/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2016 Canonical Ltd. ** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/ ** ** This file is part of Qt Creator. ** ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms ** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further ** information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU ** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following ** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will ** be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html. ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "cmakekitinformation.h" #include "cmakeprojectconstants.h" #include "cmakeprojectplugin.h" #include "cmakespecificsettings.h" #include "cmaketool.h" #include "cmaketoolmanager.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace ProjectExplorer; using namespace Utils; namespace CMakeProjectManager { // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // CMakeKitAspect: // -------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool isIos(const Kit *k) { const Id deviceType = DeviceTypeKitAspect::deviceTypeId(k); return deviceType == Ios::Constants::IOS_DEVICE_TYPE || deviceType == Ios::Constants::IOS_SIMULATOR_TYPE; } static Id defaultCMakeToolId() { CMakeTool *defaultTool = CMakeToolManager::defaultCMakeTool(); return defaultTool ? defaultTool->id() : Id(); } const char TOOL_ID[] = "CMakeProjectManager.CMakeKitInformation"; class CMakeKitAspectWidget final : public KitAspectWidget { Q_DECLARE_TR_FUNCTIONS(CMakeProjectManager::Internal::CMakeKitAspect) public: CMakeKitAspectWidget(Kit *kit, const KitAspect *ki) : KitAspectWidget(kit, ki), m_comboBox(createSubWidget()), m_manageButton(createManageButton(Constants::CMAKE_SETTINGS_PAGE_ID)) { m_comboBox->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Ignored, m_comboBox->sizePolicy().verticalPolicy()); m_comboBox->setEnabled(false); m_comboBox->setToolTip(ki->description()); foreach (CMakeTool *tool, CMakeToolManager::cmakeTools()) cmakeToolAdded(tool->id()); updateComboBox(); refresh(); connect(m_comboBox, QOverload::of(&QComboBox::currentIndexChanged), this, &CMakeKitAspectWidget::currentCMakeToolChanged); CMakeToolManager *cmakeMgr = CMakeToolManager::instance(); connect(cmakeMgr, &CMakeToolManager::cmakeAdded, this, &CMakeKitAspectWidget::cmakeToolAdded); connect(cmakeMgr, &CMakeToolManager::cmakeRemoved, this, &CMakeKitAspectWidget::cmakeToolRemoved); connect(cmakeMgr, &CMakeToolManager::cmakeUpdated, this, &CMakeKitAspectWidget::cmakeToolUpdated); } ~CMakeKitAspectWidget() override { delete m_comboBox; delete m_manageButton; } private: // KitAspectWidget interface void makeReadOnly() override { m_comboBox->setEnabled(false); } void addToLayout(LayoutBuilder &builder) override { addMutableAction(m_comboBox); builder.addItem(m_comboBox); builder.addItem(m_manageButton); } void refresh() override { CMakeTool *tool = CMakeKitAspect::cmakeTool(m_kit); m_comboBox->setCurrentIndex(tool ? indexOf(tool->id()) : -1); } int indexOf(Id id) { for (int i = 0; i < m_comboBox->count(); ++i) { if (id == Id::fromSetting(m_comboBox->itemData(i))) return i; } return -1; } void updateComboBox() { // remove unavailable cmake tool: int pos = indexOf(Id()); if (pos >= 0) m_comboBox->removeItem(pos); if (m_comboBox->count() == 0) { m_comboBox->addItem(tr(""), Id().toSetting()); m_comboBox->setEnabled(false); } else { m_comboBox->setEnabled(true); } } void cmakeToolAdded(Id id) { const CMakeTool *tool = CMakeToolManager::findById(id); QTC_ASSERT(tool, return); m_comboBox->addItem(tool->displayName(), tool->id().toSetting()); updateComboBox(); refresh(); } void cmakeToolUpdated(Id id) { const int pos = indexOf(id); QTC_ASSERT(pos >= 0, return); const CMakeTool *tool = CMakeToolManager::findById(id); QTC_ASSERT(tool, return); m_comboBox->setItemText(pos, tool->displayName()); } void cmakeToolRemoved(Id id) { const int pos = indexOf(id); QTC_ASSERT(pos >= 0, return); // do not handle the current index changed signal m_removingItem = true; m_comboBox->removeItem(pos); m_removingItem = false; // update the checkbox and set the current index updateComboBox(); refresh(); } void currentCMakeToolChanged(int index) { if (m_removingItem) return; const Id id = Id::fromSetting(m_comboBox->itemData(index)); CMakeKitAspect::setCMakeTool(m_kit, id); } bool m_removingItem = false; QComboBox *m_comboBox; QWidget *m_manageButton; }; CMakeKitAspect::CMakeKitAspect() { setObjectName(QLatin1String("CMakeKitAspect")); setId(TOOL_ID); setDisplayName(tr("CMake Tool")); setDescription(tr("The CMake Tool to use when building a project with CMake.
