/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. ** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/ ** ** This file is part of Qt Creator. ** ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms ** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further ** information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU ** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following ** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will ** be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html. ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "qtversionmanager.h" #include "baseqtversion.h" #include "exampleslistmodel.h" #include "qtkitinformation.h" #include "qtsupportconstants.h" #include "qtversionfactory.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace Utils; namespace QtSupport { using namespace Internal; const char QTVERSION_DATA_KEY[] = "QtVersion."; const char QTVERSION_TYPE_KEY[] = "QtVersion.Type"; const char QTVERSION_FILE_VERSION_KEY[] = "Version"; const char QTVERSION_FILENAME[] = "qtversion.xml"; using VersionMap = QMap; static VersionMap m_versions; const char DOCUMENTATION_SETTING_KEY[] = "QtSupport/DocumentationSetting"; static int m_idcount = 0; // managed by QtProjectManagerPlugin static QtVersionManager *m_instance = nullptr; static FileSystemWatcher *m_configFileWatcher = nullptr; static QTimer *m_fileWatcherTimer = nullptr; static PersistentSettingsWriter *m_writer = nullptr; static QVector m_pluginRegisteredExampleSets; static Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(log, "qtc.qt.versions", QtWarningMsg); static FilePath globalSettingsFileName() { return Core::ICore::installerResourcePath(QTVERSION_FILENAME); } static FilePath settingsFileName(const QString &path) { return Core::ICore::userResourcePath(path); } // prefer newer qts otherwise compare on id bool qtVersionNumberCompare(BaseQtVersion *a, BaseQtVersion *b) { return a->qtVersion() > b->qtVersion() || (a->qtVersion() == b->qtVersion() && a->uniqueId() < b->uniqueId()); } static bool restoreQtVersions(); static void findSystemQt(); static void saveQtVersions(); QVector ExampleSetModel::pluginRegisteredExampleSets() { return m_pluginRegisteredExampleSets; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // QtVersionManager // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- QtVersionManager::QtVersionManager() { m_instance = this; m_configFileWatcher = nullptr; m_fileWatcherTimer = new QTimer(this); m_writer = nullptr; m_idcount = 1; qRegisterMetaType(); // Give the file a bit of time to settle before reading it... m_fileWatcherTimer->setInterval(2000); connect(m_fileWatcherTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, [this] { updateFromInstaller(); }); } void QtVersionManager::triggerQtVersionRestore() { disconnect(ProjectExplorer::ToolChainManager::instance(), &ProjectExplorer::ToolChainManager::toolChainsLoaded, this, &QtVersionManager::triggerQtVersionRestore); bool success = restoreQtVersions(); m_instance->updateFromInstaller(false); if (!success) { // We did neither restore our settings or upgraded // in that case figure out if there's a qt in path // and add it to the Qt versions findSystemQt(); } emit m_instance->qtVersionsLoaded(); emit m_instance->qtVersionsChanged(m_versions.keys(), QList(), QList()); saveQtVersions(); const FilePath configFileName = globalSettingsFileName(); if (configFileName.exists()) { m_configFileWatcher = new FileSystemWatcher(m_instance); connect(m_configFileWatcher, &FileSystemWatcher::fileChanged, m_fileWatcherTimer, QOverload<>::of(&QTimer::start)); m_configFileWatcher->addFile(configFileName.toString(), FileSystemWatcher::WatchModifiedDate); } // exists const QList vs = versions(); updateDocumentation(vs, {}, vs); } bool QtVersionManager::isLoaded() { return