// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 #include "cpphighlighter.h" #include "cppdoxygen.h" #include "cpptoolsreuse.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef WITH_TESTS #include #endif using namespace TextEditor; using namespace CPlusPlus; namespace CppEditor { CppHighlighter::CppHighlighter(QTextDocument *document) : SyntaxHighlighter(document) { setDefaultTextFormatCategories(); } void CppHighlighter::highlightBlock(const QString &text) { const int previousBlockState_ = previousBlockState(); int lexerState = 0, initialBraceDepth = 0; if (previousBlockState_ != -1) { lexerState = previousBlockState_ & 0xff; initialBraceDepth = previousBlockState_ >> 8; } int braceDepth = initialBraceDepth; SimpleLexer tokenize; tokenize.setLanguageFeatures(m_languageFeatures); const QTextBlock prevBlock = currentBlock().previous(); QByteArray inheritedRawStringSuffix; if (prevBlock.isValid()) { inheritedRawStringSuffix = TextDocumentLayout::expectedRawStringSuffix(prevBlock); tokenize.setExpectedRawStringSuffix(inheritedRawStringSuffix); } int initialLexerState = lexerState; const Tokens tokens = tokenize(text, initialLexerState); lexerState = tokenize.state(); // refresh lexer state static const auto lexerStateWithoutNewLineExpectedBit = [](int state) { return state & ~0x80; }; initialLexerState = lexerStateWithoutNewLineExpectedBit(initialLexerState); int foldingIndent = initialBraceDepth; if (TextBlockUserData *userData = TextDocumentLayout::textUserData(currentBlock())) { userData->setFoldingIndent(0); userData->setFoldingStartIncluded(false); userData->setFoldingEndIncluded(false); } if (tokens.isEmpty()) { setCurrentBlockState((braceDepth << 8) | lexerState); TextDocumentLayout::clearParentheses(currentBlock()); if (!text.isEmpty()) {// the empty line can still contain whitespace if (initialLexerState == T_COMMENT) setFormatWithSpaces(text, 0, text.length(), formatForCategory(C_COMMENT)); else if (initialLexerState == T_DOXY_COMMENT) setFormatWithSpaces(text, 0, text.length(), formatForCategory(C_DOXYGEN_COMMENT)); else setFormat(0, text.length(), formatForCategory(C_VISUAL_WHITESPACE)); } TextDocumentLayout::setFoldingIndent(currentBlock(), foldingIndent); TextDocumentLayout::setExpectedRawStringSuffix(currentBlock(), inheritedRawStringSuffix); return; } const int firstNonSpace = tokens.first().utf16charsBegin(); // Keep "semantic parentheses". Parentheses parentheses; if (TextBlockUserData *userData = TextDocumentLayout::textUserData(currentBlock())) { parentheses = Utils::filtered(userData->parentheses(), [](const Parenthesis &p) { return p.source.isValid(); }); } const auto insertParen = [&parentheses](const Parenthesis &p) { insertSorted(parentheses, p); }; parentheses.reserve(5); bool expectPreprocessorKeyword = false; bool onlyHighlightComments = false; for (int i = 0; i < tokens.size(); ++i) { const Token &tk = tokens.at(i); int previousTokenEnd = 0; if (i != 0) { inheritedRawStringSuffix.clear(); // mark the whitespaces previousTokenEnd = tokens.at(i - 1).utf16charsBegin() + tokens.at(i - 1).utf16chars(); } if (previousTokenEnd != tk.utf16charsBegin()) { setFormat(previousTokenEnd, tk.utf16charsBegin() - previousTokenEnd, formatForCategory(C_VISUAL_WHITESPACE)); } if (tk.is(T_LPAREN) || tk.is(T_LBRACE) || tk.is(T_LBRACKET)) { const QChar c = text.at(tk.utf16charsBegin()); insertParen({Parenthesis::Opened, c, tk.utf16charsBegin()}); if (tk.is(T_LBRACE)) { ++braceDepth; // if a folding block opens at the beginning of a line, treat the entire line // as if it were inside the folding block if (tk.utf16charsBegin() == firstNonSpace) { ++foldingIndent; TextDocumentLayout::userData(currentBlock())->setFoldingStartIncluded(true); } } } else if (tk.is(T_RPAREN) || tk.is(T_RBRACE) || tk.is(T_RBRACKET)) { const QChar c = text.at(tk.utf16charsBegin()); insertParen({Parenthesis::Closed, c, tk.utf16charsBegin()}); if (tk.is(T_RBRACE)) { --braceDepth; if (braceDepth < foldingIndent) { // unless we are at the end of the block, we reduce the folding indent if (i == tokens.size()-1 || tokens.at(i+1).is(T_SEMICOLON)) TextDocumentLayout::userData(currentBlock())->setFoldingEndIncluded(true); else foldingIndent = qMin(braceDepth, foldingIndent); } } } bool highlightCurrentWordAsPreprocessor = expectPreprocessorKeyword; if (expectPreprocessorKeyword) expectPreprocessorKeyword = false; if (onlyHighlightComments && !tk.isComment()) continue; if (i == 0 && tk.is(T_POUND)) { setFormatWithSpaces(text, tk.utf16charsBegin(), tk.utf16chars(), formatForCategory(C_PREPROCESSOR)); expectPreprocessorKeyword = true; } else if (highlightCurrentWordAsPreprocessor && (tk.isKeyword() || tk.is(T_IDENTIFIER)) && isPPKeyword(QStringView(text).mid(tk.utf16charsBegin(), tk.utf16chars()))) { setFormat(tk.utf16charsBegin(), tk.utf16chars(), formatForCategory(C_PREPROCESSOR)); const QStringView ppKeyword = QStringView(text).mid(tk.utf16charsBegin(), tk.utf16chars()); if (ppKeyword == QLatin1String("error") || ppKeyword == QLatin1String("warning") || ppKeyword == QLatin1String("pragma")) { onlyHighlightComments = true; } } else if (tk.is(T_NUMERIC_LITERAL)) { setFormat(tk.utf16charsBegin(), tk.utf16chars(), formatForCategory(C_NUMBER)); } else if (tk.isStringLiteral() || tk.isCharLiteral()) { if (!highlightRawStringLiteral(text, tk, QString::fromUtf8(inheritedRawStringSuffix))) highlightStringLiteral(text, tk); } else if (tk.isComment()) { const int startPosition = initialLexerState ? previousTokenEnd : tk.utf16charsBegin(); if (tk.is(T_COMMENT) || tk.is(T_CPP_COMMENT)) { setFormatWithSpaces(text, startPosition, tk.utf16charsEnd() - startPosition, formatForCategory(C_COMMENT)); } else // a doxygen comment highlightDoxygenComment(text, startPosition, tk.utf16charsEnd() - startPosition); // we need to insert a close comment parenthesis, if // - the line starts in a C Comment (initalState != 0) // - the first token of the line is a T_COMMENT (i == 0 && tk.is(T_COMMENT)) // - is not a continuation line (tokens.size() > 1 || !state) if (initialLexerState && i == 0 && (tk.is(T_COMMENT) || tk.is(T_DOXY_COMMENT)) && (tokens.size() > 1 || !lexerState)) { --braceDepth; // unless we are at the end of the block, we reduce the folding indent if (i == tokens.size()-1) TextDocumentLayout::userData(currentBlock())->setFoldingEndIncluded(true); else foldingIndent = qMin(braceDepth, foldingIndent); const int tokenEnd = tk.utf16charsBegin() + tk.utf16chars() - 1; insertParen({Parenthesis::Closed, QLatin1Char('-'), tokenEnd}); // clear the initial state. initialLexerState = 0; } } else if (tk.isKeyword() || (m_languageFeatures.qtKeywordsEnabled && isQtKeyword( QStringView{text}.mid(tk.utf16charsBegin(), tk.utf16chars()))) || (m_languageFeatures.objCEnabled && tk.isObjCAtKeyword())) { setFormat(tk.utf16charsBegin(), tk.utf16chars(), formatForCategory(C_KEYWORD)); } else if (tk.isPrimitiveType()) { setFormat(tk.utf16charsBegin(), tk.utf16chars(), formatForCategory(C_PRIMITIVE_TYPE)); } else if (tk.isOperator()) { setFormat(tk.utf16charsBegin(), tk.utf16chars(), formatForCategory(C_OPERATOR)); } else if (tk.isPunctuation()) { setFormat(tk.utf16charsBegin(), tk.utf16chars(), formatForCategory(C_PUNCTUATION)); } else if (i == 0 && tokens.size() > 1 && tk.is(T_IDENTIFIER) && tokens.at(1).is(T_COLON)) { setFormat(tk.utf16charsBegin(), tk.utf16chars(), formatForCategory(C_LABEL)); } else if (tk.is(T_IDENTIFIER)) { highlightWord(QStringView(text).mid(tk.utf16charsBegin(), tk.utf16chars()), tk.utf16charsBegin(), tk.utf16chars()); } } // mark