/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. ** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/ ** ** This file is part of Qt Creator. ** ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms ** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further ** information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU ** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following ** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will ** be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html. ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "configmodel.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace CMakeProjectManager { ConfigModel::ConfigModel(QObject *parent) : Utils::TreeModel<>(parent) { setHeader({tr("Key"), tr("Value")}); } QVariant ConfigModel::data(const QModelIndex &idx, int role) const { // Hide/show groups according to "isAdvanced" setting: auto item = static_cast(idx.internalPointer()); if (role == ItemIsAdvancedRole && item->childCount() > 0) { const bool hasNormalChildren = item->findAnyChild([](const Utils::TreeItem *ti) { if (auto cmti = dynamic_cast(ti)) return !cmti->dataItem->isAdvanced; return false; }) != nullptr; return hasNormalChildren ? "0" : "1"; } return Utils::TreeModel<>::data(idx, role); } ConfigModel::~ConfigModel() = default; void ConfigModel::appendConfiguration(const QString &key, const QString &value, const ConfigModel::DataItem::Type type, const QString &description, const QStringList &values) { DataItem item; item.key = key; item.type = type; item.value = value; item.description = description; item.values = values; InternalDataItem internalItem(item); internalItem.isUserNew = true; if (m_kitConfiguration.contains(key)) internalItem.kitValue = m_kitConfiguration.value(key); m_configuration.append(internalItem); setConfiguration(m_configuration); } void ConfigModel::setConfiguration(const QList &config) { setConfiguration(Utils::transform(config, [](const DataItem &di) { return InternalDataItem(di); })); } void ConfigModel::setConfigurationFromKit(const QHash &kitConfig) { m_kitConfiguration = kitConfig; for (InternalDataItem &i : m_configuration) { if (m_kitConfiguration.contains(i.key)) i.kitValue = m_kitConfiguration.value(i.key); } setConfiguration(m_configuration); } void ConfigModel::flush() { setConfiguration(QList()); } void ConfigModel::resetAllChanges() { const QList tmp = Utils::filtered(m_configuration, [](const InternalDataItem &i) { return !i.isUserNew; }); setConfiguration(Utils::transform(tmp, [](const InternalDataItem &i) { InternalDataItem ni(i); ni.newValue.clear(); ni.isUserChanged = false; ni.isUnset = false; return ni; })); } bool ConfigModel::hasChanges() const { return Utils::contains(m_configuration, [](const InternalDataItem &i) { return i.isUserChanged || i.isUserNew || i.isUnset; }); } bool ConfigModel::canForceTo(const QModelIndex &idx, const ConfigModel::DataItem::Type type) const { if (idx.model() != const_cast(this) || idx.column() != 1) return false; Utils::TreeItem *item = itemForIndex(idx); auto cmti = dynamic_cast(item); return cmti && (cmti->dataItem->type != type); } void ConfigModel::forceTo(const QModelIndex &idx, const ConfigModel::DataItem::Type type) { QTC_ASSERT(canForceTo(idx, type), return); Utils::TreeItem *item = itemForIndex(idx); auto cmti = dynamic_cast(item); cmti->dataItem->type = type; const QModelIndex valueIdx = idx.sibling(idx.row(), 1); emit dataChanged(valueIdx, valueIdx); } void ConfigModel::toggleUnsetFlag(const QModelIndex &idx) { Utils::TreeItem *item = itemForIndex(idx); auto cmti = dynamic_cast(item); QTC_ASSERT(cmti, return); cmti->dataItem->isUnset = !cmti->dataItem->isUnset; const QModelIndex valueIdx = idx.sibling(idx.row(), 1); const QModelIndex keyIdx = idx.sibling(idx.row(), 0); emit dataChanged(keyIdx, valueIdx); } ConfigModel::DataItem ConfigModel::dataItemFromIndex(const QModelIndex &idx) { const QAbstractItemModel *m = idx.model(); QModelIndex mIdx = idx; while (auto sfpm = qobject_cast(m)) { m = sfpm->sourceModel(); mIdx = sfpm->mapToSource(mIdx); } auto model = qobject_cast(m); QTC_ASSERT(model, return DataItem()); const QModelIndex modelIdx = mIdx; Utils::TreeItem *item = model->itemForIndex(modelIdx); auto cmti = dynamic_cast(item); if (cmti && cmti->dataItem) { DataItem di; di.key = cmti->dataItem->key; di.type = cmti->dataItem->type; di.isHidden = cmti->dataItem->isHidden; di.isAdvanced = cmti->dataItem->isAdvanced; di.inCMakeCache = cmti->dataItem->inCMakeCache; di.value = cmti->dataItem->currentValue(); di.description = cmti->dataItem->description; di.values = cmti->dataItem->values; di.isUnset = cmti->dataItem->isUnset; return di; } return DataItem(); } QList ConfigModel::configurationForCMake() const { const QList tmp = Utils::filtered(m_configuration, [](const InternalDataItem &i) { return i.isUserChanged || i.isUserNew || !i.inCMakeCache || i.isUnset; }); return Utils::transform(tmp, [](const InternalDataItem &item) { DataItem newItem(item); if (item.isUserChanged) newItem.value = item.newValue; return newItem; }); } void ConfigModel::setConfiguration(const CMakeConfig &config) { setConfiguration(Utils::transform(config.toList(), [](const CMakeConfigItem &i) { return DataItem(i); })); } void ConfigModel::setBatchEditConfiguration(const CMakeConfig &config) { for (const auto &c: config) { DataItem di(c); auto existing = std::find(m_configuration.begin(), m_configuration.end(), di); if (existing != m_configuration.end()) { existing->isUnset = c.isUnset; if (!c.isUnset) { existing->isUserChanged = true; existing->setType(c.type); existing->value = QString::fromUtf8(c.value); existing->newValue = existing->value; } } else if (!c.isUnset) { InternalDataItem i(di); i.isUserNew = true; i.newValue = di.value; m_configuration.append(i); } } generateTree(); } void ConfigModel::setConfiguration(const QList &config) { QList tmp = config; auto newIt = tmp.constBegin(); auto newEndIt = tmp.constEnd(); auto oldIt = m_configuration.constBegin(); auto oldEndIt = m_configuration.constEnd(); QList result; while (newIt != newEndIt && oldIt != oldEndIt) { if (oldIt->isUnset) { ++oldIt; } else if (newIt->isHidden || newIt->isUnset) { ++newIt; } else if (newIt->key < oldIt->key) { // Add new entry: result << *newIt; ++newIt; } else if (newIt->key > oldIt->key) { // Keep old user settings, but skip other entries: if (oldIt->isUserChanged || oldIt->isUserNew) result << InternalDataItem(*oldIt); ++oldIt; } else { // merge old/new entry: InternalDataItem item(*newIt); item.newValue = (newIt->value != oldIt->newValue) ? oldIt->newValue : QString(); item.isUserChanged = !item.newValue.isEmpty() && (item.newValue != item.value); result << item; ++newIt; ++oldIt; } } // Add remaining new entries: for (; newIt != newEndIt; ++newIt) { if (newIt->isHidden) continue; result << InternalDataItem(*newIt); } m_configuration = result; generateTree(); } static QString prefix(const QString &key) { int pos = key.indexOf('_'); if (pos > 0) return key.left(pos); return key; } void ConfigModel::generateTree() { QList prefixList; // Generate nodes for *all* prefixes QHash> prefixes; for (const InternalDataItem &di : qAsConst(m_configuration)) { const QString p = prefix(di.key); if (!prefixes.contains(p)) { prefixes.insert(p, {}); prefixList.append(p); } } // Fill prefix nodes: for (InternalDataItem &di : m_configuration) prefixes[prefix(di.key)].append(new Internal::ConfigModelTreeItem(&di)); auto root = new Utils::TreeItem; for (const QString &p : qAsConst(prefixList)) { const QList &prefixItemList = prefixes.value(p); QTC_ASSERT(!prefixItemList.isEmpty(), continue); if (prefixItemList.count() == 1) { root->appendChild(prefixItemList.at(0)); } else { Utils::TreeItem *sti = new Utils::StaticTreeItem(p); for (Utils::TreeItem *const ti : prefixItemList) sti->appendChild(ti); root->appendChild(sti); } prefixes.remove(p); } QTC_CHECK(prefixes.isEmpty()); setRootItem(root); } ConfigModel::InternalDataItem::InternalDataItem(const ConfigModel::DataItem &item) : DataItem(item) { } QString ConfigModel::InternalDataItem::toolTip() const { QString desc = description; if (isAdvanced) desc += QCoreApplication::translate("CMakeProjectManager::ConfigModel", " (ADVANCED)"); QStringList tooltip(desc); if (inCMakeCache) { if (value != newValue) tooltip << QCoreApplication::translate("CMakeProjectManager", "Current CMake: %1").arg(value); } else { tooltip << QCoreApplication::translate("CMakeProjectManager", "Not in CMakeCache.txt").arg(value); } if (!kitValue.isEmpty()) tooltip << QCoreApplication::translate("CMakeProjectManager::ConfigModel", "Current kit: %1").arg(kitValue); return tooltip.join("