" "This setting is ignored when using other build systems.")); setPriority(20000); //make sure the default value is set if a selected CMake is removed connect(CMakeToolManager::instance(), &CMakeToolManager::cmakeRemoved, [this] { for (Kit *k : KitManager::kits()) fix(k); }); //make sure the default value is set if a new default CMake is set connect(CMakeToolManager::instance(), &CMakeToolManager::defaultCMakeChanged, [this] { for (Kit *k : KitManager::kits()) fix(k); }); } Id CMakeKitAspect::id() { return TOOL_ID; } Id CMakeKitAspect::cmakeToolId(const Kit *k) { if (!k) return {}; return Id::fromSetting(k->value(TOOL_ID)); } CMakeTool *CMakeKitAspect::cmakeTool(const Kit *k) { return CMakeToolManager::findById(cmakeToolId(k)); } void CMakeKitAspect::setCMakeTool(Kit *k, const Id id) { const Id toSet = id.isValid() ? id : defaultCMakeToolId(); QTC_ASSERT(!id.isValid() || CMakeToolManager::findById(toSet), return); if (k) k->setValue(TOOL_ID, toSet.toSetting()); } Tasks CMakeKitAspect::validate(const Kit *k) const { Tasks result; CMakeTool *tool = CMakeKitAspect::cmakeTool(k); if (tool) { CMakeTool::Version version = tool->version(); if (version.major < 3 || (version.major == 3 && version.minor < 14)) { result << BuildSystemTask(Task::Warning, msgUnsupportedVersion(version.fullVersion)); } } return result; } void CMakeKitAspect::setup(Kit *k) { CMakeTool *tool = CMakeKitAspect::cmakeTool(k); if (tool) return; // Look for a suitable auto-detected one: const QString kitSource = k->autoDetectionSource(); for (CMakeTool *tool : CMakeToolManager::cmakeTools()) { const QString toolSource = tool->detectionSource(); if (!toolSource.isEmpty() && toolSource == kitSource) { setCMakeTool(k, tool->id()); return; } } setCMakeTool(k, defaultCMakeToolId()); } void CMakeKitAspect::fix(Kit *k) { setup(k); } KitAspect::ItemList CMakeKitAspect::toUserOutput(const Kit *k) const { const CMakeTool *const tool = cmakeTool(k); return {{tr("CMake"), tool ? tool->displayName() : tr("Unconfigured")}}; } KitAspectWidget *CMakeKitAspect::createConfigWidget(Kit *k) const { QTC_ASSERT(k, return nullptr); return new CMakeKitAspectWidget(k, this); } void CMakeKitAspect::addToMacroExpander(Kit *k, MacroExpander *expander) const { QTC_ASSERT(k, return); expander->registerFileVariables("CMake:Executable", tr("Path to the cmake executable"), [k] { CMakeTool *tool = CMakeKitAspect::cmakeTool(k); return tool ? tool->cmakeExecutable() : FilePath(); }); } QSet CMakeKitAspect::availableFeatures(const Kit *k) const { if (cmakeTool(k)) return { CMakeProjectManager::Constants::CMAKE_FEATURE_ID }; return {}; } QString CMakeKitAspect::msgUnsupportedVersion(const QByteArray &versionString) { return tr("CMake version %1 is unsupported. Please update to " "version 3.14 (with file-api) or later.") .arg(QString::fromUtf8(versionString)); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // CMakeGeneratorKitAspect: // -------------------------------------------------------------------- const char GENERATOR_ID[] = "CMake.GeneratorKitInformation"; const char GENERATOR_KEY[] = "Generator"; const char EXTRA_GENERATOR_KEY[] = "ExtraGenerator"; const char PLATFORM_KEY[] = "Platform"; const char TOOLSET_KEY[] = "Toolset"; class CMakeGeneratorKitAspectWidget final : public KitAspectWidget { Q_DECLARE_TR_FUNCTIONS(CMakeProjectManager::Internal::CMakeGeneratorKitAspect) public: CMakeGeneratorKitAspectWidget(Kit *kit, const KitAspect *ki) : KitAspectWidget(kit, ki), m_label(createSubWidget()), m_changeButton(createSubWidget()) { m_label->setToolTip(ki->description()); m_changeButton->setText(tr("Change...")); refresh(); connect(m_changeButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &CMakeGeneratorKitAspectWidget::changeGenerator); } ~CMakeGeneratorKitAspectWidget() override { delete m_label; delete m_changeButton; } private: // KitAspectWidget interface void makeReadOnly() override { m_changeButton->setEnabled(false); } void