// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0+ OR GPL-3.0 WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 #include "gtesttreeitem.h" #include "gtestconfiguration.h" #include "gtestconstants.h" #include "gtestframework.h" #include "gtestparser.h" #include "../autotesttr.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Autotest { namespace Internal { static QString matchingString() { return Tr::tr(""); } static QString notMatchingString() { return Tr::tr(""); } static QString gtestFilter(GTestTreeItem::TestStates states) { if ((states & GTestTreeItem::Parameterized) && (states & GTestTreeItem::Typed)) return QString("*/%1/*.%2"); if (states & GTestTreeItem::Parameterized) return QString("*/%1.%2/*"); if (states & GTestTreeItem::Typed) return QString("%1/*.%2"); return QString("%1.%2"); } TestTreeItem *GTestTreeItem::copyWithoutChildren() { GTestTreeItem *copied = new GTestTreeItem(framework()); copied->copyBasicDataFrom(this); copied->m_state = m_state; return copied; } static QString wildCardPattern(const QString &original) { QString pattern = original; pattern.replace('.', "\\."); pattern.replace('$', "\\$"); pattern.replace('(', "\\(").replace(')', "\\)"); pattern.replace('[', "\\[").replace(']', "\\]"); pattern.replace('{', "\\{").replace('}', "\\}"); pattern.replace('+', "\\+"); pattern.replace('*', ".*"); pattern.replace('?', '.'); return pattern; } static bool matchesFilter(const QString &filter, const QString &fullTestName) { QStringList positive; QStringList negative; int startOfNegative = filter.indexOf('-'); if (startOfNegative == -1) { positive.append(filter.split(':', Qt::SkipEmptyParts)); } else { positive.append(filter.left(startOfNegative).split(':', Qt::SkipEmptyParts)); negative.append(filter.mid(startOfNegative + 1).split(':', Qt::SkipEmptyParts)); } QString testName = fullTestName; if (!testName.contains('.')) testName.append('.'); for (const QString &curr : negative) { QRegularExpression regex(wildCardPattern(curr)); if (regex.match(testName).hasMatch()) return false; } for (const QString &curr : positive) { QRegularExpression regex(wildCardPattern(curr)); if (regex.match(testName).hasMatch()) return true; } return positive.isEmpty(); } QSet internalTargets(const TestTreeItem &item); QVariant GTestTreeItem::data(int column, int role) const { switch (role) { case Qt::DisplayRole: { if (type() == TestTreeItem::Root) break; const QString &displayName = (m_state & Disabled) ? name().mid(9) : name(); return QVariant(displayName + nameSuffix()); } case Qt::DecorationRole: if (type() == GroupNode && GTestFramework::groupMode() == GTest::Constants::GTestFilter) { static const QIcon filterIcon = Utils::Icon({{":/utils/images/filtericon.png", Utils::Theme::PanelTextColorMid}}).icon(); return filterIcon; } break; case Qt::ToolTipRole: if (type() == GroupNode && GTestFramework::groupMode() == GTest::Constants::GTestFilter) { const auto tpl = QString("



").arg(filePath().toString()); return tpl.arg(Tr::tr("Change GTest filter in use inside the settings.")); } break; case Qt::CheckStateRole: switch (type()) { case Root: case GroupNode: case TestSuite: case TestCase: return checked(); default: return QVariant(); } case ItalicRole: return false; case EnabledRole: return !(m_state & Disabled); default: break; } return TestTreeItem::data(column, role); } ITestConfiguration *GTestTreeItem::testConfiguration() const { ProjectExplorer::Project *project = ProjectExplorer::SessionManager::startupProject(); QTC_ASSERT(project, return nullptr); GTestConfiguration *config = nullptr; switch (type()) { case TestSuite: { const QString &testSpecifier = gtestFilter(state()).arg(name()).arg('*'); if (int count = childCount()) { config = new GTestConfiguration(framework()); config->setTestCases(QStringList(testSpecifier)); config->setTestCaseCount(count); config->setProjectFile(proFile()); config->setProject(project); } break; } case TestCase: { GTestTreeItem *parent = static_cast(parentItem()); if (!parent) return nullptr; const QString &testSpecifier = gtestFilter(parent->state()).arg(parent->name()).arg(name()); config = new GTestConfiguration(framework()); config->setTestCases(QStringList(testSpecifier)); config->setProjectFile(proFile()); config->setProject(project); break; } default: return nullptr; } if (config) config->setInternalTargets(internalTargets(*this)); return