/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. ** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/ ** ** This file is part of Qt Creator. ** ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms ** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further ** information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU ** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following ** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will ** be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html. ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "cppcodemodelinspectordumper.h" #include "cppmodelmanager.h" #include "cppworkingcopy.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace CppTools; namespace CppTools { namespace CppCodeModelInspector { QString Utils::toString(bool value) { return value ? QLatin1String("Yes") : QLatin1String("No"); } QString Utils::toString(unsigned value) { return QString::number(value); } QString Utils::toString(const QDateTime &dateTime) { return dateTime.toString(QLatin1String("hh:mm:ss dd.MM.yy")); } QString Utils::toString(CPlusPlus::Document::CheckMode checkMode) { #define CASE_CHECKMODE(x) case CPlusPlus::Document::x: return QLatin1String(#x) switch (checkMode) { CASE_CHECKMODE(Unchecked); CASE_CHECKMODE(FullCheck); CASE_CHECKMODE(FastCheck); // no default to get a compiler warning if anything is added } #undef CASE_CHECKMODE return QString(); } QString Utils::toString(CPlusPlus::Document::DiagnosticMessage::Level level) { #define CASE_LEVEL(x) case CPlusPlus::Document::DiagnosticMessage::x: return QLatin1String(#x) switch (level) { CASE_LEVEL(Warning); CASE_LEVEL(Error); CASE_LEVEL(Fatal); // no default to get a compiler warning if anything is added } #undef CASE_LEVEL return QString(); } QString Utils::toString(ProjectExplorer::HeaderPathType type) { #define CASE_LANGUAGEVERSION(x) case ProjectExplorer::HeaderPathType::x: return QLatin1String(#x"Path") switch (type) { CASE_LANGUAGEVERSION(User); CASE_LANGUAGEVERSION(System); CASE_LANGUAGEVERSION(Framework); CASE_LANGUAGEVERSION(BuiltIn); // no default to get a compiler warning if anything is added } #undef CASE_LANGUAGEVERSION return QString(); } QString Utils::toString(::Utils::LanguageVersion languageVersion) { #define CASE_LANGUAGEVERSION(x) case ::Utils::LanguageVersion::x: return QLatin1String(#x) switch (languageVersion) { CASE_LANGUAGEVERSION(None); CASE_LANGUAGEVERSION(C89); CASE_LANGUAGEVERSION(C99); CASE_LANGUAGEVERSION(C11); CASE_LANGUAGEVERSION(C18); CASE_LANGUAGEVERSION(CXX98); CASE_LANGUAGEVERSION(CXX03); CASE_LANGUAGEVERSION(CXX11); CASE_LANGUAGEVERSION(CXX14); CASE_LANGUAGEVERSION(CXX17); CASE_LANGUAGEVERSION(CXX2a); // no default to get a compiler warning if anything is added } #undef CASE_LANGUAGEVERSION return QString(); } QString Utils::toString(::Utils::LanguageExtensions languageExtension) { QString result; #define CASE_LANGUAGE_EXTENSION(ext) if (languageExtension & ::Utils::LanguageExtension::ext) \ result += QLatin1String(#ext ", "); CASE_LANGUAGE_EXTENSION(None); CASE_LANGUAGE_EXTENSION(Gnu); CASE_LANGUAGE_EXTENSION(Microsoft); CASE_LANGUAGE_EXTENSION(Borland); CASE_LANGUAGE_EXTENSION(OpenMP); CASE_LANGUAGE_EXTENSION(ObjectiveC); #undef CASE_LANGUAGE_EXTENSION if (result.endsWith(QLatin1String(", "))) result.chop(2); return result; } QString Utils::toString(ProjectPart::QtVersion qtVersion) { #define