addToLayout(LayoutBuilder &builder) override { addMutableAction(m_label); builder.addItem(m_label); builder.addItem(m_changeButton); } void refresh() override { if (m_ignoreChange) return; CMakeTool *const tool = CMakeKitAspect::cmakeTool(m_kit); if (tool != m_currentTool) m_currentTool = tool; m_changeButton->setEnabled(m_currentTool); const QString generator = CMakeGeneratorKitAspect::generator(kit()); const QString extraGenerator = CMakeGeneratorKitAspect::extraGenerator(kit()); const QString platform = CMakeGeneratorKitAspect::platform(kit()); const QString toolset = CMakeGeneratorKitAspect::toolset(kit()); const QString message = tr("%1 - %2, Platform: %3, Toolset: %4") .arg(extraGenerator.isEmpty() ? tr("") : extraGenerator) .arg(generator.isEmpty() ? tr("") : generator) .arg(platform.isEmpty() ? tr("") : platform) .arg(toolset.isEmpty() ? tr("") : toolset); m_label->setText(message); } void changeGenerator() { QPointer changeDialog = new QDialog(m_changeButton); // Disable help button in titlebar on windows: Qt::WindowFlags flags = changeDialog->windowFlags(); flags |= Qt::MSWindowsFixedSizeDialogHint; changeDialog->setWindowFlags(flags); changeDialog->setWindowTitle(tr("CMake Generator")); auto layout = new QGridLayout(changeDialog); layout->setSizeConstraint(QLayout::SetFixedSize); auto cmakeLabel = new QLabel; cmakeLabel->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Fixed); auto generatorCombo = new QComboBox; auto extraGeneratorCombo = new QComboBox; auto platformEdit = new QLineEdit; auto toolsetEdit = new QLineEdit; int row = 0; layout->addWidget(new QLabel(QLatin1String("Executable:"))); layout->addWidget(cmakeLabel, row, 1); ++row; layout->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Generator:")), row, 0); layout->addWidget(generatorCombo, row, 1); ++row; layout->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Extra generator:")), row, 0); layout->addWidget(extraGeneratorCombo, row, 1); ++row; layout->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Platform:")), row, 0); layout->addWidget(platformEdit, row, 1); ++row; layout->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Toolset:")), row, 0); layout->addWidget(toolsetEdit, row, 1); ++row; auto bb = new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Ok|QDialogButtonBox::Cancel); layout->addWidget(bb, row, 0, 1, 2); connect(bb, &QDialogButtonBox::accepted, changeDialog.data(), &QDialog::accept); connect(bb, &QDialogButtonBox::rejected, changeDialog.data(), &QDialog::reject); cmakeLabel->setText(m_currentTool->cmakeExecutable().toUserOutput()); QList generatorList = m_currentTool->supportedGenerators(); Utils::sort(generatorList, &CMakeTool::Generator::name); for (auto it = generatorList.constBegin(); it != generatorList.constEnd(); ++it) generatorCombo->addItem(it->name); auto updateDialog = [&generatorList, generatorCombo, extraGeneratorCombo, platformEdit, toolsetEdit](const QString &name) { const auto it = std::find_if(generatorList.constBegin(), generatorList.constEnd(), [name](const CMakeTool::Generator &g) { return g.name == name; }); QTC_ASSERT(it != generatorList.constEnd(), return); generatorCombo->setCurrentText(name); extraGeneratorCombo->clear(); extraGeneratorCombo->addItem(tr(""), QString()); for (const QString &eg : qAsConst(it->extraGenerators)) extraGeneratorCombo->addItem(eg, eg); extraGeneratorCombo->setEnabled(extraGeneratorCombo->count() > 1); platformEdit->setEnabled(it->supportsPlatform); toolsetEdit->setEnabled(it->supportsToolset); }; updateDialog(CMakeGeneratorKitAspect::generator(kit())); generatorCombo->setCurrentText(CMakeGeneratorKitAspect::generator(kit())); extraGeneratorCombo->setCurrentText(CMakeGeneratorKitAspect::extraGenerator(kit())); platformEdit->setText(platformEdit->isEnabled() ? CMakeGeneratorKitAspect::platform(kit()) : QString()); toolsetEdit->setText(toolsetEdit->isEnabled() ? CMakeGeneratorKitAspect::toolset(kit()) : QString()); connect(generatorCombo, &QComboBox::currentTextChanged, updateDialog); if (changeDialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { if (!changeDialog) return; CMakeGeneratorKitAspect::set(kit(), generatorCombo->currentText(), extraGeneratorCombo->currentData().toString(), platformEdit->isEnabled() ? platformEdit->text() : QString(), toolsetEdit->isEnabled() ? toolsetEdit->text() : QString()); } } bool m_ignoreChange = false; ElidingLabel *m_label; QPushButton *m_changeButton; CMakeTool *m_currentTool = nullptr; }; namespace { class GeneratorInfo { public: GeneratorInfo() = default; GeneratorInfo(const QString &generator_, const QString &extraGenerator_ = QString(), const QString &platform_ = QString(), const QString &toolset_ = QString()) : generator(generator_) , extraGenerator(extraGenerator_) , platform(platform_) , toolset(toolset_) {} QVariant toVariant() const { QVariantMap result; result.insert(GENERATOR_KEY, generator); result.insert(EXTRA_GENERATOR_KEY, extraGenerator); result.insert(PLATFORM_KEY, platform); result.insert(TOOLSET_KEY, toolset); return result; } void fromVariant(const QVariant &v) { const QVariantMap value = v.toMap(); generator = value.value(GENERATOR_KEY).toString(); extraGenerator = value.value(EXTRA_GENERATOR_KEY).toString(); platform = value.value(PLATFORM_KEY).toString(); toolset = value.value(TOOLSET_KEY).toString(); } QString generator; QString extraGenerator; QString platform; QString toolset; }; } // namespace static GeneratorInfo generatorInfo(const Kit *k) { GeneratorInfo info; if (!k) return info; info.fromVariant(k->value(GENERATOR_ID)); return info; } static void setGeneratorInfo(Kit *k, const GeneratorInfo &info) { if (!k) return; k->setValue(GENERATOR_ID, info.toVariant()); } CMakeGeneratorKitAspect::CMakeGeneratorKitAspect() { setObjectName(QLatin1String("CMakeGeneratorKitAspect")); setId(GENERATOR_ID); setDisplayName(tr("CMake generator")); setDescription(tr("CMake generator defines how a project is built when using CMake.
" "This setting is ignored when using other build systems.")); setPriority(19000); } QString CMakeGeneratorKitAspect::generator(const Kit *k) { return generatorInfo(k).generator; } QString CMakeGeneratorKitAspect::extraGenerator(const Kit *k) { return generatorInfo(k).extraGenerator; } QString CMakeGeneratorKitAspect::platform(const Kit *k) { return generatorInfo(k).platform; } QString CMakeGeneratorKitAspect::toolset(const Kit *k) { return generatorInfo(k).toolset; } void CMakeGeneratorKitAspect::setGenerator(Kit *k, const QString &generator) { GeneratorInfo info = generatorInfo(k); info.generator = generator; setGeneratorInfo(k, info); } void CMakeGeneratorKitAspect::setExtraGenerator(Kit *k, const QString &extraGenerator) { GeneratorInfo info = generatorInfo(k); info.extraGenerator = extraGenerator; setGeneratorInfo(k, info); } void CMakeGeneratorKitAspect::setPlatform(Kit *k, const QString &platform) { GeneratorInfo info = generatorInfo(k); info.platform = platform; setGeneratorInfo(k, info); } void CMakeGeneratorKitAspect::setToolset(Kit *k, const QString &toolset) { GeneratorInfo info = generatorInfo(k); info.toolset = toolset; setGeneratorInfo(k, info); } void CMakeGeneratorKitAspect::set(Kit *k, const QString &generator, const QString &extraGenerator, const QString &platform, const QString &toolset) { GeneratorInfo info(generator, extraGenerator, platform, toolset); setGeneratorInfo(k, info); } QStringList CMakeGeneratorKitAspect::generatorArguments(const Kit *k) { QStringList result; GeneratorInfo info = generatorInfo(k); if (info.generator.isEmpty()) return result; if (info.extraGenerator.isEmpty()) { result.append("-G" + info.generator); } else { result.append("-G" + info.extraGenerator + " - " + info.generator); } if (!info.platform.isEmpty()) result.append("-A" + info.platform); if (!info.toolset.isEmpty()) result.append("-T" + info.toolset); return