/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. ** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/ ** ** This file is part of Qt Creator. ** ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms ** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further ** information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU ** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following ** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will ** be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html. ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "pythoneditorplugin.h" #include "pythoneditor.h" #include "pythoneditorconstants.h" #include "pythonhighlighter.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace Core; using namespace ProjectExplorer; using namespace PythonEditor::Constants; using namespace Utils; namespace PythonEditor { namespace Internal { const char PythonMimeType[] = "text/x-python-project"; // ### FIXME const char PythonProjectId[] = "PythonProject"; const char PythonErrorTaskCategory[] = "Task.Category.Python"; class PythonProject : public Project { Q_OBJECT public: explicit PythonProject(const Utils::FileName &filename); bool addFiles(const QStringList &filePaths); bool removeFiles(const QStringList &filePaths); bool setFiles(const QStringList &filePaths); bool renameFile(const QString &filePath, const QString &newFilePath); void refresh(Target *target = nullptr); bool needsConfiguration() const final { return false; } bool needsBuildConfigurations() const final { return false; } bool writePyProjectFile(const QString &fileName, QString &content, const QStringList &rawList, QString *errorMessage); private: RestoreResult fromMap(const QVariantMap &map, QString *errorMessage) override; bool setupTarget(Target *t) override { refresh(t); return Project::setupTarget(t); } bool saveRawFileList(const QStringList &rawFileList); bool saveRawList(const QStringList &rawList, const QString &fileName); void parseProject(); QStringList processEntries(const QStringList &paths, QHash *map = nullptr) const; QStringList m_rawFileList; QStringList m_files; QHash m_rawListEntries; }; class PythonProjectNode : public ProjectNode { public: PythonProjectNode(PythonProject *project); bool supportsAction(ProjectAction action, const Node *node) const override; bool addFiles(const QStringList &filePaths, QStringList *) override; bool removeFiles(const QStringList &filePaths, QStringList *) override; bool deleteFiles(const QStringList &) override; bool renameFile(const QString &filePath, const QString &newFilePath) override; private: PythonProject *m_project; }; static QTextCharFormat linkFormat(const QTextCharFormat &inputFormat, const QString &href) { QTextCharFormat result = inputFormat; result.setForeground(creatorTheme()->color(Theme::TextColorLink)); result.setUnderlineStyle(QTextCharFormat::SingleUnderline); result.setAnchor(true); result.setAnchorHref(href); return result; } class PythonOutputFormatter : public OutputFormatter { public: PythonOutputFormatter(Project *) // Note that moc dislikes raw string literals. : filePattern("^(\\s*)(File \"([^\"]+)\", line (\\d+), .*$)") { TaskHub::clearTasks(PythonErrorTaskCategory); } private: void appendMessage(const QString &text, OutputFormat format) final { const bool isTrace = (format == StdErrFormat || format == StdErrFormatSameLine) && (text.startsWith("Traceback (most recent call last):") || text.startsWith("\nTraceback (most recent call last):")); if (!isTrace) { OutputFormatter::appendMessage(text, format); return; } const QTextCharFormat frm = charFormat(format); const Core::Id id(PythonErrorTaskCategory); QVector tasks; const QStringList lines = text.split('\n'); unsigned taskId = unsigned(lines.size()); for (const QString &line : lines) { const QRegularExpressionMatch match = filePattern.match(line); if (match.hasMatch()) { QTextCursor tc = plainTextEdit()->textCursor(); tc.movePosition(QTextCursor::End, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor); tc.insertText('\n' + match.captured(1)); tc.insertText(match.captured(2), linkFormat(frm, match.captured(2))); const auto fileName = FileName::fromString(match.captured(3)); const int lineNumber = match.capturedRef(4).toInt(); Task task(Task::Warning, QString(), fileName, lineNumber, id); task.taskId = --taskId; tasks.append(task); } else { if (!tasks.isEmpty()) { Task &task = tasks.back(); if (!task.description.isEmpty()) task.description += ' '; task.description += line.trimmed(); } OutputFormatter::appendMessage('\n' + line, format); } } if (!tasks.isEmpty()) { tasks.back().type = Task::Error; for (auto rit = tasks.crbegin(), rend = tasks.crend(); rit != rend; ++rit) TaskHub::addTask(*rit); } } void handleLink(const QString &href) final { const QRegularExpressionMatch match = filePattern.match(href); if (!match.hasMatch()) return; const QString fileName = match.captured(3); const int lineNumber = match.capturedRef(4).toInt(); Core::EditorManager::openEditorAt(fileName, lineNumber); } const QRegularExpression filePattern; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class InterpreterAspect : public BaseStringAspect { Q_OBJECT public: InterpreterAspect() = default; }; class MainScriptAspect : public BaseStringAspect { Q_OBJECT public: MainScriptAspect() = default; }; class PythonRunConfiguration : public RunConfiguration { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(bool supportsDebugger READ supportsDebugger) Q_PROPERTY(QString interpreter READ interpreter) Q_PROPERTY(QString mainScript READ mainScript) Q_PROPERTY(QString arguments READ arguments) public: PythonRunConfiguration(Target *target, Core::Id id); private: void doAdditionalSetup(const RunConfigurationCreationInfo &) final { updateTargetInformation(); } Runnable runnable() const final; bool supportsDebugger() const { return true; } QString mainScript() const { return aspect()->value(); } QString arguments() const { return aspect()->arguments(macroExpander()); } QString interpreter() const { return aspect()->value(); } void updateTargetInformation(); }; PythonRunConfiguration::PythonRunConfiguration(Target *target, Core::Id id) : RunConfiguration(target, id) { const Environment sysEnv = Environment::systemEnvironment(); const QString exec = sysEnv.searchInPath("python").toString(); auto interpreterAspect = addAspect(); interpreterAspect->setSettingsKey("PythonEditor.RunConfiguation.Interpreter"); interpreterAspect->setLabelText(tr("Interpreter:")); interpreterAspect->setDisplayStyle(BaseStringAspect::PathChooserDisplay); interpreterAspect->setHistoryCompleter("PythonEditor.Interpreter.History"); interpreterAspect->setValue(exec.isEmpty() ? "python" : exec); auto scriptAspect = addAspect(); scriptAspect->setSettingsKey("PythonEditor.RunConfiguation.Script"); scriptAspect->setLabelText(tr("Script:")); scriptAspect->setDisplayStyle(BaseStringAspect::LabelDisplay); addAspect(target); addAspect(); addAspect(); setOutputFormatter(); connect(target, &Target::applicationTargetsChanged, this, &PythonRunConfiguration::updateTargetInformation); connect(target->project(), &Project::parsingFinished, this, &PythonRunConfiguration::updateTargetInformation); } void PythonRunConfiguration::updateTargetInformation() { const BuildTargetInfo bti = buildTargetInfo(); const QString script = bti.targetFilePath.toString(); setDefaultDisplayName(tr("Run %1").arg(script)); aspect()->setValue(script); } Runnable PythonRunConfiguration::runnable() const { Runnable r; QtcProcess::addArg(&r.commandLineArguments, mainScript()); QtcProcess::addArgs(&r.commandLineArguments, aspect()->arguments(macroExpander())); r.executable = aspect()->value(); r.environment = aspect()->environment(); return r; } class PythonRunConfigurationFactory : public RunConfigurationFactory { public: PythonRunConfigurationFactory() { registerRunConfiguration("PythonEditor.RunConfiguration."); addSupportedProjectType(PythonProjectId); } }; PythonProject::PythonProject(const FileName &fileName) : Project(Constants::C_PY_MIMETYPE, fileName, [this]() { refresh(); }) { setId(PythonProjectId); setProjectLanguages(Context(ProjectExplorer::Constants::CXX_LANGUAGE_ID)); setDisplayName(fileName.toFileInfo().completeBaseName()); } static QStringList readLines(const Utils::FileName &projectFile) { const QString projectFileName = projectFile.fileName(); QSet visited = { projectFileName }; QStringList lines = { projectFileName }; QFile file(projectFile.toString()); if (file.