// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 #include "cppautocompleter.h" #include #include #include #include #ifdef WITH_TESTS #include "cppeditorconstants.h" #include "cppeditorplugin.h" #include "cppeditorwidget.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif // WITH_TESTS namespace CppEditor::Internal { bool CppAutoCompleter::contextAllowsAutoBrackets(const QTextCursor &cursor, const QString &textToInsert) const { const CPlusPlus::MatchingText::IsNextBlockDeeperIndented isIndented = [this](const QTextBlock &b) { return isNextBlockIndented(b); }; return CPlusPlus::MatchingText::contextAllowsAutoParentheses(cursor, textToInsert, isIndented); } bool CppAutoCompleter::contextAllowsAutoQuotes(const QTextCursor &cursor, const QString &textToInsert) const { return CPlusPlus::MatchingText::contextAllowsAutoQuotes(cursor, textToInsert); } bool CppAutoCompleter::contextAllowsElectricCharacters(const QTextCursor &cursor) const { return CPlusPlus::MatchingText::contextAllowsElectricCharacters(cursor); } bool CppAutoCompleter::isInComment(const QTextCursor &cursor) const { return CPlusPlus::MatchingText::isInCommentHelper(cursor); } bool CppAutoCompleter::isInString(const QTextCursor &cursor) const { return CPlusPlus::MatchingText::stringKindAtCursor(cursor) != CPlusPlus::T_EOF_SYMBOL; } QString CppAutoCompleter::insertMatchingBrace(const QTextCursor &cursor, const QString &text, QChar lookAhead, bool skipChars, int *skippedChars) const { return CPlusPlus::MatchingText::insertMatchingBrace(cursor, text, lookAhead, skipChars, skippedChars); } QString CppAutoCompleter::insertMatchingQuote(const QTextCursor &cursor, const QString &text, QChar lookAhead, bool skipChars, int *skippedChars) const { return CPlusPlus::MatchingText::insertMatchingQuote(cursor, text, lookAhead, skipChars, skippedChars); } QString CppAutoCompleter::insertParagraphSeparator(const QTextCursor &cursor) const { return CPlusPlus::MatchingText::insertParagraphSeparator(cursor); } #ifdef WITH_TESTS namespace Tests { enum FileContent { EmptyFile, InCComment, InCPPComment, InString, InBetween, InUnbalanced, NumberOfItems }; static QString fileContent(int fileContent, QChar charToInsert) { switch (fileContent) { case EmptyFile: return QLatin1String("|"); case InCComment: return QLatin1String("/*|*/"); case InCPPComment: return QLatin1String("// |"); case InString: return QLatin1String("\"|\""); case InBetween: switch (charToInsert.toLatin1()) { case '"': case '\'': return charToInsert + QLatin1Char('|') + charToInsert; case '(': case ')': return QLatin1String("(|)"); case '{': case '}': return QLatin1String("{|}"); case '[': case ']': return QLatin1String("[|]"); default: return QString(); } case InUnbalanced: switch (charToInsert.toLatin1()) { case '"': case '\'': return charToInsert + QLatin1Char('|') + charToInsert; case '(': return QLatin1String("(|))"); case ')': return QLatin1String("((|)"); case '{': return QLatin1String("{|}}"); case '}': return QLatin1String("{{|}"); case '[': return QLatin1String("[|]]"); case ']': return QLatin1String("[[|]"); default: return QString(); } default: break; } return QString(); } static QString fileContentTestName(int fileContent) { switch (fileContent) { case EmptyFile: return QLatin1String("Empty File"); case InCComment: return QLatin1String("C Comment"); case InCPPComment: return QLatin1String("Cpp Comment"); case InString: return QLatin1String("String"); case InBetween: return QLatin1String("The Completing Chars"); case InUnbalanced: return QLatin1String("Unbalanced Matching Chars"); } return QString(); } static QString charTestName(QChar c) { switch (c.toLatin1()) { case '\'': return QLatin1String("Quote"); case '"' : return QLatin1String("Double Quote"); case '(' : return QLatin1String("Open Round Brackets"); case ')' : return