result; } bool CMakeGeneratorKitAspect::isMultiConfigGenerator(const Kit *k) { const QString generator = CMakeGeneratorKitAspect::generator(k); return generator.indexOf("Visual Studio") != -1 || generator == "Xcode" || generator == "Ninja Multi-Config"; } QVariant CMakeGeneratorKitAspect::defaultValue(const Kit *k) const { QTC_ASSERT(k, return QVariant()); CMakeTool *tool = CMakeKitAspect::cmakeTool(k); if (!tool) return QVariant(); if (isIos(k)) return GeneratorInfo("Xcode").toVariant(); const QList known = tool->supportedGenerators(); auto it = std::find_if(known.constBegin(), known.constEnd(), [](const CMakeTool::Generator &g) { return g.matches("Ninja"); }); if (it != known.constEnd()) { const bool hasNinja = [k]() { Internal::CMakeSpecificSettings *settings = Internal::CMakeProjectPlugin::projectTypeSpecificSettings(); if (settings->ninjaPath.filePath().isEmpty()) { Environment env = k->buildEnvironment(); return !env.searchInPath("ninja").isEmpty(); } return true; }(); if (hasNinja) return GeneratorInfo("Ninja").toVariant(); } if (tool->filePath().osType() == OsTypeWindows) { // *sigh* Windows with its zoo of incompatible stuff again... ToolChain *tc = ToolChainKitAspect::cxxToolChain(k); if (tc && tc->typeId() == ProjectExplorer::Constants::MINGW_TOOLCHAIN_TYPEID) { it = std::find_if(known.constBegin(), known.constEnd(), [](const CMakeTool::Generator &g) { return g.matches("MinGW Makefiles"); }); } else { it = std::find_if(known.constBegin(), known.constEnd(), [](const CMakeTool::Generator &g) { return g.matches("NMake Makefiles") || g.matches("NMake Makefiles JOM"); }); if (ProjectExplorerPlugin::projectExplorerSettings().useJom) { it = std::find_if(known.constBegin(), known.constEnd(), [](const CMakeTool::Generator &g) { return g.matches("NMake Makefiles JOM"); }); } if (it == known.constEnd()) { it = std::find_if(known.constBegin(), known.constEnd(), [](const CMakeTool::Generator &g) { return g.matches("NMake Makefiles"); }); } } } else { // Unix-oid OSes: it = std::find_if(known.constBegin(), known.constEnd(), [](const CMakeTool::Generator &g) { return g.matches("Unix Makefiles"); }); } if (it == known.constEnd()) it = known.constBegin(); // Fallback to the first generator... if (it == known.constEnd()) return QVariant(); return GeneratorInfo(it->name).toVariant(); } Tasks CMakeGeneratorKitAspect::validate(const Kit *k) const { CMakeTool *tool = CMakeKitAspect::cmakeTool(k); if (!tool) return {}; Tasks result; const auto addWarning = [&result](const QString &desc) { result << BuildSystemTask(Task::Warning, desc); }; if (!tool->isValid()) { addWarning(tr("CMake Tool is unconfigured, CMake generator will be ignored.")); } else { const GeneratorInfo info = generatorInfo(k); QList known = tool->supportedGenerators(); auto it = std::find_if(known.constBegin(), known.constEnd(), [info](const CMakeTool::Generator &g) { return g.matches(info.generator, info.extraGenerator); }); if (it == known.constEnd()) { addWarning(tr("CMake Tool does not support the configured generator.")); } else { if (!it->supportsPlatform && !info.platform.isEmpty()) addWarning(tr("Platform is not supported by the selected CMake generator.")); if (!it->supportsToolset && !info.toolset.isEmpty()) addWarning(tr("Toolset is not supported by the selected CMake generator.")); } if (!tool->hasFileApi()) { addWarning(tr("The selected CMake binary does not support file-api. " "%1 will not be able to parse CMake projects.") .arg(Core::Constants::IDE_DISPLAY_NAME)); } } return result; } void CMakeGeneratorKitAspect::setup(Kit *k) { if (!k || k->hasValue(id())) return; GeneratorInfo info; info.fromVariant(defaultValue(k)); setGeneratorInfo(k, info); } void CMakeGeneratorKitAspect::fix(Kit *k) { const CMakeTool *tool = CMakeKitAspect::cmakeTool(k); const GeneratorInfo info = generatorInfo(k); if (!tool) return; QList known = tool->supportedGenerators(); auto it = std::find_if(known.constBegin(), known.constEnd(), [info](const