"); } QString ConfigModel::InternalDataItem::currentValue() const { if (isUnset) return value; return isUserChanged ? newValue : value; } namespace Internal { ConfigModelTreeItem::~ConfigModelTreeItem() = default; QVariant ConfigModelTreeItem::data(int column, int role) const { QTC_ASSERT(column >= 0 && column < 2, return QVariant()); QTC_ASSERT(dataItem, return QVariant()); if (firstChild()) { // Node with children: Only ever show name: if (column == 0) return dataItem->key; return QVariant(); } // Leaf node: if (role == ConfigModel::ItemIsAdvancedRole) return dataItem->isAdvanced ? "1" : "0"; switch (column) { case 0: switch (role) { case Qt::DisplayRole: return dataItem->key.isEmpty() ? QCoreApplication::translate("CMakeProjectManager::ConfigModel", "") : dataItem->key; case Qt::EditRole: return dataItem->key; case Qt::ToolTipRole: return toolTip(); case Qt::FontRole: { QFont font; font.setBold(dataItem->isUserNew); font.setStrikeOut((!dataItem->inCMakeCache && !dataItem->isUserNew) || dataItem->isUnset); return font; } default: return QVariant(); } case 1: { const QString value = currentValue(); const auto boolValue = CMakeConfigItem::toBool(value); const bool isTrue = boolValue.has_value() && boolValue.value(); switch (role) { case Qt::CheckStateRole: return (dataItem->type == ConfigModel::DataItem::BOOLEAN) ? QVariant(isTrue ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked) : QVariant(); case Qt::DisplayRole: return value; case Qt::EditRole: return (dataItem->type == ConfigModel::DataItem::BOOLEAN) ? QVariant(isTrue) : QVariant(value); case Qt::FontRole: { QFont font; font.setBold((dataItem->isUserChanged || dataItem->isUserNew) && !dataItem->isUnset); font.setStrikeOut((!dataItem->inCMakeCache && !dataItem->isUserNew) || dataItem->isUnset); return font; } case Qt::ForegroundRole: return Utils::creatorTheme()->color((!dataItem->kitValue.isNull() && dataItem->kitValue != value) ? Utils::Theme::TextColorHighlight : Utils::Theme::TextColorNormal); case Qt::ToolTipRole: { return toolTip(); } default: return QVariant(); } } default: return QVariant(); } } bool ConfigModelTreeItem::setData(int column, const QVariant &value, int role) { QTC_ASSERT(column >= 0 && column < 2, return false); QTC_ASSERT(dataItem, return false); if (dataItem->isUnset) return false; QString newValue = value.toString(); if (role == Qt::CheckStateRole) { if (column != 1) return false; newValue = QString::fromLatin1(value.toInt() == 0 ? "OFF" : "ON"); } else if (role != Qt::EditRole) { return false; } switch (column) { case 0: if (!dataItem->key.isEmpty() && !dataItem->isUserNew) return false; dataItem->key = newValue; dataItem->isUserNew = true; return true; case 1: if (dataItem->value == newValue) { dataItem->newValue.clear(); dataItem->isUserChanged = false; } else { dataItem->newValue = newValue; dataItem->isUserChanged = true; } return true; default: return false; } } Qt::ItemFlags ConfigModelTreeItem::flags(int column) const { if (column < 0 || column >= 2) return Qt::NoItemFlags; QTC_ASSERT(dataItem, return Qt::NoItemFlags); if (dataItem->isUnset) return Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable; if (column == 1) { if (dataItem->type == ConfigModel::DataItem::BOOLEAN) return Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable | Qt::ItemIsSelectable; else return Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsEditable | Qt::ItemIsSelectable; } else { Qt::ItemFlags flags = Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable; if (dataItem->isUserNew) return flags |= Qt::ItemIsEditable; return flags; } } QString ConfigModelTreeItem::toolTip() const { QTC_ASSERT(dataItem, return QString()); QStringList tooltip(dataItem->description); if (!dataItem->kitValue.isEmpty()) tooltip << QCoreApplication::translate("CMakeProjectManager", "Value requested by kit: %1").arg(dataItem->kitValue); if (dataItem->inCMakeCache) { if (dataItem->value != dataItem->newValue) tooltip << QCoreApplication::translate("CMakeProjectManager", "Current CMake: %1").arg(dataItem->value); } else { tooltip << QCoreApplication::translate("CMakeProjectManager", "Not in CMakeCache.txt"); } return tooltip.join("
"); } QString ConfigModelTreeItem::currentValue() const { QTC_ASSERT(dataItem, return QString()); return dataItem->isUserChanged ? dataItem->newValue : dataItem->value; } } // namespace Internal } // namespace CMakeProjectManager