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) { QTextStream stream(&file); while (true) { const QString line = stream.readLine(); if (line.isNull()) break; if (visited.contains(line)) continue; lines.append(line); visited.insert(line); } } return lines; } static QStringList readLinesJson(const Utils::FileName &projectFile, QString *errorMessage) { const QString projectFileName = projectFile.fileName(); QStringList lines = { projectFileName }; QFile file(projectFile.toString()); if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { *errorMessage = PythonProject::tr("Unable to open \"%1\" for reading: %2") .arg(projectFile.toUserOutput(), file.errorString()); return lines; } const QByteArray content = file.readAll(); // This assumes te project file is formed with only one field called // 'files' that has a list associated of the files to include in the project. if (content.isEmpty()) { *errorMessage = PythonProject::tr("Unable to read \"%1\": The file is empty.") .arg(projectFile.toUserOutput()); return lines; } QJsonParseError error; const QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(content, &error); if (doc.isNull()) { const int line = content.left(error.offset).count('\n') + 1; *errorMessage = PythonProject::tr("Unable to parse \"%1\":%2: %3") .arg(projectFile.toUserOutput()).arg(line) .arg(error.errorString()); return lines; } const QJsonObject obj = doc.object(); if (obj.contains("files")) { const QJsonValue files = obj.value("files"); const QJsonArray files_array = files.toArray(); QSet visited; for (const auto &file : files_array) visited.insert(file.toString()); lines.append(visited.toList()); } return lines; } bool PythonProject::saveRawFileList(const QStringList &rawFileList) { const bool result = saveRawList(rawFileList, projectFilePath().toString()); // refresh(PythonProject::Files); return result; } bool PythonProject::saveRawList(const QStringList &rawList, const QString &fileName) { FileChangeBlocker changeGuarg(fileName); bool result = false; // New project file if (fileName.endsWith(".pyproject")) { FileSaver saver(fileName, QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text); if (!saver.hasError()) { QString content = QTextStream(saver.file()).readAll(); if (saver.finalize(ICore::mainWindow())) { QString errorMessage; result = writePyProjectFile(fileName, content, rawList, &errorMessage); if (!errorMessage.isEmpty()) Core::MessageManager::write(errorMessage); } } } else { // Old project file FileSaver saver(fileName, QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text); if (!saver.hasError()) { QTextStream stream(saver.file()); for (const QString &filePath : rawList) stream << filePath << '\n'; saver.setResult(&stream); result = saver.finalize(ICore::mainWindow()); } } return result; } bool PythonProject::writePyProjectFile(const QString &fileName, QString &content, const QStringList &rawList, QString *errorMessage) { QFile file(fileName); if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { *errorMessage = PythonProject::tr("Unable to open \"%1\" for reading: %2") .arg(fileName, file.errorString()); return false; } // Build list of files with the current rawList for the JSON file QString files("["); for (const QString &f : rawList) if (!f.endsWith(".pyproject")) files += QString("\"%1\",").arg(f); files = files.left(files.lastIndexOf(',')); // Removing leading comma files += ']'; // Removing everything inside square parenthesis // to replace it with the new list of files for the JSON file. QRegularExpression pattern(R"(\[.