CMakeTool::Generator &g) { return g.matches(info.generator, info.extraGenerator); }); if (it == known.constEnd()) { GeneratorInfo dv; dv.fromVariant(defaultValue(k)); setGeneratorInfo(k, dv); } else { const GeneratorInfo dv(isIos(k) ? QString("Xcode") : info.generator, info.extraGenerator, it->supportsPlatform ? info.platform : QString(), it->supportsToolset ? info.toolset : QString()); setGeneratorInfo(k, dv); } } void CMakeGeneratorKitAspect::upgrade(Kit *k) { QTC_ASSERT(k, return); const QVariant value = k->value(GENERATOR_ID); if (value.type() != QVariant::Map) { GeneratorInfo info; const QString fullName = value.toString(); const int pos = fullName.indexOf(" - "); if (pos >= 0) { info.generator = fullName.mid(pos + 3); info.extraGenerator = fullName.mid(0, pos); } else { info.generator = fullName; } setGeneratorInfo(k, info); } } KitAspect::ItemList CMakeGeneratorKitAspect::toUserOutput(const Kit *k) const { const GeneratorInfo info = generatorInfo(k); QString message; if (info.generator.isEmpty()) { message = tr(""); } else { message = tr("Generator: %1
Extra generator: %2").arg(info.generator).arg(info.extraGenerator); if (!info.platform.isEmpty()) message += "
" + tr("Platform: %1").arg(info.platform); if (!info.toolset.isEmpty()) message += "
" + tr("Toolset: %1").arg(info.toolset); } return {{tr("CMake Generator"), message}}; } KitAspectWidget *CMakeGeneratorKitAspect::createConfigWidget(Kit *k) const { return new CMakeGeneratorKitAspectWidget(k, this); } void CMakeGeneratorKitAspect::addToBuildEnvironment(const Kit *k, Environment &env) const { GeneratorInfo info = generatorInfo(k); if (info.generator == "NMake Makefiles JOM") { if (env.searchInPath("jom.exe").exists()) return; env.appendOrSetPath(Core::ICore::libexecPath().toUserOutput()); env.appendOrSetPath(Core::ICore::libexecPath("jom").toUserOutput()); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // CMakeConfigurationKitAspect: // -------------------------------------------------------------------- const char CONFIGURATION_ID[] = "CMake.ConfigurationKitInformation"; const char CMAKE_C_TOOLCHAIN_KEY[] = "CMAKE_C_COMPILER"; const char CMAKE_CXX_TOOLCHAIN_KEY[] = "CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER"; const char CMAKE_QMAKE_KEY[] = "QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE"; const char CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH_KEY[] = "CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH"; class CMakeConfigurationKitAspectWidget final : public KitAspectWidget { Q_DECLARE_TR_FUNCTIONS(CMakeProjectManager::Internal::CMakeConfigurationKitAspect) public: CMakeConfigurationKitAspectWidget(Kit *kit, const KitAspect *ki) : KitAspectWidget(kit, ki), m_summaryLabel(createSubWidget()), m_manageButton(createSubWidget()) { refresh(); m_manageButton->setText(tr("Change...")); connect(m_manageButton, &QAbstractButton::clicked, this, &CMakeConfigurationKitAspectWidget::editConfigurationChanges); } private: // KitAspectWidget interface void addToLayout(LayoutBuilder &builder) override { addMutableAction(m_summaryLabel); builder.addItem(m_summaryLabel); builder.addItem(m_manageButton); } void makeReadOnly() override { m_manageButton->setEnabled(false); if (m_dialog) m_dialog->reject(); } void refresh() override { const QStringList current = CMakeConfigurationKitAspect::toStringList(kit()); m_summaryLabel->setText(current.join("; ")); if (m_editor) m_editor->setPlainText(current.join('\n')); } void editConfigurationChanges() { if (m_dialog) { m_dialog->activateWindow(); m_dialog->raise(); return; } QTC_ASSERT(!m_editor, return); m_dialog = new QDialog(m_summaryLabel->window()); m_dialog->setWindowTitle(tr("Edit CMake Configuration")); auto layout = new QVBoxLayout(m_dialog); m_editor = new QPlainTextEdit; m_editor->setToolTip(tr("Enter one variable per line with the variable name " "separated from the variable value by \"=\".
