// Copyright (C) 2016 Axonian LLC. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0+ OR GPL-3.0 WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 #include "cmakeparser.h" #include #include using namespace ProjectExplorer; using namespace Utils; namespace CMakeProjectManager { const char COMMON_ERROR_PATTERN[] = "^CMake Error at (.*?):([0-9]*?)( \\((.*?)\\))?:"; const char NEXT_SUBERROR_PATTERN[] = "^CMake Error in (.*?):"; const char COMMON_WARNING_PATTERN[] = "^CMake Warning (\\(dev\\) )?at (.*?):([0-9]*?)( \\((.*?)\\))?:"; const char LOCATION_LINE_PATTERN[] = ":(\\d+?):(?:(\\d+?))?$"; CMakeParser::CMakeParser() { m_commonError.setPattern(QLatin1String(COMMON_ERROR_PATTERN)); QTC_CHECK(m_commonError.isValid()); m_nextSubError.setPattern(QLatin1String(NEXT_SUBERROR_PATTERN)); QTC_CHECK(m_nextSubError.isValid()); m_commonWarning.setPattern(QLatin1String(COMMON_WARNING_PATTERN)); QTC_CHECK(m_commonWarning.isValid()); m_locationLine.setPattern(QLatin1String(LOCATION_LINE_PATTERN)); QTC_CHECK(m_locationLine.isValid()); } void CMakeParser::setSourceDirectory(const FilePath &sourceDir) { if (m_sourceDirectory) emit searchDirExpired(m_sourceDirectory.value()); m_sourceDirectory = sourceDir; emit newSearchDirFound(sourceDir); } FilePath CMakeParser::resolvePath(const QString &path) const { if (m_sourceDirectory) return m_sourceDirectory->resolvePath(path); return FilePath::fromUserInput(path); } OutputLineParser::Result CMakeParser::handleLine(const QString &line, OutputFormat type) { if (line.startsWith("ninja: build stopped")) { m_lastTask = BuildSystemTask(Task::Error, line); m_lines = 1; flush(); return Status::Done; } if (type != StdErrFormat) return Status::NotHandled; QRegularExpressionMatch match; QString trimmedLine = rightTrimmed(line); switch (m_expectTripleLineErrorData) { case NONE: if (trimmedLine.isEmpty() && !m_lastTask.isNull()) { if (m_skippedFirstEmptyLine) { flush(); return Status::InProgress; } m_skippedFirstEmptyLine = true; return Status::InProgress; } if (m_skippedFirstEmptyLine) m_skippedFirstEmptyLine = false; match = m_commonError.match(trimmedLine); if (match.hasMatch()) { const FilePath path = resolvePath(match.captured(1)); m_lastTask = BuildSystemTask(Task::Error, QString(), absoluteFilePath(path), match.captured(2).toInt()); m_lines = 1; LinkSpecs linkSpecs; addLinkSpecForAbsoluteFilePath(linkSpecs, m_lastTask.file, m_lastTask.line, match, 1); return {Status::InProgress, linkSpecs}; } match = m_nextSubError.match(trimmedLine); if (match.hasMatch()) { m_lastTask = BuildSystemTask(Task::Error, QString(), absoluteFilePath(FilePath::fromUserInput(match.captured(1)))); LinkSpecs linkSpecs; addLinkSpecForAbsoluteFilePath(linkSpecs, m_lastTask.file, m_lastTask.line, match, 1); m_lines = 1; return {Status::InProgress, linkSpecs}; } match = m_commonWarning.match(trimmedLine); if (match.hasMatch()) { const FilePath path = resolvePath(match.captured(2)); m_lastTask = BuildSystemTask(Task::Warning, QString(), absoluteFilePath(path), match.captured(3).toInt()); m_lines = 1; LinkSpecs linkSpecs; addLinkSpecForAbsoluteFilePath(linkSpecs, m_lastTask.file, m_lastTask.line, match, 1); return {Status::InProgress, linkSpecs}; } else if (trimmedLine.startsWith(QLatin1String(" ")) && !m_lastTask.isNull()) { if (!m_lastTask.summary.isEmpty()) m_lastTask.summary.append(' '); m_lastTask.summary.append(trimmedLine.trimmed()); ++m_lines; return Status::InProgress; } else if (trimmedLine.endsWith(QLatin1String("in cmake code at"))) { m_expectTripleLineErrorData = LINE_LOCATION; flush(); const Task::TaskType type = trimmedLine.contains(QLatin1String("Error")) ? Task::Error : Task::Warning; m_lastTask = BuildSystemTask(type, QString()); return Status::InProgress; } else if (trimmedLine.startsWith("CMake