CppTools::Internal::CppCodeStyleSettingsPage 0 0 463 317 0 General 0 0 Qt::TabFocus Qt::Vertical 20 347 Content Indent "public", "protected" and "private" within class body Declarations relative to "public", "protected" and "private" Statements within function body Statements within blocks Declarations within "namespace" definition Qt::Vertical 17 114 Braces Indent Braces Class declarations Namespace declarations Enum declarations Function declarations Blocks Qt::Vertical 20 195 "switch" Indent within "switch" "case" or "default" Statements relative to "case" or "default" Blocks relative to "case" or "default" "break" statement relative to "case" or "default" Qt::Vertical 20 143 Alignment Align <html><head/><body> Enables alignment to tokens after =, += etc. When the option is disabled, regular continuation line indentation will be used.<br> <br> With alignment: <pre> a = a + b </pre> Without alignment: <pre> a = a + b </pre> </body></html> Align after assignments <html><head/><body> Adds an extra level of indentation to multiline conditions in the switch, if, while and foreach statements if they would otherwise have the same or less indentation than a nested statement. For four-spaces indentation only if statement conditions are affected. Without extra padding: <pre> if (a && b) c; </pre> With extra padding: <pre> if (a && b) c; </pre> </body></html> Add extra padding to conditions if they would align to the next line Qt::Vertical 20 40 Pointers and References Bind '*' and '&&' in types/declarations to <html><head/><body>This does not apply to the star and reference symbol in pointer/reference to functions and arrays, e.g.: <pre> int (&rf)() = ...; int (*pf)() = ...; int (&ra)[2] = ...; int (*pa)[2] = ...; </pre></body></html> Identifier Type name Left const/volatile This does not apply to references. Right const/volatile Qt::Vertical 20 40 TextEditor::TabSettingsWidget QWidget
TextEditor::SnippetEditorWidget QPlainTextEdit