the trailing white spaces const int lastTokenEnd = tokens.last().utf16charsEnd(); if (text.length() > lastTokenEnd) formatSpaces(text, lastTokenEnd, text.length() - lastTokenEnd); if (!initialLexerState && lexerStateWithoutNewLineExpectedBit(lexerState) && !tokens.isEmpty()) { const Token &lastToken = tokens.last(); if (lastToken.is(T_COMMENT) || lastToken.is(T_DOXY_COMMENT)) { insertParen({Parenthesis::Opened, QLatin1Char('+'), lastToken.utf16charsBegin()}); ++braceDepth; } } TextDocumentLayout::setParentheses(currentBlock(), parentheses); // if the block is ifdefed out, we only store the parentheses, but // do not adjust the brace depth. if (TextBlockUserData *userData = TextDocumentLayout::textUserData(currentBlock()); userData && userData->ifdefedOut()) { braceDepth = initialBraceDepth; foldingIndent = initialBraceDepth; } TextDocumentLayout::setFoldingIndent(currentBlock(), foldingIndent); setCurrentBlockState((braceDepth << 8) | tokenize.state()); TextDocumentLayout::setExpectedRawStringSuffix(currentBlock(), tokenize.expectedRawStringSuffix()); } void CppHighlighter::setLanguageFeaturesFlags(unsigned int flags) { if (flags != m_languageFeatures.flags) { m_languageFeatures.flags = flags; rehighlight(); } } bool CppHighlighter::isPPKeyword(QStringView text) const { switch (text.length()) { case 2: if (text.at(0) == QLatin1Char('i') && text.at(1) == QLatin1Char('f')) return true; break; case 4: if (text.at(0) == QLatin1Char('e') && (text == QLatin1String("elif") || text == QLatin1String("else"))) return true; break; case 5: switch (text.at(0).toLatin1()) { case 'i': if (text == QLatin1String("ifdef")) return true; break; case 'u': if (text == QLatin1String("undef")) return true; break; case 'e': if (text == QLatin1String("endif") || text == QLatin1String("error")) return true; break; } break; case 6: switch (text.at(0).toLatin1()) { case 'i': if (text == QLatin1String("ifndef") || text == QLatin1String("import")) return true; break; case 'd': if (text == QLatin1String("define")) return true; break; case 'p': if (text == QLatin1String("pragma")) return true; break; } break; case 7: switch (text.at(0).toLatin1()) { case 'i': if (text == QLatin1String("include")) return true; break; case 'w': if (text == QLatin1String("warning")) return true; break; } break; case 12: if (text.at(0) == QLatin1Char('i') && text == QLatin1String("include_next")) return true; break; default: break; } return false; } void CppHighlighter::highlightWord(QStringView word, int position, int length) { // try to highlight Qt 'identifiers' like QObject and Q_PROPERTY if (word.length() > 2 && word.at(0) == QLatin1Char('Q')) { if (word.at(1) == QLatin1Char('_') // Q_ || (word.at(1) == QLatin1Char('T') && word.at(2) == QLatin1Char('_'))) { // QT_ for (int i = 1; i < word.length(); ++i) { const QChar &ch = word.at(i); if (!(ch.isUpper() || ch == QLatin1Char('_'))) return; } setFormat(position, length, formatForCategory(C_TYPE)); } } } bool CppHighlighter::highlightRawStringLiteral(QStringView text, const Token &tk, const QString &inheritedSuffix) { // Step one: Does the lexer think this is a raw string literal? switch (tk.kind()) { case T_RAW_STRING_LITERAL: case T_RAW_WIDE_STRING_LITERAL: case T_RAW_UTF8_STRING_LITERAL: case T_RAW_UTF16_STRING_LITERAL: case T_RAW_UTF32_STRING_LITERAL: break; default: return false; } // Step two: Try to find all the components (prefix/string/suffix). We might be in the middle // of a multi-line literal, though, so prefix and/or suffix might be missing. int delimiterOffset = -1; int stringOffset = 0; int stringLength = tk.utf16chars(); int endDelimiterOffset = -1; QString expectedSuffix = inheritedSuffix; [&] { // If the "inherited" suffix is not empty, then this token is a string continuation and // can therefore not start a new raw string literal. // FIXME: The lexer starts the token at the first non-whitespace character, so // we have to correct for that here. if (!inheritedSuffix.isEmpty()) { stringLength += tk.utf16charOffset; return; } // Conversely, since we are in a raw string literal that is not a continuation, // the start sequence must be in here. const int rOffset = text.indexOf(QLatin1String("R\""), tk.utf16charsBegin()); QTC_ASSERT(rOffset != -1, return); const int tentativeDelimiterOffset = rOffset + 2; const int openParenOffset = text.indexOf('(', tentativeDelimiterOffset); QTC_ASSERT(openParenOffset != -1, return); const QStringView delimiter = text.mid(tentativeDelimiterOffset, openParenOffset - tentativeDelimiterOffset); expectedSuffix = ')' + delimiter + '"'; delimiterOffset = tentativeDelimiterOffset; stringOffset = delimiterOffset + delimiter.length() + 1; stringLength -= delimiter.length() + 1; }(); int operatorOffset = tk.utf16charsBegin() + tk.utf16chars(); int operatorLength = 0; if (tk.f.userDefinedLiteral) { const int closingQuoteOffset = text.lastIndexOf('"', operatorOffset); QTC_ASSERT(closingQuoteOffset >= tk.utf16charsBegin(), return false); operatorOffset = closingQuoteOffset + 1; operatorLength = tk.utf16charsBegin() + tk.utf16chars() - operatorOffset; stringLength -= operatorLength; } if (text.mid(tk.utf16charsBegin(), operatorOffset - tk.utf16charsBegin()) .endsWith(expectedSuffix)) { endDelimiterOffset = operatorOffset - expectedSuffix.size(); stringLength -= expectedSuffix.size(); } // Step three: Do the actual formatting. For clarity, we display only the actual content as // a string, and the rest (including the delimiter) as a keyword. const QTextCharFormat delimiterFormat = formatForCategory(C_KEYWORD); if (delimiterOffset != -1) setFormat(tk.utf16charsBegin(), stringOffset - tk.utf16charsBegin(), delimiterFormat); setFormatWithSpaces(text.toString(), stringOffset, stringLength, formatForCategory(C_STRING)); if (endDelimiterOffset != -1) setFormat(endDelimiterOffset, expectedSuffix.size(), delimiterFormat); if (operatorLength > 0) setFormat(operatorOffset, operatorLength, formatForCategory(C_OPERATOR)); return true; } void CppHighlighter::highlightStringLiteral(QStringView text, const CPlusPlus::Token &tk) { switch (tk.kind()) { case T_WIDE_STRING_LITERAL: case T_UTF8_STRING_LITERAL: case T_UTF16_STRING_LITERAL: case T_UTF32_STRING_LITERAL: break; default: if (!tk.userDefinedLiteral()) { // Simple case: No prefix, no suffix. setFormatWithSpaces(text.toString(), tk.utf16charsBegin(), tk.utf16chars(), formatForCategory(C_STRING)); return; } } int stringOffset = 0; if (!tk.f.joined) { stringOffset = text.indexOf('"', tk.utf16charsBegin()); QTC_ASSERT(stringOffset > 0, return); setFormat(tk.utf16charsBegin(), stringOffset - tk.utf16charsBegin(), formatForCategory(C_KEYWORD)); } int operatorOffset = tk.utf16charsBegin() + tk.utf16chars(); if (tk.userDefinedLiteral()) { const int closingQuoteOffset = text.lastIndexOf('"', operatorOffset); QTC_ASSERT(closingQuoteOffset >= tk.utf16charsBegin(), return); operatorOffset = closingQuoteOffset + 1; } setFormatWithSpaces(text.toString(), stringOffset, operatorOffset - tk.utf16charsBegin(), formatForCategory(C_STRING)); if (const int operatorLength = tk.utf16charsBegin() + tk.utf16chars() - operatorOffset; operatorLength > 0) { setFormat(operatorOffset, operatorLength, formatForCategory(C_OPERATOR)); } } void CppHighlighter::highlightDoxygenComment(const QString &text, int position, int) { int initial = position; const QChar *uc = text.unicode(); const QChar *it = uc + position; const