/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. ** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/ ** ** This file is part of Qt Creator. ** ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms ** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further ** information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU ** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following ** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will ** be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html. ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "fileutils.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace Utils; namespace Core { // Show error with option to open settings. static void showGraphicalShellError(QWidget *parent, const QString &app, const QString &error) { const QString title = QApplication::translate("Core::Internal", "Launching a file browser failed"); const QString msg = QApplication::translate("Core::Internal", "Unable to start the file manager:\n\n%1\n\n").arg(app); QMessageBox mbox(QMessageBox::Warning, title, msg, QMessageBox::Close, parent); if (!error.isEmpty()) mbox.setDetailedText(QApplication::translate("Core::Internal", "\"%1\" returned the following error:\n\n%2").arg(app, error)); QAbstractButton *settingsButton = mbox.addButton(Core::ICore::msgShowOptionsDialog(), QMessageBox::ActionRole); mbox.exec(); if (mbox.clickedButton() == settingsButton) ICore::showOptionsDialog(Constants::SETTINGS_ID_INTERFACE, parent); } void FileUtils::showInGraphicalShell(QWidget *parent, const QString &pathIn) { const QFileInfo fileInfo(pathIn); // Mac, Windows support folder or file. if (HostOsInfo::isWindowsHost()) { const FilePath explorer = Environment::systemEnvironment().searchInPath(QLatin1String("explorer.exe")); if (explorer.isEmpty()) { QMessageBox::warning(parent, QApplication::translate("Core::Internal", "Launching Windows Explorer Failed"), QApplication::translate("Core::Internal", "Could not find explorer.exe in path to launch Windows Explorer.")); return; } QStringList param; if (!fileInfo.isDir()) param += QLatin1String("/select,"); param += QDir::toNativeSeparators(fileInfo.canonicalFilePath()); QProcess::startDetached(explorer.toString(), param); } else if (HostOsInfo::isMacHost()) { QStringList scriptArgs; scriptArgs << QLatin1String("-e") << QString::fromLatin1("tell application \"Finder\" to reveal POSIX file \"%1\"") .arg(fileInfo.canonicalFilePath()); QProcess::execute(QLatin1String("/usr/bin/osascript"), scriptArgs); scriptArgs.clear(); scriptArgs << QLatin1String("-e") << QLatin1String("tell application \"Finder\" to activate"); QProcess::execute(QLatin1String("/usr/bin/osascript"), scriptArgs); } else { // we cannot select a file here, because no file browser really supports it... const QString folder = fileInfo.isDir() ? fileInfo.absoluteFilePath() : fileInfo.filePath(); const QString app = UnixUtils::fileBrowser(ICore::settings()); QProcess browserProc; const QString browserArgs = UnixUtils::substituteFileBrowserParameters(app, folder); bool success = browserProc.startDetached(browserArgs); const QString error = QString::fromLocal8Bit(browserProc.readAllStandardError()); success = success && error.isEmpty(); if (!success) showGraphicalShellError(parent, app, error); } } void FileUtils::openTerminal(const QString &path) { openTerminal(path, Environment::systemEnvironment()); } void FileUtils::openTerminal(const QString &path, const Environment &env) { const QFileInfo fileInfo(path); const QString pwd = QDir::toNativeSeparators(fileInfo.isDir() ? fileInfo.absoluteFilePath() : fileInfo.absolutePath()); ConsoleProcess::startTerminalEmulator(ICore::settings(), pwd, env); } QString FileUtils::msgFindInDirectory() { return QApplication::translate("Core::Internal", "Find in This Directory..."); } QString FileUtils::msgGraphicalShellAction() { if (HostOsInfo::isWindowsHost()) return QApplication::translate("Core::Internal", "Show in Explorer"); if (HostOsInfo::isMacHost()) return QApplication::translate("Core::Internal", "Show in Finder"); return QApplication::translate("Core::Internal", "Show Containing Folder"); } QString FileUtils::msgTerminalHereAction() { if (HostOsInfo::isWindowsHost()) return QApplication::translate("Core::Internal", "Open Command Prompt Here"); return QApplication::translate("Core::Internal", "Open Terminal Here"); } QString FileUtils::msgTerminalWithAction() { if (HostOsInfo::isWindowsHost()) return QApplication::translate("Core::Internal", "Open Command Prompt With", "Opens a submenu for choosing an environment, such as \"Run Environment\""); return QApplication::translate("Core::Internal", "Open Terminal With", "Opens a submenu for choosing an environment, such as \"Run Environment\""); } void FileUtils::removeFile(const QString &filePath, bool deleteFromFS) { removeFiles({FilePath::fromString(filePath)}, deleteFromFS); } void FileUtils::removeFiles(const FilePaths &filePaths, bool deleteFromFS) { // remove from version control VcsManager::promptToDelete(filePaths); if (!deleteFromFS) return; // remove from file system for (const FilePath &fp : filePaths) { QFile file(fp.toString()); if (!file.exists()) // could have been deleted by vc continue; if (!file.remove()) { MessageManager::write(QCoreApplication::translate( "Core::Internal", "Failed to remove file \"%1\")1."). arg(fp.toUserOutput()), MessageManager::ModeSwitch); } } } static inline bool fileSystemRenameFile(const QString &orgFilePath, const QString &newFilePath) { // QTBUG-3570 is also valid for Qt 5 but