*\])"); content.replace(pattern, files); file.write(content.toUtf8()); return true; } bool PythonProject::addFiles(const QStringList &filePaths) { QStringList newList = m_rawFileList; const QDir baseDir(projectDirectory().toString()); for (const QString &filePath : filePaths) newList.append(baseDir.relativeFilePath(filePath)); return saveRawFileList(newList); } bool PythonProject::removeFiles(const QStringList &filePaths) { QStringList newList = m_rawFileList; for (const QString &filePath : filePaths) { const QHash::iterator i = m_rawListEntries.find(filePath); if (i != m_rawListEntries.end()) newList.removeOne(i.value()); } return saveRawFileList(newList); } bool PythonProject::setFiles(const QStringList &filePaths) { QStringList newList; const QDir baseDir(projectDirectory().toString()); for (const QString &filePath : filePaths) newList.append(baseDir.relativeFilePath(filePath)); return saveRawFileList(newList); } bool PythonProject::renameFile(const QString &filePath, const QString &newFilePath) { QStringList newList = m_rawFileList; const QHash::iterator i = m_rawListEntries.find(filePath); if (i != m_rawListEntries.end()) { const int index = newList.indexOf(i.value()); if (index != -1) { const QDir baseDir(projectDirectory().toString()); newList.replace(index, baseDir.relativeFilePath(newFilePath)); } } return saveRawFileList(newList); } void PythonProject::parseProject() { m_rawListEntries.clear(); const Utils::FileName filePath = projectFilePath(); // The PySide project file is JSON based if (filePath.endsWith(".pyproject")) { QString errorMessage; m_rawFileList = readLinesJson(filePath, &errorMessage); if (!errorMessage.isEmpty()) Core::MessageManager::write(errorMessage); } // To keep compatibility with PyQt we keep the compatibility with plain // text files as project files. else if (filePath.endsWith(".pyqtc")) m_rawFileList = readLines(filePath); m_files = processEntries(m_rawFileList, &m_rawListEntries); } /** * @brief Provides displayName relative to project node */ class PythonFileNode : public FileNode { public: PythonFileNode(const Utils::FileName &filePath, const QString &nodeDisplayName, FileType fileType = FileType::Source) : FileNode(filePath, fileType) , m_displayName(nodeDisplayName) {} QString displayName() const override { return m_displayName; } private: QString m_displayName; }; void PythonProject::refresh(Target *target) { emitParsingStarted(); parseProject(); const QDir baseDir(projectDirectory().toString()); BuildTargetInfoList appTargets; auto newRoot = std::make_unique(this); for (const QString &f : qAsConst(m_files)) { const QString displayName = baseDir.relativeFilePath(f); const FileType fileType = f.endsWith(".pyproject") || f.endsWith(".pyqtc") ? FileType::Project : FileType::Source; newRoot->addNestedNode(std::make_unique(FileName::fromString(f), displayName, fileType)); if (fileType == FileType::Source) { BuildTargetInfo bti; bti.buildKey = f; bti.targetFilePath = FileName::fromString(f); bti.projectFilePath = projectFilePath(); appTargets.list.append(bti); } } setRootProjectNode(std::move(newRoot)); if (!target) target = activeTarget(); if (target) target->setApplicationTargets(appTargets); emitParsingFinished(true); } /** * Expands environment variables in the given \a string when they are written * like $$(VARIABLE). */ static void expandEnvironmentVariables(const QProcessEnvironment &env, QString &string) { static QRegExp candidate(QLatin1String("\\$\\$\\((.