Gerrit::Internal::AuthenticationDialog 0 0 400 334 Authentication 0 0 <html><head/><body><p>Gerrit server with HTTP was detected, but you need to set up credentials for it.</p><p>To get your password, <a href="LINK_PLACEHOLDER"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#007af4;">click here</span></a> (sign in if needed). Click Generate Password if the password is blank, and copy the user name and password to this form.</p><p>Choose Anonymous if you do not want authentication for this server. In this case, changes that require authentication (like draft changes or private projects) will not be displayed.</p></body></html> Qt::RichText true &User: userLineEdit &Password: passwordLineEdit Server: false Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok buttonBox accepted() Gerrit::Internal::AuthenticationDialog accept() 248 254 157 274 buttonBox rejected() Gerrit::Internal::AuthenticationDialog reject() 316 260 286 274