Error: ")) { m_lastTask = BuildSystemTask(Task::Error, trimmedLine.mid(13)); m_lines = 1; return Status::InProgress; } else if (trimmedLine.startsWith("-- ") || trimmedLine.startsWith(" * ")) { // Do not pass on lines starting with "-- " or "* ". Those are typical CMake output return Status::InProgress; } return Status::NotHandled; case LINE_LOCATION: { match = m_locationLine.match(trimmedLine); QTC_CHECK(match.hasMatch()); m_lastTask.file = absoluteFilePath(FilePath::fromUserInput( trimmedLine.mid(0, match.capturedStart()))); m_lastTask.line = match.captured(1).toInt(); m_expectTripleLineErrorData = LINE_DESCRIPTION; LinkSpecs linkSpecs; addLinkSpecForAbsoluteFilePath(linkSpecs, m_lastTask.file, m_lastTask.line, 0, match.capturedStart()); return {Status::InProgress, linkSpecs}; } case LINE_DESCRIPTION: m_lastTask.summary = trimmedLine; if (trimmedLine.endsWith(QLatin1Char('\"'))) m_expectTripleLineErrorData = LINE_DESCRIPTION2; else { m_expectTripleLineErrorData = NONE; flush(); return Status::Done; } return Status::InProgress; case LINE_DESCRIPTION2: m_lastTask.details.append(trimmedLine); m_expectTripleLineErrorData = NONE; flush(); return Status::Done; } return Status::NotHandled; } void CMakeParser::flush() { if (m_lastTask.isNull()) return; Task t = m_lastTask; m_lastTask.clear(); scheduleTask(t, m_lines, 1); m_lines = 0; } } // CMakeProjectManager #ifdef WITH_TESTS #include "cmakeprojectplugin.h" #include #include namespace CMakeProjectManager { void Internal::CMakeProjectPlugin::testCMakeParser_data() { QTest::addColumn("input"); QTest::addColumn("inputChannel"); QTest::addColumn("childStdOutLines"); QTest::addColumn("childStdErrLines"); QTest::addColumn("tasks"); QTest::addColumn("outputLines"); // negative tests QTest::newRow("pass-through stdout") << QString::fromLatin1("Sometext") << OutputParserTester::STDOUT << QString::fromLatin1("Sometext\n") << QString() << Tasks() << QString(); QTest::newRow("pass-through stderr") << QString::fromLatin1("Sometext") << OutputParserTester::STDERR << QString() << QString::fromLatin1("Sometext\n") << Tasks() << QString(); // positive tests QTest::newRow("add custom target") << QString::fromLatin1("CMake Error at src/1/app/CMakeLists.txt:70 (add_custom_target):\n" " Cannot find source file:\n\n" " unknownFile.qml\n\n" " Tried extensions .c .C .c++ .cc .cpp .cxx .m .M .mm .h .hh .h++ .hm .hpp\n" " .hxx .in .txx\n\n\n" "CMake Error in src/1/app/CMakeLists.txt:\n" " Cannot find source file:\n\n" " CMakeLists.txt2\n\n" " Tried extensions .c .C .c++ .cc .cpp .cxx .m .M .mm .h .hh .h++ .hm .hpp\n" " .hxx .in .txx\n\n") << OutputParserTester::STDERR << QString() << QString() << (Tasks() << BuildSystemTask(Task::Error, "Cannot find source file: unknownFile.qml Tried extensions " ".c .C .c++ .cc .cpp .cxx .m .M .mm .h .hh .h++ .hm .hpp .hxx .in .txx", FilePath::fromUserInput("src/1/app/CMakeLists.txt"), 70) << BuildSystemTask(Task::Error, "Cannot find source file: CMakeLists.txt2 Tried extensions " ".c .C .c++ .cc .cpp .cxx .m .M .mm .h .hh .h++ .hm .hpp .hxx .in .txx", FilePath::fromUserInput("src/1/app/CMakeLists.txt"), -1)) << QString(); QTest::newRow("add subdirectory") << QString::fromLatin1("CMake Error at src/1/CMakeLists.txt:8 (add_subdirectory):\n" " add_subdirectory given source \"app1\" which is not an existing directory.\n\n") << OutputParserTester::STDERR << QString() << QString() << (Tasks() << BuildSystemTask(Task::Error, "add_subdirectory given source \"app1\" which is not an existing directory.", FilePath::fromUserInput("src/1/CMakeLists.txt"), 8)) << QString(); QTest::newRow("unknown command") << QString::fromLatin1("CMake Error at src/1/CMakeLists.txt:8 (i_am_wrong_command):\n" " Unknown CMake command \"i_am_wrong_command\".