QLatin1String("Closing Round Brackets"); case '{' : return QLatin1String("Open Curly Brackets"); case '}' : return QLatin1String("Closing Curly Brackets"); case '[' : return QLatin1String("Open Square Brackets"); case ']' : return QLatin1String("Closing Square Brackets"); } return QString(); } static QString charGroupTestName(QChar c) { switch (c.toLatin1()) { case '\'': return QLatin1String("Quotes"); case '"' : return QLatin1String("Double Quotes"); case '(' : case ')' : return QLatin1String("Round Brackets"); case '{' : case '}' : return QLatin1String("Curly Brackets"); case '[' : case ']' : return QLatin1String("Square Brackets"); } return QString(); } static bool isOpeningChar(QChar c) { return QString(QLatin1String("\"'({[")).contains(c); } static bool isClosingChar(QChar c) { return QString(QLatin1String("\"')}]")).contains(c); } static QChar closingChar(QChar c) { switch (c.toLatin1()) { case '\'': return QLatin1Char('\''); case '"' : return QLatin1Char('"'); case '(' : return QLatin1Char(')'); case '{' : return QLatin1Char('}'); case '[' : return QLatin1Char(']'); } return QChar(); } static QTextCursor openEditor(const QString &text) { QTextCursor tc; QString name(QLatin1String("auto_complete_test")); Core::IEditor *editor = Core::EditorManager::openEditorWithContents( Constants::CPPEDITOR_ID, &name, text.toLocal8Bit()); const auto cppEditor = qobject_cast(editor); if (cppEditor == 0) return tc; tc = cppEditor->editorWidget()->textCursor(); tc.movePosition(QTextCursor::Start); tc = tc.document()->find(QLatin1String("|"), tc); if (tc.isNull()) return tc; tc.removeSelectedText(); int position = tc.position(); tc = tc.document()->find(QLatin1String("|"), tc); if (!tc.isNull()) { tc.removeSelectedText(); tc.setPosition(position, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor); } else { tc = cppEditor->editorWidget()->textCursor(); tc.setPosition(position); } return tc; } void AutoCompleterTest::testAutoComplete_data() { QTest::addColumn("text"); QTest::addColumn("textToInsert"); QTest::addColumn("expectedText"); QTest::addColumn("expectedSkippedChars"); const QString charsToInsert(QLatin1String("'\"(){}[]")); for (int i = 0; i < charsToInsert.length(); ++i) { for (int fc = EmptyFile; fc < NumberOfItems; ++fc) { const QChar c = charsToInsert.at(i); const QString testName = QLatin1String("Insert ") + charTestName(c) + QLatin1String(" Into ") + fileContentTestName(fc); QString expectedText; int skippedChar = 0; if (fc == EmptyFile && isOpeningChar(c) && c != QLatin1Char('{')) expectedText = closingChar(c); if (fc == InBetween) { // When we are inside the matching chars and a closing char is inserted we want // to skip the already present closing char instead of adding an additional one. if (isClosingChar(c)) ++skippedChar; // If another opening char is inserted we // expect the same behavior as in an empty file else if (isOpeningChar(c)) expectedText = closingChar(c); } // Inserting a double quote into a string should have the same behavior as inserting // it into the matching char. For all other chars we do not expect a closing char // to be inserted. if (fc == InString && c == QLatin1Char('"')) ++skippedChar; if (fc == InUnbalanced && QString(QLatin1String("\"'")).contains(c)) ++skippedChar; QTest::newRow(testName.toLatin1().data()) << fileContent(fc, c) << QString(c) << expectedText << skippedChar; } } } void AutoCompleterTest::testAutoComplete() { QFETCH(QString, text); QFETCH(QString, textToInsert); QFETCH(QString, expectedText); QFETCH(int, expectedSkippedChars); QVERIFY(text.contains(QLatin1Char('|'))); Utils::ExecuteOnDestruction guard([](){ Core::EditorManager::closeAllEditors(false); }); QTextCursor tc = openEditor(text); QVERIFY(!tc.isNull()); const QString &matchingText = CppAutoCompleter().autoComplete(tc, textToInsert, true /*skipChars*/); int skippedChars = tc.selectedText().size(); QCOMPARE(matchingText, expectedText); QCOMPARE(skippedChars, expectedSkippedChars); } void AutoCompleterTest::testSurroundWithSelection_data() { QTest::addColumn("text"); QTest::addColumn("textToInsert"); QTest::addColumn("expectedText"); const QString charsToInsert(QLatin1String("'\"(){}[]")); const QString selection(QLatin1String("arg;")); const QString text(QLatin1String("L|%1|;")); for (int i = 0; i < charsToInsert.length(); ++i) { const QChar c = charsToInsert.at(i); QTest::newRow(charTestName(c).toLatin1().data()) << text.arg(selection) << QString(c) << (isOpeningChar(c) ? selection + closingChar(c) : QString()); } const QChar c(QLatin1Char('{')); QTest::newRow((QLatin1String("Surround Line with ") + charTestName(c)).toLatin1().data()) << QString(QLatin1String("|%1\n|")).arg(selection) << QString(c) << QString(QChar::ParagraphSeparator + selection + QChar::ParagraphSeparator + closingChar(c) + QChar::ParagraphSeparator); QTest::newRow(("Surround Line Parts with " + charTestName(c)).toLatin1().data()) << QString(QLatin1String("if (true)|%1\n%1| true;\n")).arg(selection) << QString(c) << QString(QChar::ParagraphSeparator + selection + QChar::ParagraphSeparator + selection + QChar::ParagraphSeparator + closingChar(c)); } void AutoCompleterTest::testSurroundWithSelection() { QFETCH(QString, text); QFETCH(QString, textToInsert); QFETCH(QString, expectedText); QVERIFY(text.count(QLatin1Char('|')) == 2); Utils::ExecuteOnDestruction guard([](){ Core::EditorManager::closeAllEditors(false); }); QTextCursor tc = openEditor(text); QVERIFY(!tc.isNull()); const QString &matchingText = CppAutoCompleter().autoComplete(tc, textToInsert, true /*skipChars*/); QCOMPARE(matchingText, expectedText); } void AutoCompleterTest::testAutoBackspace_data() { QTest::addColumn("text"); QTest::addColumn("expectedStopHandling"); const QString charsToInsert(QLatin1String("'\"({[")); for (int i = 0; i < charsToInsert.length(); ++i) { const QChar c = charsToInsert.at(i); QTest::newRow((QLatin1String("Inside ") + charGroupTestName(c)).toLatin1().data()) << fileContent(InBetween, c) << QString("({['\"").contains(c); } } void AutoCompleterTest::testAutoBackspace() { QFETCH(QString, text); QFETCH(bool, expectedStopHandling); QVERIFY(text.contains(QLatin1Char('|'))); Utils::ExecuteOnDestruction guard([](){ Core::EditorManager::closeAllEditors(false); }); QTextCursor tc = openEditor(text); QVERIFY(!tc.isNull()); const bool stopHandling = CppAutoCompleter().autoBackspace(tc); QCOMPARE(stopHandling, expectedStopHandling); } void AutoCompleterTest::testInsertParagraph_data() { QTest::addColumn("text"); QTest::addColumn("expectedBlockCount"); QTest::newRow("After Opening Curly Braces") << QString(QLatin1String("{|")) << 1; QTest::newRow("Between Curly Braces") << QString(QLatin1String("{|}")) << 1; QString indentation(TextEditor::TextEditorSettings::codeStyle()->tabSettings().m_indentSize, QChar::Space); QTest::newRow("Before Indented Block") << QString(QLatin1String("if (true) {|\n") + indentation + QLatin1String("arg;\n")) << 0; QTest::newRow("Before Unindented Block") << QString(QLatin1String("if (true) {|\narg;\n")) << 1; } void AutoCompleterTest::testInsertParagraph() { QFETCH(QString, text); QFETCH(int, expectedBlockCount); QVERIFY(text.contains(QLatin1Char('|'))); Utils::ExecuteOnDestruction guard([](){ Core::EditorManager::closeAllEditors(false); }); QTextCursor tc = openEditor(text); QVERIFY(!tc.isNull()); CppAutoCompleter completer = CppAutoCompleter(); completer.setTabSettings(TextEditor::TextEditorSettings::codeStyle()->tabSettings()); const int blockCount = completer.paragraphSeparatorAboutToBeInserted(tc); QCOMPARE(blockCount, expectedBlockCount); } } // namespace Tests #endif // WITH_TESTS } // namespace CppEditor::Internal