RemoteLinux::GenericLinuxDeviceConfigurationWidget 0 0 556 309 QFormLayout::FieldsStayAtSizeHint 0 0 0 0 Authentication type: 0 0 0 0 Default Specific &key Qt::Horizontal 40 20 &Host name: hostLineEdit IP or host name of the device &SSH port: sshPortSpinBox 0 65535 22 &Check host key Free ports: portsLineEdit You can enter lists and ranges like this: '1024,1026-1028,1030'. Timeout: timeoutSpinBox s 10000 10 1000 &Username: userLineEdit Private key file: Create New... Machine type: GDB server executable: Leave empty to look up executable in $PATH authTypeButtonsWidget hostNameLabel userNameLabel freePortsLabel userLineEdit authTypeLabel keyLabel machineTypeLabel machineTypeValueLabel gdbServerLabel gdbServerLineEdit Utils::PathChooser QWidget
defaultAuthButton keyButton hostLineEdit sshPortSpinBox hostKeyCheckBox portsLineEdit timeoutSpinBox userLineEdit createKeyButton gdbServerLineEdit