QTextCharFormat &format = formatForCategory(C_DOXYGEN_COMMENT); const QTextCharFormat &kwFormat = formatForCategory(C_DOXYGEN_TAG); while (!it->isNull()) { if (it->unicode() == QLatin1Char('\\') || it->unicode() == QLatin1Char('@')) { ++it; const QChar *start = it; while (isValidAsciiIdentifierChar(*it)) ++it; int k = classifyDoxygenTag(start, it - start); if (k != T_DOXY_IDENTIFIER) { setFormatWithSpaces(text, initial, start - uc - initial, format); setFormat(start - uc - 1, it - start + 1, kwFormat); initial = it - uc; } } else ++it; } setFormatWithSpaces(text, initial, it - uc - initial, format); } #ifdef WITH_TESTS namespace Internal { CppHighlighterTest::CppHighlighterTest() { QFile source(":/cppeditor/testcases/highlightingtestcase.cpp"); QVERIFY(source.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)); m_doc.setPlainText(QString::fromUtf8(source.readAll())); setDocument(&m_doc); rehighlight(); } void CppHighlighterTest::test_data() { QTest::addColumn("line"); QTest::addColumn("column"); QTest::addColumn("lastLine"); QTest::addColumn("lastColumn"); QTest::addColumn("style"); QTest::newRow("auto return type") << 1 << 1 << 1 << 4 << C_KEYWORD; QTest::newRow("opening brace") << 2 << 1 << 2 << 1 << C_PUNCTUATION; QTest::newRow("return") << 3 << 5 << 3 << 10 << C_KEYWORD; QTest::newRow("raw string prefix") << 3 << 12 << 3 << 14 << C_KEYWORD; QTest::newRow("raw string content (multi-line)") << 3 << 15 << 6 << 13 << C_STRING; QTest::newRow("raw string suffix") << 6 << 14 << 6 << 15 << C_KEYWORD; QTest::newRow("raw string prefix 2") << 6 << 17 << 6 << 19 << C_KEYWORD; QTest::newRow("raw string content 2") << 6 << 20 << 6 << 25 << C_STRING; QTest::newRow("raw string suffix 2") << 6 << 26 << 6 << 27 << C_KEYWORD; QTest::newRow("comment") << 6 << 29 << 6 << 41 << C_COMMENT; QTest::newRow("raw string prefix 3") << 6 << 53 << 6 << 45 << C_KEYWORD; QTest::newRow("raw string content 3") << 6 << 46 << 6 << 50 << C_STRING; QTest::newRow("raw string suffix 3") << 6 << 51 << 6 << 52 << C_KEYWORD; QTest::newRow("semicolon") << 6 << 53 << 6 << 53 << C_PUNCTUATION; QTest::newRow("closing brace") << 7 << 1 << 7 << 1 << C_PUNCTUATION; QTest::newRow("void") << 9 << 1 << 9 << 4 << C_PRIMITIVE_TYPE; QTest::newRow("bool") << 11 << 5 << 11 << 8 << C_PRIMITIVE_TYPE; QTest::newRow("true") << 11 << 15 << 11 << 18 << C_KEYWORD; QTest::newRow("false") << 12 << 15 << 12 << 19 << C_KEYWORD; QTest::newRow("nullptr") << 13 << 15 << 13 << 21 << C_KEYWORD; QTest::newRow("auto var type") << 18 << 15 << 18 << 8 << C_KEYWORD; QTest::newRow("integer literal") << 18 << 28 << 18 << 28 << C_NUMBER; QTest::newRow("floating-point literal 1") << 19 << 28 << 19 << 31 << C_NUMBER; QTest::newRow("floating-point literal 2") << 20 << 28 << 20 << 30 << C_NUMBER; QTest::newRow("template keyword") << 23 << 1 << 23 << 8 << C_KEYWORD; QTest::newRow("type in template type parameter") << 23 << 10 << 23 << 12 << C_PRIMITIVE_TYPE; QTest::newRow("integer literal as non-type template parameter default value") << 23 << 18 << 23 << 18 << C_NUMBER; QTest::newRow("class keyword") << 23 << 21 << 23 << 25 << C_KEYWORD; QTest::newRow("struct keyword") << 25 << 1 << 25 << 6 << C_KEYWORD; QTest::newRow("operator keyword") << 26 << 5 << 26 << 12 << C_KEYWORD; QTest::newRow("type in conversion operator") << 26 << 14 << 26 << 16 << C_PRIMITIVE_TYPE; QTest::newRow("concept keyword") << 29 << 22 << 29 << 28 << C_KEYWORD; QTest::newRow("user-defined UTF-16 string literal (prefix)") << 32 << 16 << 32 << 16 << C_KEYWORD; QTest::newRow("user-defined UTF-16 string literal (content)") << 32 << 17 << 32 << 21 << C_STRING; QTest::newRow("user-defined UTF-16 string literal (suffix)") << 32 << 22 << 32 << 23 << C_OPERATOR; QTest::newRow("wide