m_writer; } QtVersionManager::~QtVersionManager() { delete m_writer; qDeleteAll(m_versions); m_versions.clear(); } void QtVersionManager::initialized() { connect(ProjectExplorer::ToolChainManager::instance(), &ProjectExplorer::ToolChainManager::toolChainsLoaded, QtVersionManager::instance(), &QtVersionManager::triggerQtVersionRestore); } QtVersionManager *QtVersionManager::instance() { return m_instance; } static bool restoreQtVersions() { QTC_ASSERT(!m_writer, return false); m_writer = new PersistentSettingsWriter(settingsFileName(QTVERSION_FILENAME), "QtCreatorQtVersions"); const QList factories = QtVersionFactory::allQtVersionFactories(); PersistentSettingsReader reader; const FilePath filename = settingsFileName(QTVERSION_FILENAME); if (!reader.load(filename)) return false; QVariantMap data = reader.restoreValues(); // Check version: const int version = data.value(QTVERSION_FILE_VERSION_KEY, 0).toInt(); if (version < 1) return false; const QString keyPrefix(QTVERSION_DATA_KEY); const QVariantMap::ConstIterator dcend = data.constEnd(); for (QVariantMap::ConstIterator it = data.constBegin(); it != dcend; ++it) { const QString &key = it.key(); if (!key.startsWith(keyPrefix)) continue; bool ok; int count = key.mid(keyPrefix.count()).toInt(&ok); if (!ok || count < 0) continue; const QVariantMap qtversionMap = it.value().toMap(); const QString type = qtversionMap.value(QTVERSION_TYPE_KEY).toString(); bool restored = false; for (QtVersionFactory *f : factories) { if (f->canRestore(type)) { if (BaseQtVersion *qtv = f->restore(type, qtversionMap)) { if (m_versions.contains(qtv->uniqueId())) { // This shouldn't happen, we are restoring the same id multiple times? qWarning() << "A Qt version with id"<uniqueId()<<"already exists"; delete qtv; } else { m_versions.insert(qtv->uniqueId(), qtv); m_idcount = qtv->uniqueId() > m_idcount ? qtv->uniqueId() : m_idcount; restored = true; break; } } } } if (!restored) qWarning("Warning: Unable to restore Qt version '%s' stored in %s.", qPrintable(type), qPrintable(filename.toUserOutput())); } ++m_idcount; return true; } void QtVersionManager::updateFromInstaller(bool emitSignal) { m_fileWatcherTimer->stop(); const FilePath path = globalSettingsFileName(); // Handle overwritting of data: if (m_configFileWatcher) { m_configFileWatcher->removeFile(path.toString()); m_configFileWatcher->addFile(path.toString(), FileSystemWatcher::WatchModifiedDate); } QList added; QList removed; QList changed; const QList factories = QtVersionFactory::allQtVersionFactories(); PersistentSettingsReader reader; QVariantMap data; if (reader.load(path)) data = reader.restoreValues(); if (log().isDebugEnabled()) { qCDebug(log) << "======= Existing Qt versions ======="; for (BaseQtVersion *version : qAsConst(m_versions)) { qCDebug(log) << version->qmakeFilePath().toUserOutput() << "id:"<uniqueId(); qCDebug(log) << " autodetection source:" << version->detectionSource(); qCDebug(log) << ""; } qCDebug(log)<< "======= Adding sdk versions ======="; } QStringList sdkVersions; const QString keyPrefix(QTVERSION_DATA_KEY); const QVariantMap::ConstIterator dcend = data.constEnd(); for (QVariantMap::ConstIterator it = data.constBegin(); it != dcend; ++it) { const QString &key = it.key(); if (!key.startsWith(keyPrefix)) continue; bool ok; int count = key.mid(keyPrefix.count()).toInt(&ok); if (!ok || count < 0) continue; QVariantMap qtversionMap = it.value().toMap(); const QString type = qtversionMap.value(QTVERSION_TYPE_KEY).toString(); const QString autoDetectionSource = qtversionMap.value("autodetectionSource").toString(); sdkVersions << autoDetectionSource; int id = -1; // see BaseQtVersion::fromMap() QtVersionFactory *factory = nullptr; for (QtVersionFactory *f : factories) { if (f->canRestore(type)) factory = f; } if (!factory) { qCDebug(log, "Warning: Unable to find factory for type '%s'", qPrintable(type)); continue; } // First try to find a existing Qt version to update bool restored = false; const VersionMap versionsCopy = m_versions; // m_versions is modified in loop for (BaseQtVersion *v : versionsCopy) { if (v->detectionSource() == autoDetectionSource) { id = v->uniqueId(); qCDebug(log) << " Qt version found with same autodetection source" << autoDetectionSource << " => Migrating id:" << id; m_versions.remove(id); qtversionMap[Constants::QTVERSIONID] = id; qtversionMap[Constants::QTVERSIONNAME] = v->unexpandedDisplayName(); delete v; if (BaseQtVersion *qtv = factory->restore(type, qtversionMap)) { Q_ASSERT(qtv->isAutodetected()); m_versions.insert(id, qtv); restored = true; } if (restored) changed << id; else removed << id; } } // Create a new qtversion if (!restored) { // didn't replace any existing versions qCDebug(log) << " No Qt version found matching" << autoDetectionSource << " => Creating new version"; if (BaseQtVersion *qtv = factory->restore(type, qtversionMap)) { Q_ASSERT(qtv->isAutodetected()); m_versions.insert(qtv->uniqueId(), qtv); added << qtv->uniqueId(); restored = true; } } if (!restored) { qCDebug(log, "Warning: Unable to update qtversion '%s' from sdk installer.", qPrintable(autoDetectionSource)); } } if (log().isDebugEnabled()) { qCDebug(log) << "======= Before removing outdated sdk versions ======="; for (BaseQtVersion *version : qAsConst(m_versions)) { qCDebug(log) << version->qmakeFilePath().toUserOutput() << "id:" << version->uniqueId(); qCDebug(log) << " autodetection source:" << version->detectionSource(); qCDebug(log) << ""; } } const VersionMap versionsCopy = m_versions; // m_versions is modified in loop for (BaseQtVersion *qtVersion : versionsCopy) { if (qtVersion->detectionSource().startsWith("SDK.")) { if (!sdkVersions.contains(qtVersion->detectionSource())) { qCDebug(log) << " removing version" << qtVersion->detectionSource(); m_versions.remove(qtVersion->uniqueId()); removed << qtVersion->uniqueId(); } } } if (log().isDebugEnabled()) { qCDebug(log)<< "======= End result ======="; for (BaseQtVersion *version : qAsConst(m_versions)) { qCDebug(log) << version->qmakeFilePath().toUserOutput() << "id:" << version->uniqueId(); qCDebug(log) << " autodetection source:" << version->detectionSource(); qCDebug(log) << ""; } } if (emitSignal) emit qtVersionsChanged(added, removed, changed); } static void saveQtVersions() { if (!m_writer) return; QVariantMap data; data.insert(QTVERSION_FILE_VERSION_KEY, 1); int count = 0; for (BaseQtVersion *qtv : qAsConst(m_versions)) { QVariantMap tmp = qtv->toMap(); if (tmp.isEmpty()) continue; tmp.insert(QTVERSION_TYPE_KEY, qtv->type()); data.insert(QString::fromLatin1(QTVERSION_DATA_KEY) + QString::number(count), tmp); ++count; } m_writer->save(data, Core::ICore::dialogParent()); } // Executes qtchooser with arguments in a process and returns its output static QList runQtChooser(const QString &qtchooser, const QStringList &arguments) { QtcProcess p; p.setCommand({FilePath::fromString(qtchooser), arguments}); p.start(); p.waitForFinished(); const bool success = p.exitCode() == 0; return success ? p.readAllStandardOutput().split('\n') : QList(); } // Asks qtchooser for the qmake path of a given version static QString qmakePath(const QString &qtchooser, const QString &version) { const QList outputs = runQtChooser(qtchooser, {QStringLiteral("-qt=%1").arg(version), QStringLiteral("-print-env")}); for (const QByteArray &output : outputs) { if (output.startsWith("QTTOOLDIR=\"")) { QByteArray withoutVarName = output.mid(11); // remove QTTOOLDIR=" withoutVarName.chop(1); // remove trailing quote return QStandardPaths::findExecutable(QStringLiteral("qmake"), QStringList() << QString::fromLocal8Bit(withoutVarName)); } } return QString(); } static