config; } ITestConfiguration *GTestTreeItem::debugConfiguration() const { GTestConfiguration *config = static_cast(testConfiguration()); if (config) config->setRunMode(TestRunMode::Debug); return config; } struct GTestCases { QStringList filters; int testSetCount = 0; QSet internalTargets; }; static void collectTestInfo(const GTestTreeItem *item, QHash &testCasesForProFile, bool ignoreCheckState) { QTC_ASSERT(item, return); if (item->type() == TestTreeItem::GroupNode) { for (int row = 0, count = item->childCount(); row < count; ++row) { auto child = static_cast(item->childAt(row)); collectTestInfo(child, testCasesForProFile, ignoreCheckState); } return; } const int childCount = item->childCount(); QTC_ASSERT(childCount != 0, return); QTC_ASSERT(item->type() == TestTreeItem::TestSuite, return); if (ignoreCheckState || item->checked() == Qt::Checked) { const Utils::FilePath &projectFile = item->childItem(0)->proFile(); testCasesForProFile[projectFile].filters.append( gtestFilter(item->state()).arg(item->name()).arg('*')); testCasesForProFile[projectFile].testSetCount += childCount - 1; testCasesForProFile[projectFile].internalTargets.unite(internalTargets(*item)); } else if (item->checked() == Qt::PartiallyChecked) { item->forFirstLevelChildItems([&testCasesForProFile, item](TestTreeItem *child){ QTC_ASSERT(child->type() == TestTreeItem::TestCase, return); if (child->checked() == Qt::Checked) { testCasesForProFile[child->proFile()].filters.append( gtestFilter(item->state()).arg(item->name()).arg(child->name())); testCasesForProFile[child->proFile()].internalTargets.unite( internalTargets(*child)); } }); } } static void collectFailedTestInfo(const GTestTreeItem *item, QHash &testCasesForProfile) { QTC_ASSERT(item, return); QTC_ASSERT(item->type() == TestTreeItem::Root, return); item->forAllChildItems([&testCasesForProfile](TestTreeItem *it) { QTC_ASSERT(it, return); GTestTreeItem *parent = static_cast(it->parentItem()); QTC_ASSERT(parent, return); if (it->type() == TestTreeItem::TestCase && it->data(0, FailedRole).toBool()) { testCasesForProfile[it->proFile()].filters.append( gtestFilter(parent->state()).arg(parent->name()).arg(it->name())); testCasesForProfile[it->proFile()].internalTargets.unite( internalTargets(*it)); } }); } QList GTestTreeItem::getTestConfigurations(bool ignoreCheckState) const { QList result; ProjectExplorer::Project *project = ProjectExplorer::SessionManager::startupProject(); if (!project || type() != Root) return result; QHash testCasesForProFile; for (int row = 0, count = childCount(); row < count; ++row) { auto child = static_cast(childAt(row)); collectTestInfo(child, testCasesForProFile, ignoreCheckState); } for (auto it = testCasesForProFile.begin(), end = testCasesForProFile.end(); it != end; ++it) { for (const QString &target : std::as_const(it.value().internalTargets)) { GTestConfiguration *tc = new GTestConfiguration(framework()); if (!ignoreCheckState) tc->setTestCases(it.value().filters); tc->setTestCaseCount(tc->testCaseCount() + it.value().testSetCount); tc->setProjectFile(it.key()); tc->setProject(project); tc->setInternalTarget(target); result << tc; } } return result; } QList GTestTreeItem::getAllTestConfigurations() const { return getTestConfigurations(true); } QList GTestTreeItem::getSelectedTestConfigurations() const { return getTestConfigurations(false); } QList GTestTreeItem::getFailedTestConfigurations() const { QList result; ProjectExplorer::Project *project = ProjectExplorer::SessionManager::startupProject(); if (!project || type() != Root) return result; QHash testCasesForProFile; collectFailedTestInfo(this, testCasesForProFile); for (auto it = testCasesForProFile.begin(), end = testCasesForProFile.end(); it != end; ++it) { for (const QString &target : std::as_const(it.value().internalTargets)) { GTestConfiguration *tc = new GTestConfiguration(framework()); tc->setTestCases(it.value().filters); tc->setTestCaseCount(tc->testCaseCount() + it.value().testSetCount); tc->setProjectFile(it.key()); tc->setProject(project); tc->setInternalTarget(target); result << tc; } } return result; } QList GTestTreeItem::getTestConfigurationsForFile(const Utils::FilePath &fileName) const { QList result; ProjectExplorer::Project *project = ProjectExplorer::SessionManager::startupProject(); if (!project || type() != Root) return result; QHash