QAbstractFileEngine is now in a private header file and // the symbol is not exported. return QFile::rename(orgFilePath, newFilePath); } bool FileUtils::renameFile(const QString &orgFilePath, const QString &newFilePath, HandleIncludeGuards handleGuards) { if (orgFilePath == newFilePath) return false; QString dir = QFileInfo(orgFilePath).absolutePath(); IVersionControl *vc = VcsManager::findVersionControlForDirectory(dir); bool result = false; if (vc && vc->supportsOperation(IVersionControl::MoveOperation)) result = vc->vcsMove(orgFilePath, newFilePath); if (!result) // The moving via vcs failed or the vcs does not support moving, fall back result = fileSystemRenameFile(orgFilePath, newFilePath); if (result) { // yeah we moved, tell the filemanager about it DocumentManager::renamedFile(orgFilePath, newFilePath); } if (result && handleGuards == HandleIncludeGuards::Yes) { QFileInfo fi(orgFilePath); bool headerUpdateSuccess = updateHeaderFileGuardAfterRename(newFilePath, fi.baseName()); if (!headerUpdateSuccess) { Core::MessageManager::write(QCoreApplication::translate( "Core::FileUtils", "Failed to rename the include guard in file \"%1\".") .arg(newFilePath)); } } return result; } bool FileUtils::updateHeaderFileGuardAfterRename(const QString &headerPath, const QString &oldHeaderBaseName) { bool ret = true; QFile headerFile(headerPath); if (!headerFile.open(QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Text)) return false; QRegularExpression guardConditionRegExp( QString("(#ifndef)(\\s*)(_*)%1_H(_*)(\\s*)").arg(oldHeaderBaseName.toUpper())); QRegularExpression guardDefineRegexp, guardCloseRegExp; QRegularExpressionMatch guardConditionMatch, guardDefineMatch, guardCloseMatch; int guardStartLine = -1; int guardCloseLine = -1; QByteArray data = headerFile.readAll(); headerFile.close(); const auto headerFileTextFormat = Utils::TextFileFormat::detect(data); QTextStream inStream(&data); int lineCounter = 0; QString line; while (!inStream.atEnd()) { // use trimmed line to get rid from the maunder leading spaces inStream.readLineInto(&line); line = line.trimmed(); if (line == QStringLiteral("#pragma once")) { // if pragma based guard found skip reading the whole file break; } if (guardStartLine == -1) { // we are still looking for the guard condition guardConditionMatch = guardConditionRegExp.match(line); if (guardConditionMatch.hasMatch()) { guardDefineRegexp.setPattern(QString("(#define\\s*%1)%2(_H%3\\s*)") .arg(guardConditionMatch.captured(3), oldHeaderBaseName.toUpper(), guardConditionMatch.captured(4))); // read the next line for the guard define line = inStream.readLine(); if (!inStream.atEnd()) { guardDefineMatch = guardDefineRegexp.match(line); if (guardDefineMatch.hasMatch()) { // if a proper guard define present in the next line store the line number guardCloseRegExp .setPattern( QString("(#endif\\s*)(\\/\\/|\\/\\*)(\\s*%1)%2(_H%3\\s*)((\\*\\/)?)") .arg( guardConditionMatch.captured(3), oldHeaderBaseName.toUpper(), guardConditionMatch.captured(4))); guardStartLine = lineCounter; lineCounter++; } } else { // it the line after the guard opening is not something what we expect // then skip the whole guard replacing process break; } } } else { // guard start found looking for the guard closing endif guardCloseMatch = guardCloseRegExp.match(line); if (guardCloseMatch.hasMatch()) { guardCloseLine = lineCounter; break; } } lineCounter++; } if (guardStartLine != -1) { // At least the guard have been found -> // copy the contents of the header to a temporary file with the updated guard lines inStream.seek(0); QFileInfo fi(headerFile); const auto guardCondition = QString("#ifndef%1%2%3_H%4%5").arg( guardConditionMatch.captured(2), guardConditionMatch.captured(3), fi.baseName().toUpper(), guardConditionMatch.captured(4), guardConditionMatch.captured(5)); // guardDefineRegexp.setPattern(QString("(#define\\s*%1)%2(_H%3\\s*)") const auto guardDefine = QString("%1%2%3").arg( guardDefineMatch.captured(1), fi.baseName().toUpper(), guardDefineMatch.captured(2)); const auto guardClose = QString("%1%2%3%4%5%6").arg( guardCloseMatch.captured(1), guardCloseMatch.captured(2), guardCloseMatch.captured(3), fi.baseName().toUpper(), guardCloseMatch.captured(4), guardCloseMatch.captured(5)); QFile tmpHeader(headerPath + ".tmp"); if (tmpHeader.open(QFile::WriteOnly)) { const auto lineEnd = headerFileTextFormat.lineTerminationMode == Utils::TextFileFormat::LFLineTerminator ? QStringLiteral("\n") : QStringLiteral("\r\n"); // write into temporary string, // after that write with codec into file (QTextStream::setCodec is gone in Qt 6) QString outString; QTextStream outStream(&outString); int lineCounter = 0; while (!inStream.atEnd()) { inStream.readLineInto(&line); if (lineCounter == guardStartLine) { outStream << guardCondition << lineEnd; outStream << guardDefine << lineEnd; inStream.readLine(); lineCounter++; } else if (lineCounter == guardCloseLine) { outStream << guardClose << lineEnd; } else { outStream << line << lineEnd; } lineCounter++; } const QTextCodec *textCodec = (headerFileTextFormat.codec == nullptr) ? QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8") : headerFileTextFormat.codec; tmpHeader.write(textCodec->fromUnicode(outString)); tmpHeader.close(); } else { // if opening the temp file failed report error ret = false; } } if (ret && guardStartLine != -1) { // if the guard was found (and updated updated properly) swap the temp and the target file ret = QFile::remove(headerPath); if (ret) ret = QFile::rename(headerPath + ".tmp", headerPath); } return ret; } } // namespace Core