CASE_QTVERSION(x) case ProjectPart::x: return QLatin1String(#x) switch (qtVersion) { CASE_QTVERSION(UnknownQt); CASE_QTVERSION(NoQt); CASE_QTVERSION(Qt4); CASE_QTVERSION(Qt5); // no default to get a compiler warning if anything is added } #undef CASE_QTVERSION return QString(); } QString Utils::toString(ProjectPart::BuildTargetType buildTargetType) { #define CASE_BUILDTARGETTYPE(x) case ProjectPart::x: return QLatin1String(#x) switch (buildTargetType) { CASE_BUILDTARGETTYPE(Unknown); CASE_BUILDTARGETTYPE(Executable); CASE_BUILDTARGETTYPE(Library); } #undef CASE_BUILDTARGETTYPE return QString(); } QString Utils::toString(ProjectFile::Kind kind) { return QString::fromLatin1(projectFileKindToText(kind)); } QString Utils::toString(CPlusPlus::Kind kind) { using namespace CPlusPlus; #define TOKEN(x) case x: return QLatin1String(#x) #define TOKEN_AND_ALIASES(x,y) case x: return QLatin1String(#x "/" #y) switch (kind) { TOKEN(T_EOF_SYMBOL); TOKEN(T_ERROR); TOKEN(T_CPP_COMMENT); TOKEN(T_CPP_DOXY_COMMENT); TOKEN(T_COMMENT); TOKEN(T_DOXY_COMMENT); TOKEN(T_IDENTIFIER); TOKEN(T_NUMERIC_LITERAL); TOKEN(T_CHAR_LITERAL); TOKEN(T_WIDE_CHAR_LITERAL); TOKEN(T_UTF16_CHAR_LITERAL); TOKEN(T_UTF32_CHAR_LITERAL); TOKEN(T_STRING_LITERAL); TOKEN(T_WIDE_STRING_LITERAL); TOKEN(T_UTF8_STRING_LITERAL); TOKEN(T_UTF16_STRING_LITERAL); TOKEN(T_UTF32_STRING_LITERAL); TOKEN(T_RAW_STRING_LITERAL); TOKEN(T_RAW_WIDE_STRING_LITERAL); TOKEN(T_RAW_UTF8_STRING_LITERAL); TOKEN(T_RAW_UTF16_STRING_LITERAL); TOKEN(T_RAW_UTF32_STRING_LITERAL); TOKEN(T_AT_STRING_LITERAL); TOKEN(T_ANGLE_STRING_LITERAL); TOKEN_AND_ALIASES(T_AMPER, T_BITAND); TOKEN_AND_ALIASES(T_AMPER_AMPER, T_AND); TOKEN_AND_ALIASES(T_AMPER_EQUAL, T_AND_EQ); TOKEN(T_ARROW); TOKEN(T_ARROW_STAR); TOKEN_AND_ALIASES(T_CARET, T_XOR); TOKEN_AND_ALIASES(T_CARET_EQUAL, T_XOR_EQ); TOKEN(T_COLON); TOKEN(T_COLON_COLON); TOKEN(T_COMMA); TOKEN(T_SLASH); TOKEN(T_SLASH_EQUAL); TOKEN(T_DOT); TOKEN(T_DOT_DOT_DOT); TOKEN(T_DOT_STAR); TOKEN(T_EQUAL); TOKEN(T_EQUAL_EQUAL); TOKEN_AND_ALIASES(T_EXCLAIM, T_NOT); TOKEN_AND_ALIASES(T_EXCLAIM_EQUAL, T_NOT_EQ); TOKEN(T_GREATER); TOKEN(T_GREATER_EQUAL); TOKEN(T_GREATER_GREATER); TOKEN(T_GREATER_GREATER_EQUAL); TOKEN(T_LBRACE); TOKEN(T_LBRACKET); TOKEN(T_LESS); TOKEN(T_LESS_EQUAL); TOKEN(T_LESS_LESS); TOKEN(T_LESS_LESS_EQUAL); TOKEN(T_LPAREN); TOKEN(T_MINUS); TOKEN(T_MINUS_EQUAL); TOKEN(T_MINUS_MINUS); TOKEN(T_PERCENT); TOKEN(T_PERCENT_EQUAL); TOKEN_AND_ALIASES(T_PIPE, T_BITOR); TOKEN_AND_ALIASES(T_PIPE_EQUAL, T_OR_EQ); TOKEN_AND_ALIASES(T_PIPE_PIPE, T_OR); TOKEN(T_PLUS); TOKEN(T_PLUS_EQUAL); TOKEN(T_PLUS_PLUS); TOKEN(T_POUND); TOKEN(T_POUND_POUND); TOKEN(T_QUESTION); TOKEN(T_RBRACE); TOKEN(T_RBRACKET); TOKEN(T_RPAREN); TOKEN(T_SEMICOLON); TOKEN(T_STAR); TOKEN(T_STAR_EQUAL); TOKEN_AND_ALIASES(T_TILDE, T_COMPL); TOKEN(T_TILDE_EQUAL); TOKEN(T_ALIGNAS); TOKEN(T_ALIGNOF); TOKEN_AND_ALIASES(T_ASM, T___ASM/T___ASM__); TOKEN(T_AUTO); TOKEN(T_BOOL); TOKEN(T_BREAK); TOKEN(T_CASE); TOKEN(T_CATCH); TOKEN(T_CHAR); TOKEN(T_CHAR16_T); TOKEN(T_CHAR32_T); TOKEN(T_CLASS); TOKEN_AND_ALIASES(T_CONST, T___CONST/T___CONST__); TOKEN(T_CONST_CAST); TOKEN(T_CONSTEXPR); TOKEN(T_CONTINUE); TOKEN_AND_ALIASES(T_DECLTYPE, T___DECLTYPE); TOKEN(T_DEFAULT); TOKEN(T_DELETE); TOKEN(T_DO); TOKEN(T_DOUBLE); TOKEN(T_DYNAMIC_CAST); TOKEN(T_ELSE); TOKEN(T_ENUM); TOKEN(T_EXPLICIT); TOKEN(T_EXPORT); TOKEN(T_EXTERN); TOKEN(T_FALSE); TOKEN(T_FLOAT); TOKEN(T_FOR); TOKEN(T_FRIEND); TOKEN(T_GOTO); TOKEN(T_IF); TOKEN_AND_ALIASES(T_INLINE, T___INLINE/T___INLINE__); TOKEN(T_INT); TOKEN(T_LONG); TOKEN(T_MUTABLE); TOKEN(T_NAMESPACE); TOKEN(T_NEW); TOKEN(T_NOEXCEPT); TOKEN(T_NULLPTR); TOKEN(T_OPERATOR); TOKEN(T_PRIVATE); TOKEN(T_PROTECTED); TOKEN(T_PUBLIC); TOKEN(T_REGISTER); TOKEN(T_REINTERPRET_CAST); TOKEN(T_RETURN); TOKEN(T_SHORT); TOKEN(T_SIGNED); TOKEN(T_SIZEOF); TOKEN(T_STATIC); TOKEN(T_STATIC_ASSERT); TOKEN(T_STATIC_CAST); TOKEN(T_STRUCT); TOKEN(T_SWITCH); TOKEN(T_TEMPLATE); TOKEN(T_THIS); TOKEN(T_THREAD_LOCAL); TOKEN(T_THROW); TOKEN(T_TRUE); TOKEN(T_TRY); TOKEN(T_TYPEDEF); TOKEN(T_TYPEID); TOKEN(T_TYPENAME); TOKEN(T_UNION); TOKEN(T_UNSIGNED); TOKEN(T_USING); TOKEN(T_VIRTUAL); TOKEN(T_VOID); TOKEN_AND_ALIASES(T_VOLATILE, T___VOLATILE/T___VOLATILE__); TOKEN(T_WCHAR_T); TOKEN(T_WHILE); TOKEN_AND_ALIASES(T___ATTRIBUTE__, T___ATTRIBUTE); TOKEN(T___THREAD); TOKEN_AND_ALIASES(T___TYPEOF__, T_TYPEOF/T___TYPEOF); TOKEN(T_AT_CATCH); TOKEN(T_AT_CLASS); TOKEN(T_AT_COMPATIBILITY_ALIAS); TOKEN(T_AT_DEFS); TOKEN(T_AT_DYNAMIC); TOKEN(T_AT_ENCODE); TOKEN(T_AT_END); TOKEN(T_AT_FINALLY); TOKEN(T_AT_IMPLEMENTATION); TOKEN(T_AT_INTERFACE); TOKEN(T_AT_NOT_KEYWORD); TOKEN(T_AT_OPTIONAL); TOKEN(T_AT_PACKAGE); TOKEN(T_AT_PRIVATE); TOKEN(T_AT_PROPERTY); TOKEN(T_AT_PROTECTED); TOKEN(T_AT_PROTOCOL); TOKEN(T_AT_PUBLIC); TOKEN(T_AT_REQUIRED); TOKEN(T_AT_SELECTOR); TOKEN(T_AT_SYNCHRONIZED); TOKEN(T_AT_SYNTHESIZE); TOKEN(T_AT_THROW); TOKEN(T_AT_TRY); TOKEN(T_EMIT); TOKEN(T_SIGNAL); TOKEN(T_SLOT); TOKEN(T_Q_SIGNAL); TOKEN(T_Q_SLOT); TOKEN(T_Q_SIGNALS); TOKEN(T_Q_SLOTS); TOKEN(T_Q_FOREACH); TOKEN(T_Q_D); TOKEN(T_Q_Q); TOKEN(T_Q_INVOKABLE); TOKEN(T_Q_PROPERTY); TOKEN(T_Q_PRIVATE_PROPERTY); TOKEN(T_Q_INTERFACES); TOKEN(T_Q_EMIT); TOKEN(T_Q_ENUMS); TOKEN(T_Q_FLAGS); TOKEN(T_Q_PRIVATE_SLOT); TOKEN(T_Q_DECLARE_INTERFACE); TOKEN(T_Q_OBJECT); TOKEN(T_Q_GADGET); // no default to get a compiler warning if anything is added } #undef TOKEN #undef TOKEN_AND_ALIASES return QString(); } QString Utils::toString(ProjectPart::ToolChainWordWidth width) { switch (width) { case ProjectPart::ToolChainWordWidth::WordWidth32Bit: return QString("32"); case ProjectPart::ToolChainWordWidth::WordWidth64Bit: return QString("64"); } return QString(); } QString Utils::partsForFile(const QString &fileName) { const QList parts = CppModelManager::instance()->projectPart(fileName); QString result; foreach (const ProjectPart::Ptr &part, parts) result += part->displayName + QLatin1Char(','); if (result.endsWith(QLatin1Char(','))) result.chop(1); return result; } QString Utils::unresolvedFileNameWithDelimiters(const CPlusPlus::Document::Include &include) { const QString unresolvedFileName = include.unresolvedFileName(); if (include.type() == CPlusPlus::Client::IncludeLocal) return QLatin1Char('"') + unresolvedFileName + QLatin1Char('"'); return QLatin1Char('<') + unresolvedFileName + QLatin1Char('>'); } QString Utils::pathListToString(const QStringList &pathList) { QStringList result; foreach (const QString &path, pathList) result << QDir::toNativeSeparators(path); return result.join(QLatin1Char('\n')); } QString Utils::pathListToString(const ProjectExplorer::HeaderPaths &pathList) { QStringList result; foreach (const ProjectExplorer::HeaderPath &path, pathList) { result << QString(QLatin1String("%1 (%2 