testCases; forAllChildItems([&testCases, &fileName](TestTreeItem *node) { if (node->type() == Type::TestCase && node->filePath() == fileName) { QTC_ASSERT(node->parentItem(), return); const GTestTreeItem *testCase = static_cast(node->parentItem()); QTC_ASSERT(testCase->type() == Type::TestSuite, return); GTestCases &cases = testCases[testCase->proFile()]; cases.filters.append( gtestFilter(testCase->state()).arg(testCase->name(), node->name())); cases.internalTargets.unite(internalTargets(*node)); } }); for (auto it = testCases.begin(), end = testCases.end(); it != end; ++it) { for (const QString &target : std::as_const(it.value().internalTargets)) { GTestConfiguration *tc = new GTestConfiguration(framework()); tc->setTestCases(it.value().filters); tc->setProjectFile(it.key()); tc->setProject(project); tc->setInternalTarget(target); result << tc; } } return result; } TestTreeItem *GTestTreeItem::find(const TestParseResult *result) { QTC_ASSERT(result, return nullptr); const GTestParseResult *parseResult = static_cast(result); GTestTreeItem::TestStates states = parseResult->disabled ? GTestTreeItem::Disabled : GTestTreeItem::Enabled; if (parseResult->parameterized) states |= GTestTreeItem::Parameterized; if (parseResult->typed) states |= GTestTreeItem::Typed; switch (type()) { case Root: if (result->framework->grouping()) { if (GTestFramework::groupMode() == GTest::Constants::Directory) { const Utils::FilePath base = parseResult->fileName.absolutePath(); for (int row = 0; row < childCount(); ++row) { GTestTreeItem *group = static_cast(childAt(row)); if (group->filePath() != base.absoluteFilePath()) continue; if (auto groupChild = group->findChildByNameStateAndFile( parseResult->name, states,parseResult->proFile)) { return groupChild; } } return nullptr; } else { // GTestFilter QTC_ASSERT(parseResult->children.size(), return nullptr); auto fstChild = static_cast(parseResult->children.at(0)); bool matching = matchesFilter(GTestFramework::currentGTestFilter(), parseResult->name + '.' + fstChild->name); for (int row = 0; row < childCount(); ++row) { GTestTreeItem *group = static_cast(childAt(row)); if ((matching && group->name() == matchingString()) || (!matching && group->name() == notMatchingString())) { if (auto groupChild = group->findChildByNameStateAndFile( parseResult->name, states, parseResult->proFile)) return groupChild; } } return nullptr; } } return findChildByNameStateAndFile(parseResult->name, states, parseResult->proFile); case GroupNode: return findChildByNameStateAndFile(parseResult->name, states, parseResult->proFile); case TestSuite: return findChildByNameAndFile(result->name, result->fileName); default: return nullptr; } } TestTreeItem *GTestTreeItem::findChild(const TestTreeItem *other) { QTC_ASSERT(other, return nullptr); const Type otherType = other->type(); switch (type()) { case Root: { TestTreeItem *result = nullptr; if (otherType == GroupNode) { result = findChildByNameAndFile(other->name(), other->filePath()); } else if (otherType == TestSuite) { auto gtOther = static_cast(other); result = findChildByNameStateAndFile(gtOther->name(), gtOther->state(), gtOther->proFile()); } return (result && result->type() == otherType) ? result : nullptr; } case GroupNode: { auto gtOther = static_cast(other); return otherType == TestSuite ? findChildByNameStateAndFile(gtOther->name(), gtOther->state(), gtOther->proFile()) : nullptr; } case TestSuite: return otherType == TestCase ? findChildByNameAndFile(other->name(), other->filePath()) : nullptr; default: return nullptr; } } bool GTestTreeItem::modify(const TestParseResult *result) { QTC_ASSERT(result, return false); switch (type()) { case TestCase: return modifyTestSetContent(static_cast(result)); default: return false; } } TestTreeItem *GTestTreeItem::createParentGroupNode() const { if (GTestFramework::groupMode() == GTest::Constants::Directory) { const Utils::FilePath &absPath = filePath().absolutePath(); return new GTestTreeItem(framework(), absPath.baseName(), absPath, TestTreeItem::GroupNode); } else { // GTestFilter QTC_ASSERT(childCount(), return nullptr); // paranoia const TestTreeItem *firstChild = childItem(0); const QString activeFilter = GTestFramework::currentGTestFilter(); const QString fullTestName = name() + '.' + firstChild->name(); const QString groupNodeName = matchesFilter(activeFilter, fullTestName) ? matchingString() : notMatchingString(); // FIXME