Bazaar::Internal::PullOrPushDialog 0 0 477 388 Dialog Branch Location Default location true Local filesystem: false For example: 'https://[user[:pass]@]host[:port]/[path]'. Specify URL: false For example: 'https://[user[:pass]@]host[:port]/[path]'. Options false Remember specified location as default Ignores differences between branches and overwrites unconditionally. Overwrite By default, push will fail if the target directory exists, but does not already have a control directory. This flag will allow push to proceed. Use existing directory Creates the path leading up to the branch if it does not already exist. Create prefix Revision: Performs a local pull in a bound branch. Local pulls are not applied to the master branch. Local Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok Qt::Vertical 20 4 Utils::PathChooser QWidget
1 editingFinished() browsingFinished()
defaultButton localButton urlButton urlLineEdit rememberCheckBox overwriteCheckBox localCheckBox useExistingDirCheckBox createPrefixCheckBox revisionLineEdit buttonBox accepted() Bazaar::Internal::PullOrPushDialog accept() 257 177 157 274 buttonBox rejected() Bazaar::Internal::PullOrPushDialog reject() 325 177 286 274 urlButton toggled(bool) urlLineEdit setEnabled(bool) 80 121 332 123 localButton toggled(bool) localPathChooser setEnabled(bool) 112 81 346 81 urlButton toggled(bool) rememberCheckBox setEnabled(bool) 71 92 163 153 localButton toggled(bool) rememberCheckBox setEnabled(bool) 71 67 163 153