string literal (prefix)") << 33 << 17 << 33 << 17 << C_KEYWORD; QTest::newRow("wide string literal (content)") << 33 << 18 << 33 << 24 << C_STRING; QTest::newRow("UTF-8 string literal (prefix)") << 34 << 17 << 34 << 18 << C_KEYWORD; QTest::newRow("UTF-8 string literal (content)") << 34 << 19 << 34 << 24 << C_STRING; QTest::newRow("UTF-32 string literal (prefix)") << 35 << 17 << 35 << 17 << C_KEYWORD; QTest::newRow("UTF-8 string literal (content)") << 35 << 18 << 35 << 23 << C_STRING; QTest::newRow("user-defined UTF-16 raw string literal (prefix)") << 36 << 17 << 36 << 20 << C_KEYWORD; QTest::newRow("user-defined UTF-16 raw string literal (content)") << 36 << 38 << 37 << 8 << C_STRING; QTest::newRow("user-defined UTF-16 raw string literal (suffix 1)") << 37 << 9 << 37 << 10 << C_KEYWORD; QTest::newRow("user-defined UTF-16 raw string literal (suffix 2)") << 37 << 11 << 37 << 12 << C_OPERATOR; QTest::newRow("multi-line user-defined UTF-16 string literal (prefix)") << 38 << 17 << 38 << 17 << C_KEYWORD; QTest::newRow("multi-line user-defined UTF-16 string literal (content)") << 38 << 18 << 39 << 3 << C_STRING; QTest::newRow("multi-line user-defined UTF-16 string literal (suffix)") << 39 << 4 << 39 << 5 << C_OPERATOR; QTest::newRow("multi-line raw string literal with consecutive closing parens (prefix)") << 48 << 18 << 48 << 20 << C_KEYWORD; QTest::newRow("multi-line raw string literal with consecutive closing parens (content)") << 49 << 1 << 49 << 1 << C_STRING; QTest::newRow("multi-line raw string literal with consecutive closing parens (suffix)") << 49 << 2 << 49 << 3 << C_KEYWORD; } void CppHighlighterTest::test() { QFETCH(int, line); QFETCH(int, column); QFETCH(int, lastLine); QFETCH(int, lastColumn); QFETCH(TextStyle, style); const int startPos = Utils::Text::positionInText(&m_doc, line, column); const int lastPos = Utils::Text::positionInText(&m_doc, lastLine, lastColumn); const auto getActualFormat = [&](int pos) -> QTextCharFormat { const QTextBlock block = m_doc.findBlock(pos); if (!block.isValid()) return {}; const QList &ranges = block.layout()->formats(); for (const QTextLayout::FormatRange &range : ranges) { const int offset = block.position() + range.start; if (offset > pos) return {}; if (offset + range.length <= pos) continue; return range.format; } return {}; }; const QTextCharFormat formatForStyle = formatForCategory(style); for (int pos = startPos; pos <= lastPos; ++pos) { const QChar c = m_doc.characterAt(pos); if (c == QChar::ParagraphSeparator) continue; const QTextCharFormat expectedFormat = asSyntaxHighlight( c.isSpace() ? whitespacified(formatForStyle) : formatForStyle); const QTextCharFormat actualFormat = getActualFormat(pos); if (actualFormat != expectedFormat) { int posLine; int posCol; Utils::Text::convertPosition(&m_doc, pos, &posLine, &posCol); qDebug() << posLine << posCol << c << actualFormat.foreground() << expectedFormat.foreground() << actualFormat.background() << expectedFormat.background(); } QCOMPARE(actualFormat, expectedFormat); } } void CppHighlighterTest::testParentheses_data() { QTest::addColumn("line"); QTest::addColumn("expectedParenCount"); QTest::newRow("function head") << 41 << 2; QTest::newRow("function opening brace") << 42 << 1; QTest::newRow("loop head") << 43 << 1; QTest::newRow("comment") << 44 << 0; QTest::newRow("loop end") << 45 << 3; QTest::newRow("function closing brace") << 46 << 1; } void CppHighlighterTest::testParentheses() { QFETCH(int, line); QFETCH(int, expectedParenCount); QTextBlock block = m_doc.findBlockByNumber(line - 1); QVERIFY(block.isValid()); QCOMPARE(TextDocumentLayout::parentheses(block).count(), expectedParenCount); } } // namespace Internal #endif // WITH_TESTS } // namespace CppEditor