path)")).arg( QDir::toNativeSeparators(path.path), toString(path.type)); } return result.join(QLatin1Char('\n')); } QList Utils::snapshotToList(const CPlusPlus::Snapshot &snapshot) { QList documents; CPlusPlus::Snapshot::const_iterator it = snapshot.begin(), end = snapshot.end(); for (; it != end; ++it) documents.append(it.value()); return documents; } Dumper::Dumper(const CPlusPlus::Snapshot &globalSnapshot, const QString &logFileId) : m_globalSnapshot(globalSnapshot), m_out(stderr) { QString ideRevision; #ifdef IDE_REVISION ideRevision = QString::fromLatin1(Core::Constants::IDE_REVISION_STR).left(10); #endif QString ideRevision_ = ideRevision; if (!ideRevision_.isEmpty()) ideRevision_.prepend(QLatin1Char('_')); QString logFileId_ = logFileId; if (!logFileId_.isEmpty()) logFileId_.prepend(QLatin1Char('_')); const QString logFileName = ::Utils::TemporaryDirectory::masterDirectoryPath() + "/qtc-codemodelinspection" + ideRevision_ + QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("_yyMMdd_hhmmss") + logFileId_ + QLatin1String(".txt"); m_logFile.setFileName(logFileName); if (m_logFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { m_out << "Code model inspection log file is \"" << QDir::toNativeSeparators(logFileName) << "\".\n"; m_out.setDevice(&m_logFile); } m_out << "*** START Code Model Inspection Report for "; m_out << Core::ICore::versionString() << " from revision " << ideRevision << "\n"; m_out << "Note: This file contains vim fold markers (\"{{{n\"). " "Make use of them via \":set foldmethod=marker\".\n"; } Dumper::~Dumper() { m_out << "*** END Code Model Inspection Report\n"; } static void printIncludeType(QTextStream &out, ProjectExplorer::HeaderPathType type) { using ProjectExplorer::HeaderPathType; switch (type) { case HeaderPathType::User: out << "(user include path)"; break; case HeaderPathType::System: out << "(system include path)"; break; case HeaderPathType::Framework: out << "(framework path)"; break; case HeaderPathType::BuiltIn: out << "(built-in include path)"; break; } } void Dumper::dumpProjectInfos( const QList &projectInfos) { const QByteArray i1 = indent(1); const QByteArray i2 = indent(2); const QByteArray i3 = indent(3); const QByteArray i4 = indent(4); m_out << "Projects loaded: " << projectInfos.size() << "{{{1\n"; foreach (const ProjectInfo &info, projectInfos) { const QPointer project = info.project(); m_out << i1 << "Project " << project->displayName() << " (" << project->projectFilePath().toUserOutput() << "){{{2\n"; const QVector projectParts = info.projectParts(); foreach (const ProjectPart::Ptr &part, projectParts) { QString projectName = QLatin1String(""); QString projectFilePath = QLatin1String(""); if (ProjectExplorer::Project *project = part->project) { projectName = project->displayName(); projectFilePath = project->projectFilePath().toUserOutput(); } if (!part->projectConfigFile.isEmpty()) m_out << i3 << "Project Config File: " << part->projectConfigFile << "\n"; m_out << i2 << "Project Part \"" << part->id() << "\"{{{3\n"; m_out << i3 << "Project Part Name : " << part->displayName << "\n"; m_out << i3 << "Project Name : " << projectName << "\n"; m_out << i3 << "Project File : " << projectFilePath << "\n"; m_out << i3 << "ToolChain Type : " << part->toolchainType.toString() << "\n"; m_out << i3 << "ToolChain Target Triple: " << part->toolChainTargetTriple << "\n"; m_out << i3 << "ToolChain Word Width : " << part->toolChainWordWidth << "\n"; m_out << i3 << "Compiler Flags : " << part->compilerFlags.join(", ") << "\n"; m_out << i3 << "Selected For Building : " << part->selectedForBuilding << "\n"; m_out << i3 << "Build System Target : " << part->buildSystemTarget << "\n"; m_out << i3 << "Build Target Type : " << Utils::toString(part->buildTargetType) << "\n"; m_out << i3 << "Language Version : " << Utils::toString(part->languageVersion)<<"\n"; m_out << i3 << "Language Extensions : " << Utils::toString(part->languageExtensions) << "\n"; m_out << i3 << "Qt Version : " << Utils::toString(part->qtVersion) << "\n"; if (!part->files.isEmpty()) { m_out << i3 << "Files:{{{4\n"; foreach (const ProjectFile &projectFile, part->files) { m_out << i4 << Utils::toString(projectFile.kind) << ": " << projectFile.path; if (!projectFile.active) m_out << " (inactive)"; m_out << "\n"; } } if (!part->toolChainMacros.isEmpty()) { m_out << i3 << "Toolchain Defines:{{{4\n"; const QList defineLines = ProjectExplorer::Macro::toByteArray(part->toolChainMacros).split('\n'); foreach (const QByteArray &defineLine, defineLines) m_out << i4 << defineLine << "\n"; } if (!part->projectMacros.isEmpty()) { m_out << i3 << "Project Defines:{{{4\n"; const QList defineLines = ProjectExplorer::Macro::toByteArray(part->projectMacros).split('\n'); foreach (const QByteArray &defineLine, defineLines) m_out << i4 << defineLine << "\n"; } if (!part->headerPaths.isEmpty()) { m_out << i3 << "Header Paths:{{{4\n"; foreach (const ProjectExplorer::HeaderPath &headerPath, part->headerPaths) { m_out << i4 << headerPath.path; printIncludeType(m_out, headerPath.type); m_out << "\n"; } } if (!part->precompiledHeaders.isEmpty()) { m_out << i3 << "Precompiled Headers:{{{4\n"; foreach (const QString &precompiledHeader, part->precompiledHeaders) m_out << i4 << precompiledHeader << "\n"; } } // for part } // for project Info } void Dumper::dumpSnapshot(const CPlusPlus::Snapshot &snapshot, const QString &title, bool isGlobalSnapshot) { m_out << "Snapshot \"" << title << "\"{{{1\n"; const QByteArray i1 = indent(1); const QList documents = Utils::snapshotToList(snapshot); if (isGlobalSnapshot) { if (!documents.isEmpty()) { m_out << i1 << "Globally-Shared documents{{{2\n"; dumpDocuments(documents, false); } } else { // Divide into shared and not shared QList globallyShared; QList notGloballyShared; foreach (const CPlusPlus::Document::Ptr &document, documents) { CPlusPlus::Document::Ptr globalDocument = m_globalSnapshot.document(document->fileName()); if (globalDocument && globalDocument->fingerprint() == document->fingerprint()) globallyShared.append(document); else notGloballyShared.append(document); } if (!notGloballyShared.isEmpty()) { m_out << i1 << "Not-Globally-Shared documents:{{{2\n"; dumpDocuments(notGloballyShared); } if (!globallyShared.isEmpty()) { m_out << i1 << "Globally-Shared documents{{{2\n"; dumpDocuments(globallyShared, true); } } } void Dumper::dumpWorkingCopy(const WorkingCopy &workingCopy) { m_out << "Working Copy contains " << workingCopy.size() << " entries{{{1\n"; const QByteArray i1 = indent(1); QHashIterator< ::Utils::FilePath, QPair > it = workingCopy.