Core::Internal::SystemSettings 0 0 599 545 System Terminal: 3 0 100 0 true Command line arguments used for "Run in terminal". Reset to default. Reset External file browser: Reset to default. Reset ? Patch command: 0 0 0 0 Influences how file names are matched to decide if they are the same. File system case sensitivity: Qt::Horizontal 40 20 When files are externally modified: 0 Always Ask Reload All Unchanged Editors Ignore Modifications Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Auto-save modified files true Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::Fixed 20 20 Interval: min 1 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Automatically free resources of old documents that are not visible and not modified. They stay visible in the list of open documents. Auto-suspend unmodified files true Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Minimum number of open documents that should be kept in memory. Increasing this number will lead to greater resource usage when not manually closing documents. Files to keep open: 1 500 30 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Warn before opening text files greater than true MB 1 500 5 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Maximum number of entries in "Recent Files": Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Ask for confirmation before exiting Qt::Vertical 20 30 Utils::PathChooser QWidget
1 editingFinished() browsingFinished()
resetTerminalButton externalFileBrowserEdit resetFileBrowserButton helpExternalFileBrowserButton fileSystemCaseSensitivityChooser reloadBehavior autoSaveCheckBox autoSaveInterval autoSuspendCheckBox autoSuspendMinDocumentCount warnBeforeOpeningBigFiles bigFilesLimitSpinBox