\n\n") << OutputParserTester::STDERR << QString() << QString() << (Tasks() << BuildSystemTask(Task::Error, "Unknown CMake command \"i_am_wrong_command\".", FilePath::fromUserInput("src/1/CMakeLists.txt"), 8)) << QString(); QTest::newRow("incorrect arguments") << QString::fromLatin1("CMake Error at src/1/CMakeLists.txt:8 (message):\n" " message called with incorrect number of arguments\n\n") << OutputParserTester::STDERR << QString() << QString() << (Tasks() << BuildSystemTask(Task::Error, "message called with incorrect number of arguments", FilePath::fromUserInput("src/1/CMakeLists.txt"), 8)) << QString(); QTest::newRow("cmake error") << QString::fromLatin1("CMake Error: Error in cmake code at\n" "/test/path/CMakeLists.txt:9:\n" "Parse error. Expected \"(\", got newline with text \"\n" "\".") << OutputParserTester::STDERR << QString() << QString() << (Tasks() << BuildSystemTask(Task::Error, "Parse error. Expected \"(\", got newline with text \"\n\".", FilePath::fromUserInput("/test/path/CMakeLists.txt"), 9)) << QString(); QTest::newRow("cmake error2") << QString::fromLatin1("CMake Error: Error required internal CMake variable not set, cmake may be not be built correctly.\n" "Missing variable is:\n" "CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM\n") << OutputParserTester::STDERR << QString() << QString("Missing variable is:\nCMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM\n") << (Tasks() << BuildSystemTask(Task::Error, "Error required internal CMake variable not set, " "cmake may be not be built correctly.")) << QString(); QTest::newRow("cmake error at") << QString::fromLatin1("CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:4:\n" " Parse error. Expected \"(\", got newline with text \"\n" "\n" " \".\n") << OutputParserTester::STDERR << QString() << QString() << (Tasks() << BuildSystemTask(Task::Error, "Parse error. Expected \"(\", got newline with text \" \".", FilePath::fromUserInput("CMakeLists.txt"), 4)) << QString(); QTest::newRow("cmake syntax warning") << QString::fromLatin1("Syntax Warning in cmake code at\n" "/test/path/CMakeLists.txt:9:15\n" "Argument not separated from preceding token by whitespace.") << OutputParserTester::STDERR << QString() << QString() << (Tasks() << BuildSystemTask(Task::Warning, "Argument not separated from preceding token by whitespace.", FilePath::fromUserInput("/test/path/CMakeLists.txt"), 9)) << QString(); QTest::newRow("cmake warning") << QString::fromLatin1("CMake Warning at CMakeLists.txt:13 (message):\n" " this is a warning\n\n") << OutputParserTester::STDERR << QString() << QString() << (Tasks() << BuildSystemTask(Task::Warning, "this is a warning", FilePath::fromUserInput("CMakeLists.txt"), 13)) << QString(); QTest::newRow("cmake author warning") << QString::fromLatin1("CMake Warning (dev) at CMakeLists.txt:15 (message):\n" " this is an author warning\n\n") << OutputParserTester::STDERR << QString() << QString() << (Tasks() << BuildSystemTask(Task::Warning, "this is an author warning", FilePath::fromUserInput("CMakeLists.txt"), 15)) << QString(); QTest::newRow("eat normal CMake output") << QString::fromLatin1("-- Qt5 install prefix: /usr/lib\n" " * Plugin componentsplugin, with CONDITION TARGET QmlDesigner") << OutputParserTester::STDERR << QString() << QString() << (Tasks()) << QString(); } void Internal::CMakeProjectPlugin::testCMakeParser() { OutputParserTester testbench; testbench.addLineParser(new CMakeParser); QFETCH(QString, input); QFETCH(OutputParserTester::Channel, inputChannel); QFETCH(Tasks, tasks); QFETCH(QString, childStdOutLines); QFETCH(QString, childStdErrLines); QFETCH(QString, outputLines); testbench.testParsing(input, inputChannel, tasks, childStdOutLines, childStdErrLines, outputLines); } } // CMakeProjectManager #endif