FilePaths gatherQmakePathsFromQtChooser() { const QString qtchooser = QStandardPaths::findExecutable(QStringLiteral("qtchooser")); if (qtchooser.isEmpty()) return FilePaths(); const QList versions = runQtChooser(qtchooser, QStringList("-l")); QSet foundQMakes; for (const QByteArray &version : versions) { FilePath possibleQMake = FilePath::fromString( qmakePath(qtchooser, QString::fromLocal8Bit(version))); if (!possibleQMake.isEmpty()) foundQMakes << possibleQMake; } return Utils::toList(foundQMakes); } static void findSystemQt() { FilePaths systemQMakes = BuildableHelperLibrary::findQtsInEnvironment(Environment::systemEnvironment()); systemQMakes.append(gatherQmakePathsFromQtChooser()); for (const FilePath &qmakePath : qAsConst(systemQMakes)) { if (BuildableHelperLibrary::isQtChooser(qmakePath)) continue; const auto isSameQmake = [qmakePath](const BaseQtVersion *version) { return Environment::systemEnvironment(). isSameExecutable(qmakePath.toString(), version->qmakeFilePath().toString()); }; if (contains(m_versions, isSameQmake)) continue; BaseQtVersion *version = QtVersionFactory::createQtVersionFromQMakePath(qmakePath, false, "PATH"); if (version) m_versions.insert(version->uniqueId(), version); } } void QtVersionManager::addVersion(BaseQtVersion *version) { QTC_ASSERT(m_writer, return); QTC_ASSERT(version, return); if (m_versions.contains(version->uniqueId())) return; int uniqueId = version->uniqueId(); m_versions.insert(uniqueId, version); emit m_instance->qtVersionsChanged(QList() << uniqueId, QList(), QList()); saveQtVersions(); } void QtVersionManager::removeVersion(BaseQtVersion *version) { QTC_ASSERT(version, return); m_versions.remove(version->uniqueId()); emit m_instance->qtVersionsChanged(QList(), QList() << version->uniqueId(), QList()); saveQtVersions(); delete version; } void QtVersionManager::registerExampleSet(const QString &displayName, const QString &manifestPath, const QString &examplesPath) { m_pluginRegisteredExampleSets.append({displayName, manifestPath, examplesPath}); } using Path = QString; using FileName = QString; static QList> documentationFiles(BaseQtVersion *v) { QList> files; const QStringList docPaths = QStringList( {v->docsPath().toString() + QChar('/'), v->docsPath().toString() + "/qch/"}); for (const QString &docPath : docPaths) { const QDir versionHelpDir(docPath); for (const QString &helpFile : versionHelpDir.entryList(QStringList("*.qch"), QDir::Files)) files.append({docPath, helpFile}); } return files; } static QStringList documentationFiles(const QList &vs, bool highestOnly = false) { // if highestOnly is true, register each file only once per major Qt version, even if // multiple minor or patch releases of that major version are installed QHash> includedFileNames; // major Qt version -> names QSet filePaths; const QList versions = highestOnly ? QtVersionManager::sortVersions(vs) : vs; for (BaseQtVersion *v : versions) { const int majorVersion = v->qtVersion().majorVersion; QSet &majorVersionFileNames = includedFileNames[majorVersion]; for (const std::pair &file : documentationFiles(v)) { if (!highestOnly || !majorVersionFileNames.contains(file.second)) { filePaths.insert(file.first + file.second); majorVersionFileNames.insert(file.second); } } } return filePaths.values(); } void QtVersionManager::updateDocumentation(const QList &added, const QList &removed, const QList &allNew) { const DocumentationSetting setting = documentationSetting(); const QStringList docsOfAll = setting == DocumentationSetting::None ? QStringList() : documentationFiles(allNew, setting == DocumentationSetting::HighestOnly); const QStringList docsToRemove = Utils::filtered(documentationFiles(removed), [&docsOfAll](const QString &f) { return !docsOfAll.contains(f); }); const QStringList docsToAdd = Utils::filtered(documentationFiles(added), [&docsOfAll](const