" "You may provide a type hint by adding \":TYPE\" before the \"=\".")); m_editor->setMinimumSize(800, 200); auto chooser = new VariableChooser(m_dialog); chooser->addSupportedWidget(m_editor); chooser->addMacroExpanderProvider([this]() { return kit()->macroExpander(); }); auto buttons = new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Ok|QDialogButtonBox::Apply |QDialogButtonBox::Reset|QDialogButtonBox::Cancel); layout->addWidget(m_editor); layout->addWidget(buttons); connect(buttons, &QDialogButtonBox::accepted, m_dialog, &QDialog::accept); connect(buttons, &QDialogButtonBox::rejected, m_dialog, &QDialog::reject); connect(buttons, &QDialogButtonBox::clicked, m_dialog, [buttons, this](QAbstractButton *button) { if (button != buttons->button(QDialogButtonBox::Reset)) return; CMakeConfigurationKitAspect::setConfiguration(kit(), CMakeConfigurationKitAspect::defaultConfiguration(kit())); }); connect(m_dialog, &QDialog::accepted, this, &CMakeConfigurationKitAspectWidget::acceptChangesDialog); connect(m_dialog, &QDialog::rejected, this, &CMakeConfigurationKitAspectWidget::closeChangesDialog); connect(buttons->button(QDialogButtonBox::Apply), &QAbstractButton::clicked, this, &CMakeConfigurationKitAspectWidget::applyChanges); refresh(); m_dialog->show(); } void applyChanges() { QTC_ASSERT(m_editor, return); CMakeConfigurationKitAspect::fromStringList(kit(), m_editor->toPlainText().split(QLatin1Char('\n'))); } void closeChangesDialog() { m_dialog->deleteLater(); m_dialog = nullptr; m_editor = nullptr; } void acceptChangesDialog() { applyChanges(); closeChangesDialog(); } QLabel *m_summaryLabel; QPushButton *m_manageButton; QDialog *m_dialog = nullptr; QPlainTextEdit *m_editor = nullptr; }; CMakeConfigurationKitAspect::CMakeConfigurationKitAspect() { setObjectName(QLatin1String("CMakeConfigurationKitAspect")); setId(CONFIGURATION_ID); setDisplayName(tr("CMake Configuration")); setDescription(tr("Default configuration passed to CMake when setting up a project.")); setPriority(18000); } CMakeConfig CMakeConfigurationKitAspect::configuration(const Kit *k) { if (!k) return CMakeConfig(); const QStringList tmp = k->value(CONFIGURATION_ID).toStringList(); return Utils::transform(tmp, &CMakeConfigItem::fromString); } void CMakeConfigurationKitAspect::setConfiguration(Kit *k, const CMakeConfig &config) { if (!k) return; const QStringList tmp = Utils::transform(config.toList(), [](const CMakeConfigItem &i) { return i.toString(); }); k->setValue(CONFIGURATION_ID, tmp); } QStringList CMakeConfigurationKitAspect::toStringList(const Kit *k) { QStringList current = Utils::transform(CMakeConfigurationKitAspect::configuration(k).toList(), [](const CMakeConfigItem &i) { return i.toString(); }); current = Utils::filtered(current, [](const QString &s) { return !s.isEmpty(); }); Utils::sort(current); return current; } void CMakeConfigurationKitAspect::fromStringList(Kit *k, const QStringList &in) { CMakeConfig result; for (const QString &s : in) { const CMakeConfigItem item = CMakeConfigItem::fromString(s); if (!item.key.isEmpty()) result << item; } setConfiguration(k, result); } QStringList CMakeConfigurationKitAspect::toArgumentsList(const Kit *k) { return Utils::transform(CMakeConfigurationKitAspect::configuration(k).toList(), [](const CMakeConfigItem &i) { return i.toArgument(nullptr); }); } CMakeConfig CMakeConfigurationKitAspect::defaultConfiguration(const Kit *k) { Q_UNUSED(k) CMakeConfig config; // Qt4: config << CMakeConfigItem(CMAKE_QMAKE_KEY, "%{Qt:qmakeExecutable}"); // Qt5: config << CMakeConfigItem(CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH_KEY, "%{Qt:QT_INSTALL_PREFIX}"); config << CMakeConfigItem(CMAKE_C_TOOLCHAIN_KEY, "%{Compiler:Executable:C}"); config << CMakeConfigItem(CMAKE_CXX_TOOLCHAIN_KEY, "%{Compiler:Executable:Cxx}"); return config; } QVariant CMakeConfigurationKitAspect::defaultValue(const Kit *k) const { // FIXME: Convert preload scripts CMakeConfig config = defaultConfiguration(k); const