+)\\)")); int index = candidate.indexIn(string); while (index != -1) { const QString value = env.value(candidate.cap(1)); string.replace(index, candidate.matchedLength(), value); index += value.length(); index = candidate.indexIn(string, index); } } /** * Expands environment variables and converts the path from relative to the * project to an absolute path. * * The \a map variable is an optional argument that will map the returned * absolute paths back to their original \a entries. */ QStringList PythonProject::processEntries(const QStringList &paths, QHash *map) const { const QProcessEnvironment env = QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment(); const QDir projectDir(projectDirectory().toString()); QFileInfo fileInfo; QStringList absolutePaths; for (const QString &path : paths) { QString trimmedPath = path.trimmed(); if (trimmedPath.isEmpty()) continue; expandEnvironmentVariables(env, trimmedPath); trimmedPath = FileName::fromUserInput(trimmedPath).toString(); fileInfo.setFile(projectDir, trimmedPath); if (fileInfo.exists()) { const QString absPath = fileInfo.absoluteFilePath(); absolutePaths.append(absPath); if (map) map->insert(absPath, trimmedPath); } } absolutePaths.removeDuplicates(); return absolutePaths; } Project::RestoreResult PythonProject::fromMap(const QVariantMap &map, QString *errorMessage) { Project::RestoreResult res = Project::fromMap(map, errorMessage); if (res == RestoreResult::Ok) { refresh(); Kit *defaultKit = KitManager::defaultKit(); if (!activeTarget() && defaultKit) addTarget(createTarget(defaultKit)); } return res; } PythonProjectNode::PythonProjectNode(PythonProject *project) : ProjectNode(project->projectDirectory()) , m_project(project) { setDisplayName(project->projectFilePath().toFileInfo().completeBaseName()); setAddFileFilter("*.py"); } QHash sortFilesIntoPaths(const QString &base, const QSet &files) { QHash filesInPath; const QDir baseDir(base); for (const QString &absoluteFileName : files) { const QFileInfo fileInfo(absoluteFileName); const FileName absoluteFilePath = FileName::fromString(fileInfo.path()); QString relativeFilePath; if (absoluteFilePath.isChildOf(baseDir)) { relativeFilePath = absoluteFilePath.relativeChildPath(FileName::fromString(base)).toString(); } else { // 'file' is not part of the project. relativeFilePath = baseDir.relativeFilePath(absoluteFilePath.toString()); if (relativeFilePath.endsWith('/')) relativeFilePath.chop(1); } filesInPath[relativeFilePath].append(absoluteFileName); } return filesInPath; } bool PythonProjectNode::supportsAction(ProjectAction action, const Node *node) const { if (node->asFileNode()) { return action == ProjectAction::Rename || action == ProjectAction::RemoveFile; } if (node->isFolderNodeType() || node->isProjectNodeType()) { return action == ProjectAction::AddNewFile || action == ProjectAction::RemoveFile || action == ProjectAction::AddExistingFile; } return ProjectNode::supportsAction(action, node); } bool PythonProjectNode::addFiles(const QStringList &filePaths, QStringList *) { return m_project->addFiles(filePaths); } bool PythonProjectNode::removeFiles(const QStringList &filePaths, QStringList *) { return m_project->removeFiles(filePaths); } bool PythonProjectNode::deleteFiles(const QStringList &) { return true; } bool PythonProjectNode::renameFile(const QString &filePath, const QString &newFilePath) { return m_project->renameFile(filePath, newFilePath); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PythonEditorPlugin // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class PythonEditorPluginPrivate { public: PythonEditorFactory editorFactory; PythonRunConfigurationFactory runConfigFactory; SimpleRunWorkerFactory runWorkerFactory; }; PythonEditorPlugin::~PythonEditorPlugin() { delete d; } bool PythonEditorPlugin::initialize(const QStringList &arguments, QString *errorMessage) { Q_UNUSED(arguments) Q_UNUSED(errorMessage) d = new PythonEditorPluginPrivate; ProjectManager::registerProjectType(PythonMimeType); return true; } void PythonEditorPlugin::extensionsInitialized() { // Add MIME overlay icons (these icons displayed at Project dock panel) QString imageFile = creatorTheme()->imageFile(Theme::IconOverlayPro, ProjectExplorer::Constants::FILEOVERLAY_PY); FileIconProvider::registerIconOverlayForSuffix(imageFile, "py"); TaskHub::addCategory(PythonErrorTaskCategory, "Python", true); } } // namespace Internal } // namespace PythonEditor #include "pythoneditorplugin.moc"