QString &f) { return docsOfAll.contains(f); }); Core::HelpManager::unregisterDocumentation(docsToRemove); Core::HelpManager::registerDocumentation(docsToAdd); } int QtVersionManager::getUniqueId() { return m_idcount++; } QList QtVersionManager::versions(const BaseQtVersion::Predicate &predicate) { QList versions; QTC_ASSERT(isLoaded(), return versions); if (predicate) return Utils::filtered(m_versions.values(), predicate); return m_versions.values(); } QList QtVersionManager::sortVersions(const QList &input) { QList result = input; Utils::sort(result, qtVersionNumberCompare); return result; } BaseQtVersion *QtVersionManager::version(int id) { QTC_ASSERT(isLoaded(), return nullptr); VersionMap::const_iterator it = m_versions.constFind(id); if (it == m_versions.constEnd()) return nullptr; return it.value(); } BaseQtVersion *QtVersionManager::version(const BaseQtVersion::Predicate &predicate) { return Utils::findOrDefault(m_versions.values(), predicate); } // This function is really simplistic... static bool equals(BaseQtVersion *a, BaseQtVersion *b) { return a->equals(b); } void QtVersionManager::setNewQtVersions(const QList &newVersions) { // We want to preserve the same order as in the settings dialog // so we sort a copy QList sortedNewVersions = newVersions; Utils::sort(sortedNewVersions, &BaseQtVersion::uniqueId); QList addedVersions; QList removedVersions; QList> changedVersions; // So we trying to find the minimal set of changed versions, // iterate over both sorted list // newVersions and oldVersions iterator QList::const_iterator nit, nend; VersionMap::const_iterator oit, oend; nit = sortedNewVersions.constBegin(); nend = sortedNewVersions.constEnd(); oit = m_versions.constBegin(); oend = m_versions.constEnd(); while (nit != nend && oit != oend) { int nid = (*nit)->uniqueId(); int oid = (*oit)->uniqueId(); if (nid < oid) { addedVersions.push_back(*nit); ++nit; } else if (oid < nid) { removedVersions.push_back(*oit); ++oit; } else { if (!equals(*oit, *nit)) changedVersions.push_back({*oit, *nit}); ++oit; ++nit; } } while (nit != nend) { addedVersions.push_back(*nit); ++nit; } while (oit != oend) { removedVersions.push_back(*oit); ++oit; } if (!changedVersions.isEmpty() || !addedVersions.isEmpty() || !removedVersions.isEmpty()) { const QList changedOldVersions = Utils::transform(changedVersions, &std::pair::first); const QList changedNewVersions = Utils::transform(changedVersions, &std::pair::second); updateDocumentation(addedVersions + changedNewVersions, removedVersions + changedOldVersions, sortedNewVersions); } const QList addedIds = Utils::transform(addedVersions, &BaseQtVersion::uniqueId); const QList removedIds = Utils::transform(removedVersions, &BaseQtVersion::uniqueId); const QList changedIds = Utils::transform(changedVersions, [](std::pair v) { return v.first->uniqueId(); }); qDeleteAll(m_versions); m_versions = Utils::transform(sortedNewVersions, [](BaseQtVersion *v) { return std::make_pair(v->uniqueId(), v); }); saveQtVersions(); if (!changedVersions.isEmpty() || !addedVersions.isEmpty() || !removedVersions.isEmpty()) emit m_instance->qtVersionsChanged(addedIds, removedIds, changedIds); } void QtVersionManager::setDocumentationSetting(const QtVersionManager::DocumentationSetting &setting) { if (setting == documentationSetting()) return; Core::ICore::settings()->setValueWithDefault(DOCUMENTATION_SETTING_KEY, int(setting), 0); // force re-evaluating which documentation should be registered // by claiming that all are removed and re-added const QList vs = versions(); updateDocumentation(vs, vs, vs); } QtVersionManager::DocumentationSetting QtVersionManager::documentationSetting() { return DocumentationSetting( Core::ICore::settings()->value(DOCUMENTATION_SETTING_KEY, 0).toInt()); } } // namespace QtVersion