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { it.next(); const ::Utils::FilePath &filePath = it.key(); unsigned sourcRevision = it.value().second; m_out << i1 << "rev=" << sourcRevision << ", " << filePath << "\n"; } } void Dumper::dumpMergedEntities(const ProjectExplorer::HeaderPaths &mergedHeaderPaths, const QByteArray &mergedMacros) { m_out << "Merged Entities{{{1\n"; const QByteArray i2 = indent(2); const QByteArray i3 = indent(3); m_out << i2 << "Merged Header Paths{{{2\n"; foreach (const ProjectExplorer::HeaderPath &hp, mergedHeaderPaths) { m_out << i3 << hp.path; printIncludeType(m_out, hp.type); m_out << "\n"; } m_out << i2 << "Merged Defines{{{2\n"; m_out << mergedMacros; } void Dumper::dumpStringList(const QStringList &list, const QByteArray &indent) { foreach (const QString &item, list) m_out << indent << item << "\n"; } void Dumper::dumpDocuments(const QList &documents, bool skipDetails) { const QByteArray i2 = indent(2); const QByteArray i3 = indent(3); const QByteArray i4 = indent(4); foreach (const CPlusPlus::Document::Ptr &document, documents) { if (skipDetails) { m_out << i2 << "\"" << document->fileName() << "\"\n"; continue; } m_out << i2 << "Document \"" << document->fileName() << "\"{{{3\n"; m_out << i3 << "Last Modified : " << Utils::toString(document->lastModified()) << "\n"; m_out << i3 << "Revision : " << Utils::toString(document->revision()) << "\n"; m_out << i3 << "Editor Revision: " << Utils::toString(document->editorRevision()) << "\n"; m_out << i3 << "Check Mode : " << Utils::toString(document->checkMode()) << "\n"; m_out << i3 << "Tokenized : " << Utils::toString(document->isTokenized()) << "\n"; m_out << i3 << "Parsed : " << Utils::toString(document->isParsed()) << "\n"; m_out << i3 << "Project Parts : " << Utils::partsForFile(document->fileName()) << "\n"; const QList includes = document->unresolvedIncludes() + document->resolvedIncludes(); if (!includes.isEmpty()) { m_out << i3 << "Includes:{{{4\n"; foreach (const CPlusPlus::Document::Include &include, includes) { m_out << i4 << "at line " << include.line() << ": " << Utils::unresolvedFileNameWithDelimiters(include) << " ==> " << include.resolvedFileName() << "\n"; } } const QList diagnosticMessages = document->diagnosticMessages(); if (!diagnosticMessages.isEmpty()) { m_out << i3 << "Diagnostic Messages:{{{4\n"; foreach (const CPlusPlus::Document::DiagnosticMessage &msg, diagnosticMessages) { const auto level = static_cast(msg.level()); m_out << i4 << "at " << msg.line() << ":" << msg.column() << ", " << Utils::toString(level) << ": " << msg.text() << "\n"; } } const QList macroDefinitions = document->definedMacros(); if (!macroDefinitions.isEmpty()) { m_out << i3 << "(Un)Defined Macros:{{{4\n"; foreach (const CPlusPlus::Macro ¯o, macroDefinitions) m_out << i4 << "at line " << macro.line() << ": " << macro.toString() << "\n"; } const QList macroUses = document->macroUses(); if (!macroUses.isEmpty()) { m_out << i3 << "Macro Uses:{{{4\n"; foreach (const CPlusPlus::Document::MacroUse &use, macroUses) { const QString type = use.isFunctionLike() ? QLatin1String("function-like") : QLatin1String("object-like"); m_out << i4 << "at line " << use.beginLine() << ", " << use.macro().nameToQString().size() << ", begin=" << use.utf16charsBegin() << ", end=" << use.utf16charsEnd() << ", " << type << ", args=" << use.arguments().size() << "\n"; } } const QString source = QString::fromUtf8(document->utf8Source()); if (!source.isEmpty()) { m_out << i4 << "Source:{{{4\n"; m_out << source; m_out << "\n<< 1) indent += basicIndent; return indent; } } // namespace CppCodeModelInspector } // namespace CppEditor