QStringList tmp = Utils::transform(config.toList(), [](const CMakeConfigItem &i) { return i.toString(); }); return tmp; } Tasks CMakeConfigurationKitAspect::validate(const Kit *k) const { QTC_ASSERT(k, return Tasks()); const QtSupport::BaseQtVersion *const version = QtSupport::QtKitAspect::qtVersion(k); const ToolChain *const tcC = ToolChainKitAspect::cToolChain(k); const ToolChain *const tcCxx = ToolChainKitAspect::cxxToolChain(k); const CMakeConfig config = configuration(k); const bool isQt4 = version && version->qtVersion() < QtSupport::QtVersionNumber(5, 0, 0); FilePath qmakePath; // This is relative to the cmake used for building. QStringList qtInstallDirs; // This is relativ to the cmake used for building. FilePath tcCPath; FilePath tcCxxPath; for (const CMakeConfigItem &i : config) { // Do not use expand(QByteArray) as we cannot be sure the input is latin1 const FilePath expandedValue = FilePath::fromString(k->macroExpander()->expand(QString::fromUtf8(i.value))); if (i.key == CMAKE_QMAKE_KEY) qmakePath = expandedValue; else if (i.key == CMAKE_C_TOOLCHAIN_KEY) tcCPath = expandedValue; else if (i.key == CMAKE_CXX_TOOLCHAIN_KEY) tcCxxPath = expandedValue; else if (i.key == CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH_KEY) qtInstallDirs = CMakeConfigItem::cmakeSplitValue(expandedValue.path()); } Tasks result; const auto addWarning = [&result](const QString &desc) { result << BuildSystemTask(Task::Warning, desc); }; // Validate Qt: if (qmakePath.isEmpty()) { if (version && version->isValid() && isQt4) { addWarning(tr("CMake configuration has no path to qmake binary set, " "even though the kit has a valid Qt version.")); } } else { if (!version || !version->isValid()) { addWarning(tr("CMake configuration has a path to a qmake binary set, " "even though the kit has no valid Qt version.")); } else if (qmakePath != version->qmakeFilePath() && isQt4) { addWarning(tr("CMake configuration has a path to a qmake binary set " "that does not match the qmake binary path " "configured in the Qt version.")); } } if (version && !qtInstallDirs.contains(version->prefix().path()) && !isQt4) { if (version->isValid()) { addWarning(tr("CMake configuration has no CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH set " "that points to the kit Qt version.")); } } // Validate Toolchains: if (tcCPath.isEmpty()) { if (tcC && tcC->isValid()) { addWarning(tr("CMake configuration has no path to a C compiler set, " "even though the kit has a valid tool chain.")); } } else { if (!tcC || !tcC->isValid()) { addWarning(tr("CMake configuration has a path to a C compiler set, " "even though the kit has no valid tool chain.")); } else if (tcCPath != tcC->compilerCommand()) { addWarning(tr("CMake configuration has a path to a C compiler set " "that does not match the compiler path " "configured in the tool chain of the kit.")); } } if (tcCxxPath.isEmpty()) { if (tcCxx && tcCxx->isValid()) { addWarning(tr("CMake configuration has no path to a C++ compiler set, " "even though the kit has a valid tool chain.")); } } else { if (!tcCxx || !tcCxx->isValid()) { addWarning(tr("CMake configuration has a path to a C++ compiler set, " "even though the kit has no valid tool chain.")); } else if (tcCxxPath != tcCxx->compilerCommand()) { addWarning(tr("CMake configuration has a path to a C++ compiler set " "that does not match the compiler path " "configured in the tool chain of the kit.")); } } return result; } void CMakeConfigurationKitAspect::setup(Kit *k) { if (k && !k->hasValue(CONFIGURATION_ID)) k->setValue(CONFIGURATION_ID, defaultValue(k)); } void CMakeConfigurationKitAspect::fix(Kit *k) { Q_UNUSED(k) } KitAspect::ItemList CMakeConfigurationKitAspect::toUserOutput(const Kit *k) const { return {{tr("CMake Configuration"), toStringList(k).join("
")}}; } KitAspectWidget *CMakeConfigurationKitAspect::createConfigWidget(Kit *k) const { if (!k) return nullptr; return new CMakeConfigurationKitAspectWidget(k, this); } } // namespace CMakeProjectManager