activeFilter is not a FilePath auto groupNode = new GTestTreeItem(framework(), groupNodeName, Utils::FilePath::fromString(activeFilter), TestTreeItem::GroupNode); if (groupNodeName == notMatchingString()) groupNode->setData(0, Qt::Unchecked, Qt::CheckStateRole); return groupNode; } } bool GTestTreeItem::modifyTestSetContent(const GTestParseResult *result) { bool hasBeenModified = modifyLineAndColumn(result); GTestTreeItem::TestStates states = result->disabled ? GTestTreeItem::Disabled : GTestTreeItem::Enabled; if (m_state != states) { m_state = states; hasBeenModified = true; } return hasBeenModified; } TestTreeItem *GTestTreeItem::findChildByNameStateAndFile(const QString &name, GTestTreeItem::TestStates state, const Utils::FilePath &proFile) const { return findFirstLevelChildItem([name, state, proFile](const TestTreeItem *other) { const GTestTreeItem *gtestItem = static_cast(other); return other->proFile() == proFile && other->name() == name && gtestItem->state() == state; }); } QString GTestTreeItem::nameSuffix() const { static QString markups[] = {Tr::tr("parameterized"), Tr::tr("typed")}; QString suffix; if (m_state & Parameterized) suffix = QString(" [") + markups[0]; if (m_state & Typed) suffix += (suffix.isEmpty() ? QString(" [") : QString(", ")) + markups[1]; if (!suffix.isEmpty()) suffix += ']'; return suffix; } QSet internalTargets(const TestTreeItem &item) { QSet result; const auto cppMM = CppEditor::CppModelManager::instance(); const auto projectInfo = cppMM->projectInfo(ProjectExplorer::SessionManager::startupProject()); if (!projectInfo) return {}; const Utils::FilePath filePath = item.filePath(); const QString file = filePath.toString(); const QVector projectParts = projectInfo->projectParts(); if (projectParts.isEmpty()) return cppMM->dependingInternalTargets(item.filePath()); for (const CppEditor::ProjectPart::ConstPtr &projectPart : projectParts) { if (Utils::FilePath::fromString(projectPart->projectFile) == item.proFile() && Utils::anyOf(projectPart->files, [&file](const CppEditor::ProjectFile &pf) { return pf.path == file; })) { result.insert(projectPart->buildSystemTarget); if (projectPart->buildTargetType != ProjectExplorer::BuildTargetType::Executable) result.unite(cppMM->dependingInternalTargets(filePath)); } } return result; } bool GTestTreeItem::isGroupNodeFor(const TestTreeItem *other) const { QTC_ASSERT(other, return false); if (type() != TestTreeItem::GroupNode) return false; if (GTestFramework::groupMode() == GTest::Constants::Directory) { return other->filePath().absolutePath() == filePath(); } else { // GTestFilter QString fullName; if (other->type() == TestSuite) { fullName = other->name(); if (other->childCount()) fullName += '.' + other->childAt(0)->name(); } else if (other->type() == TestCase) { QTC_ASSERT(other->parentItem(), return false); fullName = other->parentItem()->name() + '.' + other->name(); } else if (other->type() == GroupNode) { // can happen on a rebuild if only filter changes return false; } else { QTC_ASSERT(false, return false); } // FIXME gtest filter is no FilePath if (GTestFramework::currentGTestFilter() != filePath().toString()) // filter has changed in settings return false; bool matches = matchesFilter(filePath().toString(), fullName); return (matches && name() == matchingString()) || (!matches && name() == notMatchingString()); } } bool GTestTreeItem::isGroupable() const { return type() == TestSuite; } TestTreeItem *GTestTreeItem::applyFilters() { if (type() != TestSuite) return nullptr; if (GTestFramework::groupMode() != GTest::Constants::GTestFilter) return nullptr; const QString gtestFilter = GTestFramework::currentGTestFilter(); TestTreeItem *filtered = nullptr; for (int row = childCount() - 1; row >= 0; --row) { GTestTreeItem *child = static_cast(childAt(row)); if (!matchesFilter(gtestFilter, name() + '.' + child->name())) { if (!filtered) { filtered = copyWithoutChildren(); filtered->setData(0, Qt::Unchecked, Qt::CheckStateRole); } auto childCopy = child->copyWithoutChildren(); childCopy->setData(0, Qt::Unchecked, Qt::CheckStateRole); filtered->appendChild(childCopy); removeChildAt(row); } } return filtered; } bool GTestTreeItem::shouldBeAddedAfterFiltering() const { return type() == TestTreeItem::TestCase || childCount(); } } // namespace Internal } // namespace Autotest