addButton(const QString &text, QObject *context, const std::function &callback); void insertButton(int index, const QString &text, QObject *context, const std::function &callback); QAbstractButton *buttonAtIndex(int index) const; FancyLineEdit *lineEdit() const; // For PathChoosers of 'Command' type, this property specifies the arguments // required to obtain the tool version (commonly, '--version'). Setting them // causes the version to be displayed as a tooltip. QStringList commandVersionArguments() const; void setCommandVersionArguments(const QStringList &arguments); // Utility to run a tool and return its stdout. static QString toolVersion(const CommandLine &cmd); // Install a tooltip on lineedits used for binaries showing the version. static void installLineEditVersionToolTip(QLineEdit *le, const QStringList &arguments); // Enable a history completer with a history of entries. void setHistoryCompleter(const QString &historyKey, bool restoreLastItemFromHistory = false); // Sets a macro expander that is used when producing path and fileName. // By default, the global expander is used. // nullptr can be passed to disable macro expansion. void setMacroExpander(const MacroExpander *macroExpander); bool isReadOnly() const; void setReadOnly(bool b); void triggerChanged(); // global handler for adding context menus to ALL pathchooser // used by the coreplugin to add "Open in Terminal" and "Open in Explorer" context menu actions using AboutToShowContextMenuHandler = std::function; static void setAboutToShowContextMenuHandler(AboutToShowContextMenuHandler handler); void setOpenTerminalHandler(const std::function &openTerminal); std::function openTerminalHandler() const; // this sets the placeHolderText to defaultValue and enables to use this as // input value during validation if the real value is empty // setting an empty QString will disable this and clear the placeHolderText void setDefaultValue(const QString &defaultValue); void setAllowPathFromDevice(bool allow); bool allowPathFromDevice() const; public slots: void setPath(const QString &); void setFilePath(const FilePath &); signals: void validChanged(bool validState); void rawPathChanged(); void textChanged(const QString &text); // Triggered from the line edit's textChanged() void editingFinished(); // Triggered from the line edit's editingFinished() void beforeBrowsing(); void browsingFinished(); void returnPressed(); private: // Deprecated, only used in property getter. // Use filePath().toString() or better suitable conversions. QString path() const { return filePath().toString(); } bool validatePath(FancyLineEdit *edit, QString *errorMessage) const; // Returns overridden title or the one from QString makeDialogTitle(const QString &title); void slotBrowse(); void contextMenuRequested(const QPoint &pos); PathChooserPrivate *d = nullptr; static AboutToShowContextMenuHandler s_aboutToShowContextMenuHandler; }; } // namespace Utils