// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0+ OR GPL-3.0 WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 #include "uncommentselection.h" #include "qtcassert.h" #include "multitextcursor.h" #include #include #include namespace Utils { CommentDefinition CommentDefinition::CppStyle = CommentDefinition("//", "/*", "*/"); CommentDefinition CommentDefinition::HashStyle = CommentDefinition("#"); CommentDefinition::CommentDefinition() = default; CommentDefinition::CommentDefinition(const QString &single, const QString &multiStart, const QString &multiEnd) : singleLine(single), multiLineStart(multiStart), multiLineEnd(multiEnd) { } bool CommentDefinition::isValid() const { return hasSingleLineStyle() || hasMultiLineStyle(); } bool CommentDefinition::hasSingleLineStyle() const { return !singleLine.isEmpty(); } bool CommentDefinition::hasMultiLineStyle() const { return !multiLineStart.isEmpty() && !multiLineEnd.isEmpty(); } static bool isComment(const QString &text, int index, const QString &commentType) { const int length = commentType.length(); Q_ASSERT(text.length() - index >= length); int i = 0; while (i < length) { if (text.at(index + i) != commentType.at(i)) return false; ++i; } return true; } QTextCursor unCommentSelection(const QTextCursor &cursorIn, const CommentDefinition &definition, bool preferSingleLine) { if (!definition.isValid()) return cursorIn; QTextCursor cursor = cursorIn; QTextDocument *doc = cursor.document(); cursor.beginEditBlock(); int pos = cursor.position(); int anchor = cursor.anchor(); int start = qMin(anchor, pos); int end = qMax(anchor, pos); bool anchorIsStart = (anchor == start); QTextBlock startBlock = doc->findBlock(start); QTextBlock endBlock = doc->findBlock(end); if (end > start && endBlock.position() == end) { --end; endBlock = endBlock.previous(); } bool doMultiLineStyleUncomment = false; bool doMultiLineStyleComment = false; bool doSingleLineStyleUncomment = false; bool hasSelection = cursor.hasSelection(); if (hasSelection && definition.hasMultiLineStyle() && !preferSingleLine) { QString startText = startBlock.text(); int startPos = start - startBlock.position(); const int multiLineStartLength = definition.multiLineStart.length(); bool hasLeadingCharacters = !startText.left(startPos).trimmed().isEmpty(); if (startPos >= multiLineStartLength && isComment(startText, startPos - multiLineStartLength, definition.multiLineStart)) { startPos -= multiLineStartLength; start -= multiLineStartLength; } bool hasSelStart = startPos <= startText.length() - multiLineStartLength && isComment(startText, startPos, definition.multiLineStart); QString endText = endBlock.text(); int endPos = end - endBlock.position(); const int multiLineEndLength = definition.multiLineEnd.length(); bool hasTrailingCharacters = !endText.left(endPos).remove(definition.singleLine).trimmed().isEmpty() && !endText.mid(endPos).trimmed().isEmpty(); if (endPos <= endText.length() - multiLineEndLength && isComment(endText, endPos, definition.multiLineEnd)) { endPos += multiLineEndLength; end += multiLineEndLength; } bool hasSelEnd = endPos >= multiLineEndLength && isComment(endText, endPos - multiLineEndLength, definition.multiLineEnd); doMultiLineStyleUncomment = hasSelStart && hasSelEnd; doMultiLineStyleComment = !doMultiLineStyleUncomment && (hasLeadingCharacters || hasTrailingCharacters || !definition.hasSingleLineStyle()); } else if (!hasSelection && !definition.hasSingleLineStyle()) { QString text = startBlock.text().trimmed(); doMultiLineStyleUncomment = text.startsWith(definition.multiLineStart) && text.endsWith(definition.multiLineEnd); doMultiLineStyleComment = !doMultiLineStyleUncomment && !text.isEmpty(); start = startBlock.position(); end = endBlock.position() + endBlock.length() - 1; if (doMultiLineStyleUncomment) { int offset = 0; text = startBlock.text(); const int length = text.length(); while (offset < length && text.at(offset).isSpace()) ++offset; start += offset; } } if (doMultiLineStyleUncomment) { cursor.setPosition(end); cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::PreviousCharacter, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor, definition.multiLineEnd.length()); cursor.removeSelectedText(); cursor.setPosition(start); cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::NextCharacter, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor, definition.multiLineStart.length()); cursor.removeSelectedText(); } else if (doMultiLineStyleComment) { cursor.setPosition(end); cursor.insertText(definition.multiLineEnd); cursor.setPosition(start); cursor.insertText(definition.multiLineStart); } else { endBlock = endBlock.next(); doSingleLineStyleUncomment = true; for (QTextBlock block = startBlock; block != endBlock; block = block.next()) { QString text = block.text().trimmed(); if (!text.isEmpty() && !text.startsWith(definition.singleLine)) { doSingleLineStyleUncomment = false; break; } } const int singleLineLength = definition.singleLine.length(); for (QTextBlock block = startBlock; block != endBlock; block = block.next()) { if (doSingleLineStyleUncomment) { QString text = block.text(); int i = 0; while (i <= text.size() - singleLineLength) { if (isComment(text, i, definition.singleLine)) { cursor.setPosition(block.position() + i); cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::NextCharacter, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor, singleLineLength); cursor.removeSelectedText(); break; } if (!text.at(i).isSpace()) break; ++i; } } else { const QString text = block.text(); for (QChar c : text) { if (!c.isSpace()) { if (definition.isAfterWhiteSpaces) cursor.setPosition(block.position() + text.indexOf(c)); else cursor.setPosition(block.position()); cursor.insertText(definition.singleLine); break; } } } } } cursor.endEditBlock(); cursor = cursorIn; // adjust selection when commenting out if (hasSelection && !doMultiLineStyleUncomment && !doSingleLineStyleUncomment) { if (!doMultiLineStyleComment) start = startBlock.position(); // move the comment into the selection int lastSelPos = anchorIsStart ? cursor.position() : cursor.anchor(); if (anchorIsStart) { cursor.setPosition(start); cursor.setPosition(lastSelPos, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor); } else { cursor.setPosition(lastSelPos); cursor.setPosition(start, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor); } } return cursor; } MultiTextCursor unCommentSelection(const MultiTextCursor &cursorIn, const CommentDefinition &definiton, bool preferSingleLine) { if (cursorIn.isNull()) return cursorIn; if (!cursorIn.hasMultipleCursors()) return MultiTextCursor({unCommentSelection(cursorIn.mainCursor(), definiton, preferSingleLine)}); QMap cursors; for (const QTextCursor &c : cursorIn) { QTextBlock block = c.document()->findBlock(c.selectionStart()); QTC_ASSERT(block.isValid(), continue); QTextBlock end = c.document()->findBlock(c.selectionEnd()); QTC_ASSERT(end.isValid(), continue); end = end.next(); while (block != end && block.isValid()) { if (!cursors.contains(block.blockNumber())) cursors.insert(block.blockNumber(), QTextCursor(block)); block = block.next(); } } for (const QTextCursor &c : cursors) unCommentSelection(c, definiton, /*always prefer single line for multi cursor*/ true); return cursorIn; } } // namespace Utils